Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1509 Destination

C1509 Destination

0Wu De didn't return to the mainland from Japan, but went straight to Manila. However, I don't think Manila will be his destination.    


Since Manila was just Wu De's transition point, then, where would his next destination be?    


A name flashed into my mind: Myanmar, Rangoon.    


If it was Yangguo, then it could explain why Wu De brought Alai instead of the King this time. The Emperor never involved Wu De in Southeast Asia, and Alai was always Wu De's lackey in Southeast Asia.    


If Wu De's destination was Rangoon, then, at this time, what was he going to do there?    


Thinking about the upcoming Spring Festival, thinking about Wu De's relationship with the army of the Government of Myanmar, and thinking about Wu De's purpose in flying to Japan first, my heart couldn't help but tighten.    


Thinking of the bloody battle between Lee Shun and Bai Laosan during last year's Spring Festival, could it be that this year's Spring Festival was destined to cause waves? Could it be that this year wasn't destined to be a smooth and peaceful one? What kind of tricks did Wu De intend to play? Are we going to make a commotion in the south or are we going to do it all at once? If they did, how big would the commotion be?    


As my mind wandered, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I thought about it as I returned home.    


After lunch, Dong Xue said to me, "Talk to your parents, I'm going to clean up the kitchen."    


Dong Xue seemed to regard this place as her own home, as she had a strong sense of responsibility.    


"Take a rest, I'll go pack." "No," I said.    


"Bye, this isn't a man's job. Let me do it." Dong Xue said with a smile as she left.    


I went into my mother's room and sat on the edge of her bed. Dad came in.    


"Ke, how are things at the unit recently?" Dad said.    


"It's okay, it's still the same." I said absently.    


"Is your work affected by this?" Mom asked me.    


I smiled. "It doesn't matter. I'll continue with my work as usual."    


I don't want my parents to worry about my work.    


"Oh. "That's good, that's good." Mom breathed a sigh of relief.    


Dad frowned. "But there must be some gossip outside about you and Qin Lu. This kind of thing would not be good for you if it was spread around the unit. It would be bad for your personal image. "    


"Qin Lu and I have nothing to do with each other since our mouths are on her face. I don't care if she has anything to say or not. No matter how rumoured she is, it will be fine in the past few days." "No," I said.    


"That means you're under a lot of psychological pressure at work right now, isn't it?" Dad said.    


"Yes." I nodded my head and smiled. "But it's fine. I will take care of it myself. The colleagues and leaders in the unit are very concerned about me."    


My father was silent for a moment, then sighed with concern. Obviously, my words did not make him feel at ease.    


At this time, his mother said, "From what Leh said, it's all thanks to Qiu Tong. She has managed a group of reporters, and their arrival has greatly helped to free you from your crimes."    


I nodded. "Yes, thanks to Qiu Tong."    


"That Qin Lu, did she really commit suicide?" Dad asked me again.    


I looked at my father and said, "Yes, that's how the police came to this conclusion. Since they came to this conclusion, they must have their reasons and grounds."    


Mother said indignantly, "Why didn't these police officers come to this conclusion earlier? If they had come to this conclusion earlier, you wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble and you and Hai Zhu's wedding wouldn't have ended up like this. These cops. It's too bad. I'll find you after the wedding is over no matter what. How can I rudely interrupt the wedding in front of everyone? It's too inhumane.    


Not only that, she even said in front of everyone that you were related to Qin Lu's death, that Qin Lu had miscarried and signed your name, wasn't that clearly causing trouble? I think they're doing the case on one hand, and they're deliberately causing trouble on the other. "    


Mom's words reminded me that maybe, really, there was something to it. Maybe this bunch of cops had actually been instructed to do this, openly spreading the word of the crime, completely discrediting me in front of everyone. Maybe this was another side purpose they had in addition to handling the case.    


Who would have told them to do this? Obviously, other than Lei Zheng, it was Wu De. Perhaps it was a joint decision of the two of them.    


Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help but feel a little ruthless.    


Dad said: "It's no use talking about it now, it's all in the past. Although their way of doing things is not very standard, but from their job responsibilities and the procedure of handling the case, they can't find any responsibility or malpractice.    


If Ke didn't get caught red-handed, they wouldn't have the chance to cause any trouble even if they wanted to. Therefore, the only thing to blame was whether they were useful or not, and the most important thing was to find out the reason from themselves. At this point, thinking about yourself from a subjective perspective is the most important thing. "    


Father's words made a lot of sense. I couldn't help but thoughtfully nod my head.    


Dad continued, "Don't worry about the past anymore. Right now, the most important thing is how to deal with Ke and Hai Zhu, or how to deal with our family and Hai Zhu's.    


