Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1594 The Business Between Women

C1594 The Business Between Women

0"When it comes to matters between women, I think it's best for men to not get involved. Moreover, women also want men to not get involved. "What do you think?" I looked at Haifeng and gave him an ambiguous answer.    


Haifeng looked at me and smiled. He patted me on the shoulder. "Alright, let's go."    


With that, Haifeng walked away.    


I stood alone in the reception room window, pondering the conversation with Haifeng, looking out at the busy street in a daze.    


After a long time, I heard the door to Hai Zhu's office open and hurried out.    


Dong Xue was walking outside with a smile on her face.    


Dong Xue stopped when she saw me.    


"You're done talking?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, that's it."    


I couldn't help glancing at Hai Zhu's office and didn't see her come out.    


"Don't worry, we didn't quarrel or make a ruckus. I already said that I'm not here to argue with her today. Not only was there no noise, but our conversation was very smooth, very harmonious and very happy. " Dong Xue said.    


"What did you talk about?"    


"You can ask Hai Zhu about this. Maybe she can satisfy your curiosity. I'm leaving, but if Hai Zhu doesn't come out to send me off, can you send me off? "This is the least form of courtesy. You should understand that Hai Zhu doesn't understand etiquette, right?"    


I didn't say anything.    


Dong Xue smiled, "Ke, see me out."    


Dong Xue's voice seemed to carry a hint of pleading and sadness.    


I couldn't help but nod.    


Then Dong Xue went out, and I followed her all the way to the door and watched her lonely and thin figure cross the street and disappear quickly into the throng of people.    


Dong Xue came and left in a hurry, bringing with her my confusion and confusion.    


Then, I took a few steps to Hai Zhu's office. She was sitting on the sofa in a daze, frowning.    


Hai Zhu raised her head and looked straight at me when I entered.    


"Dong Xue has left!"    


Hai Zhu numbly nodded her head, "Yes. She's gone. "    


I sat across from Hai Zhu and looked at her.    


"Yes, not bad." Hai Zhu nodded dumbly.    


"What did you talk about?"    


"Us." Hai Zhu murmured, "We are indeed talking business. She didn't come looking for me today to cause trouble. She did come here to discuss business with me. Not only was it important, it was also very important. Do you want to know? Do you really want to know? "    


I hesitated. "If you think I can know, if you think I can know, then I'd rather know."    


Hai Zhu looked at me with a forced smile on her face. She only smiled and said, "Actually, I should let you know about this. You will have the right to know about it sooner or later. Actually, Dong Xue told you to leave just now because she wanted to make things go smoothly. She wanted to reduce unnecessary trouble and interference. "    


Hai Zhu's words seemed to mean that if there was any trouble or disturbance, it would come from me. Dong Xue told me to avoid it, but she didn't want me to hide it from her, it's just that there weren't any obstacles.    


In that case, I had something to do with Dong Xue and Hai Zhu.    


"Speak, what is it?" "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu looked at me for a while and said, "Your previous company, which Duan Xiangloong took over, is now in Dong Xue's hands, right?"    


My heart skipped a beat. "Yes," I said.    


"It was bought by Dong Xue after Duan Xiangloong's accident, wasn't it?" Hai Zhu asked again.    


"Yes sir!"    


"Most of the people you worked with are back, aren't they?"    




"It's Dong Xue's cousin who's running the company, isn't it?"    




"But the company's legal person is you, isn't it?"    




"Dong Xue hid it from you in the beginning, but later on she told you. In other words, you knew about this a long time ago, didn't you?"    




Hai Zhu sighed, "That's true. "Dong Xue didn't lie."    


I looked at Hai Zhu. "What the hell is going on?"    


Hai Zhu didn't answer my question. "Why are you keeping this a secret from me?" she continued to ask.    


For a moment I could not answer, nor did I know how, and I faltered for no reason.    


"If Dong Xue hadn't brought this up with me today, would you have kept it a secret from me?" Hai Zhu sounded excited.    


"Zhu, even though I'm a legal person in name, but this company was bought by Dong Xue after spending money. In reality, it's not mine, but Dong Xue's." "No," I said.    


"It should be said that although you don't care about anything in this company, in reality, it is still yours legally speaking. It is undoubtedly yours!" Hai Zhu said.    



"Legally, it's the same thing. In fact, it's the same thing. This company really is Dong Xue's!" "No," I said.    


"There's no point in arguing about it now." Hai Zhu said.    


"Why?" "No," I said.    


"Because soon, regardless of whether it's substantial or not, this company will not be Dong Xue's, nor will it be yours!" Hai Zhu said, "Of course, saying that it's not yours is also a bit incorrect, because mine is yours. My people, my company, everything I have is actually yours."    


