Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1686 Old Li's Expression

C1686 Old Li's Expression

0The summer was a little quiet, I looked at Leh, nodded to me and hurried away.    


After summer left, Leh stood at the window with his back to me. I couldn't see Leh's expression.    


"The opponent is starting to counterattack." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Leh nodded and didn't look back.    


"Seems to be quite aggressive and strong." I said again.    


Leh didn't say anything. When he turned around, I saw that Leh was frowning, as if he was thinking about something, with a cold look in his eyes.    


I looked at Leh. "The bag you gave me earlier for the summer didn't have any certainty of victory?"    


Leh smiled: "You think I'm Zhuge Liang? Do you think that your opponent is a useless person? "    


I couldn't help but be a little nervous and discouraged. "So it turns out that you also don't have a good plan."    


Leh laughed, "Ke, don't be anxious. You have to eat one mouthful after another, walk step by step. You have to solve the problem one by one, and this struggle must also be carried out step by step. No one dared to boast unless the final result was revealed. Any underestimation of the opponent can have devastating consequences. "    


After hearing Leh's words, I couldn't help feeling horrified.    


Leh looked at my expression and suddenly chuckled, "Of course, you can't underestimate your opponent, but don't make too much of a fuss. Those words were right, there were five words floating in the sky:" This isn't a problem. "    


I laughed foolishly. "I didn't know that you were really relaxed. It seemed that everything was in your plan. "When you talk and laugh, the oars will turn to dust.    


Leh smiled. "Of course, you can look down on your opponent in terms of strategy, but in terms of tactics, you have to pay attention to him. You can't let your guard down."    


I said, "If you play business battles, I estimate that you are a top expert and no one will be able to defeat you."    


"Wrong, I have also come to this day after many failures and defeats. Without the past failures, I would not be as confident as I am today. As I said, before the final result was out, I never dared to say that I would definitely win. " Leh sat down and looked at me, "Ke, let me tell you, in this world, no one is born with the ability to know everything. You have seen how those experts grew up from countless failures, without failure, they would never succeed!"    


"Failure is the mother of success." I concluded.    


"Yes, that is a famous saying." Leh nodded and said, "Of course, no matter what the outcome is, you must have self-confidence. This is the cornerstone."    


I nodded. I didn't expect Wu De to start today after issuing the warning last night. Wu De's counterattack against Leh was obviously not only for revenge. His appetite had always been great and he had always wanted to seize Sanshui Group for himself. A few days ago, Leh had attacked quickly and unexpectedly, getting rid of one of his listed companies. Wu De would definitely be angry and embarrassed, this time he would retaliate with killing intent that was filled with the determination to put his life on the line.    


But from Leh's performance, Wu De seemed to have a hard time getting his way. Wu De's counterattack seemed to be within Leh's expectations. Leh had already come up with a solution to deal with Wu De's attack.    


However, I also feel that from what Leh said just now, even I am unable to figure out the outcome of this intense battle. Although Leh has a plan to deal with Wu De's attack, it seems to only be an elementary one.    


Thinking about this, I couldn't help but feel anxious.    


I knew that a battle without smoke had begun, and that this battle was bound to be fierce and cruel, a fight between life and death.    


Of course, I hope that Wu De will be the one to die.    


I wanted to help Leh, but I didn't know what to do or where to start. I know nothing about this kind of business war between big shots.    


Under Leh's calm appearance, I clearly felt that he wasn't relaxed at all. He was focused on thinking of a good plan to defeat his opponent.    


"I think if I had to do something, I would do something. It was time for me to do something. What shall I do? " I sat there murmuring.    


Leh patted me on the shoulder, "Ke, when I need you, I will look for you. Perhaps, when the time comes, you will be able to surprise me and play a role that others cannot play."    


I perked up and looked at Leh: "Really? "What do you mean?"    


"Heh heh, I have no comment now. I have to take things step by step. Perhaps I can reach that step, or perhaps I won't be able to reach that step." Leh smiled mysteriously and then patted me on the shoulder, "Ke, you can go back first. I need to stay for a while."    


I knew that Leh needed to be alone for a while, needed a space and time that no one would bother him.    


I got up and said goodbye.    


On the way back, they passed by the entrance of Guan Yunfei's house and saw Jing walking out. She was about to take a taxi.    


I saw serenity at the same time as serenity saw me.    


His tranquil face was a bit red, but his expression was very calm. "Hey, Junior Brother. What a coincidence."    


I checked the time. It was three in the afternoon.    


"Hello, Senior Sister Ning." I smiled. "What a coincidence, why are you here?"    


"I'm going to Minister Guan's house." The peaceful words surprised me, surprised by her reality.    


"Oh, is Minister Guan at home? You didn't go to work? " "No," I said.    


"Yeah, Minister Guan is feeling a bit unwell today. I'm going to visit the Leader first, and secondly, I have an important report to make." Quiet said.    


I nodded my head. "Senior Sister Xie is also at home?"    


"No, she's on a business trip!" Quiet answer.    


