Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1608 Well-planned

C1608 Well-planned

0"It's not only within the Hsinghai, I'm afraid that once Zhang Mei left the Golden Triangle, she would be targeted. The escorts along the way, including Lin Yaru and the others did not notice anything. This means that the other party is planning it meticulously. " "No," I said.    


"Brother Yi, do you think Wu De arranged for this to happen? Or was it done by our enemies in Golden Triangle? " Faang Aiguo said.    


I didn't say anything.    


"Or was it something that Wu De and our enemies at Golden Triangle planned together?" Faang Aiguo said again.    


Hearing Faang Aiguo's words, my heart stirred.    


At this moment, Du Jianguo Zhou Dajun and Yang Xinhua returned with a travel bag. He opened it to reveal weapons, silencers and grenades.    


"Put the silencer on." "No," I said.    


They began to do so.    


I then took out my cell phone and called Wu De.    


Ye Zichen didn't expect Wu De to turn off his phone, so he couldn't get through.    


Wu De's phone is usually not off, why did it suddenly shut down today? Was there no electricity or was it deliberately shut down? I was restless.    


I called Dong Xue and got through.    


"Ke — —" Dong Xue's voice came over the phone.    


"Dong Xue, can I ask you something?" "No," I said.    


"Oh. "What is it?" Dong Xue said.    


"Where is Wu De now?" "No," I said.    


"Is he in Hsinghai?" Dong Xue said.    


"What, you're not sure?" "No," I said.    


"I travelled to Taiyuan yesterday, and still haven't returned yet. When I left yesterday, he was still in Hsinghai, so he should still be here today, right?" Dong Xue said, "What? What's the matter? Why are you looking for him? "    


I said, "Oh. "There's a small matter I need to talk to him about. It's related to his business with our corporation. Just now, his phone was turned off, so I wanted to ask if you knew where he was. I wanted to talk to him face to face."    


"Why is business so urgent? Must I look for him at night? I think you're lying! " Dong Xue immediately saw through my lie.    


"I'm not lying!" "No," I said.    


"You must be lying. Tell me, why are you looking for Wu De?" Dong Xue said.    


"I …" I stammered.    


I can't tell Dong Xue the truth. If I do, Dong Xue will add insult to injury. She hates everyone and everything that has to do with Lee Shun, except for me.    


If she knew that the woman that was very important in Lee Shun's heart, Zhang Mei, had gone missing, and it might even be Wu De, she would definitely gloat. Not only would she not help me, she might even inform Wu De, because she hoped that Wu De could kill Lee Shun.    


"What is it?" Dong Xue said.    


"It's nothing, it's really nothing. It's just a matter of business!" I persisted.    


Dong Xue was silent for a moment, then grunted and hung up.    


I thought, Dong Xue was suddenly sent on a business trip at such a time, is Wu De intentionally avoiding Dong Xue? This wasn't the first time something like this had happened.    


If that's the case, then it means that Wu De doesn't completely trust Dong Xue. Although he can't doubt that Dong Xue is Lee Shun's snitch, but he seems to be suspecting whether Dong Xue and I are still connected. His reason for guarding against Dong Xue is to guard against me.    


If Wu De started to distrust Dong Xue, then why did he continue using her? Was he using Dong Xue, or was he simply suspecting her without solid evidence? Or was it just a coincidence that Wu De did not have any doubts about Dong Xue?    


Had Dong Xue also sensed Wu De's most incomplete trust, or even suspicion? Was it something to do with her recent sale of the company and the house? Did she have a premonition that she might not know when danger was coming?    


My heart clenched at the thought.    


It seems that I can't see through Wu De's people, except for Alai. I can't see through Wu De, I can't see through the bodyguard, I can't see through the emperor, I can't even see through Dong Xue.    


So many do not see through, let me feel very confused and depressed, feel very stupid.    


Although I've always thought of myself as a smart person, maybe being too smart is stupid.    


I am now.    


At this moment, Faang Aiguo and the others had already equipped their weapons with silencers. The bullets were full and the short ones were put on their bodies. The long ones were still in the travel bag and the grenades were hanging on their waists.    


And I don't even know where Wu De is yet.    


I then called the Emperor. After a long time, the call was connected. The Emperor's lazy voice came out, "Hello —"    


"It's me." "No," I said.    


"Oh. Brother Yi, I've already slept, why are you calling me? " The Emperor yawned as he spoke.    


"Where are you?" "No," I said.    


"Sleeping in the dorm, what's the matter? What's the matter? " The Emperor said.    


"Let me ask you something." "No," I said.    




"Where's Wu De?" "No," I said.    


"Are you looking for the general?" Just call him! " The Emperor said.    


"His phone is off!" "No," I said.    


"Oh. The phone was switched off. Maybe there was no more electricity. "Then find me tomorrow." The Emperor said.    



"I must find him tonight!" "No," I said.    


"What?" The Emperor said.    


"This …" I thought for a moment and said, "I'm here to have tea with him."    


"Tea? "Haha." The Emperor laughed, "I thought it was just a matter of tea. Why would you drink it so late? We'll invite him to drink again tomorrow. "    


"No, I have to drink tea tonight. At the same time, I have something very important to discuss with him." "No," I said.    


"Something very important? "What is it?"    


