Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1535 Fratricide

C1535 Fratricide

0The reason why we did not become friends is, first, that, in the eyes of the other party, we are bandits, drug dealers, evil forces against society, people who claim to be formal forces and disdain to deal with us as friends, and secondly, that the commander in chief has a deep hatred for their collective membership of Thai nationality, especially their involvement in the encirclement and suppression of the Thai Communist Party, and has always been deeply hostile to them. He has repeatedly said that they are not Chinese, that he does not recognize them as Chinese, and that he is not willing to extend his olive branch to them. "    


After listening to Qin's explanation, I couldn't help but become nervous. "Is Wu De trying to provoke a fight between two armed Chinese people? Does he want to instigate the Taipei militia to launch a surprise attack on us? "    


Qin did not say anything and frowned.    


I continued, "If that is the case, it would be a tragedy. Although they are Thai nationals, they are all Chinese. They are descendants of the Kuomintang, and their blood flows in their veins."    


Qin took a deep breath and said: "I will analyze with the commander in chief, there is such a possibility. From yesterday afternoon, according to our investigators, the enemy forces across the river were suddenly mobilized, and their numbers along the river were suddenly increased, ready to cross at any moment.    


Correspondingly, our forces along the river have increased a lot, and we are on alert in case they cross the river to launch a surprise attack. Right now, the two sides are at loggerheads, and the slightest mistake or fire caused by friction will lead to a huge battle. "    


Hearing this, my heart tightened even more.    


Seeing my nervous expression, Qin suddenly smiled.    


I don't understand why Qin can still laugh at a time like this.    


"Even though we're at a stalemate right now, I feel like things haven't gotten to a point where they can't be taken care of." Qin said.    


"Why do you say that?" "No," I said.    


"Just because they are also Chinese, even if they have joined Thailand, they are only the lowly citizens of Thailand. Whether they are willing to admit it or not, this is a fact that cannot be changed, and I don't believe that they will be willing to listen to Wu De's words and kill each other. After all, war is for the dead, our lives are for the dead, and theirs is also for the dead."    


Qin continued, "Also, although we are hostile to them, but we have never had any conflicts of interest, nor have we ever secretly attacked each other, so we don't have any grudges between us."    


"Are you so optimistic?" "No," I said.    


"Of course I can't be blindly optimistic. Even if I want to, I still have to fully guard against them and not be careless. As long as they don't take the initiative to attack us first, we will definitely not attack them. If they insist on fighting us, then we can only accompany them. Although they are not weak, we are not necessarily weak.    


At the same time, I'm using some of the channels and people on their side to get the latest information and, if possible, to do their job at the top of the decision-making hierarchy. Of course, this is just one side of our preparations. We still have to be prepared to fight at any time. After all, strength is the only way to speak. "    


"Oh." I nodded. "What capital does Wu De have to incite them to attack us?"    


That's what I want to know.    


"The commander in chief and I have analyzed this matter repeatedly and thought that there were two possibilities. The first was that Wu De had given them a lot of money as a condition of asking them to send troops to encircle and annihilate us," Wu said. These second-rate citizens of Thailand in the Taipei Mountains lived in poverty, had always been poor, and were given very little money by the Thai government. Their main sources of assistance were civil society organizations in Taiwan, overseas Chinese associations, and institutions in the United States.    


There was less American aid now, mainly because the Americans wanted to use it to control the force and they didn't want to do it, so the Americans didn't pay. Wu De's desire to exterminate bandits in the name of aid for the benefit of the people was too much. If Wu De gave them enough money, it was hard to say if they would be tempted by it.    


The second possibility is that Wu De used some sort of method or channel to give the other party information that is fake enough to make the other party think that we might be able to attack them during the Spring Festival. Therefore, they may have been preparing to attack us by the side of the river, or they may have been preparing for us to attack them. Of course, once they make a wrong judgement, they can also attack first to gain the upper hand. "    


I frowned.    


Qin continued to say: "Commander Wu De and I have also analyzed Wu De's real intention, and there seem to be two possibilities. The first is that Wu De really wants to use the Taipei Civil Guards to attack us, using money to pave the way, and money can make ghosts struggle, not to mention the fact that they are in need of financial assistance.    


If that is the case, then there will be three outcomes. The first is that the other party will accept Wu De's large amount of financial assistance and at the same time believe that we will attack them first, accept Wu De's conditions, and attack us on their own in the name of the righteous teacher, this is the worst outcome.    


The second result is that the other party accepts Wu De's financial aid and believes that we will attack them if we get the information, but we just have to put up a defensive front and not take the initiative to attack them, waiting for us to attack first. The moment we attack, the other party will immediately declare that they will defend themselves and counterattack us, attacking us with all their might. This kind of result is beneficial for us, Wu De can only feel helpless.    


