Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1553 Utilized Tools

C1553 Utilized Tools

0A lot of shells suddenly fell from the sky, like hail, and before many people could understand what was going on, they were blown away like the most magical wizards casting their spells and making them disappear into the clear air. Those who were lucky enough to survive were also shaken to the point where their ears could no longer hear anything, turning them into a stupefied deaf person.    


Then the fire burned, and many of those who climbed the tree were burned alive, or dropped to their deaths. The Revolutionary Army threw all kinds of bullets at them. In the death-shrouded trap, all agility, agility, and agility, and even crying and praying, were useless.    


The Kachin leader regretted that he had been cheated by the government to make enemies of the Han people, and had been left behind as a scapegoat. How could a rabbit be an enemy of a hunter?    


Actually, this chief Ke Qin was still in the dark and thought that he was fighting for the government. How could he not know that he was being used by Wu De? Wu De didn't come forward to deal with them directly. Everything was done in the name of Alai and that government representative. Even the payment was given through the government representative. In reality, the amount of money that had actually landed in their hands was already very little.    


Just as they were in despair due to their foolish mistakes, the sounds of gunfire suddenly stopped.    


Qin's condition was that as long as the Kachin people guaranteed that they would never be enemies with Revolutionary Army ever again and coexist peacefully, they would remove the encirclement and let them go home.    


Qin understood the strategy of 'attacking the heart is the best'. He did not intend to exterminate the enemy completely. He only wanted to let the bullets and bullets destroy the bravery and confidence of the Kachin tribe in order to turn the enemy into a friend and achieve a peaceful goal once and for all.    


The leader accepted Qin's conditions and the two of them drank the chicken blood wine together. To show their sincerity, the leader cut off his little finger on the spot and swore to God that Qin would generously return guns and ammunition to them for self-defense. The two armies finally turned their hostility into friendship, and from then on, they lived in peace, no longer using force or force.    


And so, a great battle ended.    


The course of the war, though it may sound grand and even fantastic, I must say it is true.    


Of course, if anyone didn't believe it, there was nothing they could do.    


Actually, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't participated in it myself.    


This was a war between the Revolutionary Army and the three forces. It was also a war between Lee Shun and the mastermind of the three forces, Wu De.    


In this war, Wu De hid himself very well. From thousands of miles away, he observed the battle from the sidelines, as if everything that happened here had nothing to do with him.    


Although he had obtained victory in this battle, it seemed as if he had obtained nothing. Other than the fact that his territory had not been destroyed, he had gained stability.    


Wu De, on the other hand, didn't seem to have any advantages. Even though he lost several hundred million, he still didn't get the result he wanted to see. He didn't achieve the goal of destroying Lee Shun and his Revolutionary Army.    


It seemed that the Burmese military government had made a profit and made a windfall from Wu De.    


It seemed that this was a war with no real victors, but at least Lee Shun did not lose, while Wu De had suffered heavy losses.    


This war had only lasted a few days. Because of the closed down Golden Triangle region and the fact that there were no conflicts of interest between the various international organizations, as well as the fact that the military government of Myanmar was interested in some aspects, they simply pretended to be deaf and mute and did not make any official public statements or report on the battle. Thus, although this war was shocking to the heavens and shook the earth in the Golden Triangle area, it did not attract any special attention from the outside world.    


This war had greatly shaken Revolutionary Army's reputation in the Golden Triangle region, and Revolutionary Army had actually destroyed the Mercenaries, which had spread far and wide. This caused the large and small forces of Golden Triangle to feel terrified, and they all sent people over to congratulate him on joining the army.    


I think that right now, they might still have some lingering fear or even be glad that they didn't fight with Revolutionary Army back then.    


On the morning of the eighth day, Lee Shun, Qin and Zhang Mei appeared at the Grand Hotel in Bangkok.    


Last night, I received news from Qiu Tong that she and my parents have finished their Spring Festival tour on Mugwort. Her parents have already returned home, and she has brought Little Snow back to Hsinghai. She has already started working.    


I knew that she must have been restless the last few days without any messages from me. After receiving my reply, she was finally able to relax.    


I knew she must be very worried about me, very concerned about me, just as I was concerned about her.    


She still didn't ask me where I was or what I was doing these days.    


I know she didn't ask. She was afraid to know something.    


The day before yesterday, Lee Shun's parents had already successfully returned to the Hsinghai.    


The members of the special forces who were in charge of protecting them did not leave. They continued to protect them from the shadows.    


It was the same in Australia. Hai Zhu, Haifeng and the rest had been receiving the Special Warrior's secret protection.    


When we left for Bangkok, Zhang Mei asked to come with us. For some reason, Lee Shun agreed readily.    


I noticed in particular that Zhang Mei had her own private room when she arranged the rooms.    


Actually, I noticed one thing when I was at Golden Triangle these few days, that is, Lee Shun and Zhang Mei are not living together. Lee Shun lives in the headquarters and Zhang Mei lives in another place.    