I was confused. "Zhu, I don't understand what you're saying."    


Hai Zhu let out a long breath. "Let's put it this way. Dong Xue was with me today for only one thing. She wants to make a move on this company, and the target of her action, she chose me. In other words, she wants to pass on to me the company whose name you are a legal person! "    


"What?" I was surprised. "Is this why I'm looking for you today?" Is that why she came here? "    


"Yes. She came to me to discuss this matter. She came here today because of this matter, afraid that if you were here she would bring up the possibility of further interference, so she intentionally made you leave. " Hai Zhu said tiredly, "She told me in detail about the history of the company. She said that she doesn't want to continue managing the company now, but because of the relationship between you and the company and you don't want to transfer to anyone else, after thinking about it for a while, she felt that transferring it to me is the most appropriate thing to do."    


Listening to Hai Zhu's words, I immediately felt a little suspicious. The company was doing well, why did Dong Xue suddenly transfer the company to Hai Zhu? What was her consideration?    


I couldn't think of a reason.    


"Dong Xue said the reason for the transfer was because she doesn't want to continue managing the company anymore?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, that's the reason, she said. I felt that her reasons were a little far-fetched, so I pressed her, and she insisted that it was because she didn't want to go on with it, for no other reason. Dong Xue also said, she was the first to want to transfer the company to me because of my past relationship with you and me. If I don't accept her, then she won't continue to operate the company, and will immediately transfer the company to anyone else who wants. "    


"Then what did you say?" "No," I said.    


"What do you think I would say?" Hai Zhu looked at me.    


I shook my head. "I don't know."    


Hai Zhu sighed again, "You should know. Actually, you shouldn't be the only one who knows. Dong Xue also had her own plans. Since she came to find me, she naturally has her own plans. You know, she knows, I would never have seen your old company fall into someone else's hands.    


No matter how many mysteries there are, no matter how many mysteries there are, no matter how much of it you may not intentionally hide from me, I will not watch this company leave … …    


I know that you have complex feelings for your old company right, for the old employees who followed you in the past with deep feelings. If that's the case, do I have any other choice? Yes, I have no other choice, I can only accept Dong Xue's suggestion. I can only accept this company. "    


I stared at Hai Zhu in a daze, not knowing what to say. My heart felt like it had been knocked over. There were all kinds of smells.    


Hai Zhu continued, "Dong Xue was the first to think about me in her company, but her appetite wasn't small. I asked her how much money she wanted and she directly said an unexpected number."    


"How much?" "No," I said.    


Then, Hai Zhu gave me a number. I was stunned when I heard that the price wasn't low at all.    


Hai Zhu continued, "I was actually thinking that Dong Xue wanted to take advantage of the situation and make use of this opportunity to make a killing. She told the truth herself, saying that the price was more than double what she had paid when she first bought the company, but she also said that the company was growing very fast, the scale and benefits of its operations were much stronger than before, its fixed assets had almost doubled, this price is very fair, if I do not accept this price, then she can immediately find a new buyer, and there are many people who want to buy it.    


I quickly thought about it. Whether Dong Xue is telling the truth or not, whether this company is worth the money or not, because of this company and your roots, I definitely can't let this company fall into someone else's hands. To me, buying this company means much more than its actual value. I know how important this company is to you, and I know what it means to you, so I've decided to take it over at all costs.    


Money was not the most important thing to me in this matter. Of course, money was still very important to Dong Xue. I actually thought about it. Maybe Dong Xue saw that we were already married, so all of her plans went down the drain. Since we can't get to you, there's no point in keeping your company anymore.    


Although she didn't want to admit defeat, she was already in despair. "Since that's the case, then if she wants to make a fortune, then so be it. I will accept the loss. I'll help her achieve her goals. I hope that she won't cause any more trouble in the future."    


Hai Zhu seemed to think that her analysis was reasonable, that she had seen through Dong Xue's thoughts, and that she wanted to spend the money to get back at Dong Xue for safety. Although I didn't quite agree with Hai Zhu's analysis, I couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation.    


"But you won't be able to take out the money Dong Xue asked for, unless you sell the hotel and the travel agent." "No," I said.    


"Yes, I really can't afford that now. Even if I sold the hotel and the travel agency, it wouldn't be enough to meet Dong Xue's big demand. I told Dong Xue that I would take the first company at her price. Second, I can't take out the money right now. Can I pay in installments? If I can, I can give her some interest. What do you think she said? "    


"How did you answer that?" "No," I said.    


"Her reply surprised me." Hai Zhu frowned, "She said that she can't pay in instalments, and she doesn't want my interest. She demanded that I pay all of them in full at once. But then she said I didn't have to give her money now, that she wasn't short of it now, and that she could give me a year to collect it.    


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