Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1650 Mysterious

C1650 Mysterious

0I frowned. "Fine, forget it, just pretend that I didn't ask you. In any case, the truth will come out, sooner or later the court will make a judgement, and I will find out sooner or later. If you don't say it, I will respect your decision. "How big a matter is this? Look at your mysterious appearance, I won't ask about it and you don't need to tell me. If you don't tell me, I'll find out sooner or later."    


I tried to goad him with my words.    


He seemed to have made up his mind. He picked up the cup and took a sip, then wiped his lips and said, "Brother, let me tell you something, but you have to keep your head down. And, as I told you, you can't go around yelling and complaining. "    


I was stunned. "Oh. "Fine, fine, I promise you, no matter what judgement Zhao Dajian makes in the end, I will accept it and never complain. Actually, I don't have any need to complain, we are all colleagues, he lost his job and ruined his career because of this, the price he has to pay is already big enough. As for whether the sentence is severe or not, it doesn't matter to me anymore, I won't let it go."    


As if my words made him feel that it was reasonable, he nodded, "Alright, then I'll believe you. Let me tell you, a superior in Zhao Dajian has sent his greetings. It's no ordinary leader. It's Big Leader. "    


"Oh. It's like this! " I nodded.    


"When the leader greets us, we need to understand the leader's intentions. In the paperwork for the arrest, the serious problems should be written lightly, the minor problems should be ignored, and those that can't be written should not be written. In short, we should try our best to go in a lighter direction." It was said.    


"Mm, I understand that." "No," I said.    


"However, if it was just the Leader greeting him, it would not change Zhao Dajian's fate. After all, he has violated the criminal law. After all, the nature of this case cannot be changed. We can't just write black as white, can we?"    


"The key is that Zhao Dajian did something in the jail, it's even more useful than a greeting from the leader, once it's confirmed, it can greatly reduce his crime, maybe when the court passes down the sentence, this guy will get a reprieve or something, and he won't need to go to jail."    


"Oh. "Oh, so it's like this. What kind of move did he use?" I said, looking very curious.    


"Actually, I'm not going to say that you will find out sooner or later. Sooner or later, not only you will know about it, everyone in your corporation will know about it." It was said.    


"Then do you think it's against the law or something? If it's a violation, then you don't have to say it. It's better to wait until everyone knows about it. " "No," I said.    


"Haha." Zeng laughed: "You sure know how to think about me. Actually, it's not a big deal to tell people about it, and it's not a secret. However, at this point in the case, you still need to keep it a secret, so don't tell anyone else."    


"So you want to satisfy my curiosity first?"    


"The key is that the Zhao Dajian case involves you. If I don't tell you about this, you will know about it when everyone knows about it. You might not say anything after you see me, but you will think that I'm not loyal enough to friends, so I don't trust you."    


"Heh heh." I laughed and poured myself a drink.    


"But like I said, you really have to keep it a secret. At least for now, don't tell others. Otherwise, I will be very passive."    


"Oh. "Sure, no problem!" I nodded.    


He once said, "Actually, this can't be considered a secret. I estimate that a lot of people know about this matter now, and there are a lot of people involved in this matter. Even if you do tell them, as long as you don't tell them that it was me, no one will know which part it was that leaked out." This is no longer a secret. "    


I frowned again. "From what you're saying, it seems like this is going to be a big issue!" But don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone what you've told me. Even if I accidentally slip out of my dreams, I promise I won't tell anyone that you've told me when I woke up. I won't do anything to disappoint my friends. "    


"F * ck, you, I guess only sister-in-law would know when you sleep. If others knew, it would mean that you were being dishonest outside." He once said with a smile, "Actually, even if you tell the truth, there won't be any serious consequences. This matter will be revealed to the world sooner or later, it's just a matter of time, and as I said earlier, there are a lot of people involved in this case and several departments involved. As long as you don't mention that I was the one who said it, no one will be able to find out.    


"Of course, no one would investigate this. After all, this is not a highly confidential matter. Of course, as I said now, there is a possible violation of the rules of the case, but I will not treat you as an outsider, so there is no harm in saying so. "Moreover, the rules for handling cases are all a formality, and I don't think there's a need for many of them."    


"I'm confused now!" "No," I said.    


He once looked at me and said, "Bro, something happened to your group this morning. Don't you know?"    


I was stunned. "Something happened? What is it? No one has heard of me, and no one has told me.    


Zeng chuckled and did not speak.    


I said, "My phone ran out of battery when I got home last night. It was always charged up, so I forgot to turn it on when I woke up in the morning. I didn't turn it on until I flew back to Hsinghai. However, I didn't receive any text messages after I turned on the phone. No one called me. "Seems like it's not a big deal. If it's really that big of a deal, Secretary Sun will definitely call me and let me know."    


