Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1549 Latest Information

C1549 Latest Information

0According to the latest intelligence obtained by Qin, Wu De had voluntarily sent people to contact Mercenaries and promised them in the name of the army of the Government of Myanmar that if they defeated or eliminated the Revolutionary Army team, Mercenaries would reap great rewards and could also provide them with a long-term camp in the Golden Triangle. Of course, the precondition of all this was victory.    


For Ba Dan, this was a great opportunity to take over the market. To win this battle and eliminate Lee Shun's Revolutionary Army, it was the same as establishing the image of a business. If there were troubles for the African governments in the future, they would pay to hire them. Once the situation was set in motion, there would be no worries, no battles, and no money rolling in from the business.    


Thinking of the impending victory, of the money rolling in, of the stable base camp, I thought I saw Colonel Badan twitch his goatee, and he had a large Havana cigar in his mouth, and as the smoke rose, a contemptuous, sneering ripple spread from the corner of his mouth.    


The Mercenaries Squadron consisted of three old rifle battalions, numbering around four thousand. The Burmese Army was responsible for providing aerial cover and artillery support. They were professional soldiers, trained to use AK47 assault rifles. The Gurkha soldiers had a tradition of practicing martial arts. Each of them carried a shining long sword at their waist, so if they fought bravely in close combat, they would not be able to block it.    


He crossed the Manipur Valley from the eastern Indian border into Burma by night, then boarded a dugout truck waiting for him on the Western Line. The Burmese reported that Revolutionary Army was passing through their traditional Spring Festival, which was a natural opportunity to launch a flurry of attacks, just like how the Germans had flailed at Russia and the Japanese had ambushed Pearl Harbor. However, due to the lack of coordination of the Burmese Army s with which their discipline had loosened and the fact that they had deliberately avoided New Year's Eve, which was a day on which the Revolutionary Army was destined to be exceptionally vigilant, the attack on the Mercenaries s was only able to be fully launched on the third day of the new year.    


With the start of the forward battle, the Revolutionary Army troops retreated, and the enemy troops quickly followed up after crossing the river.    


He, I and Qin immediately went to the front to command the troops to fight. At the same time, in order to prevent the war from ending in failure, Lee Shun ordered Zhang Mei, as the last resort, to gather the support personnel and family members and retreat to the Lao territory across the Mekong River.    


"I'm not going, I want to go to the front with you!" Zhang Mei did not listen to Lee Shun.    


"F * ck, a war is a dead man, why would a woman like you be on the front lines!" Lee Shun scolded.    


"What's there to fear about a dead person? I'm not scared. I must go to the front line with you. If you want to die, then die together." Zhang Mei insisted.    


"Bastard!" Lee Shun suddenly slapped Zhang Mei. Then, he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Zhang Mei's head. "If you don't listen to me, I'll shoot you right now!"    


"Even if you kill me, I want to be with you!" Zhang Mei covered her face and stared at Lee Shun.    


Lee Shun flew into a rage and roared: "Then I'll fulfill your wish!"    


Qin and I busied ourselves. Qin held Lee Shun, took the gun, and I pulled Zhang Mei away.    


I said to Zhang Mei, "When are you going to be so petty? Do you know that if you delay the situation like this, it will harm everyone else? Now that we are in a state of war, everyone must obey his orders, and you are no exception! "    


Zhang Mei bit her lips and looked at me. "Alright, I'll listen to your orders! "Let's go!"    


With that, Zhang Mei glared at Lee Shun and said, "F * ck, you have to come back alive for me! "Remember, remember this. If you die, I won't live another minute."    


Zhang Mei then wiped her eyes and turned to leave.    


Watching Zhang Mei leave, Lee Shun was stunned for a long time. He suddenly raised his right hand and slapped his own face.    


Then we went straight to the western front, where the first fighting had broken out, and the battle on the northwest front had not yet begun.    


Because of the enemy's attack, Lee Shun, after arriving, accepted Qin's suggestion and set up the forward command center on the mountainside.    


Standing at the command post, we raised our binoculars and looked down.    


Through my binoculars, I could see the ants squirming at the mouth of the Wolf's Nest. The dense fog seemed to be surging beneath my feet, and the gray enemies hurried across the gap and disappeared into the milky mist.    


A moment later the shadow of the enemy vanguard appeared on the ridge again, first in a line, then in the high, low trees.    


Qin put down the binoculars and said to Lee Shun and me: "The enemy is still waiting for the main force to arrive, so the battle will not really start yet."    


Lee Shun nodded, turned around and called out: "Guards, bring me a pack of poker cards!"    


The guard took a pack of cards from his pocket and handed it to him.    


Lee Shun chuckled, made a gossip on the ground, and then shouted at the others to come down and gamble. When he turned over all his cards one by one, he just happened to be missing a spade tip. His subordinates stretched their necks and waited noisily to see how Lee Shun's luck was.    


Qin also joined in with a poker card in his hand as he smiled.    


At that time, the sun was still in the clouds and the valley was half dark. The air was filled with the sweet scent of vegetation and the enemy troops were still gathering.    


At this moment, an invisible cold current quietly attacked from behind, freezing Qin's hand that was holding the poker card in the air. The peace before the great war had not yet broken, the sky was clear, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping merrily in the branches.    


