Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1693 Only like to See

C1693 Only like to See

0"That foreigner only likes to watch, he doesn't like to do it." Do you understand now? " Coco said.    


"I seem to understand, but I also don't seem to understand." "No," I said.    


"To put it bluntly, that foreigner only likes me to show him everything, but he didn't do anything. He just watched, and then he let me accompany him in drinking. When I'm drunk, I'll sleep. I'm leaving the hotel before 9 in the morning." Coco said.    


I suddenly understood, "So that's how it is. What is this foreigner doing?"    


"I don't know. There are so many different kinds of information in the room. Sometimes when I go there, he would still be busy with his computer. I don't understand it anyway, so I'm too lazy to read it." Coco said.    




"However, every time before he finished his work, he would put a document in an envelope, put it in his own black bag, and lock it in the cabinet!" Keke continued.    


My mind lit up. "Hmm, it seems that the document is very important."    


"Maybe." Coco said.    


Then, after being silent for a long time, I suddenly burst out laughing.    


Coco looked at me strangely. "Boss Yi, what are you laughing for?"    


I stopped laughing and looked at Coco. "Coco, what a coincidence, what a coincidence."    


"What coincidence? What coincidence? " Coco looked at me in confusion.    


I said, "I didn't think of two."    


"What do you mean?" "Boss Yi."    


"The first one would have never thought that you would be the person Boss Wu De invited to work for that foreigner." "No," I said.    


Keke pursed her lips but didn't say anything.    


"Second, I didn't expect that the customer invited by Wu De, the mysterious customer, would actually have the person I was looking for. He really has the thing I want in his hands." "No," I said.    


Keke looked at me in shock. "Boss Yi, I don't understand what you mean."    


"To put it bluntly, I've been trying to find out who Wu De's mysterious guests are and what they are for. Tell me today, I think I understand. Not only that, I really need the thing in their hands." "No," I said.    


"You — you — how could you? What exactly are you doing? What do you need that thing for? " Coco was still surprised.    


"I am Boss Yi from Hsinghai, and I work for the revolution. As for why I need that thing, I cannot say, but I do need that thing, and it is very important to me." "No," I said.    


"And then?" Keke calmed down a little.    


"Then, what do you think?" I looked at Coco.    


"You want me to get it for you, don't you? "Because you have done me a favor, and I want to repay that favor. The best way to repay that favor is to get it for you, isn't that right?" Coco said.    


"You can take it that I don't object. Of course, that is only if you are willing to do so. " "No," I said.    


"You want to use me to work for you."    


"I don't object to your saying that. However, you can also understand that everyone is helping each other. If you help me, I will be very grateful." "No," I said.    


"But did you think about what would happen if Wu De knew that I helped you?" Coco said.    


"I will guarantee your safety, and you can guarantee that nothing will happen to you. Of course, this matter is very confidential and cannot be leaked out." "No," I said.    


Keke was silent for a moment, then suddenly let out a cold laugh. "Boss Yi, I'm thinking that you're directing a show, right?"    


"Please explain." "No," I said.    


"Right now, I suspect that the scene where I met the criminal today was a play by you. You and the criminal were in cahoots, and you teamed up to perform this play together to gain my gratitude. Then, you used my gratitude to help you do things, and your fundamental purpose was to use me to get the information you wanted." Coco said.    


"You actually think so?"    


"Isn't it? I think your acting is too clumsy and you are too impatient, so you impatiently want me to work for you. " Keke let out a series of sneers. "I had a good impression of you and even felt grateful towards you, but now …"    


I suddenly changed my expression, "Keke, I didn't expect you to think this way about me. I didn't expect you to look at me this way." "What a good heart."    


"Disgusting, isn't it? The horse's feet have been exposed, are you angry from embarrassment? " Keke said in a mocking tone with a hint of disdain.    


I sneered. "I think you're too smart. Alright, I don't need you to do anything for me anymore. You don't need to repay me for my kindness. You can consider me blind and recognize the wrong person. Let's go, let's not talk about this anymore."    


After saying that, I stood up and was about to leave.    


"Wait a minute, it's not too late to leave after you explain yourself. What's the rush?" Keke sat there without moving.    


"There's nothing left to say." There's nothing to say. "No," I said.    


"Why? Boss Yi, if you have something to say, just say it. I'm listening." Coco lit a cigarette and looked at me.    


I sat down again and looked at Keke. "Then let me ask you, in the last two days, there have been two consecutive rapes on Coastal Avenue, and the perpetrator even cut off the victim's ear. Do you know about this?"    


"Yes, Comrade Public Security Officer told me today."    


"Then let me ask you, when the two masked men kidnapped you today, did they say that they wanted to cut off your ears?"    




"Obviously, these two masked men are the perverts that Public Security is capturing. Do you believe what Captain Ceng said?"    


"Yes, why?"    


"Do you think I'm in cahoots with perverts? Do you think I'm going to play with a psychopath? Ask around about what kind of person I, Yi Ke, am. If you find out that I'm that sort of scum, I, Yi Ke, will write it backwards! " I said indignantly.    


Keke lowered her head in silence, deep in thought.    


