Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1710 Unafraid of Death

C1710 Unafraid of Death

0Lee Shun looked at me with ridicule in his voice: "Are you satisfied now?"    


I didn't say anything.    


Lee Shun walked back and forth a few steps: "Fuck, it's obvious that these two people were sent by the side to scout the situation. These two people are really not afraid of death, even if it means death. "Let me think for a bit …"    


Qin and I looked at Lee Shun.    


Lee Shun paced back and forth for a long time before he stopped and said to Qin, "Well, Chief of Staff, I've thought it through. Let these two go."    


For a moment I was surprised.    


Qin looked at Lee Shun: "What do you mean?"    


"Since the other party already knew that I came here, there's no point in killing the two of them. I haven't come back this time and saw blood from the start. It's bad luck, it's hard to explain even if we meet." After Lee Shun finished speaking, he gave a sly smile.    


I seemed to understand Lee Shun's meaning, Qin also understood and laughed: "Alright, I'll let them go now."    


From Lee Shun's words, it seemed that he planned to meet Wu De this time.    


Qin went out.    


Lee Shun looked at me: "Are you satisfied now?"    


I said, "You never meant to kill them, did you? You were just trying to scare them, weren't you? "    


"None of your business." Lee Shun stared at me.    


I shook my head and smiled wryly.    


"Regardless of whether I really wanted to kill them or not, your actions just now have disappointed me greatly." Lee Shun sighed and waved his hand at me, "Alright, I want to be alone for a while. You can leave."    


Walking out of the tent, he saw that the two of them had already left the Gold Silver Island at lightning speed on a fishing boat.    


The afterglow of the setting sun reflected off the surface of the sea. The setting sun was blood-red.    


Qin and I sat on the beach and chatted.    


"Qin, let me ask you something, tell me the truth." I said to Qin.    


"Ask away." Qin said.    


"Boss Lee and Zhang Mei, are they both smoking that thing?" "No," I said.    


Qin nodded his head solemnly: "Yes, Commander has never been able to stop. Although Revolutionary Army soldiers are strictly ordered not to use drugs, but he cannot stop himself, and has been secretly smoking. Only you and me know about this. In the end, when Zhang Mei followed the commander in chief to the Golden Triangle area, she could not hold it in and continued to breathe in. "    


My expression darkened. "In the end, it was all a waste of my efforts. The time I spent on detoxification was wasted."    


Qin sighed, "In that environment, it's hard to bear. Drug withdrawal, mental addiction, mental control, the poison is even scarier than heroin, mental addiction, it's easy to say it's easy to quit, but difficult to say it's hard, more difficult than anything."    


I couldn't help but sigh as well. "These couple."    


"They can't be considered a couple. The commander in chief wants to marry Miss Qiu. They are just a couple. Zhang Mei, at most, is just a beauty of the commander in chief." Qin said seriously.    


That was the last thing I wanted to hear, but I could only listen to what Qin had to say.    


Qin added: "Commander Wu and Zhang Mei never live together. They live separately. Commander Wu always lives alone in a single dormitory."    


This is what I don't understand. Why isn't Lee Shun living with Zhang Mei? Could it be that Lee Shun was defending Qiu Tong? Still.    


I raised the question. Qin was silent for a while and then said, "I don't know the specific reason either."    


"Does Boss Lee not like women?" I said suddenly.    


Qin's body shuddered as he turned his head to look at me with an expression of surprise on his face. "Why do you say that? "Boss Lee is a normal man, what makes you think that?"    


Obviously, what I said was beyond what Qin could accept. People of his generation seem to not be able to accept this idiosyncrasy.    


Of course, even though Qin and I are of different generation, I also can't accept it.    


Of course, I couldn't be sure of my judgement, I just said it casually, so I smiled: "Qin, don't take it seriously, I was just joking."    


Qin also laughed, "I knew you were joking. I think the reason why the commander in chief didn't live with Zhang Mei was largely because of Miss Qiu. In addition, although he cared for Zhang Mei and took good care of her, he didn't have that kind of feeling anymore. That's the only thing that can explain the past, right? "    


Hearing Qin's words, I felt awkward, but I couldn't say anything.    


"Oh yeah, why isn't Boss Lee letting others know about the spy?" I asked Qin.    


Qin shook his head and said expressionlessly: "I don't know."    


"You didn't find anything?" I looked at Qin.    


Qin looked at the sea and hesitated: "No."    


I was a little doubtful of the authenticity of Qin's words. I felt that he was hiding something from me, or that he had hidden something from the enemy.    


Qin turned his head and looked at me: "About this, in the future, I, you, we don't need to ask about it anymore. Since the commander in chief wants to capture him personally, we don't need to worry about it anymore."    


I nodded, but the question did not clear my mind.    


"The last few operations went smoothly and no news was leaked." Qin said.    


"Oh. That's good. " "No," I said.    


"This time, when Boss Lee came back, Zhang Mei strongly requested to come back with him. The commander in chief insisted on not allowing it, and Zhang Mei even had a big fight with Boss Lee over this." Qin smiled wryly.    


"Why did Zhang Mei insist on coming back with us?" "No," I said.    


"Zhang Mei herself said that she wanted to take this opportunity to visit her hometown, but the commander in chief knew that there weren't many people in her hometown, so he just didn't agree. Zhang Mei then changed her words and said that she wanted to return to Hsinghai to look for the little sisters to play.    