Qin suddenly threw down his card, pulled out his gun and fired a warning shot into the air. The enemy plane is here! "    


Sure enough, soon there was a deafening roar of aircraft engines, and two unidentified, old-fashioned British "water buffalo" fighter planes flew aggressively over the position.    


To the Revolutionary Army who was caught off guard, this was the start of a calamity. Like a joke with the people on the ground, the planes dropped bombs of all sizes, and the smoke from the explosions bloomed like a mushroom cloud on top of the hill. The plane took turns to dive and fire, as if performing a flying technique, creating hot death tornadoes on the Revolutionary Army position.    


The people were at a loss. They had no anti-aircraft fortifications, no anti-aircraft weapons, and many had no experience in air defense and didn't know how to dodge air strikes. They were gripped by fear and held on to the ground while they waited to be beaten.    


Just as the first wave of air strikes ended, the second batch of fighter jets started flying again. They continued circling at low altitudes, whistling, firing, bombing, and firing. The forest caught fire, the fortifications collapsed, and the blast from the bomb sent the dead man's body flying into the sky.    


A few panicking soldiers jumped out of the trench to escape, and the plane, like an eagle chasing a chick, mercilessly fired a barrage of machine-gun bullets at them, causing them to stagger like drunkards and fall to the ground, motionless.    


The pilot took the old propeller plane to treetop height, and a strong current of air passed under the wing, knocking over the thatched roof of the village.    


"Damn, these pilots are too arrogant and unscrupulous. "Listen to my orders!" Qin started to organize a counterattack during the air raid. He quietly organized the machine gun to form a crossfire net and waited for the enemy aircraft to swoop down before he opened fire.    


As if these pilots had never really fought before, flying these old and worn out planes was something that they thought they were capable of. Therefore, when these Revolutionary Army s on top of the hill suddenly opened fire on the plane, when the pilots were completely unprepared, they shot out concentrated machine gun bullets, not randomly retaliating, but instead, they intersected each other's firepower net in the air, instantly trapping the two planes within the firepower net.    


A plane exploded in flames and crashed into a very ancient tree, killing both the pilot and the tree. Another plane tried to pull up when it was hit, like a wounded bird flapping its wings in despair, and finally fell diagonally before it could fly, daubing a vivid line of ink in the clear blue sky.    


The brave pilot escaped with his life and was rescued by friends on the ground.    


Of course, shooting down the plane was an inspiring victory. The soldiers lying in the trenches cheered excitedly. Everyone was in high spirits, and even Qin, who never lost his composure, threw his helmet into the air, tears of excitement flowing down his face.    


Lee Shun gave Qin a thumbs up. "Chief of staff, good job!"    


But the joy of victory did not last long, and there was a sound at the foot of the mountain, like a great drumstick thumping on the earth.    


The air was frozen for a split-second before it shattered, and people heard even more hammers hammering. Along with the ear-piercing screech, countless metal balls of death clanged noisily across the treetops like black crows, producing a loud, earthshaking rumble. The tree was uprooted and the soil was thrown into the air.    


Everyone suddenly came to their senses: this was a true heavy cannon, the enemy had attacked.    


However, the enemy's heavy artillery didn't seem to have any strategy behind it, and its accuracy seemed to have been greatly reduced. However, a single hit on the crowd would result in terrible casualties.    


Lee Shun immediately ordered the leader of the special forces: "You, bring your men down to the river. There are two missions. First, find the enemy's airport and blast the airport. If you can't complete the mission, come and see me with your head lowered! "    


"Yes …" The captain replied.    


Qin then called for the captain to go over. He took the military map and told him the location of the airport and the heavy artillery position, then the captain quickly left with Special Warrior.    



Then Wu said to Lee Shun and me, "According to my judgement, the enemy's airport is not far from here. I checked the map and found that there was only one military airport nearby, which was abandoned during the Second World War. It is very possible that they used this airport to bombard us.    


Besides, they don't have many planes, only four of them are flying back and forth. After we killed two of them, there are only two of them left, which means the Burmese military is reluctant to invest into the real air force.    


There are no more than six cannons in that heavy artillery area. The intensity of the cannons is very sparse and the drop point is also very casual. The accuracy is also very poor.    


"Killing these cannons at the airport would at least be a blow to their morale!" "No," I said.    


Qin nodded his head: "This time, a few Burmese Army s are mainly involved in the battle, it seems like the Myanmar Army is not willing to use their real main force, and is not willing to invest their all, we just need to send a few more no-name army to deal with Wu De, and the main force that we need to deal with should be Mercenaries. And the Kachins in the Northwest. "    


Lee Shun and I nodded.    


At that moment the enemy shelling stopped, and the battlefield fell silent for a moment.    


There were a few deaths and injuries at Revolutionary Army and the hospital was busy bandaging up the patients.    


I raised my binoculars and saw that the valley was swarming with soldiers like ants toward our front lines.    


"I'll go to the front!" Qin said.    


"I'll go too," I said.    


Qin looked at me and nodded.    


"You guys be careful!" Lee Shun warned.    


In the dry season with the billowing smoke, the hot air of the Golden Triangle filled the dry and fragrant air of the earth and the wild hibiscus flowers, the poppies had withered and the pots of fruit were quietly growing on the stems. The harvest season had come.    


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