Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1527 Large Woolly Euphorbia

C1527 Large Woolly Euphorbia

0Seeing the Emperor get into a taxi, the two men left as well.    


Then the boy took off his earplugs and handed them to me. I put them on, and then I heard voices coming from inside.    


"Sir, where are you going?"    


"Big Wool and Hu Tong!" The Emperor's voice came from the earplugs. At this moment, hearing his voice, he felt completely sober and clear-headed.    


Then the taxi pulled away, and our car stayed where it was for the time being.    


At this moment, the two men and two women came out, smiling as they ran towards their cars.    


Seeing that the taxi was out of sight, I said to the young man, "Drive to Big Wool Hu Tong Kou."    


The young man started the car.    


At this moment, the voice of the Emperor was heard. "What happened? Why did you stop?"    


"There's a traffic jam ahead!"    


"What's going on? A traffic jam will delay things! " The Emperor said.    


"Our Yanjing is the capital, and the capital is the first. It's impossible for us to stop you if you don't come to Yanjing, if you have urgent business, you shouldn't take a taxi, you should take the subway." Taxi Driver said in a Beijing accent.    


Hearing this, I said to the kids, "Their car is stuck in front, can you take a short cut to Big Wool Hu Tong Kou? Do you know the way? "    


"I know, hehe, there's nothing that I'm not familiar with about the size of Yanjing." As he spoke, he turned right in front of them and turned into an alley where there were few cars.    


Thirty minutes later, we reached Big Wool Hu Tongkou, and I could hear from the earplugs that the Emperor was still ten minutes away.    


The only reason he knew that there were still 10 minutes left was because the taxi driver was too professional. He kept reporting to the Emperor about the road situation and how long it would take to get there.    


Apparently, his real intention was to tell me.    


I got out of the car and looked at the alley.    


The alley was not wide, and there were very few cars and people. The street lights were dim as well, as if there were not many residences in the alley, making it very quiet.    


I was confused. Why did the Emperor not return to the Hunan Tower and instead come to this place?    


He looked at the surroundings again. Our car was parked here, in the dark, but it was still quite conspicuous.    


I got in the car and said, "You go back first."    


"This …" The young man hesitated.    


"It's fine, I can stay here by myself. With more people and cars, your target will be easily exposed. Your mission today was completed very well. I'll arrange for people to contact you guys when I have something on." "No," I said.    


"Oh. "Alright then." The young man agreed.    


I returned the earplugs to the boy, got out of the car, waved to him, and he drove away.    


I stood in the shadows by the side of the road, looking at the passing cars.    


Soon, a taxi slowly stopped at the entrance of Hu Tong's house. The emperor got off the taxi and the taxi left.    


I stood behind a tree and watched the Emperor.    


After getting off the car, the emperor was in no hurry to enter the alley. Instead, he took a few steps forward and lit up a cigarette, took two puffs and looked around at the same time.    


I hid behind a tree and watched the Emperor.    


After strolling for a while, the Emperor didn't seem to notice anything amiss. He put out his cigarette, turned up the collar of his trench coat, and walked straight along the sidewalk, sticking close to the wall before entering the alley.    


Mice liked to walk close to the wall, and the Emperor was a mouse, so he liked to walk too.    


At this moment, I thought as I quickly moved to the entrance of Hu Tong's house. Under the cover of the tree shadows, I stealthily increased my speed and quietly followed behind him.    


Although I don't know what the Emperor is doing, I feel that the Emperor's actions right now are very strange and worth following.    


The alley seemed to be quite long, and after walking for a long time, it still hadn't reached its end.    


There were very few shops on both sides of the alley, most of them old brick.    


After walking for another long time, I could vaguely see that there was no more road in front of me. The alley had come to an end.    


It turned out to be a dead end.    


At the end of the alley, there was a small door.    


The Emperor stopped at the door, and I ducked behind a tree.    


Then I heard a light knock on the door, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing.    


When I stuck my head out again, the Emperor was gone.    


Without a doubt, the Emperor had entered through this door.    


I crept over to the door, which was closed.    


The door looked old and the paint was peeling.    


I pushed gently. The door was shut tight, and I couldn't open it.    


I stepped back and looked up at the door and the walls.    


The gatehouse and the wall were not tall, and it seemed that many pine trees had been planted along the wall inside. One could even see the top of the tree from outside the wall.    


I walked back and forth at the base of the wall and looked around for a long time, but didn't see any video cameras or anything like that. Finally, I decided to jump over the wall to see what was going on inside, to see what the Emperor was up to.    


I took a few steps back, started to run, and then, as soon as I could breathe, climbed lightly over the top of the wall.    


Squatting on the wall, he looked inside and found that there was a big yard inside. The yard was empty except for a single two-story building in the middle which was surrounded by holly, lawn and a few dim lights.    


There was only one room on the second floor that was lit, and the rest of the building was dark.    


The courtyard was completely silent. No one could be seen, nor could anyone hear anything.    


I stayed on top of the wall for a while, but I didn't notice anything. Then I jumped gently down and crept toward the building.    


When he got closer, he found that the building was old and the door was made of wood.    


Naturally, this didn't trouble me. I walked around the small building before climbing up to the second floor. From the corridor's open window, I climbed up to the second floor.    


