Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1648 Compress

C1648 Compress

0In other words, their goals were all different. Sun Dongkai wanted to suppress Qiu Tong, destroy Qiu Tong politically, and eradicate his political enemies; Cao Lee had another reason for doing so, which was to vent her uncontrollable hatred towards Qiu Tong. As for Wu De, he could use this to strike down Lee Shun and solve the problem between him and Lee Shun.    


As for Lei Zheng, I suspect that his target is Lee. Using this opportunity, I will give Lee another heavy blow. Of course, he might have the intention to get rid of Lee Shun, but his goal in getting rid of Lee Shun is still to deal with Lee. At the moment, I suspect that one of them started it, and that the other hitchhikers are cooperating to do it. "    


After hearing what I said, Leh nodded, "Your analysis is based on who can benefit the most in Qiu Tong's case. It seems like all of these people have their own interests to discuss about Qiu Tong.    


"According to your analysis, if it's really like this, then Sun Dongkai or Cao Lee should be the ones who started this incident and Sun Dongkai is the most suspicious. And the matter that Sun Dongkai started also coincides with other people's interests, so they actively coordinated with each other. "    


I nodded. "That should be it."    


"So, where do you think Sun Dongkai or Cao Lee will start this?"    


I said, "After thinking about it, the most likely possibility is that Sun Dongkai made use of Zhao Dajian's matter!"    


"Zhao Dajian is the person who hired the criminal to rob you, right?" Leh said.    


"Exactly." "No," I said.    


"Continue!" Leh said.    


When Zhao Dajian went in, Sun Dongkai said that he would ask Lei Zheng to help Zhao Dajian, and try to be gentle. Of course, he did so in the name of humanity, and in order to pacify me, I even had some wind blowing in front of him. At that time, I didn't think too much about it, and didn't think too deep into it.    


However, based on the current situation, and thinking back to what you warned me the other day, it seems like your prediction was correct. Sun Dongkai is very shrewd, he wouldn't just find Lei Zheng to reason with Zhao Dajian, he really used this matter to implement some of his intentions. He really seized this rare opportunity to attack Qiu Tong. " I said as I thought about it.    


Leh nodded: "OK. "Go on."    


I continued, "You can think like this, when Sun Dongkai is defending Zhao Dajian, he might directly or indirectly hint at Zhao Dajian. First, he would let Lei Zheng speak ill of him, and second, Zhao Dajian himself would have to take the initiative to do something, such as report his meritorious service, which would allow Zhao Dajian to have a good impression of him. He could even tell Zhao Dajian that this was Lei Zheng's suggestion, and it was all for his own good.    


Zhao Dajian's main purpose of writing an anonymous letter to Sun Dongkai's wife this time was to slander Qiu Tong's reputation, but he didn't expect that Qiu Tong would take advantage of the situation to get him inside, so his heart was very unwilling. Right now, he was also very uneasy within the police station, knowing that his reputation had been completely ruined and his political future completely ruined, but he still wanted to deal another blow to Qiu Tong when he was on the verge of death.    


By doing so, he could, for one, achieve the goal of avenging Qiu Tong and venting his personal grudges. In any case, his political future was already like this; if he didn't act now, he wouldn't have another chance in the future. To him, this is equivalent to killing many birds with one stone. If he were to think of all these, it might cause him to overturn this matter. "    


Leh listened to what I had to say, then took a sip of tea and said, "What you are saying now is just your own analysis and reasoning, right?"    




"There's nothing to justify your reasoning, is there?" Leh said again.    


"Yes, but I'll prove it soon enough."    




"I want to go to the Criminal Police Department. He's dealing with a case of Zhao Dajian!" "No," I said.    


"Find him …" Leh nodded, "Yes, that's a good idea. However, you can't bring up Qiu Tong's matter when you're looking for him, and you can't take the initiative to ask him about it, and you can't arouse his suspicion. Don't forget, he's a subordinate of Lei Zheng, and his political future is all in the hands of Lei Zheng.    


I nodded.    


"Now, you have to pretend that Qiu Tong's matter has nothing to do with you, and even more so, you have to act as if you're gloating, and not let anyone see through your anxiety and worry, and not reveal any of it. Do you understand what I mean? " Leh said.    


"Yes." "Understood, I'll remember." I nodded again.    


Leh continued: "At the current position, the way you handle this is the right way, and even the only way. Right now, the most important thing is to find out where the problem is. Only by finding and proving the source can you think of a way to solve it.    


From the Public Prosecutor's Office, it was very difficult to find out the truth about the matter. In the current case of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the usual course of action was to bring the suspect into the office after obtaining certain clues and confirming it with the informant. However, the person who brought the suspect in would not say that it was because of some matter.    


