Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1631 My Glory

C1631 My Glory

0"Hehe, Boss Yi is too polite. It's my honor to have the opportunity to serve Boss Yi." he said fawningly.    


I went on to ask him about his work, talked for a while, then excused myself.    


Then I went to dinner.    


During dinner, he received a text message from Fourth Brother: Su Dingguo had arranged to meet the two vice factory managers of Printing House and a few middle level employees of Printing House to drink at the seafood restaurant on Tai Yuan Street.    


It seemed that Su Dingguo was in a good mood and was already impatient to be prejudiced, so he greeted the people from Printing House first.    


After dinner, I went back to the dorm. When I opened the door, I couldn't help but take another look at the other side of the door. Dong Xue will no longer be here.    


He couldn't help but feel a faint sense of loss.    


After entering, he went straight to his study, sat in front of his computer, lit up a cigarette, opened his laptop and went online.    


Floating Dream online.    


"Is the meal with Cao Lee over?" I typed.    


"Well, yes." She replied.    


"Didn't Cao Lee say that after eating, she needed to make a face?" I asked.    


"Yes, but the customer politely declined. I wasn't interested, so I broke up and came back." "No," she replied.    


"Where's Cao Lee? "Where did you go?" "No," I said.    


"He said he went home." "No," she said.    


I stood up and opened the curtains to look out. I didn't see any lights in the windows of Cao Lee's house upstairs.    


He sat down again and typed: "She went home."    


"She said so herself. Why do you care so much about where she went?" "No," she said.    


"Hur hur. "I was just casually asking." I took out my cell phone and called Cao Lee's office. No one answered, which meant that Cao Lee had neither returned to her room nor gone to her office. It didn't matter if she went back to the house or not, as long as she didn't go to the office tonight.    


"Ask around?" Why do I feel like your question is a bit weird? "    


"Hehe, that's just your feeling."    


"Hmm, I don't know why, but I keep having the feeling that you're not normal these few days."    


"What's wrong?"    


"I can't say. I just think that something is wrong with you, but when I think about it seriously, I really can't think of anything. "    


"There's something wrong with that." I said, "I don't feel anything myself. I'm very normal."    


"Perhaps it is due to something wrong with my senses, or perhaps it is due to Mrs Secretary Sun causing trouble and the incident with Zhao Dajian, causing my mind to be in a state of confusion."    


"Don't think too much about Sun Dongkai's wife. That thing is already the past. It has already subsided. Just treat it as nothing." I comforted her.    


"That's what I said, but do you think I can stop thinking about it? Sigh. I can do my best to not let myself think about this matter, but I can't do anything that I don't want to think about for a short period of time. There is also Zhao Dajian, if it doesn't involve you, I might not think too much about it, but, this matter is actually related to you, and you are actually the victim.    


My heart was moved again. "I can understand your feelings, but I also feel gratified and happy for your feelings. I know your heart is very concerned about me, and I'm very satisfied that I'm so worried about you."    


She was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "You really just found out that Zhao Dajian ordered people to rob you?"    


"Why do you ask? What are you suspecting of me? " I asked her.    


Despite this rhetorical question, I couldn't help but appreciate the speed and acuteness of her thinking.    


"I'm not suspecting you, I just think it's a coincidence."    


"What coincidence is this?" Of course, the two bikers couldn't get rid of the sh * t. They would get caught sooner or later if they were used to it. Since they were used to it, they had to report the previous case. Then, you see, Zhao Dajian thought that the ancient calendar, which had been perfectly covered by heaven and earth, was once again revealed. "    


Qiu Tong looked at me. "You didn't think this case could be solved?"    


"Hur hur, what do you think?" I didn't want to be sure or deny it.    


"I think so."    


"If you say so, then so be it."    


"The universe is vast and endless. If you do something bad, you will be punished sooner or later. Sigh, this Zhao Dajian …"    


"Are you feeling sorry for him?"    


"Can't I?"    




"A moment of confusion led to him losing his standing and reputation today. This is all a lesson, although I hate him for his actions, I still feel a bit regretful for his results today. Of course, this might be the result of his fate, with his character, even if nothing happened to him on this matter, sooner or later there would be problems in other areas. "Personality determines fate, right?"    


"Yes, it is fated. He will come to this step sooner or later."    


"How do you feel about Zhao Dajian now? Do you hate him? " she asked me.    


"I don't love him anyway." I replied.    


"Geez, of course I know you don't love him for saying those words. It seems like you actually hate him in your heart."    


"Can't I?"    


I know that my hatred for Zhao Dajian at this moment is more from his actions towards Qiu Tong, not a big part of me.    


"It doesn't matter if I say it, I can't change your mind." She said, "However, in fact, I would like to say that since he has already reached this stage, he has to pay a huge price and spare no one. There is no need to tangle with him any longer."    


