Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1651 Proof

C1651 Proof

0"Of course, since they dared to take away someone, they have a certain degree of certainty. Even if the suspect is beaten to death and refuses to admit it, as long as the evidence is conclusive, the prosecutor's office will still be able to arrest and prosecute the suspect, and the court will also be able to adjudicate him." He said again.    


I nodded and said to myself, "Well, good, good."    


"Bro, it looks like you're in a good mood, you unintentionally leaked it out." Laughing.    


"Hehe, but I don't need to thank Zhao Dajian, do I?" "No," I said.    


"Why are you thanking him?" It was said.    


"From what you said just now, I now understand that it was Zhao Dajian who brought up Secretary Qiu's economic issue to mitigate the blame. The reason is related to the maintenance of the vehicles, which means it was related to the factory manager at that time. With Zhao Dajian's report and the factory director's acknowledgment, the evidence is more ample, so Secretary Qiu was taken away by the prosecutor, right?" I said it deliberately to sound out the tone.    


Zeng laughed out loud, "Bro, I didn't tell you that. You said it yourself, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just telling you that if your group's Secretary Qiu was taken away, I didn't say anything about it being reported by Zhao Dajian, right?    


Although he had drunk a bit too much, he still had some thoughts in his heart. It seemed that he had given himself a way out, and he was holding back on his words.    


I also chuckled, "Bro, I understand the meaning behind your words. I understand. "Yes, yes, you didn't say anything. I was just guessing randomly."    


"Yes." "It's good that you understand. Everything is within your heart." Zeng nodded his head: "But, your little brother's brain is quite useful, I think you are a waste of your talent to not be a police officer!"    


It was clear that what I had just said was true, and I knew it.    


Then I went back to drinking and bickering and didn't bring it up again.    


After I had had my fill, I paid the bill and broke up with her.    


After I left, just as I was about to take a taxi, a taxi came and stopped in front of me.    


He saw that it was Faang Aiguo who was driving and Fourth Brother was sitting in the passenger seat.    


I opened the door and got in. Faang Aiguo started the car.    


"Fourth Brother, why are you here?" "No," I said.    


"I'm worried about that. I've contacted Aiguo, and we'll wait here for you to finish your search!" Fourth Brother said.    


"You're not being watched?" I said to Fourth Brother.    


"No, I tried to check again and again to make sure no one was following me before contacting Aiguo to come here!" Fourth Brother sounded very sure.    


I heaved a sigh of relief and said to Faang Aiguo, "Let's go to the seaside!"    


Faang Aiguo directly drove towards the beach road. At this time, there were very few people around, so if there was someone following him, it would be easy to find him.    


After walking for a long time, there were no suspicious vehicles following them from behind.    


The car stopped at an empty spot on the beach, and I told Fourth Brother about the analysis of the day and the conversation I had with my drink tonight.    


After Fourth Brother heard this, he nodded: "It seems like we have an idea now."    


"Yes, if we want to save Qiu Tong, the most important people right now are Zhao Dajian and that workshop manager. But Zhao Dajian is in the jail right now and we can't find him, so the most important thing now is to find that factory director. Only by finding him can we open the gap and determine the next course of action." "No," I said.    


"I do know about this factory's director, but he transferred the factory to us later on. I don't know what he did." Fourth Brother said.    


"Think of a way to find him. You must find him. Activate all of your connections. Use all of your networks. Find, you must find him." "It's the only way," I said.    


"Alright, I'll start my operation tonight and look for the factory director." Fourth Brother nodded.    


I looked at Faang Aiguo: "The few of you, help Fourth Brother find someone. Put down what you have in hand and focus on this task. Listen to Fourth Brother's commands."    


"Yes sir!" Faang Aiguo nodded in agreement.    


"We have to find it as soon as possible. It is extremely urgent and should not be delayed. It is best if we can find it by tomorrow, the sooner the better. After you find him, don't alert him first and notify me first. " "No," I said.    


"We have to find it tomorrow. Isn't it too hasty? There's nothing to see right now!" Fourth Brother frowned.    


"There's nothing we can do. We have to save Qiu Tong before noon the day after tomorrow. We have no time to waste."    


"Why must it be before noon the day after tomorrow?" Fourth Brother said in confusion.    


I glanced at Faang Aiguo and then said to Fourth Brother, "I have no other choice. That's all the time I have left!"    


Faang Aiguo looked away and did not say a word.    


Fourth Brother looked at Faang Aiguo, then looked at me. He seemed to understand something and nodded: "Alright, I understand. I will do my best to find someone. Let's begin now."    


I nodded my head, "Fourth Brother, I know this will make things difficult for you, but, this really is something that cannot be helped."    


"I understand!" Fourth Brother said.    


At this moment, Faang Aiguo said: "Fourth Brother, the four of us will guarantee that we will listen to your commands. We will do our best to help you find those people."    


Fourth Brother looked at Faang Aiguo, "Although I am not one of your Revolutionary Army's people, but everyone's interests are the same. I believe that everyone will wholeheartedly use it in one direction!"    


Faang Aiguo nodded.    


Then Fourth Brother said to me, "You don't have to participate in finding people. Also, in the process of dealing with this matter, you must keep it a secret and not reveal your real identity. This is very important to you, Secretary Qiu. Tomorrow, go to work as usual and act as if nothing has happened. Don't let anyone see that you are abnormal and don't let anyone doubt you in the slightest. "    


Fourth Brother is reminding me that he thinks the problem is very comprehensive.    


