Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1514 Silent

C1514 Silent

0In this way, he could explain his various incomprehensible and unfathomable actions from before.    


When he was committing evil with Bai Laosan, on the one hand, he was resistant to it in his heart, but at the same time, he was obedient and even positive in his actions. This would definitely cause his heart to be very conflicted and the conflict would be very fierce, and it would also cause his heart to be in pain and confusion.    


As Dong Xue sighed, I couldn't help but sigh as well.    


"This is all I can tell you about this matter. "As for the rest, you can think about it for yourself." Dong Xue turned around and said, "I'll go chat with my unsuccessful mother-in-law."    


Watching Dong Xue's figure disappear around the corner, I turned and walked up by myself. I walked through the bamboo forest and climbed to the top of the mountain.    


At the top of the mountain, I stood on a large rock and looked at the lush green hills in the distance. The sky was empty and the air was fresh. At this moment, the north was still covered in snow and ice, and the surroundings were yellow and grey. The greenery here seemed to have come from another world.    


I sat down and lit a cigarette. I thought about what Dong Xue and I said just now, about how the bodyguards turned themselves in, about Wu De wandering around Manila in Southeast Asia, about what Wu De and Lee Shun said that day.    


I have to figure out a way, I have to come up with a way, right or wrong, I have to have a way to sort this out, a way to come up with my own ideas and conclusions.    


Dong Xue seemed to have her own thoughts on the matter of the bodyguard today, but she didn't tell me about it. She only told me a little about it, as if, on the one hand, she didn't want me to know her true thoughts, but on the other hand, she wanted to give me some hints. This was an expression that she was unable to conceal from herself.    


It was not far from the Spring Festival. At this time, Wu De suddenly went to Southeast Asia and lingered there as if trying to create a tense atmosphere. Was there a necessary connection between the bodyguard suddenly turning himself in to the police and admitting that he had killed Bai Laosan?    


If there is no connection, it seems far-fetched to regard the two events as separate and unrelated, and it is hard to convince myself.    


If there was a connection, what would it be?    


I recalled what Wu had once said to Lee Shun, that he wanted to use his relationship to get rid of Lee Shun. If they accepted it, then there was a high chance that Lee Shun's arrest warrant would be revoked. Once it was revoked, then Lee Shun would be a free person, able to return publicly to his home country and appear publicly in Hsinghai.    


Perhaps, this was the true goal that Wu De wanted to achieve. He wanted to lure Lee Shun back publicly.    


At the Golden Triangle, Lee Shun was currently a dragon, a dragon that had lost control. After a few secret exchanges, Wu De not only failed to restrain Lee Shun, but instead suffered a great loss at the hands of Lee Shun. On the contrary, he made Lee Shun's men grow stronger and stronger.    


Golden Triangle belonged to Lee Shun, and there, he could not get any benefits. Moreover, he allowed Lee Shun to grow up in Golden Triangle, thus posing a huge threat to Wu De's business, which was equivalent to cutting off Wu De's road to wealth.    


Wu De wanted to eliminate Lee Shun in Golden Triangle, but was unable to achieve this goal. Then, would he think of taking some measures to lure Lee Shun to publicly return to the country and use the thought of reuniting with his parents during the Spring Festival to let him go back to Hsinghai to celebrate New Year with his parents? Then, what actions would he take in Hsinghai to directly settle Lee Shun? What kind of surprise attack could he take to eliminate Lee Shun's Revolutionary Army in one sentence?    


If that was the case, then Wu De wanted to kill two birds with one stone.    


Perhaps there was another possibility, which was that Wu De's current behavior was to intentionally create a tense atmosphere in Southeast Asia, making Lee Shun feel uneasy. It gave Lee Shun a sense of security after hearing the news of the bodyguard's surrender, and made him want to return home to avoid it.    


Once Lee Shun publicly returns to the Hsinghai, it would be equivalent to Wu De using the tiger in a cage. Wu De could use Lei Zheng's strength to kill Lee Shun, and at the same time, use his relationship with the Japanese and the military government to eradicate Lee Shun's Revolutionary Army.    


If this was to be achieved, then the news of Lee Shun's wanted order to be revoked would definitely come very soon. Since the reason why Lee Shun was wanted was because of Bai Laosan's death, since the murderer had turned himself in, it was obvious that it was reasonable to revoke the wanted order.    


Of course, Wu De had to spend a lot of money to achieve his goals. He needed a lot of money to talk to Lei Zheng and the Japanese and the Burmese military government. This time, besides having his bodyguards turn himself in, he must also have a soft spot, which was to give his family a lot of money and ensure that his father and sister had sufficient funds to treat their illness.    


And what Wu De has is money, his economic foundation is very strong.    


Of course, regarding the bodyguards this time, other than Wu De having the same hard and soft hands as before, he must have made some other promises. For example, he promised that he wouldn't be sentenced to death. At the same time, he would also promise that even if he was sentenced, he would quickly think of ways to get him out.    


In any case, with Lei Zheng controlling the political and legal systems of Hsinghai, achieving these was not a big deal.    