This discovery confused me at the same time, at the same time, it also made me feel a little surprised. It also made me feel that there was something wrong, but I was unable to pinpoint where it was. I had always thought that Lee Shun and Zhang Mei must be living together in an open space at Golden Triangle, but I didn't expect that they were living separately.    


I don't know how Lee Shun planned it, nor did I know what Zhang Mei was thinking.    


Lee Shun had always behaved in a weird way. Zhang Mei also seemed to be like that, but the two of them were quite compatible.    


On the eve of this war, Zhang Mei was slapped and scolded by Lee Shun. After that, she became more obedient and obediently led the logistics and officer's families to retreat to Laos on the other side of the Mekong River.    


Zhang Mei didn't seem to complain about Lee Shun slapping her. She seemed to know Lee Shun was doing it for her own good. Lee Shun, on the other hand, seemed to regret his slap to Zhang Mei. After Zhang Mei left, she slapped him hard.    


These two people seemed to be a pair of enemies. Lee Shun was a demon king, and Zhang Mei liked a demon lord like Lee Shun. She was willing to follow him, with the attitude of never leaving him, even if it meant death.    


Thinking about Zhang Mei and Lee Shun's love past, thinking about Xiao Xue and seeing them now, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.    


After I checked in, I opened mobile international roaming and immediately sent a text message to Qiu Tong: "I am now in Bangkok Hotel."    


This is the first time I've taken the initiative to tell Qiu Tong I'm there.    


Very soon, he received a reply from Qiu Tong, "Oh, are you two together? Is he safe? "    


While Qiu Tong was concerned about me, she was also concerned about Lee Shun. I replied, "Yes, he is safe."    


"That's good. I'm at the office and have started working. When are you coming back?" she asked me.    


"I don't know." I replied.    


I don't know when Lee Shun will let me go, I don't know why he took me and Qin to Bangkok, and I don't know where he's going next.    


With Lee Shun, I don't have any right to freedom.    


"Alright, remember to visit your parents when you come back. Although the excuse of being on duty during Spring Festival is reasonable, you can't always be on duty, right?" "No," she said.    


"Yes." "No," I replied.    


She was silent.    



I said, "Do you want to know where I am these days? Do you want to know what happened during that time?"    


She immediately replied, "No, I don't want to. Don't tell me. I don't want to know anything about what happened to you during this period of time. Please don't tell me."    


"Why?" "No," I said.    


"I'm afraid to hear that!" "No," she said.    


It is just as I thought.    


At that moment, Qin knocked on the door and came in. He said that Lee Shun had asked me to come over.    


I sent her the last message: "Alright, let's not chat anymore. I'm busy now!"    


"Yes." She replied.    


Then I put away my phone and went to Lee Shun's room with Qin.    


When Qin and I went in, Zhang Mei was inside, opening Lee Shun's suitcase to get his clothes and daily necessities. It was as if taking care of Lee Shun's life was a matter of course for her. Although they weren't living together, she still did her duty as Lee Shun's woman.    


Perhaps in Zhang Mei's heart, although Lee Shun didn't live with her now, she had already regarded herself as Lee Shun's woman. Regardless of whether she had substantial conduct or real status, Zhang Mei had already accepted it.    


Thinking of this, I felt rather regretful in my heart.    


"Zhang Mei, you go out first. I need to talk to Qin, Yi Ke." Lee Shun said.    


Lee Shun spoke to Zhang Mei in a very gentle tone. It seemed that Lee Shun was still regretting the slap he gave to Zhang Mei on impulse that day.    


Zhang Mei looked at Qin and me. She smiled and said, "Alright, I'll go downstairs to take a look. You guys can talk."    


Zhang Mei went out and closed the door behind her.    


Qin and I looked at Lee Shun. Lee Shun took a deep breath and looked at me and Qin. "It seems like I had a dream. I woke up from a dream."    


Qin and I didn't say anything. Yes, it was indeed like a dream, a nightmare.    


Lee Shun stood up, walked to the window and looked outside. After a moment of silence, he said, "Qin, contact him. I want to talk to him."    


While speaking, Lee Shun turned around. His face was a bit gloomy and his tone was cold.    


Qin and I naturally knew who Lee Shun was talking about.    


Lee Shun wants to talk to Wu De.    


Qin picked up the phone to start dialing, Lee Shun added: "No lifting!"    


Lee Shun obviously didn't have any intention of making me and Qin leave.    


The call quickly connected.    


"Hello?" Wu De's deep voice came from the phone.    


Just by this "Hello", I was sensitive to Wu De's extremely depressed mood.    


Naturally, after tormenting himself for so long, he put in so much money at the expense of his life and plotted so much effort. With such a meticulous plan gone bankrupt, it was conceivable for him to feel depressed.    


Of course, perhaps I had my own subjective awareness of this feeling.    


Although Wu De's scheme had gone bankrupt, the current Lee Shun didn't seem to have any joy in winning. His face was gloomy as he coldly stared at the phone.    


I seemed to be able to understand Lee Shun's lack of victory and joy. After being tossed back and forth for so many days, with so many people dead and injured, this could have been avoided had it not been for Wu De playing tricks on them.    


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