I said, "I'll pay attention."    


Then, we left the beach. I returned to my dorm and Fourth Brother started the program to look for someone overnight.    


I smoked restlessly all night in my dorm, and did not sleep. The thought of Qiu Tong, who was being interrogated by the staff in charge of handling the case, made his heart ache.    


The next morning, I washed my face, changed my clothes, and went to work.    


It was a cold day, and snow was falling from the sky. It may be the last snow before spring comes.    


The moment I arrived at the office, Sun Dongkai immediately called me from the intercom.    



He pushed open the door and entered Sun Dongkai's office. Cao Lee was also there.    


Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee both seemed to be in high spirits, but Sun Dongkai was very calm. Cao Lee, on the other hand, couldn't hide the joy on her face.    


Sun Dongkai was reading a document while Cao Lee sat across from him.    


Seeing me walk in, Sun Dongkai called me over: "Yi, we need to organize an official application report about the issue of Yanjing. This is the relevant material, arrange for someone to get it later."    


After saying that, Sun Dongkai handed the document to me. I received it and nodded: "Ok, I will arrange it right away."    


"The report needs to be more detailed. We need to summarize the overall development of our group's newspaper industry in recent years, especially in the last two years. We need to focus on the strength of our group's newspaper production and the preparation of our team. At the same time, we also need to make clear the reasons for our application for publication and the significance of our application for promoting the development of our group." Sun Dongkai warned again.    


I nodded: "Okay, by the way, after we finish this report, should I first review it for Secretary Qiu or give it to you directly?"    


Hearing my words, Sun Dongkai was stunned for a moment and then glanced at Cao Lee.    


Cao Lee was also slightly stunned as she looked at me.    


"When did you get back?" Sun Dongkai asked me.    


"Last night!" "No," I said.    


"Oh." Sun Dongkai nodded: "I came back last night." "Why do I see that you look so haggard? Did you not rest well last night?"    


"Last night's rest was not bad, I had to go back and forth. I came back tired, so when I came back, I went to sleep."    


"That's because you are too tired from going back and haven't gotten any rest." Sun Dongkai smiled. "It seems like I have to visit my family and empty my body. I can't recover for the whole night."    


Cao Lee curled her lips and said, "Little Bet is better than newlyweds. Boss Yi, be careful."    


I smiled awkwardly.    


"He's young, full of energy, and also a newlywed. That's understandable." Sun Dongkai smiled dubiously again.    


Cao Lee curled her lips.    


I continued to smile embarrassedly. "If there's nothing else, I'll head out first."    


"Don't be in such a hurry," Sun Dongkai said. "After this report is done, don't let Secretary Qiu see it. Just give it to me directly."    


"Oh. "According to the procedure, Secretary Qiu has to take a look at the branch office. If he were to give it to you directly, would Secretary Qiu have any objections?" I asked Sun Dongkai tentatively.    


Sun Dongkai looked at Cao Lee again and then said to me, "From the time you came back last night to today, you haven't heard anything?"    


"I didn't hear anything. I just came back last night and went straight to bed. I came to your office today, what's wrong?" What happened? " I looked at Sun Dongkai.    


Sun Dongkai let out a long sigh, and then sighed again, "Since you don't know, then let me tell you, something happened to Secretary Qiu yesterday."    


"Something has happened? What happened? " I looked at Sun Dongkai in surprise.    


"Yesterday morning, Secretary Qiu was taken away by the Public Prosecutor's Office!" Sun Dongkai said with a serious expression.    


"Ah — taken away by the prosecutor's office? What's wrong? "Why?" I made a gesture of shock.    


"I don't know the specific reason or the reason, but it seems to have economic implications. I heard that Secretary Qiu was taken away by the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Public Prosecutor's Office." Sun Dongkai sighed.    


"Oh. Economic issues. "Well, this is surprising." "No," I said.    


"How is it? Isn't it very shocking and surprising?" Cao Lee asked me.    


"That's right, very surprising. I didn't expect it, really." I muttered: "Secretary Qiu usually looks to have positive energy, so how did this happen? He really doesn't know how to know people's faces and how to know people's hearts."    


"That's right, to know people's faces and not know people's hearts, I also didn't expect such a thing to happen to her, it's really too surprising," Cao Lee said.    


"In this day and age, people's hearts are separated, and many unexpected things happen!" Sun Dongkai looked at Cao Lee again, as if there was a hidden meaning behind his words.    


I know what Sun Dongkai meant by looking at Cao Lee, but Cao Lee didn't know.    


Of course, she couldn't understand the meaning behind Sun Dongkai's words.    


"I heard from the grapevine that the procurator only took measures against Secretary Qiu after receiving a report from the masses for preliminary investigation." Cao Lee said with an unconcealable excitement.    


"Oh. Report. "Then it seems that something really must have happened. I guess it must have happened while she was doing business!" "No," I said.    


"How do you know?" Cao Lee said.    


"Does that even need to be said? Dividing management easily involves economic issues, right? It's much easier than dividing management to come into contact with money, right?" I said, "Since someone is reporting it, then the person reporting it should be doing business as well. "I know what's going on!"    


"Hee hee, you're quite smart. You know how to analyze." Cao Lee said, "You're right. I heard Secretary Qiu was reported by Zhao Dajian."    


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