I smoked and thought about it, and felt more and more likely, more and more clearly, that my analysis made sense.    


Of course, this is all my own analysis. I think that it's very reasonable, other people might not think this way, nor do they think that it's compatible with the way things are going, or that they might not be able to completely guess Wu De's and Lei Zheng's thoughts.    


However, whether or not it's true, I have to have a basic understanding of the matter, a basic line of thought, and a basic line of thought right now.    


Of course, as the situation progresses, my judgement and thoughts would continuously correct and improve.    


At this point, I had a faint premonition that this year wouldn't be peaceful. Wu De and Lee Shun would definitely have a fierce confrontation during the Spring Festival, and Wu De would definitely have an unprecedented fierce attack on Lee Shun.    


At the moment, it seemed to be just beginning, not even beginning, just laying the groundwork.    


It was as if Wu De had a big game of chess in his heart. He was slowly and leisurely playing chess step by step, and the bodyguard and his voluntary surrender were just a small piece of chess and a small step in his big game of chess.    


At the same time, I can't predict whether Wu De will openly attack Lee Shun or continue to play behind the scenes. Will he openly fall out with Lee Shun this time?    


At the same time, I had a vague feeling that since Wu De was going to attack Lee Shun, then he would definitely not let me off. If he wanted to kill Lee Shun, then he must first remove this barrier. He always wanted to get rid of me first before acting quickly. This time when fighting with Lee Shun, he would definitely not ignore my existence, so of course he would make his move against me.    


In my heart, I was a bit irritated, not knowing if my premonition was right or wrong. I hoped that my premonition was wrong, and I hoped that the matter of my premonition didn't happen. The matter between me and Hai Zhu was already worrying enough, and I wanted to peacefully live for a year.    


As the sun set, I fished out my cell phone and told Lin Yaru about my analysis, asking her to report it to Base Camp for reference.    


When I got home, Dong Xue had already prepared dinner and everyone was waiting for me.    


At night, when it was quiet, my parents were already asleep. I lay on my bed and stared at the darkness in front of me with my eyes wide open. I didn't feel tired at all as I continued to think.    


At this moment, the door silently opened. A figure lightly walked in and directly walked in front of my bed.    


I lay there watching, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I could see that it was Dong Xue, and even, in the moonlight outside, I could see that Dong Xue was wearing a nightgown.    


Dong Xue probably thought I was asleep by then, that I was in a dream, standing quietly by my bed, as if hesitating about something.    


I narrowed my eyes and kept quiet, breathing evenly, watching the silent Dong Xue.    


After a while, Dong Xue suddenly gently pulled away from my blanket. Then, she nimbly got into bed and directly slipped into my bed.    


Dong Xue's sudden action surprised me. I was also very nervous and nervous.    


"Dong Xue, you …" I said in a flustered voice and shrank back.    


I slept in the coffer, almost naked as a fruit.    


Dong Xue then pressed her body tightly against mine as she hugged me tightly with both of her hands. "You should have long since woken up. You should have long seen me coming."    


"Don't do that." I said, breathing hard.    


Dong Xue's breathing was also rapid. She pressed her body tightly against mine as she muttered, "Why not? "You're my man, you're my …"    


Dong Xue's mouth was close to my cheek.    


My body stiffened.    



"Ke, I know what you're thinking. I know you like me. I know you like my body. I know you still love me …" Dong Xue spoke in a flurry, her hands constantly searching for something.    


I was flustered, a little anxious and helpless.    


My mind was in a mess. I knew I couldn't do this to Dong Xue, and I knew Dong Xue and I were guilty of doing this.    


Suddenly, Hai Zhu's angry gaze flashed in front of my eyes, and Qiu Tong's sad face — —    


As if struck by lightning, my brain rumbled, and my body rapidly cooled down. After a sudden spasm, I suddenly became extremely stiff.    


Dong Xue's movements also stopped.    


After a pause, I reached out and gave Dong Xue a push.    


Dong Xue's body slowly moved forward and she sat there staring at me. In the darkness of the night, I could clearly see her eyes shining.    


"Dong Xue …" I heard that my voice was hoarse and weak, "I'm sorry... No, no... "I'm sorry."    


Dong Xue didn't say anything. She slowly got out of my bed and sat at the head of the bed with her hair loose. She crossed her knees and hugged them, staring out the window at the night and the moonlight.    


I lay still.    


In the moonlight, I saw Dong Xue's face filled with tears. She was silently crying.    


My heart suddenly felt a needle-like entanglement and pain, a heart-wrenching pain and helplessness, a powerless melancholy and confusion.    


It was as if I should understand Dong Xue's feelings right now. It was as if I shouldn't have rejected Dong Xue's offer, but I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't force myself.    


"You don't have to say sorry. You don't have the right to say sorry." Dong Xue's voice was choked with sobs. "Of course, I won't say I'm sorry. I didn't do anything to let anyone down. On the contrary, the people around me did. You all let me down. This world let me down."    


I didn't know what to say, so I sat up and leaned against the headboard.    


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