Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1542 Fried with Iron Rod

C1542 Fried with Iron Rod

0"F * ck — —" Lee Shun couldn't help but laugh, but he held it in.    


"Commander, if I lose my position, I will not have the face to see you. I will kill myself in this position. My brothers and I will definitely join the battle to the death. "In order to liberate the Shan people, we are willing to sacrifice our lives and blood to protect the commander in chief and our revolutionary achievements." the commander said passionately.    


This was another hardcore fan who had been brainwashed by Lee Shun.    


"Yes." Lee Shun seemed to be very satisfied with his answer, he nodded, then looked at the sky outside, and said: "The day is about to come, and a new day is about to come. Today is New Year's Eve, and the old gramps is still in Tengchong, so I must return, and I must spend the new year with them. "Hai, it's one year less than one year."    


Lee Shun sounded a little sad.    


Then, Lee Shun was about to return to Tengchong.    


"I will rush back now. I'll leave everything here to you two. You two will be in charge of everything and can stay in touch whenever there's any situation. If there's anything important that you two are discussing, focus on the Vice Commander-in-chief." Lee Shun said, "I'm guessing that on this side, the other side might have some sort of reaction during the day, so we have to pay close attention to their movements. At the same time, we have to pay close attention to the west side and the northwest side."    


Qin nodded: "The west and northwest direction are surprisingly calm, so quiet that it makes me feel uneasy."    


After hearing Qin's words, I suddenly felt uneasy.    


Lee Shun said, "Who the hell cares, as long as it's calm, we'll be ready for battle. The main force will be placed in the middle and can be deployed to any direction at any time, so today is New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve. On the one hand, we have to be extra vigilant, but on the other hand, this year still needs to be over.    


Qin nodded in agreement.    


"Alright, I'm leaving!" Lee Shun got into the jeep.    


Qin and I will send him off.    


Just as the jeep was about to start, Lee Shun said to Qin and me: "That's right, let me see Zhang Mei who stayed at the headquarters. I forbid her from running around, and even more so, forbid her from going to Tengchong in private."    


Qin nodded in agreement.    


"If you don't listen, then put him in confinement!" Lee Shun gritted his teeth.    


Qin smiled bitterly.    


Then, Lee Shun left and returned to Tengchong.    


At this moment, the sky slowly brightened.    


We didn't sleep all night, and my eyelids twitched.    


Qin found a camp bed and told me to lie down for a while.    


I couldn't bear it anymore and didn't refuse.    


Qin didn't sleep and went out to check the defensive position.    


I lay down on the camp bed, covered myself with a military blanket, and fell fast asleep.    


After an unknown period of time, just as he was sleeping soundly, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded in his ears.    


I jolted and opened my eyes. I shook my head and sure enough, violent explosions could be heard from the direction of the river.    


Holy sh * t, it's a war! War!    


That was the first reaction in my mind.    


I got out of bed, touched an AK47 beside the bed, and rushed out.    


Just as he rushed to the door, he bumped into a person.    


The two of them retreated a few steps and saw that it was Qin.    


At some point, Qin had changed into a camouflage battle uniform, a helmet, and a gun.    


"The enemy attacked, didn't they?" I asked Qin.    


Qin shook his head: "No."    


"Then what was that explosion just now?" "No," I said.    


"A fallow cow ran into a minefield by the river, stepping on a chain of lightning and causing a series of explosions. The fodder was immediately blown to smithereens." Qin said.    


"Holy shit — that's it." I was relieved.    


"I came looking for you." Qin said.    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"Someone from the other side has arrived." Qin said.    


"Oh. "Who is it?" "No," I said.    


"There are three of them, an officer and two guards. The officer is the vice commander of the Self-Defense Forces." Qin said.    


"Oh. Where is he? " "No," I said.    


"It's near the riverside, and I want to see our superior officer. So, I'll report to you!" Qin said.    


"Let's go and meet them!" I started to walk out.    


"Wait a minute —" Qin said. "Do you want to change your clothes?"    


I looked at my clothes and nodded.    


Qin then found a camouflage battle uniform for me to put on, put on the helmet, and then Qin and I walked towards the river.    


There were three men standing by the river, two soldiers with submachine guns and an officer in uniform, wearing dark glasses, surveying our defensive position.    


Qin and I walked over.    


When he saw me coming, he took off his sunglasses.    



This was a tanned man around 40 years old with sharp eyes.    


"Vice Commander, this is our Vice Commander-in-chief!" Qin introduced.    


The other looked at me and then saluted me. I quickly returned the greeting and extended my hand.    


After shaking his hand, he spoke in his broken national language: "Mr. Vice Commander-in-chief, I represent the commander of the self-defense army of the Taipei people, we pay our respects to you and your commander in chief!"    


"Thank you, and please help me pay my respects to your commander!" "No," I said.    


"The commander-in-chief also asked me to express his gratitude to your commander-in-chief:" He said: "Your commander-in-chief has sent a letter to our commander-in-chief and he has received it. The commander read the letter carefully and asked me to tell him a few things. "    


"Go ahead!" "No," I said.    


