Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1641 Accuracy of Information

C1641 Accuracy of Information

0"Yes, in order to ensure the accuracy of the information, the Chief of Staff sent a few informants to the headquarters. These informants are not related to each other, and do not know each other's identities. They only have contact with the headquarters." Faang Aiguo said.    


Qin was very considerate.    


"I suggest that the plan of action can be used to let people in different ranges know about it. This time, let these people know about it. Next time, let other people know about it. This way, based on the success or failure of the operation, it seems like we can determine whether there is a traitor within us!" "No," I said.    


"Alright, I'll report your suggestion to headquarters right away." Faang Aiguo said.    


"Actually, Qin might not have thought of that. He can think of that as well!" "No," I said.    


"Regardless of whether the chief of staff thought about it or not, this suggestion of yours is really a good idea. I still have to report it to headquarters." Faang Aiguo said.    


I nodded. "All right, then. I'm going to Yanjing tomorrow. As for Hsinghai, you all must continue to do your work separately. The commander in chief's parents, Snowy, and Qiu Tong, as well as Sanshui Group, will continue to follow their previous arrangements. "    


"Yes." Faang Aiguo agreed.    


"Of course, there's still Wu De!" "No," I said.    


"Alright," Faang Aiguo said. "Right, the Emperor and Alai are not in Hsinghai."    


"I know they went to the Yanjing. Where are the bodyguards? Do you know what he's doing? " "No," I said.    


"It seems like the bodyguard didn't go anywhere and just stayed at Hsinghai." Faang Aiguo said.    


"Mm, alright." "No," I said.    


"There's also Dong Xue. We're closely monitoring her as well. Faang Aiguo said again.    


I looked at Faang Aiguo and didn't say anything for a long time.    


"It's also the headquarters' order to monitor Dong Xue!" Faang Aiguo said.    


I nodded. "All right. "I understand, you can leave now."    


Faang Aiguo looked at me, wanted to say something but hesitated. Then, he turned around and walked away.    


After Faang Aiguo left, I thought about it for a long time.    


I actually know that Wu De understood this in his heart, that my people have been secretly monitoring him and his people.    


I also understand that Wu De's people have been monitoring me, Qiu Tong, Lee Shun's parents and even Xiao Xue. He wondered if Wu De had seen through Fourth Brother's identity. If Wu De knew Fourth Brother's true identity, then Fourth Brother would definitely be under surveillance.    


Since both sides knew that they were monitoring each other, they would naturally be more careful when doing things. They would even deliberately throw out a few smoke bombs to confuse the other. But even if everyone knew what each other was thinking, this kind of surveillance was still necessary. It was better than nothing.    


I don't know if Wu De purposely arranged for the smoke screen to be used as a shield for the big fish to escape, but it also left a few small ones to protect themselves with.    


If it was a cover, then what was he trying to cover for? Was it to cover him that he didn't find any insider, or to cover him that he didn't know there was a traitor?    


So far, it seems to be a mystery.    


I am currently thinking about this problem, Qin and Lee Shun, who were far away from Golden Triangle, might be thinking about it.    


It's just that I don't know how they reasoned it all out. The reasoning they sent me, almost all the possibilities, it was like saying nothing.    


I think even if Lee Shun didn't think too deeply, Qin would definitely do it. Qin has always been shrewd and farsighted, at the same time sending a few more informants to the other party, he might just be quietly investigating the inside out of Revolutionary Army.    


As for his investigation, it might not tell Lee Shun.    


I let my imagination run wild for a long time before I fell asleep.    


The next morning, Sun Dongkai and I arrived at the airport.    


I went to get my boarding pass, and when I was done, I went to the security check with Sun Dongkai. Sun Dongkai walked in front empty-handed while I carried my bag at the back.    


F * ck, I'm now serving Sun Dongkai.    


There was no helping it, isn't the office manager just a waiter of the Leader?    


After the plane took off, Sun Dongkai said to me, "We're going to do what I told the provincial publishing bureau chief last time."    


I nodded. "Oh."    


So the reason for going to Yanjing was to get a newspaper number.    


Since he was going to get the number, why was there no one from the provincial publishing house? Why don't you go with me?    


A question mark popped up in my mind, and I immediately thought that this chief must have left the provincial capital and went straight to Yanjing to reunite with them. I'm sure the director will be there by then, and I can't even do it without him.    


After arriving at Yanjing, Sun Dongkai and I directly took a taxi to the place we wanted to stay — Yanjing International Hotel.    


As we entered the hotel lobby, someone greeted us. I took a look and saw that the person who greeted us was indeed the director. He had arrived a long time ago.    


The director was one and the same. I was surprised to see the other person who was with him. He was the director of the Finance Center of the group. Why did he come as well? I didn't know that he was coming. It seems that he came directly from the provincial capital with the Commissioner.    


Of course, this was all arranged by Sun Dongkai. Sun Dongkai didn't inform me about this beforehand.    


Everyone greeted each other. The chief said that they had just arrived and the Finance Center Director also nodded in agreement.    


They didn't say where they came from, and I took it for granted that they were from the provincial capital.    


Sun Dongkai then said to me, "Yi, go and check in."    


I nodded and asked for everyone's ID.    


"Four rooms!" Sun Dongkai said again.    


I was startled. Sun Dongkai and the Director will be living in a single room, but the treatment of me and the Finance Center Director isn't high enough.    


I added, "Why don't we drive three? The two leaders should stay in a single room while the two of us should stay in a single room."    