No matter what, Hai Zhu and Ke are legally married, and no matter what, Hai Zhu is our daughter-in-law, Ke, is the son-in-law of Hai Zhu's family. This is a fact that cannot be changed, and is also the starting point and the basis for our consideration in dealing with this matter. "    


Mom also said, "Yes, this is the most important thing to mom and dad right now. Mom and Dad can't sleep well and eat and sleep restlessly all day long because of this. The day after your father and I returned from the Hsinghai, we went to Hai Zhu's home with large and small bags. We wanted to explain the apology to our relatives and hoped that everyone could sit down together to discuss how to deal with this matter.    


But my parents didn't even let me in with your father, and they didn't want anything they brought with them, which made both me and your father look like dust. When I came out, I was absent-minded and absent-minded, and when I got on the bus, I stepped on empty space and hurt my leg. Sigh. My leg is really not in time. You can't say when I'm going to have problems, but you have to do it at this time.    


Now that you're back, that's good as well. Mom's legs aren't good enough, so we can't move around. I'll see if you and your dad can go back and have your dad bring you over personally. You should apologize, apologize, and try to keep a low profile so that you can gain the family's understanding and Hai Zhu's forgiveness.    


No matter what, Hai Zhu is still our family's daughter-in-law. Although this wedding wasn't completed, at least it's held. So many days have passed since this wedding and our daughter-in-law still hasn't come in yet, what is going on? When word spreads, people will laugh at it. "    


I said, "Dad, mom, you don't have to worry about this. Mom, you just have to rest and recover from your injuries, you don't have to go, and dad doesn't have to go either. In the future, you don't have to care about this anymore, you've already done everything that needs to be done.    


Mom said, "Child, you can't say that. After all, you are our son, so parents are naturally responsible for what happened to our son. At the very least, your father and I have to take responsibility for the lack of discipline.    


The main concern now is Hai Zhu's family, considering Hai Zhu's and her parents' mood, we will be ashamed, they will feel even more ashamed, ah, this person, he relies on his reputation to survive, especially the older generation, who doesn't expect their child to bring them face.    


So, we need to fully understand the feelings of Hai Zhu's family members. They don't want to see us, and your father and I don't have any complaints.    


This matter, regardless of whether or not you have done those things, it is not on our side. In that case, we must sincerely apologize to him, not for his explanation, but for his understanding and forgiveness. If one time is not enough, then two times, if two times is not enough, then three times.    


I think Hai Zhu's parents are also reasonable people, as long as we sincerely arrived, will certainly move them. We've taken the initiative to come here and this can be considered as us coming back to save some face, so it's more or less a compensation. "    


"What your mom says is right. I think tomorrow you should follow me to Hai Zhu's house." Dad said.    


I said, "Dad, mom, none of you need to go. I don't need to go either."    


"Why?" Mom and Dad looked at me in surprise.    



I said, "Hai Zhu left with her parents this morning."    


"Where did he go?" Mom said.    


"Haifeng arranged it. He went to Australia to pick them up. I don't think I'll be back until the Spring Festival at the earliest, "I said." I'll go to their house as soon as I get back, but there's no one there.    


"Ah!" It's like this, she brought Hai Zhu and left, obviously wanting to avoid us and purposely hiding from us. She's obviously annoyed when she sees us. " His mother seemed to be very sad. "My daughter-in-law didn't even formally enter my mother-in-law's home before leaving. What the hell is going on?"    


Mom, don't think this way, maybe they left like this because they had a reason, maybe they also wanted to give us some time and space to calm down and think. At the same time, they left here because they wanted to temporarily avoid the pressure from the public opinion of the people around. I said, "For now, we won't meet. For now, we won't come into contact with each other. We all have a buffer phase to our thoughts. Cold treatment might be a good way to solve this problem."    


"Cold treatment? Is that called cold treatment?" His mother absentmindedly said, "So, Hai Zhu's Spring Festival is no longer with her mother-in-law. We have a saying here that if we don't spend the new year at her home, her mother-in-law will die. Hai Zhu's parents can't not know this custom. "    


My heart sank when I heard my mother say this.    


Father said, "Old woman, you believe in all these crooked things. This is superstition, how can you believe in these things? Don't spout nonsense. "    


Mom said weakly, "Believe it or not, it's one thing for Hai Zhu's parents to know about it. It's another thing for Hai Zhu to not come to our house for the new year. Even if we have a thousand faults for our child, Hai Zhu is still our family's daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law doesn't stay home to celebrate the new year, so in the end, she still doesn't feel good. "    


Although I don't believe that my daughter-in-law wouldn't die during the new year at her mother-in-law's home, I do believe that this folk custom is of great importance to my mother. She doesn't want to care whether Hai Zhu can spend the new year at home or not, she just cares about the attitude of Hai Zhu's parents and Hai Zhu's heart.    


At this time, Father said: "Ke's analysis might be reasonable, so we will not interact with him for the time being. They temporarily leaving the Ningzhou will help both sides calm down to think and avoid the limelight. There is a buffer, a time and space to deal with things calmly.    


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