Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1523 Reasonable

C1523 Reasonable

0"Oh." I nodded. "Who is this murderer?"    


"I heard it was Bai Laosan's bodyguard. He accidentally killed Bai Laosan. He explained it very clearly. The plot and reason are very reasonable, so I couldn't find any flaws." He said, "I think the case will soon be transferred to the prosecutor's office."    


"Will they be sentenced to death?"    


He shook his head, "I don't think so. First, we will fail and second, we will turn ourselves in. Our policy is to be honest and open-minded. I don't think they will even know how to slow down their deaths. At most, they will only be able to do so for a long period of time. "    


"Then. If that was the case, then what was the name of the person who was previously wanted? So Lee Shun will be fine? "    


"It should be. I estimate that the arrest warrants will be revoked very soon. They might be in the process of being ordered right now!"    


"This Lee Shun has been wanted for so long even though he didn't kill anyone, it's really unfair!"    


He laughed, "So what if you are wronged, what else can you do? "If the old bureau chief is still on his position, he can still ask for an explanation. Now that the bureau chief is already at this level, what can he do? If he suffers a loss, he'll suffer it."    


"This old bureau chief, could it be that he is the former vice chairman of the PCB, Li?"    


"That's right, he was previously a deputy mayor and a police chief, but later he was bullied into becoming a vice president of the PCC. I never thought that the CPPCC's vice president didn't act as if things were stable and the two of them met their end. Sigh, nowadays, it's not easy to be an official, you're always on edge. "    


He shook his head and said, "Little brother, let me tell you, even government officials want to be a high official these days, but there are risks in being a high official. Being a high ranking official is also a high risk profession! "    


"Who let their hands and feet be dirty? There's no other way. "    


"Which one of the officials these days is clean? "Why are so many officials fine? Why is he in trouble?" He said, "Let me tell you, economic problems are just an excuse for a political fight. Let me tell you, those who are involved in a certain degree of trouble are in fact being caught in economic problems, and it's basically a matter of a political fight. They are on the wrong team, not with the right people, and have been plotted against by their enemies. Actually, this Bureau Chief Li is actually quite a good official, in terms of conscience. It's just that his luck is bad. "    


"When Chief Li was in your department, how was his reputation?"    


"It's not bad, its prestige is very high!"    


"Then why did it fall?"    


"This is all part of Big Leader's plan. I don't know about it, but as far as I know, the main reason for his fall is because he offended a big shot and the relationship between him and the higher-ups isn't that strong." Fighting among the government officials is very cruel. "    


"How did this Commissioner Li treat you when he was still in office?"    


"Hehe, I wanted to curry favor with you, but I couldn't. I didn't have the chance to. However, it was a good thing that I didn't try to curry favor with him. When the old bureau chief got off the stage, a large portion of the people who followed behind him fell, but I was fine.    


"In other words, the current Director Lei Chang must be worthy of your recognition. Otherwise, why would he promote you?" I laughed.    


"Hur hur." He smiled, neither affirming nor denying.    


I also chuckled. "I expect that you'll be able to continue to improve in the future."    


He shook his head. "Sigh, my boy, to tell you the truth, this official should be able to stop as soon as possible. Being too big is not good at all, my position is not that bad, I don't have that much appetite, I just want to settle down and settle down in my current position."    


I said, "The bigger the official, the more power, the more stable the position."    


He looked at me for a long time and said, "Do you know where the saddest part of being a senior official is?"    


"I don't know!"    


"One of the most lamentable things about a leader is that he or she is corrupt, that is the loss of his or her character, and that is the loss of his or her authority when no one listens to him or her words."    


This guy's summing it up so well I couldn't help but nod.    


He continued, "So there is only one way for someone like me who doesn't have a strong background to be able to walk with a straight back and a straight back in the government, and that is to be a clean and honest person."    


I nodded.    


He then laughed at himself, "Although you say it like that, but when it comes to actual practice, it is very difficult to do so. You want to be innocent and do things honestly, but there are people who do not allow it, so the surrounding environment does not allow it. So in real life, the only thing you can do is recognize the situation, follow the flow of the water, carefully walk one step at a time, stand in a good team, and follow the right person."    


"After what happened to Commissioner Li, how did the members of the Public Security Bureau perform?"    


"Some expressed regret, some expressed regret, some expressed regret, and there were even some who remained silent. However, there was also a portion of people who began to insult their old leader." He said indignantly, "Most of these people who scolded the old leader were actually the ones who flattered the old chief the most. They are scolding now just to give the new director a good impression. Such a person is truly frightening. "    


"When Commissioner Li was on the throne, did he dare to scold him?" "No," I said.    


He laughed and said, "Who dares? Unless … he didn't want to improve anymore! In the West, who was the president and who was being scolded; who was the leader and who was being scolded. In China, whoever is being led by a leader gets scolded. They had only seen their superiors scolding their subordinates, but not their superiors. This is also a rule. "    


I felt the same way and laughed.    


