Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1526 Push and Drag

C1526 Push and Drag

0"However, I also know Asun's temperament. He has been spoiled by me since he was young, and now that I'm playing around outside, it's hard to keep his heart for a while. If I let him get married, he might not agree happily, and he might have to find all kinds of reasons to delay his marriage.    


I think you and Asun are of the same age and have a close relationship, so I think, at the right time, you should try to persuade him, tell him the benefits of having a family, tell him that a man needs a family and a sense of responsibility. He won't listen to what we say, and maybe he'll listen to what you say. So, Yi, Auntie will be counting on you. " "Mrs Lee said.    


So Mrs Lee called me here today for two things. One is to inquire about Jin Jingze and Jin Jingxiu, and secondly, to ask me to persuade Lee Shun and Qiu Tong to marry as soon as possible.    


At this moment, my heart was in a mess. Facing Mrs Lee's earnest request, I could only nod my head and say, "Oh, okay. Auntie, I will do my best to persuade him, but whether or not my words will work or not, I don't know."    


Seeing that I agreed, Mrs Lee was very happy, "It doesn't matter if it's Cheng or not, as long as you do your best. Talking to him is actually more useful than talking to you, Uncle Lee.    


"I'll do my best when I have time." I said again.    


After chatting for a while longer, I looked at Mrs Lee's watch and knew that it was time to go, so I got up and said goodbye.    


When he left, he saw that Mrs Lee was still holding onto the promotional brochure of the Today Group.    


This trip gave me a clear message, that within this year, Mrs Lee will let Lee Shun and Qiu Tong marry according to her wishes.    


Of course, Lee definitely had this intention.    


Of course, I'm not talking about the Lunar calendar this year, I'm talking about the Lunar calendar.    


A few days later, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee flew straight to the Yanjing and participated in the annual presentation of the national newspaper management system.    


The venue for the meeting was the Yanjing International Hotel, which was also where they would eat.    


The three of us are all in a single room. Sun Dongkai has his own suite while Cao Lee and I are in an ordinary single room.    


Of course, I knew Cao Lee would come to Sun Dongkai's room at night.    


It's none of my business whether she stays or not, as long as she doesn't bother me.    


The session was held for one day, with the presentation of prizes in the morning and typical statements in the afternoon.    


I do not have the task of speaking. Sun Dongkai has the right to speak on behalf of the group.    


The meeting went smoothly.    


Shortly before five in the afternoon, Sun Dongkai was giving a typical speech on stage with his eyebrows raised. I was sitting in the last row, listlessly listening to him sleep.    


Cao Lee sat in the first few rows. She was chatting with a handsome man who was a stranger to her.    


At this moment, my phone received a text message from Faang Aiguo.    


Faang Aiguo told me a piece of news: The Emperor just took off from Hsinghai Airport, destination: Yanjing.    


I lost all feeling of sleepiness.    


The Emperor wants the Yanjing!    


I'm at the Yanjing, what's he doing there?    


Wu De is in Manila, Philippines. Why would he come to Yanjing?    


I immediately replied to Faang Aiguo with a text message, telling him to report to the base camp. Through the base camp, I told the people at Yanjing Station to monitor the Emperor's actions, and to keep me informed.    


Then I continued to sit in the conference room and listen to typical statements.    


Very quickly, my phone received a contact signal from the person in charge of the Yanjing team.    


An hour later, through the Yanjing Group, I found out that the Emperor had already reached the Yanjing and had been followed by our people. He was taking a cab to the city.    


At that moment, the typical speech of the meeting ended, and the moderator was making his concluding remarks.    


I kept getting the latest updates from the Emperor on my cell phone.    


After entering the city, the Emperor went straight to the Hunan Tower and checked in. I even got the room number.    


After the Emperor checked in, he did not leave his room for the time being.    


At the end of the meeting, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee left the venue together. Cao Lee asked me to go to eat with them.    


"Secretary Sun, Boss Cao, I won't be eating with you guys tonight." "No," I said.    


"What's wrong?" Cao Lee said.    


Sun Dongkai also looked at me.    


"When my classmates in Yanjing heard that I had come, they asked me to meet up with them tonight, and they planned to leave tomorrow. If I didn't go tonight, I wouldn't have another chance, and coming to Yanjing is not an easy task." "No," I said.    


"Oh, hur hur." Sun Dongkai laughed. "Alright then, let's go. There's a need for a reunion."    


Cao Lee asked, "What are your classmates doing at Yanjing?"    


I said, "Just blindly working in the company. I didn't get anything special out of it!"    


"Oh, why did you meet them if you didn't manage to get anything out of them? "It's no use, they're not as good as you." Cao Lee said.    


"You can't say that. You can't be so pragmatic. Friendship between students comes first." "No," I said.    


"What bullsh * t friendship, in this day and age, practicality is the truth!" Cao Lee said.    


Sun Dongkai said, "You can't put it like that. I think what Yi said makes sense. These days, only the friendship between students can be considered pure."    


Cao Lee didn't say anything else, but curled her lips in disdain.    


