Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1521 Required Situation

C1521 Required Situation

0Under Cao Teng's operation, on the day that Qiu Tong and Cao Lee and another member of the Party committee in charge of the branch operation were handed over, Cao Teng set up a winery. Qiu Tong and another member of the Party committee as well as the person in charge of the branch operation all participated, welcoming Qiu Tong to her new post and welcoming her to her new position.    


These were all necessary occasions, necessary procedures.    


For the past few days, I've been paying high attention to the matter of the bodyguard's surrender, but I haven't heard anything new.    


This morning, I went directly to the Criminal Police squad room and entered the office of the middle-aged man police officer.    


He's the second in command of the squad.    


He was in his office looking down at something when he came in, and when he saw me he looked surprised. Then he laughed. Esteemed guest, rare guest, uninvited arrival. I didn't bring you into the squad this time. You came in yourself. "    


I smiled. "Yes, I came by myself. I wonder what kind of treatment I will receive this time?"    


"Hehe, Director Yi's words are very humorous. Since you dare to come to me, I can't ignore you. Please sit down — "he said, handing me a cigarette and brewing me another cup of tea."    


"Did I disturb your work?" "No," I said.    


"Nope." he said, looking at me critically, perhaps professionally, his eyes always like those of a judge.    


I think he's trying to figure out why I'm here.    


"I was passing by and suddenly thought of you, so I wanted to come and see you." "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." He laughed, "This reason is too untenable. I actually believe in the saying that one doesn't come to the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. I think there must be a reason for Director Yi to come today. "    


"I really came to take a look!" "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." He laughed again, "Director Yi, I don't like to beat around the bush. I think Director Yi must have some business with me today. Of course, I can understand that you came to see me as a side effect."    


I said, "Since you insist, I'll take my leave. Originally, I wanted to chat a bit with you, but you kept on thinking that there was something wrong with me, and it's true that I'm fine. If that's the case, then I'll take my leave. "    


After saying that, I stood up and made to leave.    


"Wait —" he said.    


I stopped and looked at him.    


Then he got up and went to the door and closed it and came back and sat on the sofa across from me and smiled at me and said, "Man, I don't just come and go as I please. It's hard to get out of here."    


I laughed.    


He laughed too.    


Then he looked at me and said, "Still hate me?"    


"What do you think?" "No," I said.    


"I said you don't hate me as much as before, but you didn't completely change your impression of me!" "No," he said.    


"Why do you say that?" "No," I said.    


"It's easy to understand that it's impossible to make you forgive me from the bottom of your heart in such a short period of time, but to have you come to my place today means that I'm not as disgusted by you as I was before." Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to see me! " "No," he said.    


I smiled, tacitly.    


"I think, although you didn't say it, I can roughly guess your purpose for coming here. Other than coming to see me, you have another reason." "No," he said.    


"You said--" I said.    


"You're here for Qin Lu!" His eyes were fixed on me.    


My heart skipped a beat. I looked at him and said nothing.    


He did not speak, but looked at me sharply.    


We looked at each other in silence.    


After a long time, I said, "If you're okay right now, I'd like to take you somewhere."    


"Sure." "No," he said.    


"Let's go —" I stood up.    


He stood up and opened the door. We went out one after the other, down the stairs, and got into a police car. He drove straight out of the squad room.    


"Where to?" "No," he said.    


"North Tower!" "No," I said.    


Without a word, he drove straight to the North Tower.    


At the North Tower, I said, "In the underground parking lot."    


He pulled into the basement parking lot and looked at me.    


I opened the door and said, "Come with me."    


A few minutes later, we were standing on the roof of the North Building, above Room 1809.    


"This is a good place. It's quiet and open up." "No," he said.    


I smiled.    


"Bro, did you bring me here to train with me?" "No," he said.    


I stood at the edge of the roof, looking down. There were traces of rope scraping at the edge of the roof.    


He followed my gaze and said nothing.    


Then I looked at him and said, "This is Room 1809, the room where Qin Lu was killed."    



He looked at me.    


"Nothing!" "No," I said.    


He looked at me for a moment and said, "I know what you're looking at. I know what you saw."    


I said, "I think you saw something, too."    


He said, "Even though you were almost suspected of murder, even though you finally cleared yourself of the charges, even though the verdict was Qin Lu's suicide, you still have doubts about the conclusion of the case, don't you?"    


I said, "What do you think?"    