"Let's not talk anymore. I was blind, saved the wrong person, and made friends." I went on with my anger.    



Coco looked at me and blinked. Was I wrong? "    


"Could it be what? There's nothing left to say. It's fine if you don't want to help, but there's no need to slander my character. I'm really fucking blind. "You should enlarge your suspicion towards the criminal police. You should say that I'm with the masked men and the police. That way, you'll feel even more confident!" "No," I said.    


Keke said with her mouth half open, "Ah. This... Boss Yi, don't be angry. Maybe I really was wrong. Yes, the criminal police case is real. They won't lie. Boss Yi, it seems that my suspicion was really wrong. "Boss Yi, I …"    


I buried my head in a cigarette and said nothing.    


After a long while, Keke said, "Boss Yi, it's my fault, sorry."    


"What do you mean you're wrong?" You were wrong. " "No," I said.    


"Oh. Fine, I was wrong in the first place, it seems like I was really wrong. Boss Yi, I'll apologize to you, sorry, I shouldn't have thought of you that way. I'll drink a glass of wine as an apology. " Keke seemed to have finally gotten over her misgivings as she picked up her glass and drank a glass of wine.    


I let out a long breath.    


"But is there one thing I really don't understand? What do you want that information for? "You work in the group, how is Boss Wu's information related to you?" Coco said, puzzled.    


"I cannot tell you that. Not only you, I will not tell anyone else. However, there is one thing I can tell you. I am not using that information to do bad things." "No," I said.    


"Good things and bad things are relative. Perhaps good things to you are bad things to others." Coco said.    


"You're right. If that's the case, then consider that I didn't say anything just now. There's no need for you to help me." "No," I said.    


Keke was silent for a moment. "Boss Yi, don't be angry. You saved me, so I really want to repay you, but there are many ways to repay your gratitude. I can use my body to repay you, and I can use money to repay you. However, although I do not understand what exactly you want me to do, I am indeed very afraid. If something happens, my life will be gone, I have long heard that Boss Wu has a deep connection with the underworld, I cannot afford to offend such a big character, even if I am beaten to death, I will not offend him. "    


I took a deep breath. "Actually, Keke, I did not save you in the slightest because I wanted you to repay my gratitude, much less because I wanted to save your body."    


Keke's expression turned dark, "I know. You look down on people like me. My body is dirty, so I'm not good enough for you. You don't care about me at all."    


I said, "No, that's not it. You're a beautiful girl to me. Beautiful, really. "    


Coco looked at me. "You really think so?"    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"Thank you." Keke's eyes turned red.    


I continued to speak: "Let me ask you, how much compensation will Wu De give you for coming to Hsinghai?"    


"500 thousand." Coco answered.    


"Hmm, how about this. If you help me with this, I'll give you another zero and five million, okay?" "This has nothing to do with repaying our debt of gratitude. We will make a deal." "No," I said.    


"What?" 5 million? " Keke cried out involuntarily.    


"Yes." 5 million, I will never go back on my words, I will pay all of them in one go and deliver all of them in one go. " I said, "Once you've got it, you have five million and you can leave immediately. It's enough to get you anywhere, even out of the country. If you're still worried about your identity, I can help you bleach it. From then on, you will be a completely different person, and no one will be able to find you. You can't keep on doing this kind of thing. You need a new life, and you can totally start a new life and have your own real happiness. "    


It was obvious that she was moved by the five million and what I had to say.    


"You can think about it." I went on.    


Keke continued to ponder as she smoked.    


I stood up. "I'm going to and from the bathroom."    


After returning to the bathroom, Keke looked at me. "Looks like this item is very important to you."    


"Yes, it's not just important. It's very important. I'm going to use it to save him." "No," I said.    


"Save? Save what? "    


"It's inconvenient to talk about it, no need to ask."    


"Did you really not know my identity beforehand? Did I serve the foreigner?" Keke asked again.    


"Nonsense, if it wasn't for this afternoon's coincidental meeting, I definitely wouldn't have known. Maybe it was the heavens helping me, so they gave me this chance. Of course, this is also because the heavens want to help you, allowing me to just happen to meet you by the seaside when you are in danger! " "No," I said.    


Keke took a deep breath. "Since you said that, then I'll believe you. No matter if what you say is true or not, I'll believe you."    


Hearing Keke's words, I heaved a sigh of relief. I know that for Keke, the temptation of 5 million is hard to resist. 5 million has played a key role, and there are still a lot of women who love money in this world. My previous performance was a necessary preparation for him to come into contact with Keke.    


"I can help you get that information, but I have to consider my safety. I have to help you and guarantee my complete safety." Coco said.    


"Of course." "No," I said.    


"Then tell me your plan." Coco said.    


I said, "Well, isn't the foreigner going to drink with you tonight?"    


Keke nodded. "Yes."    


I said, "Then do something to get him to drink too much, and then go to sleep, and when he's drunk, you'll find a way to get the key to the cabinet, open the cabinet, take out the information, take the pictures with your cell phone, send them to one of the mailboxes I gave you, and then you'll put the stuff back in place, restore it to its original state, and then you'll immediately delete the contents of your cell phone without leaving any trace." In this way, it becomes OK. No one knows. "    


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