No matter what reason Zhang Mei had, the commander in chief wouldn't agree. So Zhang Mei had to make a ruckus with the commander in chief. In the end, the commander in chief was enraged and ordered for Zhang Mei to be locked up and be kept under house arrest. She was not allowed to take even a single step out of the Golden Triangle. " Qin's tone was a bit helpless.    



I listened attentively to Qin's words and thought deeply.    


Between Lee Shun and Zhang Mei, there seemed to be many mysteries. And to each of them, there were also many mysteries. He did not know when these mysteries would be solved.    


After a moment of silence, I asked Qin: "Qin, what do you think about the future of Revolutionary Army?"    


Qin looked at me, as if surprised that I would ask such a question.    


I smiled. "This is purely an exchange between the two of us. It doesn't represent any of our intentions."    


Qin nodded his head, looked at the distant Hai Tian, and remained silent for a long time before saying: "Regarding the future of Revolutionary Army, I don't want to say too much, nor do I want to think too much, but I just want to express one thing, that is, I have no doubts about what I want to do, that is, I owe a debt of gratitude to the commander in chief, I have thought about it a long time ago, so I will follow him, regardless of what he has done or what others seem to be right, as long as it is his decision, I will definitely carry it out.    


I believe that without the commander in chief, there would be no Revolutionary Army, and there would not be a peaceful life for the commoners in the Revolutionary Army region. You've seen it for yourself, the commander in chief was wholeheartedly supported by all the soldiers in the Revolutionary Army area. The Revolutionary Army was wholeheartedly supported by all the citizens in the region, and the support the citizens had for the Revolutionary Army was love and respect for the commander in chief. I don't understand the general principles, and I don't want to understand them either. I only know that the hearts of the people are turned against one another, and I only know that the troops and leaders supported by the common people are worth it for me to sacrifice and follow. "    


I looked at Qin, his aged eyes and voice showing loyalty to Lee Shun until his death.    


"Regarding the future and future of Revolutionary Army, I do not know, because the future is unpredictable. But I believe in one thing, as long as the commander in chief can stay in Golden Triangle, as long as the commander can obtain the Revolutionary Army, then the Revolutionary Army will continue to grow and the region will continue to expand. The number of people who come to look for the commander will increase, and the citizens will continue to support the commander in chief.    


Thus … To me, the safety of the commander in chief was the safety of Revolutionary Army, and the safety of the commander in chief was above all else. If necessary, I would give my life in exchange for the safety of the commander in chief. Without the commander in chief, there is no place for us to talk about Revolutionary Army. " Qin continued.    


"In other words, Boss Lee's era is a time where Revolutionary Army continued to flourish, but, if. Then, it's hard to say the future and future of Revolutionary Army, right? " "No," I said.    


Qin was silent for a moment: "I don't want to think too much about this problem, but I admit that you have a point. The commander in chief has absolute authority in the Revolutionary Army, and his will and strength are enough to rule over and influence the entire Golden Triangle.    


It could be said that the commander in chief was a formidable figure in this era's Golden Triangle. Because of the existence of the commander in chief and the Revolutionary Army, the Golden Triangle was currently relatively calm, because none of the various factions could contend against the Revolutionary Army. From this point of view, Revolutionary Army made an important contribution to maintaining the stability of Golden Triangle.    


Although the military government of Myanmar has always wanted to eliminate Revolutionary Army quickly, it's very difficult to do so. Adding to the work we did on their internal affairs, they can only close their eyes and allow Revolutionary Army to exist. This kind of balance was hard to come by for the common people of Golden Triangle. After all, for the past few decades, Golden Triangle had been the subject of endless war and chaos. Especially in the Maine. "    


From Qin's words, I could hear his infinite loyalty towards the cause of Revolutionary Army, including his unqualified obedience and worship of Lee Shun.    


I believe what Qin said just now was true. If necessary, he would sacrifice his life for Lee Shun and his cause.    


I don't want to use the word "hard work" to describe Qin. I prefer to use a kind of loyalty to my career and ideals to view Qin.    


Perhaps, this was a form of faith.    


I know I can't do it to the extent of Qin, far from it. Maybe I don't have any faith in this life. Maybe my only belief is Qiu Tong.    


And Qin's belief was Lee Shun.    


Faith can be acquired, can be molded, and can also be abandoned.    


In the dark night, in the midst of confusion, you couldn't see anything. There was no way to verify anything. At this moment, the one guiding you and restricting you was — faith.    


While deep in thought, the sound of footsteps came from behind us. Qin and I looked back and saw Lee Shun, who was feeling bored in the tent, coming out.    


At this moment, Lee Shun was in high spirits. He didn't just smoke a few more mouthfuls inside the tent.    


"Look, how beautiful is the setting sun on the sea." Lee Shun pointed to the sky in the west.    


Qin and I stood up and looked at Lee Shun.    


"We … should head out." Lee Shun said.    


"Where to?" I asked Lee Shun.    


"Let's go meet him." Lee Shun answered.    


I immediately realized that Lee Shun was going to see Wu De.    


"You made an appointment with him?" "No," I said.    


Lee Shun nodded: "Yes, I just talked to him personally, he's treating tonight."    


"Where?" "No," I said.    


"Crown Hotel." Lee Shun said.    


"Who's going?" I continued to ask Lee Shun.    


"The three of us."    


At this time, Qin said: "Should we arrange a group around Crown Hotel to prevent any accidents."    


Lee Shun shook his head: "No, just the three of us, don't bring anyone. Special Warrior will camp on the island tonight, and after entering the city tomorrow, we will officially enter."    


"This." Qin was a bit hesitant. It was obvious that he was worried about the safety of this trip and worried that it would be a Hongmen feast.    


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