He walked back and forth a few steps, then stood in front of me and looked at me.    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"Me too!" "As a Party member, what do you think is the most important thing to do?" he said.    


"Politics!" "No," I said.    


"Good answer, yes, politics!" He nodded. "What is politics in our real government? Obeying the leadership is the biggest political thing! Isn't that right? "    


"Yes!" "No," I said.    


"Therefore, as the chief of the case, I must insist on the definite conclusion that Qin Lu committed suicide!" "No," he said.    


I heard something in his words.    


"I am a Party member first, and then I am a police officer. I have to talk politics first, and then I can handle cases on the premise of politics!" he said again.    


I laughed and said, "You must be a good Communist."    


"That's right, I am an outstanding member of the internal organization every year. I am an advanced worker!" "No," he said.    


"You have adhered to your Party's character, but you do not seem to have adhered to good principles or a good conscience!" "No," I said.    


The muscles on his face twitched slightly. "What do you mean?"    


"You know it well!" I looked straight at him.    


He looked up at the sky, then back to the edge of the roof.    


After a long time, he murmured, "There's one more here."    


My heart skipped a beat. Listening to him, it seemed that he had already noticed the traces of a rope rubbing against each other. Fourth Brother and I had been here before, so naturally, there was another.    


City Leader demands that the case be solved within a time limit so that we can report this to the families of the deceased. I'm under a lot of pressure, City Leader is under pressure, with so many reporters up there watching, excluding you as the murderer, all the other leads are gone, or rather, the case has been cut short. I have to be political, be responsible to City Leader, and not drag this case out for a long period of time. Suicide is the best explanation, and is a result acceptable to all. " "No," he said.    


At the very least, the families of the dead cannot accept it. They only accept it now because they do not know the inside story. "No," I said.    


He smiled wryly, "This is the second time that I have gone up to the roof. I had once reported to the Leader that there were any suspicious marks on the rooftop, but I was rejected by the Leader who was in a hurry to settle the case. He said that this didn't mean anything, that the case couldn't be handled by imagination, that it couldn't be predicted.    


If I can't find the real culprit directly due to this so-called doubt, then, I must accept the conclusion that I committed suicide and finish the case quickly. Big Leader and the other leaders were both eager to finish the case and wanted to account for their actions, so, even though I am the leader of the case, I have no other choice but to obey the leader and start with politics. "    


From his tone, he didn't actually give up on the suspicion that Qin Lu had killed him after proving my innocence. He came to the balcony and also found traces of the rope rubbing against each other. He had some doubts and conjectures, but because of the pressure from the leader and the orders from the authorities to end the case quickly, he was unable to get any further clues based on this clue, so he had no choice but to do it.    


It seemed that he had no choice but to settle the case as well. It was a matter of politics.    


He looked at me, took out a cigarette, offered me one, lit one himself, took two long puffs, and said in a muffled voice, "In China, as you know, the First Public Prosecutor's Office is not independent, and the Second is under the leadership of the Party Committee. This is the national situation of China, this is the characteristics of China.    


If I'm not wrong, I don't think the second friction mark was left by the murderer. As for who it was, I don't want to say. Of course, perhaps what the leader said was right. Just based on this mark alone, nothing could be said. Actually, the crux of the problem was still not finding out who left the first mark. Therefore, I think it may also be correct to characterize Qin Lu's death as suicide. "    


"Don't say anything … Maybe, in fact, you already know in your heart whether Qin Lu's death was suspicious or not!" I said coldly.    


He looked at me. "I think, if there are no surprises, if there are no big changes, the conclusion of this case will not change. Perhaps, this is the end result. "As the person directly involved in this case, I hope that the case will be settled in an iron case. Otherwise, it would be my fault for not doing my job. I will be responsible for it."    


"From the point of view of you defending your own interests, you hope that this is an iron case, but in your heart, in your conscience that you haven't erased, you are still somewhat uncertain." "No," I said.    


"The reason the case is so decided is because of the instructions from the leader, but also because of the evidence. The final result of the case, first, is the efficiency of the case team, and secondly, because the leader has made the right decision, and the result is everyone's. However, if the case turns over, I will be the one to bear the brunt of the misfortune, and it has nothing to do with the leader. I can only be the scapegoat for the misfortune, so, old man, I don't need to think too much about this, I think this case is already an iron case." It's not easy for you to get rid of your sins, and I don't think you need to cause yourself any more trouble. " "No," he said.    


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