Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1814 Egg Striking Stone

C1814 Egg Striking Stone

0If the Red Line District is a conspiracy, we should give up our Golden Triangle and retreat to the river region, not confront the government forces head on. "After all, with our current strength, fighting against a heavily armed government army is equivalent to hitting a rock with an egg."    


Lee Shun didn't say anything. He stood in front of the battle map for a long time and then asked: "Do the Chief of Staff have a specific plan for the joint military operation in the east?"    


I immediately sensed that Lee Shun was determined to fight a big battle.    


Qin answered, "Yes, I have long prepared a plan to fight against the joint forces of the Eastern Front, including the 'Zero Plan' to fight against the main force of the joint forces."    


When Lee Shun turned around, I saw that his eyes were shining. It was his desire for war.    


Lee Shun said, "Are you confident that we can win a decisive battle against the main force of the joint forces?"    


Qin immediately answered, "Reporting to the commander in chief, although we only have 500 people, and the enemy has 1,500 people, so we are at a disadvantage in numbers. However, after repeated investigation and verification, we should be able to implement 'Plan Zero'."    


Lee Shun nodded and said: "Very good, although we seem to be passive, we are actually proactive. We will wait and see. to see how the army moves. "    


"I will immediately send people to intensify their intelligence gathering and monitor the movements of the government forces closely," Qin said.    


Lee Shun nodded.    


I realized that the real war was coming. Golden Triangle Lee Shun was like a cunning and suspicious fox, staring at the prey that was approaching them jointly. At the same time, he was defending against sudden attacks from the western government, hoping that the "Red Line Zone" would take effect miraculously.    


That night, news suddenly came. The government forces on the western front began to move forward, getting closer and closer to the Red Line.    


Qin, Lee Shun, and I were anxious. We stared at the battle map in the headquarters, waiting for the latest information.    


At midnight, in the midst of a suffocating wait and heartbeat, a miracle happened. The small red flag representing the government army stopped at the edge of the red line, no longer surpassing the red line.    


Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, Lee Shun nodded his head: "This Leh..." You can even predict what kind of person that person is. "    


I shook my head.    


Lee Shun said to Qin: "From now on, we will temporarily ignore the western government forces and implement plan zero in full."    


Qin nodded: "Yes — to implement plan zero in its entirety."    


Lee Shun said, "Let's take a nap first."    


We dozed off at the headquarters.    


At daybreak, an intelligence report arrived from the east. Wu De personally commanded a large number of armed men to cross the Salwin River and advance westward along the road under the cover of artillery. They had already started a fire at the outposts of the 3rd and 5th squadron.    


The final battle between Wu De and Lee Shun began.    


Revolutionary Army began to carry out the combat plan in an orderly fashion according to the No. 0 plan that Qin made.    


It was bright outside, and the sounds of gunfire could be heard from the other side. The intense gunfire sounded like the crackling of beans as the battle broke out in all directions.    


Lee Shun looked calm, and he and I rode off with Qin and a team of Special Warrior riders from the command post. We walked a long stretch of flat road and climbed a steep ridge to a valley. Qin told me this was Cat Valley.    


In front of me, I could see the mountains rising, the water of the cats rushing out of the overlapping valleys, a winding path snaking into the valley like a snake, vanishing into a screen of unbroken valleys.    


At this time, the latest information was sent over. After Lee Shun finished reading, he ordered Special Warrior to follow and immediately send reinforcements to the front lines. They set off on horseback.    


I watched Special Warrior's figure disappear at the end of the path. It was a wild green oil painting of the Cat's Valley. The mountain was like a dark green wall, and clouds of mist were moving up and down the wall.    


It was rainy in the mountains, and the day was sunny and sunny, and there was a lot of happy sunlight dancing like metal in the sea of trees. Just like this, the Special Warrior rode their horses, like a group of happy and free Ranger Knights walking into the picture frame. They were the sons of Big Mountain. They were born in Si, and grew up in Si. This land belonged to them. The mountains blocked my view.    


Qin told me that Cat Valley in the local language called "Han Mo Xu," meaning the Valley with a cat's howl. Local gangsters called leopard tigers big cats.    


Looking at it from the map, the Cat River originated from the Infinite Mountains of Yunnan, and I imagined that its source was a small trickle of water that could be seen at the bottom. After a long journey of several hundred kilometers, it had grown into a large tree, turning into a turbulent seasonal river on the plateau in front of me. During the rainy season, the flood poured down from the valley, roaring like thunder, like an angry yellow dragon. It is said that during the dry season, the river reaches to the knees, and people and animals can wade through it.    


I looked up and saw that the Cat's Valley was treacherous, surrounded by steep mountain cliffs. According to Qin, the river valley was about fifty miles deep. One mountain in the west was called East Ramo Mountain, and the other in the east was called Wang Chabu Mountain. These two mountains were like two doors leading into and out of a valley. In the middle of the valley was a prominent plateau, lined with natural boulders, like a wall.    


As I approached the Valley of the Cat, passing, to be exact, I stood at the mouth of the valley and looked out. I saw the valley quiet, the sun shining down, the river of years calmly moving through the valley.    


Qin pointed in a few directions and handed the binoculars to me. I looked in the direction Qin pointed and found that there were countless Revolutionary Army Warriors hiding in the dense forest around the high ground.    