"Sure." "No," I said.    



"Life is like this, you don't have to worry about anything and let your anger strike you." A hundred years of life is not a hundred years of sorrow; a hundred things arise from the heart, and a smile solves a thousand sorrows. " "No," she said.    


"Hehe, Secretary Qiu, you're going to teach me again." "No," I said.    


"I don't dare to say so, but Boss Yi is making a joke out of me." She sent him a smiley face.    


"But I feel that your words are very reasonable. In fact, I often think of what you have said. Whether in reality or in the air, I often think of it."    


"In reality, we are also in the air."    


"But in the air, it seems to be out of reality."    


"You are lying to yourself."    


"I would rather lie to myself like this, I would."    


She was silent.    


"Actually, I know that you are willing to do the same." Actually, I know that you are willing to do the same. I said again.    


After a while, she said, "Me and you in the air, Guest and Floating Dream in the virtual world have already become the past. Between the past and the future, I, we, can only choose the present.    


My heart slightly trembled as I said, "Regardless of whether you admit it or not, in the past, everyone has been here before, and they will remain in our memories. Now, we can't avoid them, we can only face the future. No matter what you think, everyone has their own future, but we just don't know what it will be like."    


"After all, you're an idealist." She sent a sighing emoji.    


"Aren't you? Don't you have dreams and ideals? " I asked her.    


"I admit that I did, but I would rather not let them appear in my consciousness. I might not want to, I might not dare to face them, I would rather abandon my dreams, abandon my ideals, become a rational realist. I know that I cannot escape reality, I can only live in the air of reality." "No," she said.    


"No matter if it is the past or the future, you are my air, my breath." I sighed.    


She remained silent for a long time. Then her head turned gray and she logged off.    


I silently watched her head turn gray. I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. I silently got up and went to the window to look at the clear and cold night sky. The moon was rising in the deep night sky, and it was bright and clear.    


I went to work early the next morning, but didn't go upstairs. I found a corner in the lobby on the first floor of the building and sat there.    


Ten minutes after eight, he received a call from Sun Dongkai: "Come with me to the Lvshun entrance at nine o'clock and have a look around at their district committee's Ministry of Propaganda."    


"Okay," I promised.    


After putting down the phone, I wandered around the staircase and coincidentally met Guan Yunfei, who was walking down the stairs.    


"Minister Guan!" I took the initiative to greet him.    


"Oh. "Boss Yi, Director Yi, Comrade Yi." Guan Yunfei saw me smile.    


"You came here so early —" I said.    


"There are guests in the province. I came to accompany them for breakfast. I just finished eating." Guan Yunfei said.    


The top few floors of the group building were the office area, and below that was the hotel.    


"Oh." I nodded.    


"What are you hanging around here for if not work?" Guan Yunfei said.    


"Hur hur, I'm waiting for someone." "No," I said.    


"Oh. are also guests? " Guan Yunfei said.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"Yes." Now that I'm the office manager, the biggest feature of this position is service. Welcome to the office is a big business, hur hur. " Guan Yunfei laughed, "How is it? After working for the past few days, have you gotten used to it? "    


"It's not bad, I've basically adapted to it!" "No," I said.    


"I knew you could do anything, no matter where you are," Guan Yunfei said: "That day, your senior sister was still talking to me. She said that she hadn't seen you for a while, and didn't know if you could do well in this new job. She was worried that your temper would be wronged if you did this job."    


Guan Yunfei mentioned Xie Fei, and thinking about how I did it with Xie Fei before, I couldn't help but feel weak in front of Xie Fei's husband and my Big Leader.    


"How has Senior Sister been recently?" I said absently.    


Guan Yunfei nodded without batting an eyelid: "It's still the same."    


Guan Yunfei's words were very reserved, and he still acted the same. What's his usual look like? Is it good or bad?    


Since Guan Yunfei said so, I can't continue to ask him.    


"Oh right, I heard from Dongkai about the matter with Zhao Dajian." Guan Yunfei said.    


I nodded. "Yeah."    


"Smart people tend to do stupid things. The seemingly smart people are usually idiots. Zhao Dajian is a good example. Although this matter involves you, you are the victim. Therefore, no matter what the outcome is, Zhao Dajian, you should not have any psychological burdens. No outsider will have any reason for saying three to four things to you. " Guan Yunfei advised me.    


I said, "Yeah. Thank you for your concern, Leader. "    


"Zhao Dajian's affair has shamed the group. It has shamed the publicity system. It has shamed Dongkai and me. In my opinion, it is necessary to conduct a law education in the entire advertising system to increase everyone's legal awareness." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"You agree?" Guan Yunfei said in a teasing tone.    


"Yes, I agree!" I deliberately catered to his tastes.    


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