He went on to say, "Actually, we live in an environment where it is not terrible to be scolded or scolded. But remember, you mustn't insult your superiors unless you don't want to do it anymore. It's not scary to be scolded by the leader, especially when your boss scolds you. It means that your boss doesn't treat you as an outsider. Most of the subordinates who are severely criticized or even scolded by their leaders have a bright future ahead of them. "    


I smiled and said, "So, will Director Lei Chang scold you often now?"    


"Don't use me as an example. I have no comment on this question of yours!"    


"Has Chief Wu ever scolded Chief Lee?"    


"No, Director Lei was at a meeting in the department, and the general meeting emphasized respect for his predecessor and for history. Actually, I think Director Lei is very smart. "    


"Where is the best one?"    


"Don't scold your ex too often. Scolding your predecessors puts you in a difficult position: you have to go against your predecessors everywhere, and do it better than your predecessors; swearing at your predecessors puts you in the limelight everywhere compared to your predecessors, which is really not good for you.    


"Also, I actually don't agree with people who are always scolding their leaders or your subordinates. They can only reveal your own incompetence and ignorance, and reveal that you yourself will not be able to unite with others nor display everyone's enthusiasm. With a single sentence, you revealed your own incompetence."    


It couldn't be seen that this brother had some knowledge about the government.    


After chatting for a while, my impression of Vice Captain Zeng changed a bit.    


Thinking about how Lee Shun ordered Faang Aiguo and the rest to take revenge for me that day, I couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.    


When we parted, we left each other's cell phone numbers.    


That night, Faang Aiguo sent me a message from Base Camp.    


The message read as follows: The content of the call is known. Headquarters will make the appropriate arrangements according to the development of the situation.    


The content of the message is very vague, it seems that Lee Shun knew the meaning of the two sentences Wu De told me to pass on, it seems that Lee Shun is speculating the true meaning of Wu De's words, although Lee Shun does not believe that Wu De would do that kind of thing, but he is also willing to believe it rather than not.    



The next day, when Leh and I were having tea in the teahouse, Leh took out his phone and made a call to Xia Xia, "Ji, arrange for someone to send me a list of the middle and top management in the group, I'm in the teahouse."    


With that, Leh hung up.    


I looked at Leh. "What do you want the name list for?"    


Leh looked at me: "Nothing, can't we just take a look?"    


I said, "You're worried about your son?"    


Leh smiled: "None of your business."    


I looked at Leh's unfathomable eyes and felt confused for a moment.    


After a while, someone came and sent Leh a list of names.    


Leh opened the list and looked at it carefully. After a while, he said to me: "Go, get a waiter to get me a pen."    


I immediately went out to a waiter to get a pen for Leh, then sat to the side to watch.    


Leh drew a circle under their names while holding the pen.    


"What are you drawing circles for? You want to prepare to promote these people? " "No," I said.    


Leh put away the list, looked at me, and smiled again, a smile that seemed a little strange.    


I couldn't help but feel even more confused.    


I don't know what Leh is up to, but since he's unwilling to say it, I can't keep asking. After all, it's his own family's private matter.    


Then, Leh looked out of the window and fell into deep thought. His expression seemed to be solemn, as if he was thinking about something.    


I sat quietly to one side, not bothering him.    


At this moment, my phone rang. I saw that it was Guan Yunfei.    


"Hello, Minister Guan —" I said.    


When Leh heard me answer the phone, he rolled his eyes and didn't say anything.    


"Yi, where is he?" Guan Yunfei said.    


"In Hsinghai City, drinking tea with friends in a teahouse!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, you little thing, I want you to feel comfortable." Guan Yunfei laughed.    


"What instructions did Minister Guan have when he called me?" "No," I said.    


"No instructions. Talk. By the way, did you get a call from your unit today? " Guan Yunfei said.    


"Today. No! No one in the unit called me. " "No," I said.    




"What's wrong?" "No," I said.    


"Nothing, I'm fine, I'm going to be busy, let's do this first!" Guan Yunfei hung up after saying that.    


Guan Yunfei's phone call confused me, so I didn't know why.    


Leh sat there looking at me with a very calm expression.    


"What are you doing? "How ridiculous." I muttered as I put away my phone.    


"Heh heh." Leh suddenly laughed.    


"What are you laughing at?" I looked at Leh.    


"I guess you're going to have something good." Leh said.    


"Is that some kind of divine calculation?" "Good my ass." I couldn't help laughing.    


"Heh heh." Leh laughed again and then stopped talking.    


At noon, Leh and I ate together in a bistro, and summer came.    


When he saw me in the summer, he couldn't help but sigh and say some comforting words.    


I thank you.    


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