I was a little surprised.    


"You. You didn't bring your car? You want to take a taxi? " "No," I said.    


"I asked the pilot to do some private things for me, so he didn't let me pick me up," Quiet And Steadfast said with a smile that wasn't a smile: "Junior Brother, Boss Yi, you seem to be very curious, if you have any questions, you can ask them together."    


The serene series of preconceptions made me feel a little awkward. I couldn't help but think that I was being too petty.    


I smiled coyly. "There's no need for that, senior sister. We were just casually chatting."    


He smiled serenely and said in a somewhat relaxed manner, "Junior Brother, why are you walking on foot?"    


"Exercise." "No," I replied.    


"What are you doing out here instead of working properly?" It was obvious that Serenity didn't believe him.    


I laughed, a little dryly, and did not answer.    



"Alright, I'm leaving now. Junior Brother, let's talk later." Jing gave me an ambiguous smile, hailed a taxi, and waved her hand.    


Watching the peaceful departure, I looked in the direction of Guan Yunfei's house and scratched my head. Actually, I wanted to ask Jingjing why her face is so rosy, but after thinking about it, I couldn't really say it out loud. Other people's rosy cheeks have nothing to do with you, it's called flushed red with happiness.    


For some reason, I suddenly thought of Qin Lu, the dead Qin Lu.    


Qin Lu's death had always been a mystery to me. I certainly wouldn't believe the police's conclusion about suicide, but I didn't have any new clues to prove it.    


In fact, I've always been highly suspicious of a person, but I don't have any proof. Since there was no evidence, he naturally couldn't casually say it out. At most, he could only doubt it in his heart.    


However, I believe that the truth will be revealed with Qin Lu's death.    


Remembering Qin Lu who had already ascended to heaven and looking at the men and women who were causing so much trouble in this world, I suddenly felt a little tired in my heart. At the same time, I also felt that Qin Lu leaving should be a kind of release. If Qin Lu was still alive, then judging from her personality, she would probably be enjoying the storm in the city.    


Leaving might be a type of release.    


Perhaps leaving was a form of release.    


Leaving might be a type of rescue.    


It might not be a bad thing to leave.    


Thinking of this, he could not help but feel somewhat relieved.    


If she didn't want to die, she wouldn't die. Qin Lu's death, in a sense, might have been caused by a kind of passive suicide. Of course, this did not mean that the person who killed Qin Lu would escape justice.    


In this world, good and evil had to be rewarded. It had to be done, it had to be done. I said to myself as I walked.    


At that moment, my cell phone rang. It was Hai Zhu.    


"Brother, what are you doing?" Hai Zhu asked me.    


"He's walking." "No," I replied.    


"Almost like nonsense. Where are you walking at?"    


"Walking on the Hsinghai Road, your words are close to nonsense." "No," I said.    


"Looks like you're quite free. You don't have to work properly during business hours and can stroll around the streets. Speak honestly. " Hai Zhu's tone was half true and half false.    


"Alone, who else can he be with? Who do you think I am with? " "No," I replied.    


Hai Zhu paused. "How long have you not been home? How long it will take for you to not return to the Ningzhou? "    


I thought about it. "I've been too busy to go back."    


I don't think you want to come back, do you? I don't think you want to go home, do you? " Hai Zhu's tone was slightly unhappy.    


I was speechless for a moment.    


"Speak." Hai Zhu's tone was even more unhappy.    


"Zhu, listen to me." I said slowly, "When I'm done, I'll be back in a few minutes. Are you all right? Business at the company isn't bad, is it? "    


"You don't need to worry about me, and you don't need to worry about the business of the company. Just remember that there's still your home in Ningzhou." With that, Hai Zhu hung up.    


I stood in the street for a long time in silence.    


"Yi, why are you standing here?" A voice came from behind him.    


He turned around and saw Guan Yunfei.    


"Oh, Minister Guan." I smiled.    


Guan Yunfei seemed to have just taken a shower and was brimming with energy.    


"Why are you standing here?" Guan Yunfei smiled at me.    


"I'm not daydreaming, I'm watching the scenery on the main street."    


"Hehe, little fellow, are you thinking about life?" Guan Yunfei laughed.    


I also smiled along: "Minister Guan, what you're doing is …"    


"I just had a nap at home. I'm going to the office on foot." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Minister Guan is fine today, right?" "No," I said.    


"What do you mean?" Guan Yunfei looked at me.    


"Un, I just happened to meet Minister Ning near your house. She said you weren't feeling well and you were resting at home. She went to report to you about her work." "No," I said.    


"Oh, that, hehe." Guan Yunfei reacted quickly. He let out a laugh and continued, "Yes, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, but it's fine now. Serenity had something important to talk to me about, so she came to my house. What, do you have any other thoughts?"    


Looking at Guan Yunfei's scrutinizing gaze, I hurriedly said, "I wonder what other thoughts Minister Guan is referring to? However, regardless of what Minister Guan means, I will naturally not have any thoughts. "    


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