If you don't give them instructions, you can stay up with the eagles and interrogate them in turns, making you unable to rest for 24 hours, tormenting you, tormenting you, and so on. When you finally had your mental blurry defense line collapse, you could start to tell them everything at once, and often when many of the suspects gave you a big basket of answers but didn't manage to get the answers in the end, and didn't manage to tell you what they knew, they instead exposed a lot of their other illegal actions and fell into the trap of the personnel who handled the case. "    


"Oh. It's like this! "    


"A lot of corrupt officials are like this, it's actually because of a small matter, a hundred and eighty thousand yuan, but he doesn't know it himself, and the investigators won't give any hints, they just force you to explain your financial problems." A lot of corrupt officials are like this, it's actually because of a small matter, a hundred and eighty thousand yuan, but he doesn't know it, and the investigators won't give any hints, and they'll force you to explain your financial problems. "Of course, I don't believe that child Qiu Tong would be like this. She would be fine, and she wouldn't try to blame it on herself.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


Leh laughed, "Actually, like you, I don't believe that Qiu Tong has any problems with the money either. I can tell Qiu Tong's character, she must have been set up by someone this time. Last time, I told you that you think you're very smart and did a brilliant job, but don't look down on your opponent.    


Sun Dongkai was able to achieve this position step by step. To be able to survive in the government for so many years was not something he could do for free. He was not someone who could simply rely on his connections or fawning on his superiors. Indeed, you see, if your analysis is correct, then he will seize this opportunity to strike out decisively. If you can seize the opportunity to counterattack, he can do it as well, and more cleverly.    


"The officials have never lacked such astute men. Battles are always bloody battles, and although it may seem peaceful and peaceful, the opponent might strike you down once in a while. This strike might be the key to killing the opponent in a life or death situation."    


I nodded. "You're right, it's like this. The government is really complicated and sinister."    


Right at that moment, Summer pushed open the door and entered, looking extremely anxious.    


Seeing me there, Summer nodded at me and said to Leh, "Dad, what about Qiu Tong?"    


"What are you going to do?" Leh looked at the summer sun.    


"I can't ignore this matter, I have to help Qiu Tong," Xia Xia said. "Dad, I want to do this, I'll send someone to find the city's leaders, especially Secretary Lei, who is in charge of government affairs. Spend more money, and see if Qiu Tong can resolve this matter as little as possible."    


"Oh, you know Secretary Lei?" Leh said.    


As long as he accepts the money, I think that things will be fine. Secretary Lei will definitely help, no matter what, under my supervision, the Public Prosecutor's Office will also send in the money, the Prosecutor, the Chief of Anti-Corruption Bureau, and even the person who handles the case, please make some preparations. " Summer said.    


"You still don't know if Qiu Tong has any problems. If she has no problems, they will let her go even if you don't give them money. If she has problems, do you think they can solve them with money alone?" Leh said.    


As long as I feed them enough, there's nothing they can't do. I think, as long as I prepare enough money, Qiu Tong will be able to solve the problem regardless of whether she's busy or not. Actually, I don't really believe that Qiu Tong will really be in trouble. Summer said confidently.    


"Do you really think money works for anyone at all?" Leh said.    


"Yes." Summer nodded.    


"Stupid!" Leh said.    


Summer was stunned: "Dad."    


"I've said it before, you're a good businessman, and there's nothing wrong with managing a group. However, outside of the business world, whether it's in the government or the martial arts world, you're still a rookie." "Ji, for some people, money alone is useless, or your money can't feed their appetite, so you have to adopt different strategies and differentiate them based on the nature of the matter. I think that you don't need to worry about Qiu Tong's matter, as you might get more and more chaotic the more you help, or you might get taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives and take advantage of this opportunity."    


"Dad, I don't understand your words!" Summer said, puzzled.    


Leh smiled, "If there's really something wrong with Qiu Tong this time, no one can help her. Besides, if she makes a mistake, she should be punished as she deserves, but if there's nothing wrong with her, nothing will happen to her. You have to believe that the law won't wrongly accuse good people."    



"Dad, you're lying to yourself, what law would not wrongly accuse a good person, I don't believe you, moreover, if there's really something wrong with Qiu Tong, I should help her, she's just confused for a moment, there's no need to pay too much of a price, and from the bottom of my heart, I won't believe that there's really something wrong with her." Summer said, unconvinced.    


Leh's face twitched, "I said, you are not allowed to interfere in this matter, did you hear me?"    


Summer looked at Leh's serious expression, then looked at me, then lowered her head.    


"Did you hear what I said?" Leh said again with a harsh tone.    


"I heard it!" Summer whispered.    


"Go back to your business and stop thinking about it!" Leh's tone was a bit gentle.    


Xia Xia stood up, looked at Leh, wanted to say something but hesitated, then sighed and left worriedly.    


After summer left, Leh shook his head slightly.    


At this time, I suddenly thought of something and said to Leh, "Maybe someone has already set up a trap and is waiting for me to rescue him in the summer and for him to go in."    


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