Then, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee went straight to the dining room. I went back to my room first, washed my face, changed into a casual jacket and headed out of the hotel. At this time, night had already fallen. The streets of Chang'an were brightly lit with cars and a steady stream of people.    


After leaving the hotel, I took out my cell phone and looked at it. Then I went straight out the door and turned right. After walking for 30 meters, I turned right and turned directly into an alley.    


I pretended to be taking a walk, looking back from time to time, and didn't see anyone following me.    



After walking along the alley for about 200 meters, they saw a black car with a Yanjing license plate parked by the roadside.    


I looked at the license plate number, then walked to the right side of the front door and opened the door to get in.    


There was only the driver, a young man in a black hat.    


"Hello, Vice Commander-in-chief," he said respectfully.    


I smiled at him and nodded.    


"That person is still at the Hunan Tower, he hasn't come out yet." "No," he said.    


"Go, towards the Hunan Tower!" I made a gesture.    


The Hunan Tower was actually very close to the Yanjing International Hotel, just Chang'an Street away, not far from the Yanjing Station.    


The young man then drove straight to the Hunan Building, and soon he arrived. The car was parked downstairs, and we didn't get out of the car.    


I opened the window, lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and stared in the direction of the door.    


"He came out." the young man whispered.    


At this moment, I also saw the Emperor coming out of the building. After coming out, he immediately got on a taxi and left.    


"Follow —" I threw the cigarette butt out of the car and rolled up the window.    


The young man started the car and silently followed, maintaining a distance of a few dozen meters.    


While driving, the guy touched a talking tube and said in a low voice, "The target has already moved out. They took a taxi and are walking in the direction of the front door."    


"Understood." A short answer.    


The emperor took a taxi and quickly stopped in front of the front door of the fully assembled Duck Shop. Then, he opened the door and got off.    


Our car pulled up to the side of the road nearby.    


At this moment, a white car stopped in front of the roast duck restaurant. Four people got out, two men and two women, walking towards the roast duck restaurant while talking and laughing. One of the men turned around and glanced at our car.    


"This is one of us." He took out an earplugs and stuck them in his ears.    


I nodded.    


The young man fell silent, listening intently to the sounds in his earplugs.    


I opened the window again, lit a cigarette, and looked around.    


After a while, the boy reported that the Emperor and two men were eating roast duck in a corner of the hall, and that the two men and two women who had just entered were sitting at the next table.    


The Emperor was drinking wine with the two men, talking and laughing about something that seemed to be business. From time to time, they would call out to the General, and the two men would ask the General to take care of their business. One moment, the Emperor would say that he was grateful for the support of the General in their business, and the next moment, they would clink glasses and wish each other a happy future cooperation.    


It seemed that the Emperor had been assigned by Wu De to Yanjing to meet with a customer for an unknown reason.    


Half a day later, the little guy reported to me. He said that the emperor took out two red packets and gave them to the two men, saying that the general had instructed them to give these red packets.    


It seems that the purpose of the Emperor's trip was to visit customers and send red packets.    


Then they continued to drink and talk.    


My stomach was growling now, but I couldn't go to dinner, and the thought of the delicious, wholemeal duck made my appetite rise.    


When it was close to eight o'clock, the young man suddenly said, "They've paid the bill. Come out immediately."    


I stared at the door.    


Sure enough, very soon, the Emperor and two men came out. Under the light, the Emperor's face was glowing with a charming red smile, and the other party was the same.    


They were standing in the doorway talking, only a few steps away from our car, and I could hear their voices in the car.    


Of course, our car is in the dark, and the Emperor can't see me.    


Their voices were faintly heard.    


The emperor: "Thank you two for your hospitality tonight. It's almost the new year, I want to pay my respects to the two of you in advance. I wish you two bosses business will become more prosperous in the future, and that our cooperation will be smoother and more enjoyable."    


Thank you for specially coming to Yanjing to visit us, your old customer. We also wish you and Boss Wu the best of luck. the man said politely.    


The Emperor said, "In that case, the two of you, I will take my leave first."    


"Bro, it's not easy to make a trip to Yanjing, why don't we find a nightclub to relax? We'll treat you!" the man said.    


"Thank you for your kind intentions, but I can't sing, and I can't drink either. Look, I've only drunk a few bottles of beer, and my face isn't good enough." The Emperor smiled, his voice tinged with drunkenness. "I won't be going. I'm a bit dizzy. I want to return to the hotel to rest first."    


"Alright then. Where do you live? I'll drive you back." the man said.    


"I don't dare to trouble you two bosses. Hur Hur, I live in Hunan Tower, it's very close to here, it's very convenient to take a taxi." The Emperor said.    


"Oh. "Alright then." the man said.    


Right at that moment, a taxi drove over and was stopped by the emperor.    


"Vice Commander-in-chief," he said to me, "this taxi was driven by one of our men."    


I couldn't help but secretly praise their meticulous work. The Emperor would never have thought that he would be caught red-handed by our people the moment he arrived at the Yanjing.    


Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.    


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