The third result is that the other party doesn't accept Wu De's conditions and naturally, they don't accept Wu De's financial aid. However, at the same time, they still suspect the intelligence we gave them to attack. This kind of result is the most advantageous for us, so a great battle will naturally not break out. "    


I nodded. "Well, which of these three outcomes do you think has the highest probability of appearing?"    


"It's not easy to be sure right now. We have to analyze it based on the new information we have, so we have to be prepared for the worst possible scenario." Qin said.    


I said, "This is your first possibility. What about the second?"    


"The second possibility is that what Wu De is doing right now is just a pretense of what we know, he is making a false impression that he is trying to confuse us. From Manila, Philippines, to Bangkok, to the Taipei Mountains, he has been putting on an illusion all this time, even when he suddenly disappeared, it is also intentional," Wu said. "He actually knows that we can find him again, he has no intention of making us unable to find him, he has no intention of making us really unable to find him."    


The reason he did this was to create the credibility of his subsequent actions, to convince us that he really wanted to use the Taipei Self-Defense Force to attack us. His presence in the Taipei Self-Defense Force, which had triggered the tight mobilization of the Taipei Self-Defense Force, had been intended to draw our attention, to divert us from the true direction of the troop's deployment, to make a mistake in our judgement, and his real intention might have been in some other direction. The Taipei Self-Defense Force was just a smokescreen that he had released. Of course, this is only a possibility, it's just analysis. It's also possible that he is acting for real. "    


I pondered over Qin's words.    


"Also, it's Alai's side. Alai is now in the Kachin community in northern Maine, and according to our intelligence personnel, he is not alone. He has an unknown and mysterious person with him, and we are currently trying to find out his identity. " Qin said.    


"What is Alai doing in the Kachin tribe's residential area? What are the Kachin people doing? " "No," I said.    


"The Kachin people live in the mountains of northern Maine," Qin said. "They are known as Lower Burma and share the same family line as the Jingpang people in China. The Burmese, who make up 70 percent of the country's population, live on the natural and superior plains of Burma. They have also become the rulers of Central and Lower Burma, rich in grain and swarming with fish and shrimp. But the smaller Kachin people were excluded from the government cabinet, with the Burmese as its core, so ethnic conflicts often escalated.    


The Kachin soldiers were the soldiers of the earth division, commonly known as the mountain troops. In accordance with the tribe's tradition, all Kachin men were soldiers, and all of them had the duty of fighting for the division. These mountain troops varied in size, depending on the size of the territory they controlled. There were often several hundred soldiers, and their weapons varied in all kinds, including spears, sabers, bows and arrows, javelins, and gunpowder.    


In recent years, with the proliferation and development of arms smuggling in the Golden Triangle, the mountain soldiers' weapons have also changed. Those primitive cold weapons have begun to give way to AK47, American carbines, submachine guns and machine guns. The qualitative change in weapons reflects times and social progress, even though such slow progress comes at the cost of death and war.    


When the Kachin had arms, they demanded autonomy from the military government of Myanmar, which refused, and sent troops to besiege them, and the Division joined forces to fight against the army. The soldiers on the mountain did not have the advantage in numbers or weapons, but they were all born to be good hunters. They had sharp eyes and strong bodies, and they were good at climbing, climbing, and moving through the jungle.    


The Kachin soldiers, bare-chested and barefoot, walked among the thorns as if they were walking on flat ground. They swung nimbly on the trees like monkeys, firing stealthily, or assaulting the army like leopards. In the event of a war, the mountaineers must obey the government's command and assist the government in the war. "    


My heart jumped: "Did Alai go to contact the Kachin people? Was he trying to join forces with them to attack us? "The mysterious person with Alai, is he from the government army?"    


Qin said: "This can't be ruled out. I am arranging for people to find out the identity of the mysterious person. If it is confirmed that they are from the government, then it is very likely that they are joining forces with the Kachin to do something.    


The northwestern part of our jurisdiction is separated from the Kachin territory by the Salwin River, where the Kachin used to swim across the river to steal ripe crops and rape mountain women. The guards found that those who stole crops were usually driven away, but they were not polite to the Kachin who raped women. Although they have never taken revenge, their superiors must have a problem with us. They might take the opportunity to take revenge this time.    


However, the commander in chief and I analyzed that Alai's actions could also be an act. Wu De knows that we can find the whereabouts of Alai, so he deliberately confused us with it, deliberately made Alai disappear, and then appeared again in Northern Maine, causing us to make a wrong judgement and attract our troops to the northwest. Adding the Taipei people's self-defense force to the south, this is enough to attract most of our troops.    


"And all of this seems to be to conceal his real intention. "Of course, we can't rule out the possibility of the Kachin taking part in the war. After all, they have an agreement with the government and they have a grudge with us."    


"What was your real intention?" "What's your intention?" I looked at Qin.    


"Directly to the west is the powerful army of the Government of Myanmar." Qin said calmly.    


My heart skipped a beat as I looked at Qin.    


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