"This matter is not big, but it is not small either. It depends on who it is. For you, it may not be big, but for the person involved, it is a huge matter!" "Secretary Sun didn't call you to tell you. I think that you will know immediately the moment you go to work tomorrow. I think everyone in your corporation will know about it tomorrow."    


"Oh. Tell me, what is it? Don't keep us in suspense! " "No," I said.    


"Is there someone called Qiu Tong in your corporation. She is the third in command, Vice Secretary and Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection. Beautiful lady, a beauty with great ability?" It was said.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"What's her relationship with you?" It was said.    


"How is it? "Hehe." I laughed. "We are of the same rank. She is the leader and I am a subordinate. This office manager of mine still belongs to her. What do you think? "No matter what kind of relationship they have, if they can't accept it, they have to be virtuous and can't criticize their leaders behind their backs."    


"You sound as if you have some opinion of her, don't you?" It was said.    


I didn't say that, Secretary Qiu is my branch leader, I don't want to offend her, if I offend the leader, the leader will wear the pants for my little shoes. No matter what I think in my heart, no matter how I think of her, I have never said anything bad about her behind her back.    


"Haha, you really don't know how to talk. What, you're worried that I would go in front of Secretary Qiu and give you a snitch? Don't worry, first, I'm not that kind of person. Secondly, Secretary Qiu and I aren't familiar with each other, so it's not my place to talk.    


I can hear it. You have an opinion on Qiu Tong, but you don't dare to admit it. Actually, it's fine if you said that. I already vaguely heard some rumors that Secretary Sun and Boss Cao from your corporation have a good opinion of Qiu Tong. Especially that Boss Cao, she often talks bad about Qiu Tong behind her back.    


You are Secretary Sun's office manager, although you are under Qiu Tong's jurisdiction, of course, you have to be loyal to Secretary Sun. Since Qiu Tong and Secretary Sun have conflicts, naturally, you won't be affected by it, and it's normal for people to do the same for you.    


Listening to what I once thought was an analysis, I chuckled and looked at him with wide eyes. "What do you mean? Something happened to Secretary Qiu? "    


"Well, yes." Zeng nodded.    


"Ah, really? Something really happened to Secretary Qiu? " I pretended to be surprised. "What happened to her?"    


"Bro, don't be so surprised. I'm guessing that although your surprise is real, you might feel a bit pleased about it, right?"    


I smiled embarrassedly. "Bro, you're so awesome. You can even guess that."    


"If I can't guess, then I don't have the surname Zeng! How can you say that? I believe in Big Brother Zeng, I want to live forever. " Qiu Tong smiled confidently, "Let me tell you this. This morning, when you were sleeping at home, she was taken away by the people from the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Public Prosecutor's Office."    


"He was taken away by someone from the Anti-Corruption Bureau? "Economic problems?" "No," I said.    


"Nonsense, what's the problem if we take the anti-greed people away?" He once said, "This Qiu Tong, has she served as the General Manager of Issuing Company before?"    


"Yes, yes!" I nodded.    


"When she was the general manager, was Zhao Dajian the team leader?" He said again.    


"No, when Qiu Tong was the general manager, Zhao Dajian was the deputy general manager and was in charge of the team!" "No," I said.    


"The same thing. It's about the same. You guys have quite a number of cars that have been released, right?"    



"That's not it. There are more than 20 of them." "No," I said.    


"It's better to maintain and repair this area, right?" Zeng laughed.    


"Hur hur, you sure know how to do that!" "No," I said.    


I remembered then that the vehicle repair and maintenance of the fleet was contracted out to a repair shop in the community, and that I had dealt with him several times. But then, for some reason, he stopped working as a mechanic and transferred the factory.    


But his transfer was after Qiu Tong left the company to become deputy chief executive.    


"Is the problem with Secretary Qiu going in this time serious?" I asked Zeng tentatively.    


"Speaking of the reason for going in this time, it's not a serious problem, but now the Anti-Corruption Bureau's people know how to fish and when they interrogate them, they will not remind her that she came in due to some matter. They will tell her that they have control of her economic violation and let her explain it herself, but if she can't figure it out, then wouldn't that be a huge problem?"    


"Oh. There's really a way to handle this case! " I nodded.    


"Motherf * cker, now that torture is mentioned, people all say that we, the Public Security, only know how to do such a thing. Actually, the torture the people from the Public Prosecutor's Office do now isn't any less serious than us, it's just that no one has disclosed it."    


"I know very well," said Zeng indignantly. "Come in and let the eagle roam for a few days and nights without sleeping. They've learned all the methods that our Public Security officers use. "    


Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel anxious.    


"The people from the Public Prosecutor's Office took those people away. This proves that they have solid evidence. Is that right?" "No," I said.    


"Is it not clear that there are informants who report and bribes who admit to it? This was more than enough to investigate the case and take the suspect away. Besides, taking her away was just an inquiry, not a conviction. She wouldn't be considered a criminal until she was arrested. This was a rule of law.    


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