"I can't tell you that!" "No," I said.    


"What is it? Dude, you're still keeping secrets from me? You don't see me as your friend anymore? " The Emperor said.    


"Let's put it this way, the things I talked about with him were matters of business cooperation between him and our group. I was ordered by the leader to talk about it with him, it involves the Trade Secret." "No," I said.    


"The leader's order is Secretary Sun's instructions. And Trade Secret, what's so important about cooperating with your group? Besides, Secretary Sun is very close to the general. If there's really something important, he would talk to the general directly. The Emperor also saw through my lies, "Alright, since you are unwilling to tell me the truth, then there is no need for me to waste words with you. I am currently sleeping, and I need to continue sleeping."    


I panicked. "Are you going to tell me or not?"    


"Hehe, you don't trust me, and you don't even treat me as a friend. Why should I tell you?" The Emperor laughed.    


"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, what I said was the truth. I really made an offer to drink tea with Wu De tonight. I want to discuss business matters with him!" "No," I said.    


"You're already the Party Committee Office Elder, and still want to talk about business? Bullshit." The Emperor yawned again, "Alright, I won't waste your breath. Tonight, I was instructed by the General to entertain a group of guests at Crown Hotel, I drank too much. F * ck, I'm the only one who drank with me tonight. Alai and the bodyguards didn't drink, so I'm the one risking my life to accompany you.    


Before the winery had even finished, the two fellows had already left. It was unknown where they had gone to. I wanted to settle the score with the two of them, but I didn't see them in the Crown. "Alright, let's stop talking. I need to go back to sleep. Don't disturb me anymore. Kiss, good night."    


With that, the Emperor hung up.    


I wondered what the last part of the Emperor's speech meant.    


The Emperor's seemingly unintentional complaint seemed to reveal several pieces of information.    


First, he had followed Wu De's instructions to accompany the guests tonight. This meant that Wu De did not participate in tonight's winery in Crown Hotel. This meant that Wu De might not be at his old hotel.    


Second, the bodyguard came out. It was very easy for Wu De to get his bodyguards out. With Lei Zheng around, the matter of the Hsinghai and political system was nothing to Wu De.    


Third, tonight, the bodyguard and Alai drank with the Emperor, but neither of them drank, only the Emperor drank with his own hands. Why didn't they drink? It was probably Wu De's words.    


Fourth, they left the winery before it was over. Who else but Wu De could order them around? Why did they leave in advance? Where did he go and what did he do?    


Fifth, after the bodyguards and Alai left, the Emperor did not find them at Crown Hotel. In other words, they were not at Crown Hotel. They usually followed closely behind Wu De. Since they weren't in the crown, this meant that Wu De shouldn't be around either.    


The Emperor's short words seemed to convey some information to me. Even though he said that he wouldn't tell me, he still used such a euphemistic way to hint me. I don't know if he said it on purpose or not, but at least it helped me.    


Since Wu De wasn't in the crown, then, where would he go? If he really had arranged for someone to take Zhang Mei away, then where would he place Zhang Mei? Where was the most suitable place?    


I focused my mind and suddenly I saw the villa in the suburbs, the villa that used to belong to Bai Laosan and now belonged to Wu De. That villa is also one of Wu De's old nests.    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. Zhang Mei was most likely taken there.    


No matter if it was there or not, he had to go check it out.    


At this point, there was no time to think about it, and he had no other choice.    


Thinking about this, I looked at Faang Aiguo and the others and said in a short voice: "Let's go, come with me —"    


We went out at once, went downstairs, got into the car, and drove off into the night.    


As I drove, I checked the time. It was 10: 20 P.M.    


We were silent in the car as it sped through the night toward the suburbs.    


I don't know if my previous reasoning was accurate or not, but based on the current situation, Zhang Mei's special identity, Zhang Mei's relationship with Lee Shun, and Wu De and Lee Shun's current situation, I could only make such an analysis.    


At the same time, it seemed to be the only solution I could take at the moment. I understood that if something happened to Zhang Mei, the consequences would be more than just Zhang Mei's safety.    


If I can't find Zhang Mei's whereabouts before daybreak, then I can only report to headquarters. Even if I don't report, Faang Aiguo will still follow his previous practice and directly report to headquarters. No one can afford to procrastinate.    


We quickly arrived at the villa in the suburbs. I didn't drive in, but followed the route Fourth Brother and I took last time and drove directly into the forest near the villa complex. I drove along the mountain road to the back of the villa complex and arrived at the place where we parked our cars last time.    


It was pitch black all around him, and the forest seemed very quiet in the darkness.    


After extinguishing the fire, we quietly got out of the car in the dark. When we got out, Faang Aiguo pressed a gun into my hand. Then I led them quickly up the mountain trail to the back of the villa complex.    


He climbed over the back wall and lightly landed on the ground. He hid himself and approached the villa in the corner of the villa complex.    


The lights were on in the villa. The lights were on on on on the first and second floors.    


There is indeed someone here. My initial judgement is correct.    


About 30 meters away from the villa, I stopped and made a few gestures towards Faang Aiguo, indicating that they should hide nearby. Then, I slowly observed my surroundings as I approached the villa.    


It was also very quiet around the villa, and no one could be seen moving about.    


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