"In addition to the respect and thanks just now from the commander in chief, he also said that first, although the Taipei Self-Defense Forces are part of Thailand, although we are Thai citizens, we are also Chinese. We are all Chinese people, just like you, we are all Chinese people with yellow skin, we all have the same roots, since we all have the same roots, we don't have to mix together.    


Secondly, even though we don't interact with each other normally, even though we might have some grudges in our hearts before, there isn't any conflict of interest, nor has there been any incident that would make us unhappy, nor have we done anything that would harm each other's interests, thus, there is no reason for a war to break out between us.    


Third, although both sides are currently eyeing the border like tigers, the principle of our general command is: If people don't offend me, I won't offend them; if people offend me, I'll definitely offend them. This is in accordance with what your commander in chief means, and since we are in agreement on this point, I think a certain degree of understanding and understanding can be reached between us.    


We absolutely do not intend to violate your plans, and we do not wish to take the lives of our soldiers and citizens as a joke either. I must explain this to Vice Commander-in-chief, and ask him to pass on this information to your commander in chief.    


Fourthly, in order to show our sincerity, we will take the initiative to retreat 2 km away from the riverside position and begin to evacuate after 2 hours.    


"Fifthly, if your commander in chief wishes to do so, at the right time and at the right time, our commander in chief welcomes you to our place. The commander in chief wishes to reach a permanent peace agreement with the commander in chief." "No," he said.    


After he had finished speaking, I thought for a moment and replied, "On behalf of the Commander, I welcome the arrival of the Vice Commander, thank you for your sincerity, express our appreciation and approval for your understanding of our relationship, and welcome your proposal, which we will certainly convey to the Commander. At the same time, I will also make a few statements on behalf of the Revolutionary Army.    


He looked at me.    


I continued to say, "Firstly, this is indeed the case. Although you are Thai nationals, you are the same as us, we are all descendants of the same ancestors, you are the descendants of the old national army, the civil war that resulted in your present results, this is the tragedy of our nation, history is developing forward, and all this is our own affair. We have to reconcile after fighting, and we have to get back together as long as we are together, this is the general trend in history.    


We are all Chinese. Although we are all in a foreign country, it is our Chinese heart that cannot be changed. It cannot be changed no matter where we go. The Chinese do not beat up the Chinese and cannot let foreigners watch us make fun of the infighting.    


Second, this time, the situation at the border between the two armies may have been caused by some misunderstanding. Perhaps you think that we wanted to attack you, but as for us, we also think that you want to attack us first. Perhaps someone took advantage of the estrangement between us, trying to incite us to start a war, hoping to wound us both, hoping to use your hands to achieve our own personal goals.    


It was this misunderstanding, combined with the lack of the necessary channels of communication between us, that led to a deeper and deeper misunderstanding, led to a false judgment of the current situation, led to the border between the two sides, and led to the imminent outbreak of war.    


Thirdly, it is precisely because we may have had some misunderstandings between us that our commander in chief has sent you a special favor for that letter and for the Japanese to send to you. The commander in chief's statement was very clear. If people did not offend him, he would not offend them. We would never shoot the Chinese first time, never at any time. You must understand and recognize this point.    


Fourthly, since you have decided to withdraw your position, we will certainly show good faith. I will immediately report this matter to the commander in chief and await his specific instructions.    


Fifth, your commander has proposed that the two sides reach a peace agreement, and I will definitely report it to the commander in chief immediately, and we will definitely respond as soon as possible. "    


After hearing my reply, he nodded his head in satisfaction and took the initiative to extend his hand, "Very good, I am very satisfied with Vice Commander-in-chief's answer. I am very happy to be your friend in the future and welcome you to our place as a guest at your headquarters when it's convenient!"    


I smiled. "Thank you, I will when it's convenient."    


He continued, "There's a river between us, so it's sometimes inconvenient for us to communicate when there's an emergency. According to the commander's instructions, I've brought our radio system and call frequency with me this time. I think from now on, we can contact each other directly through the radio!"    


He took out an envelope and handed it to me.    


I took it and said, "Yes, very good."    


Then, he saluted Qin and me with a military salute. "Then brother will take his leave!"    


Qin and I returned the greeting, "Go well!"    


After sending them off, Qin and I immediately returned to the forward command post and reported the situation to Lee Shun on the radio.    


At this time, it was already 8: 30 AM. According to the time, Lee Shun should have already arrived at the Tengchong. Even if Lee Shun didn't reach Tengchong, he could still receive messages, and his entourage carried a radio station.    


Just as he was sending a telegram to Lee Shun, Qin received a secret report from the intelligence agents on the other side: Wu De and his men had just been sent out of the country by the Taipei Civil Guards.    


Hearing this news, I immediately told the radio station to send this information to Lee Shun, and then looked at Qin and laughed. "Damn, everything seems to be as we expected." That old fox, Wu De, has been expelled. "    


Qin did not laugh. His brows were tightly knitted, as if he was deeply worried about something.    


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