Sun Dongkai didn't seem to hear my words and turned around to chat with the chief.    


I made a scene.    


It seems like Sun Dongkai did this on purpose. He obviously didn't want me and the Finance Center director to separate rooms for us to enjoy, it must have been because he had other considerations.    


So I went to get a room, then came back, and we all went to the room.    


Sun Dongkai and the chief's room is next to each other. In a luxurious room, I am next to the Finance Center Elder's room. It's an ordinary room.    


I arranged it this way to show the difference between subordinates and leaders.    


Then they went downstairs to eat lunch together. During dinner, the director said to Sun Dongkai, "Old Sun, don't worry, I'll contact the staff from the department in the afternoon, it's impossible to treat them to lunch tonight. It's too late to make an appointment, it's impossible to be listed by tomorrow night."    


Sun Dongkai nodded: "Ok, old buddy, sorry for troubling you!"    


"Aren't you being a little too formal with me?" The director laughed.    


After lunch, I asked Sun Dongkai: "What are your plans for the afternoon?"    


Sun Dongkai said, "Rest, sleep!"    


Thus, for the entire afternoon, I slept in my room watching TV, while the Finance Center Elder didn't seem to stay in my room. I saw him go out from the peephole.    


I don't know what he did.    


As for whether Sun Dongkai stayed in the room all the time, I don't know.    


At five o'clock, Sun Dongkai called and told me to go to his room.    


After he walked over, he saw that the director of the and the director of Finance Center were both there. At the moment, the director was talking to Sun Dongkai: "Old Sun, I've contacted you and you're going to treat me to a meal tomorrow night.    


Sun Dongkai smiled and nodded: "It's not that I have a lot of face, it's just that you have a lot of face. They are giving you a lot of face!"    


The Director smiled complacently.    


At this moment, I accidentally looked at the bed in Sun Dongkai's room. I saw that the bed hadn't been touched and the bed was very tidy. It seemed like Sun Dongkai didn't rest in his room in the afternoon.    


Where did this son of a bitch go? Why didn't he tell me? I thought to myself.    


I suspect that he went out with the Finance Center Director, and purposely hid it from me.    


F * ck, not calling me a father when there's good news, you're treating me like an outsider. I cursed again.    


After dinner, the director got four tickets out of nowhere and they all went to the National Theatre to listen to a symphony of some famous orchestra.    


I had to admit that I didn't have that kind of training, and after listening for a long time, I still couldn't understand what was going on. I just felt that the National Theatre was very spectacular and that the band was very powerful. Although he didn't know what the taste of the performance was like, it seemed very impressive.    


Sun Dongkai and the Commissioner both pretended to be infatuated as they admired it. They didn't know whether they understood it or not, but it seemed that they were equally arrogant.    


The Finance Center Elder sat beside me and kept yawning. I had proven my judgement — this fellow was the same as Sun Dongkai, he did not rest at all in the afternoon.    


After the performance, everyone returned to the hotel and went to their respective rooms to rest.    


After returning to my room, I checked the time. It was already past 11 PM.    


I don't want to rest. I am thinking about the Emperor and Alai, who are currently in the Yanjing.    


He couldn't help but think of the big wool alley, the mysterious yard in the big wool alley.    


Could it be that the Emperor and Alai were both there? Could that place be Wu De's secret nest in the Yanjing?    


I decided to make another trip to Big Wool Lane, to pull up some socialist wool.    


This time, I don't know if I'll find anything.    


Downstairs, across the lobby, two young women came up to meet them. As they passed, they heard one of them say to the other as he walked, "I'll be at 508, you at 510."    


Hearing this, I couldn't help but be moved. The next day, 508 is Sun Dongkai's room, 510 is the Chief's room.    


At this time, it was obvious that these two women were here for an interesting reason.    


I stopped and looked back at the two girls getting into the elevator. Sun Dongkai and the director had asked the two women to do that.    


Then I went straight out of the hotel and caught a cab.    


Twenty minutes later, the taxi arrived at Big Wool Hutong and I got out.    


Just like last time, the alley was still quiet and the lights were dim. There were very few people around.    


I followed the wall straight into the alley, straight to the end of the alley, and soon reached the same door as before.    


The door was still closed, and everything was quiet.    


I looked around, then did the same, pausing only a moment.    


The courtyard was quiet and dark. Other than the light coming from a window on the second floor of the small building, there was also the light coming from the window of the previous room.    


There didn't seem to be anyone in the yard, so I quietly jumped off the wall.    


Just as I landed on the ground, my lower leg seemed to have touched something subtle. Before I could react, my body suddenly felt an intense numbness, as though a powerful electric current had passed through my body. I involuntarily spasmed for a few times before my brain lost its intuition.    


This time I was finished faster than last time.    


After an unknown period of time, my brain regained consciousness, causing me to feel sore all over. My head was a little muddled, and my head hurt a little.    


He felt like he was lying on the bed, breathing in the strong smell of alcohol.    


F * ck, am I drunk again? What was that intense tremor and numbness just now?    


I slowly opened my eyes.    



He moved his arms and legs slightly. He could move his body, but he was not bound.    


Where was this? What happened just now?    


My eyes rolled around, adjusted to the darkness, and I saw a dark figure standing at the window.    


There was someone at the window. Who could it be?    


I groped in the darkness, reached for the bedside switch, and turned it on.    


Then the lights came on and I saw the man at the window — the Emperor.    


He was standing at the window with his back to me, looking out.    




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