Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1721 So Far

C1721 So Far

0So far, I only know how many people have come to the squadron. I know almost nothing else. Everything was arranged by Lee Shun over me through Qin.    


Faang Aiguo told me the company's address, which is on the Development Zone's Coastal Avenue.    


"I'll go with Fourth Brother to take a look." I told Faang Aiguo.    


"Okay, welcome Vice Commander-in-chief and Fourth Brother to our company's inspection. The company is officially open for business today and everything is just ready." Faang Aiguo said.    


"Don't hold any welcoming ceremony, do what everyone should do." "No," I said.    




I hung up and told Fourth Brother the address. Fourth Brother drove straight to the development zone.    


"I was thinking about a problem last night." On the way, I said to Fourth Brother.    


"Still thinking about the danger Secretary Qiu faced yesterday?" Wu looked at me as he drove.    


I nodded.    


"Actually, I was thinking about that too." Fourth Brother said.    


"Did you come up with anything?" "No," I said.    


"It seems a little, but I'm not sure. "What about you?"    


"I think a person is suspicious."    




"Lei Zheng."    


"Lei Zheng?"    


"Yes, I think he's the one most likely to do this, and he's the only one who can do it." I went on to explain what I had thought last night.    


When Fourth Brother heard this, he was silent for a moment. "Did you sense that there was a conflict between Lei Zheng and Wu De?"    


"Yes, Lei Zheng has shares in the two listed companies that Wu De has failed. People like Lei Zheng like to earn money for nothing. After suffering a loss, they want to get it back for free." "No," I said.    


Fourth Brother thought for a moment. "Your analysis is also reasonable. Lei Zheng seems to have the reason and condition for doing this, but the reason seems to be a bit vague, because we are unable to find out Lei Zheng's specific reason for doing so. That is to say, what benefits does Lei Zheng's provocation of Lee Shun and Wu De bring to him?"    


"Yes, this is where I'm most confused." I frowned.    


"I also thought of Lei Zheng last night, but aside from Lei Zheng, I also thought of two other people." Fourth Brother said.    




"Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee."    


My heart skipped a beat, Fourth Brother's words reminded me. I looked at Fourth Brother: "You mean."    


"Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee also have the same possibility. However, if it's them, their goal is not to stir up the bloodbath between Wu De and Lee Shun, but rather." Fourth Brother stopped.    


"But what?"    


Fourth Brother hesitated for a moment: "I just want to take this opportunity to get rid of the political enemy."    


I shivered. "You mean."    


As Fourth Brother drove, he slowly said, "You know Secretary Qiu's character and temper. She can't tolerate those dark tricks in the group, especially since she is now Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection. She deeply hates the actions of some people in the group who are unscrupulous.    


During this time, Secretary Qiu and Director Ji, who had been transferred to a large office, kept in touch, and the two of them often made private interviews outside. You also know Director Ji. You know more about his relationship with Sun Dongkai, they often meet up with each other. My intuition says that Director Ji and Secretary Qiu seem to have some information about Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee's corruption.    


Once Secretary Qiu found out about the corrupt materials of Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee would be terrified. They knew what Secretary Qiu would do next. So, I think, to make sure that their corruption is not exposed, they may also be desperate. "    


After listening to Fourth Brother's words, I couldn't help but nod my head. "In that case, it could also be that Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee hired someone to do this and wanted to kill them to keep their mouths shut."    


"I just think it's a possibility. Of course, your suspicion of Lei Zheng is reasonable. Right now, we don't have conclusive evidence to prove who did it, so we can only guess."    


I thought for a moment. "Is it possible that Lei Zheng, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee are working together?"    


Fourth Brother shook his head, "I don't think so. Although Lei Zheng and Sun Dongkai Cao Lee have a good relationship, but they are still wary of each other. Sun Dongkai doesn't want Lei Zheng to know about some things, and Lei Zheng also doesn't want Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee to know about some things.    


They had a good relationship, but it was because everyone had the value of using each other. Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee wanted to use Lei Zheng to stabilize their position while climbing up, while Lei Zheng wanted to use Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee to restrain Guan Yunfei.    


On the one hand, they were cooperating, and on the other hand, they had their own little secrets. Even between Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee, it's the same. There are some things Sun Dongkai can hide from Cao Lee.    


Fourth Brother's analysis can be said to be insightful, and I think it makes a lot of sense.    


For Sun Dongkai, what he was most worried about was that Qiu Tong would seize some of his weakness and replace him with her position in the group.    


As for Cao Lee, she was worried that Qiu Tong would dig out all of the unscrupulous things she had done. At the same time, she held a deep-seated hatred and jealousy for Qiu Tong.    


Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee's attitude towards Qiu Tong was the same. They both wanted to kill Qiu Tong quickly, but at the moment, there was nothing they could do. Even though they did a few underhanded actions to frame Qiu Tong, they didn't succeed. Not only did it fail, it even helped to stabilize Qiu Tong's position and made her standing in the group even higher.    


They would definitely be terrified if they found out that Qiu Tong was silently retaliating against them. They knew that once Qiu Tong attacked them, it would be a matter of life and death. Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee might have tried to kill Qiu Tong because of this thought.    


Actually, I don't know if Qiu Tong is going to retaliate against Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee at all. I only know that she is very close with Director Ji, she seems to be intentionally hiding something from me, as if she is afraid that I will get involved in this matter.    


Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee might have tried to harm Qiu Tong because of their personal grudge against her, but if Lei Zheng was the one who murdered Qiu Tong, then the reason was because of the grudge between Wu De and Lee Shun.    


At the moment, based on Fourth Brother and I's analysis, it seems that these three are the most likely to have two forces.    


I don't know if Fourth Brother and I are right or not.    


Fourth Brother was silent for a moment, then he said, "The recent development of the situation seems to be getting more and more complicated. More and more people have become involved in the struggle between Wu De and Lee Shun. At the same time, within the corporation, the situation is also very subtle. Sun Dongkai, Cao Lee and even Cao Teng are all hostile towards Secretary Qiu. If they fail to frame Secretary Qiu several times, they might take the risk and choose another way. "    


"Yes, you're right."    


Secretary Qiu is a fair and square person, and his eyes can't tolerate sand. The corporation is under the control of Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee, and Cao Teng is also in the control of Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee. Cao Teng is also in the control of Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee. Fourth Brother said again.    



I nodded. "Yes, be careful."    


It can also be seen that the conflict between him and Wu De has already reached an irreconcilable point. Although it isn't to the point of going head to head with him, I feel that it will be soon. Once Wu De and Lee Shun completely fell out, that bloody battle would be unavoidable. This bloody battle might not only happen in Golden Triangle, but also in Hsinghai.    


At the same time, Leh was also unable to avoid this bloody battle. After all, he had unknowingly become Lee Shun's most powerful ally and played an extremely important role in defeating Wu De's strength. "If Wu De is going to attack, not only Lee Shun, but also Leh, he will definitely not let Leh off." Fourth Brother continued.    


Listening to Fourth Brother, he knows a lot about Lee Shun's Wu De and Leh. There are some things I didn't tell him, but he knows them all.    


He felt that Fourth Brother had been keeping a close eye on the situation, as if he had his own unique way of obtaining information. It's just that he doesn't want to talk to me.    


If Fourth Brother didn't say it, of course I wouldn't take the initiative to ask. Since Fourth Brother didn't want to tell me, then he must have his own considerations.    


"Is Lin Yaru in charge of the special battle squadron at Ningzhou side?" Fourth Brother asked me again.    


"Yes, Faang Aiguo is in charge of Hsinghai while Lin Yaru is in charge of Ningzhou." "No," I said.    


"Lin Yaru, this person is very interesting. He is a very loyal person to the revolutionary cause of Lee Shun." Fourth Brother said.    


"Do you keep in touch with Lin Yaru?" I smiled at Fourth Brother.    


"Not often. When I'm free, she would call me or send me text messages to chat. From the content of her chat, I can feel her personality and style of doing things." Fourth Brother said.    


"Lin Yaru has a good impression of you, hur hur. Don't be too cold to him. " "No," I said.    


Fourth Brother's expression turned slightly awkward: "Lin Yaru is a good girl. How could someone like me be worthy of her?"    


"Fourth Brother, don't say that. It's fate that counts when it comes to relationships. It has nothing to do with status, economy, etc. Fate is the first priority. Qiu Tong, Hai Zhu, and I, as well as other friends, all hope that you will have a good home for your lifetime. You're no longer young, so you should have a home. "    


"Thank you everyone. Just like you said, it depends on fate."    


"I know you can't let go of your girlfriend who was killed by Bai Laosan. I understand your sincerity and sincerity towards that relationship, but, Bai Laosan is also dead, so the grudge between you and him is resolved. Also, after all these years, you can't just immerse yourself in the past. You should have a new life. Perhaps, the girlfriend in heaven is blessing you, wishing you an early and happy emotional home. "    


Fourth Brother's facial expression twitched. He looked in front of him and remained silent.    


Half an hour later, Fourth Brother and I arrived at the Special Forces squadron's base.    


This was a three-storey building on the side of the Development Zone's Coastal Avenue. Around it were many buildings, mostly factories and companies. This three-storey building was not very eye-catching.    


Faang Aiguo is waiting for us in front of the building.    


The exterior of the building looked old, but the interior was decorated. A big sign hung on the door — Hsinghai, Triangle, Trade and Industry Co., Ltd.    


This name was quite interesting. In that case, the one at Ningzhou was called Ningzhou Triangle Trading Co., Ltd.    


As soon as he entered the hall, he saw that the walls on the left and right side of the hall were hung with a map of the company's business and corporate spirit slogans. It really did look like that.    


The most interesting part is the corporate culture slogan: "Great expansion of the map, industry to the nation."    


Faang Aiguo told me that the company's name, including the company's cultural slogan was personally made by Lee Shun.    


Even if Faang Aiguo didn't say so, I could guess that this was Lee Shun's masterpiece. Only he could come up with such a company name and corporate culture slogan.    


The first floor of the company is each business department room, the second floor is the general manager's office, finance department, personnel department and other administrative departments.    


I looked at the office of the general manager, which was Faang Aiguo's bird nest.    


From time to time, men and women wearing work uniforms would enter and leave the building. Those who didn't know the inside information would obviously think that they were all employees of the company, and no one would have imagined that they were all from Golden Triangle, which was a unique set of Special Warrior s that came from Golden Triangle.    


"The company is doing business?" I asked Faang Aiguo.    


Faang Aiguo laughed. "What business is there? Just putting on an act." However, according to the arrangement of the Chief of Staff, all the operations sections and sections have proper operating statements, and the financial department also has regular running water accounts, which have been specially trained prior to their installation. "    


I nodded.    


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