Tomin in The Alien World



0After entering the County Magistrate Mansion, Tang Yin was extremely busy.    


The County City officials and wealthy officials had to deal with it, and the accumulated government and military affairs had to be dealt with promptly. In addition, the military resources that had been brought back from the Shunzhou had to be given out as well.    


Seeing that the time was not early, the officials and the wealthy guards all bade farewell to Tang Yin. The latter arranged for Qiu Zhen to send them off, and also instructed Qiu Zhen to get on good terms with the people around him. In the future, he would be the one to take care of the government affairs, while he himself focused on capturing the military affairs.    


Qiu Zhen secretly grinned at this, it was fine for him to come up with ideas, but he did not know a thing about government affairs, but he understood that at the current stage, Tang Yin could not find any trusted aides to help him with government affairs, no matter how difficult it was, he had to bite the bullet and accept it.    


Soon after, Tang Yin got Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong to arrange for some people to be escorted by Gu Yue and Le Tian, they sent a portion of the military assets and salaries to the army camp, and distributed them to the soldiers. The remaining portion would be stored in the County Magistrate Mansion, and would be used when there was a need to.    


He had suggested that Pingyuan County be expanded to five Legions not just for show, he was actually planning on doing so. Finally, he asked Qiu Zhen to write a memorial for him to report the expansion of the army to Imperial Court. Of course, the memorial wasn't directly handed over to Feng King Zhan Hua, but it was passed to him first to ask for her opinion on the matter and see if there was anything amiss.    


After he finished making all these arrangements, Tang Yin finally found some time to eat.    


Now that he had gained a higher position, but his food was not as good as before. The treasures and ingredients of Pingyuan County were far less abundant and lacking in dishes and meat, and as for seafood, there were very few types. Luckily, Tang Yin was not picky with his food, as long as he could fill his stomach, it would be fine.    


After a quick meal, Bai Yong had his soldiers bring over a Pabu Horse made of Bessa City, as well as some armor and weapons of Savage Soldier.    


The Pabuma was indeed majestic. Its dark brown fur was short and shiny, and its body was thick and fleshy. It was at least one size bigger than Feng Country's war horse.    


Li Wei, Liu Zhong Sheng, Chen Fang, and Ai Jia were curiously circling their warhorses.    


Tang Yin walked forward and patted the horse's back with force. The horse remained stationary while Tang Yin nodded his head. He grabbed onto the brown fur of the horse with one hand and jumped up, then turned around and walked around the yard twice. Although it was not as good as the 'Ru Ying' that Wu Mei gave him, it was still much stronger than the normal Feng Country horses.    


The helmet was made of pure steel, it was thick and heavy, and in front of it was a mask that covered the face, leaving only the slits of the eyes. Looking at the helmet, it was similar to the helmet, the same material, the same thickness, the same sealing degree, this set of armor had to be at least as heavy as a hundred kilograms, and if one did not use a spirit weapon, it would be extremely difficult to split it apart.    


He threw the armor away and landed on the ground with a loud thud. He asked: "General Bai, are all Savage Soldier wearing this kind of armor?"    


"No!" Bai Yong said in a serious tone: "This is the armor of the Savage Soldier, the armor of the normal infantry is much lighter."    


"Oh!" Tang Yin nodded.    


Li Wei played with the armguard on his hand as he smiled and asked, "I am very doubtful if I can walk on the battlefield while wearing the type of armor."    


Bai Yong looked at Li Wei and said: "The Heavy Cavalry of barbarians will not leave the war horses, so there's no need to move."    


Li Wei nodded and picked up another Steel Sword s. The blade of the sword was wide, thick and long.    


Bai Yong explained: "This kind of sword is a weapon for Heavy Cavalry, and there's also this kind of ?." As he spoke, he picked up a long spear from the ground. It was almost as long as a flagpole, with a thin at the back, thick in the middle, sharp in the front, and an abnormally heavy body.    


With the current state of the Feng Soldier, directly facing off against this kind of equipment in battle would indeed not hold any advantage.    


Tang Yin rubbed his chin and thought.    


No matter how strong the opponent's defense was, in the end, there was still a flaw. The key was to see if they could find the opponent's weakness.    


Bessa's Heavy Cavalry defense is very strong, but she will definitely have a weakness, but where is this weakness?    


Tang Yin frowned, he could not figure it out in that moment, and said to Bai Yong: "Don't take these things with you, leave them here with me, okay?"    


"Of course you can!" Bai Yong immediately said.    


Tang Yin turned around and returned to his room. At the same time, he told the rest of the people, "Everyone, come over here for a while.    


Without knowing what was going on, everyone followed Tang Yin into the house.    


After they sat down, Tang Yin said: "The issue of resisting Savage Soldier can be temporarily put on hold, but the bandits within the Pingyuan County must be dealt with immediately."    


He still understood the principle that anything outside the city would be safe inside the city. Bessner soldiers were just external enemies, and the real threat was internal strife.    


Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong looked at each other, neither of them saying a word.    