My breath caught.    


Lee Shun looked at Qin, "Chief of Staff, do you think they will come?"    


Qin nodded confidently: "Yes, they will definitely come."    


Listening to the conversation between Lee Shun and Qin, I figured out their intentions.    


At this time, Lee Shun said to me, "You go command the southern troops to fight. I will go to the north with Qin to take a look."    


Someone came to take me to the southern position, Qin and Lee Shun headed north together.    


Once inside the position, someone came to report to me and hand me the plan of operations.    


I looked at the battle plan carefully and quickly figured out the troop's disposition here. At the same time, I kept in contact with Lee Shun's side.    


As the midday sun shone across the hill and into the valley, a line of swaying gray figures finally appeared in the ambusher's line of sight. It was a group of soldiers, armed with helmets and about fifty men, moving in a search formation. They held their guns warily and carried heavy backpacks, and because it was hot, many of them held their helmets in their hands and unbuttoned their clothes.    


Lee Shun and I quickly got in touch with each other. After a short report, we ordered everyone to enter combat mode.    


The pitch-black muzzle of the gun was lifted. Time and space had stopped, and the beginning of the battle of life and death began.    


My ambush was above the stone wall positions. Through my binoculars, I could see deep into the valley, the company of armed men from Wu De moving in a disorderly fashion. Many of the horses and mules were in the middle of the line, and the sun was shining down on the black-clad local grooms like ants on a gray rock.    


At this time, the battlefield situation was that the joint forces would launch an attack, the Revolutionary Army s would lure the enemy in according to the plan, and they would lose their armors and armor along the way, even throwing away the Eastern Lamos Mountain position which was in danger. Wu De's joint army that he paid for was encouraged by his victory and could not wait. He hoped to clear Cat's Valley in one go and get to the Revolutionary Army campsite before driving the Revolutionary Army Headquarters down the Mekong River and annihilating them all.    


According to Wu, Wu De named the battle "the spring of the Mekong River".    


Qin was an experienced military officer. He didn't want to expose his target too early, so he ordered the frontlines to not alert the enemy's scouts. The mission Qin gave me wasn't an ambush, but to block it. I only had a hundred men on my side, but that didn't stop me from destroying the enemy.    


Qin once said that war is a comprehensive factor of confrontation, not only win by numbers. The enemy, for example, was like a giant python, with its small lantern-like eyes, and we were a sinister crocodile that disguised itself as rotten wood and tried to pounce on it by surprise and kill it with its sharp teeth.    


Wu De's large group finally arrived, and there was a hubbub in the valley. When the enemy's team had moved two-thirds of the way forward, the surrounding Revolutionary Army soldiers suddenly opened fire, and the fierce sounds of gunfire broke the silence. As if there was a storm, thunder rumbled, and a dense rain of bullets fell from the sky, hitting the river like it was boiling. Streams of stray bullets whistled through the air like a meteor shower, and the large-caliber machine guns were like the legendary old hag. The mortars sent the long-eyed shells into the crowd and exploded.    



Wu De's allied forces were caught off guard, frightened mule horses were running everywhere, and many people were blown away by the death whirlwind before they could hide.    


After the panic, Wu De's allied forces quickly came back to their senses and began to fire back, bombarding the mountain with mortars. Groups of artillery shells flew up to the position like crows, and black smoke covered the sky and the sun. Trees fell, stones flew in the sky, hot smoke and dirt choking. The battle for the stone wall officially began. The main force of the joint forces gathered together, eager to open the final barrier to victory.    


The battle lasted until late at night, when the sky was set ablaze with torches. It was a cruel and beautiful moment, and Death, like a extravagant tyrant, held his grand feast here. All the greedy devils were laughing and dancing, doing whatever they wanted, and the war was their carnival, and in the name of war they ate the best human meat in the world.    


The battle was extremely intense. There were piles of corpses on the ground, so it was impossible to tell which one was the dead one and which was the living one.    


I didn't expect the joint combat power and weapons that Wu De had hired would be so strong, it was inextricably linked to the Revolutionary Army. Soon, there were less than 60 people left from my side of 100 people. However, the soldiers on my side were all tenacious in fighting and no one was afraid or cowered.    


The battle was still going on. In the middle of the night, a reinforcements from Revolutionary Army finally arrived at the stone wall. Our morale was greatly boosted.    


The two armies continued to fight fiercely, with both sides increasing their strength and dozens of mortars firing at each other. The combined armed attack of Wu De was blocked and they began to change their strategy. They adopted a nimble and maneuverable strategy, changing the frontal assault into a feint and secretly dispatched troops to sneak attack the two wings of the position. Unexpectedly, Qin had already prepared for this attack, and his sneak attack troops were obstructed in the middle, causing a mess.    


Wu De anxiously tried to remove the fish bone stuck in my throat. I led my men to hold on. Even the reinforcements were severely damaged. In the end, less than half of the troops were able to take up their guns and fight.    


According to Qin's meticulous arrangements and Zero's accounting plan, just as Wu De was about to combine his main forces and burrow into Cat's Valley, a powerful Revolutionary Army army suddenly appeared behind them. They eliminated a team of armed guards and reoccupied the East Lamo Mountains, which was tantamount to a "kacha" behind Wu De's coalition.    


The back door closed, Wu De's allied forces couldn't advance or retreat.    


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