The corridor on the second floor was also empty. Only the room at the other end of the corridor was brightly lit.    


I crept closer to the lighted room.    


He could faintly hear voices speaking, as if one of them was the Emperor.    


Delighted, I leaned close to the door, bent down, and put my ear to the crack.    


Just as he was about to carefully listen to what the Emperor was saying, he suddenly felt something very slight nip on the back of his neck, like there were mosquitoes or something like that. Thinking that there wouldn't be any mosquitoes this season, he couldn't help but touch his neck, feeling that it was a little wet.    


As soon as he took a whiff, he felt weak all over. His vision went black and he lost consciousness.    


The reaction was so quick that I didn't even have time to think about how I had lost consciousness before suddenly losing all feeling and consciousness.    


And then my brain was in total chaos.    


After an unknown period of time, I felt as if I was dreaming. Traveling alone in the vast and boundless desert, there wasn't a single breath of wind or life in my surroundings. I felt as if I was in a sea of death.    


It made me despair.    


While I was in despair, I heard someone call out to me: "Yi Ke, Yi Ke — —"    


He suddenly opened his eyes and a bright light filled his vision.    


I blinked and saw the ceiling.    


I moved my fingers and limbs, I could move, I had strength.    


I rolled my eyes and was surprised to find that I was sleeping in the room that Yanjing International had found me in. I was lying on the big, soft bed with the curtains drawn, but the lights were all on.    


F * ck, what's going on? Why did I return to the hotel? Am I not in Big Wool Lane?    


Perplexed, I sat up and looked around. There was only myself in the room, my coat on the sofa.    


Scratching his scalp, how did I come back? How come I don't have any memory?    


Then I suddenly smelled alcohol on my body, and I breathed.    


What's going on? I didn't drink, f * * k! I was confused again.    


At this moment, a knock was heard on the door. Cao Lee's voice came from the other side, "Yi Ke, wake up! It's breakfast!"    


I hurriedly got up, put on my coat and opened the door. Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee were standing in the doorway.    


"What happened to me last night? How did I get back? " I stammered as I looked at Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee.    


"And how much did you and your classmate drink last night? Is he drunk? " Cao Lee said.    


"A class reunion? Drink? " I murmured, "Did I drink?"    


Sun Dongkai shook his head, "Yi, I remember that your alcohol tolerance is not bad. It seems that you drank a lot last night, and that's not all." Cao Lee and I were out shopping when we met your classmates who picked you up from the car. They said you were happy, drunk and drunk.    


You're so drunk that you're completely unconscious and reeking of alcohol. Cao Lee and I didn't respond when we called you, and the room card was even taken out by your classmates after you put you in the room. Fortunately, you were drinking with your classmates, so I knew that I had to bring you back. If it was any other occasion, it would be hard to say. "    


"Is that so?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, I've never seen you drink like this before. You're really drunk. The alcohol must have burned your brain. You didn't have any reaction at all and you only knew how to sleep." Cao Lee said.    


"Eh." I felt more and more dizzy.    


"Yi, could it be that there are too many happy and sad things happening recently? We've met our classmates and found a chance to vent our feelings, that's why we drank so much?" Sun Dongkai said with concern.    


I nodded dumbly. "Yeah. Maybe. "    


"What may be, I think it must be. Alright, after washing up, we'll go down to eat breakfast. After eating breakfast, we'll fly back to the Hsinghai. Cao Lee and I will go to the restaurant first. " Sun Dongkai said.    


I nodded again.    


Then, Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee left.    


After returning to my room, I washed my face and rinsed my mouth as I pondered my thoughts.    


The person who sent me back last night was obviously not one of ours, so, since it isn't them, it should be the Emperor's person. But how could I suddenly lose consciousness? Where did the smell of wine come from? What happened after he lost consciousness? The person who sent me back is related to the Emperor, then, is it related to Wu De?    


Also, did the King notice my tracking when he fell to the ground last night? Did he not notice me until I reached the door of that room to eavesdrop? Why did you take me back to my hotel room with the wine when you found out I was listening? What is the Emperor doing now?    


A string of questions swirled in my head. What had happened last night was like a game, another dream.    


After breakfast, he packed his things and prepared to head to the airport.    


While waiting for the car, Sun Dongkai went to bid farewell to his colleagues. Cao Lee stood beside me and said in a resentful tone, "You bastard, why did you drink so much last night? You wasted your chance?"    


"What chance?" I stared at Cao Lee.    


"Damn, I wanted to ask you to do that last night, but you drank so much that you didn't even respond when I knocked on the door. I could even hear your snores when I was by the door." Cao Lee said.    


"What did Secretary Sun do last night?" "No," I said.    



I wonder why Cao Lee didn't do it with Sun Dongkai last night.    


"What did Secretary Sun do has nothing to do with me?" Cao Lee said.    


"It's alright, I was just casually asking!" "No," I said.    


"Hmph, he played poker with a few Newspaper Group leaders last night." Cao Lee said, "I couldn't knock on your door, so I went to watch them play cards."    


So it's like that. No wonder Cao Lee had the time to come and find me.    


"Did Secretary Sun win or lose?" "No," I said.    


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