Tang Yin continued: Shangguan Yuanwu, Shangguan Yuanbiao, this group of bandits, are extremely daring, they even dare to rob my team, who wouldn't dare to rob? So, in order to completely get rid of this bandit, we must first take care of these two brothers. General Zhang, General Bai, what do you two think? "    


"This ?"    


"I know that Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao are Shangguan Yuanji's little brothers, and Shangguan Yuanji has heavily supported the Pingyuan County soldiers and rendered meritorious service to our army. But meritorious service is a good thing, we cannot confuse the two, furthermore, the ones we want to punish are his two younger brothers, and not him personally." After pausing for a moment, Tang Yin continued, "He allowed two of his younger brothers to gather grass bandits, and robbed houses. The sin of not being able to punish him could already be considered as giving him a lot of face, and also repaying the favor of him aiding our army."    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Zhou nodded his head. No matter what was said, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao being bandits was the truth, and it would not be wrong for Tang Yin to insist on encircling and exterminating them.    


Bai Yong frowned and asked: "Master Tang, do you want to... Go and inform Shangguan Yuanji first? "    


"Why are you explaining this to him?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, and said: "The soldiers exterminated the bandits, don't tell me that we have to report to him?"    


"No, no, I definitely didn't mean that!" Bai Yong quickly explained.    


Tang Yin asked: "Do the two of you know where the lair of Brother Shangguan is?"    


Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong slowly nodded their heads.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin said: "That's good, First Regiment and Second Regiment will each transfer 2000 elites. In the morning tomorrow, follow me to exterminate the bandits!"    


"Tomorrow?" Zhang Zhou was a little surprised. He had just arrived at the Heng City today, and was going out to exterminate bandits the next day.    


"Otherwise, how much longer will it drag on? I don't have time to waste on gangsters. " Tang Yin said straightforwardly.    


"Understood, Master Tang!" Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong both nodded.    


"Alright, the two generals can go back and rest now."    


"Master Tang, this subordinate will take his leave!" Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong said their goodbyes.    


After the two of them left, Tang Yin could not help but sigh, as he closed his eyes tiredly. There was a huge backlog of government affairs, and the military affairs were in complete disarray. The internal bandits had not been removed, and the external defenses against the Savage Soldier were also useless.    


"Big Brother Tang!"    


Qiu Zhen walked to his side and softly called out.    


Tang Yin did not open his eyes, and asked: "What's the matter?"    


"What does Big Brother Tang plan to do when we go and exterminate the bandits tomorrow?"    



"What do you think?" Tang Yin did not speak anymore, and directly asked Qiu Zhen.    


"Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao are both Spiritual Martial Expert s, if we were to forcefully attack, even if we win in the end, the losses to our army would not be small, the best way is to lure the two of them away, lay an ambush, and capture them alive. As for the bandits below, they are not worth mentioning."    


Carefully considering Qiu Zhen's suggestion, Tang Yin nodded his head, feeling that what he said made sense.    


Qiu Zhen continued, "Just now, I chatted with the local rich, Shangguan Family's property is very big, they need land, they need money, and most of it is fought by Shangguan Yuanji alone. From this, we can see that he is a prodigy in internal affairs, and what Big Brother Tang needs the most is help in internal affairs. If we can take Shangguan Yuanji in for his own use, then not only will Big Brother Tang be able to do well, but he will also become a lot more relaxed." Of course, he would also become lighter, and wouldn't need to think about how to handle government affairs. "Qiu Zhen added silently in his heart.    


Oh? This was something Tang Yin did not expect! He asked: "Is Shangguan Yuanji willing to rely on me?"    


"Whether he is willing or not, that is not important. As long as Big Brother Tang can capture Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao, and as their blood related big brother, Shangguan Yuanji will naturally not sit by idly and do nothing. As long as he comes to our doorstep to beg for help, Big Brother Tang can use the lives of these two officials as a condition to force Shangguan Yuanji to submit. "    


"With this method, I'm afraid he won't be willing!" Tang Yin said as if he was thinking about something.    


Qiu Zhen laughed and said confidently: "Big Brother Tang is not a useless person. As long as you pull Shangguan Yuanji to your side first, you are not afraid of him dissincerely helping you in the future."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head, the corners of his mouth raised, and laughed: "That's right, we will do as you say!"    


Qiu Zhen never would have thought that his proposal at this time, which was mainly to reduce his burden, would bring about an incomparably huge impact to Tang Yin in the future.    


The next day.    


Tang Yin brought Qiu Zhen, Gu Yue, Le Tian, Li Wei, Liu Zhongsheng, Chen Fang, Ai Jia and the rest and accompanied them to the military arena of the Heng City Army Camp.    


Within the military arena, a flag was raised and the atmosphere was solemn.    


In accordance to Tang Yin's request, the first and second Second Regiment respectively picked out two thousand elite soldiers, which were arranged neatly in the arena. Everyone's gaze followed Tang Yin's figure, and slowly moved.    


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