Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1484 Temporary Pleasure

C1484 Temporary Pleasure

0Dong Xue sighed. You're wrong. I'm not here to laugh at you. I'm here to see you. When I first heard about this, on one hand, I was worried for you, and on the other hand, I was very happy for Hai Zhu. However, after a short moment of happiness, I felt sympathy and a bit of regret. No matter what, this was the grandest ceremony in his life, yet it ended like this. Somehow, I felt some sympathy for Hai Zhu again. Do you think I'm contradictory? "    


Without a word, I lit a cigarette and slowly smoked.    


"I know Qin Lu's death definitely has nothing to do with you. I believe in this!" Dong Xue said bluntly.    


"Do you believe Qin Lu's pregnancy has anything to do with me?" "No," I said.    


"It's not important if I believe it or not, but I know that stupid woman Hai Zhu will definitely believe it." Dong Xue said, "The fact that you signed the contract with Qin Lu is a fact that cannot be explained even if you have 100 mouths. Other than those who truly know you, no one would believe that you and Qin Lu did not have that kind of relationship before. It was impossible for Hai Zhu to not believe such a truth.    


You have now cleared yourself of the crime of murder, but are unable to wash away the notoriety of the relationship between a man and a woman. Although this kind of thing will not bring you any calamity of imprisonment, it will still make you suffer the ridicule and condemnation of the public, making you unable to lift your head up from being pointed out by others for quite a period of time. "    


Dong Xue's words make sense, I agree.    


"With this happening, I think that you and Hai Zhu's matter is almost over." As Dong Xue spoke, she couldn't help but smile.    


I said, "You're actually very happy."    


"Yes, on the one hand, I'm afraid of what you've done, and I'm sorry for what you've suffered in there, but on the other hand, I'm really happy from the bottom of my heart." "Hai Zhu is a brainless woman," said Wu. "Although she had achieved a little success in her business, she did so under your guidance. Without your help, she would not have had today's results.    


I think that now that things have gotten to this point, even if she wants to continue on with the good side of things, her family would not necessarily agree. After all, this is a matter that would make their family lose a lot of face.    


Besides, she doesn't necessarily want to continue with you. How can she accept being publicly informed at her wedding that her bridegroom has just caused a woman to miscarry after having a pregnancy? So, I assert, that's the end between you two. It's over, it's all over. I haven't even done much, yet you all have already maimed yourselves and saved me the trouble of doing so. "    


"You shut up —" I said angrily.    


"So what if I keep my mouth shut? I said it was like this anyway. Actually, I don't believe that you and Qin Lu would really have that thing. I know your character and character, if you really did that thing, you would admit it and not deny it. But would Hai Zhu be able to see through you so well? "No, obviously not. Compared to me, her understanding and understanding of you is far worse. She simply doesn't understand you at all. She doesn't even have any real trust in you!" Dong Xue continued.    


I felt very upset and said, "Can you shut up?"    


Dong Xue saw that I was really angry and stopped talking.    


I took a deep breath, got up, walked to the window, pulled the curtain back, and looked out into the night.    


After a long while, I turned around, walked back to my room, and sat down. "Even without that wedding, Hai Zhu and I are still legal couples who have been recorded down. Our relationship hasn't changed in the slightest!"    


"Hmph." Dong Xue sneered, "You must be trying to comfort yourself. Even if you insist on not letting that so-called registration go, do you think that after this incident, as long as Hai Zhu confirms that you and Qin Lu were involved, the relationship between the two of you would still be stable? Would Hai Zhu be as loyal to you as she was before?    


People change. Hai Zhu is a stubborn person, and she has an innate stubbornness in her bones. No matter how you explain this to her, she would never believe it. She believed that you and Qin Lu had something to do with each other. Do you think Hai Zhu's feelings for you will remain the same?    


She would think, from her own point of view, of all the sufferings she had endured with you, of all the infidelity and confusion with other women, of all the terrible things she had to live with you all day long, and of all the women but me who would be willing to suffer that? In addition to the encouragement and encouragement from others around her, as well as the embarrassment and shame that this matter brought to their family, I think that it would be difficult to protect her.    


Dong Xue's words made me extremely uneasy and uneasy. Thinking back to Haizhu's Mother's cold and indifferent attitude just now, I couldn't help but feel despair and disappointment.    


But I still refused to believe Dong Xue's self-righteous analysis. "Don't be too confident, don't be too arrogant. It's not what you think."    


"Then we'll see." Dong Xue smiled confidently.    


I suddenly felt angry and ashamed again. I looked at Dong Xue. "Is this what you came here to talk to me about?"    


"It's not worth my saying. I'm here to see you. The sin that you have suffered this time is the thing that worries me the most! " Dong Xue said.    


"Other than this, what else is there?" "No," I said.    


Dong Xue was silent for a moment. "I don't believe Qin Lu committed suicide," she said. Even though the police have come to a conclusion, I still have some doubts. "    


My heart skipped a beat. "Why?"    


"There's no reason, it's just intuition!" Dong Xue said.    


"Intuition?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, intuition. According to my usual understanding of Qin Lu, I don't think she was someone who would commit suicide. " Dong Xue said, "However, according to the reasons I have investigated, I can't find any reason for him to kill her. From the time Qin Lu entered the room until she was found dead, only you have been in and out of the room, and you have already been excluded from committing the crime. So, how did she die? This is very strange, very strange. "    


"Then what did you come to find me for?" "No," I said.    


Dong Xue didn't say anything for a while. She took out a room card from her pocket and handed it to me. "This is the door card for Room 1809 of the Northern Building!"    


"How did you get it?" I took the card and looked at it.    


"Today, I specially went to the North Building to get a room. The other rooms are all full except for this one room, 1809. It seems to be because someone just died in this room. The waiter hasn't arranged for any other guests to stay in this room." Dong Xue said, "I just came back from the North Tower. I entered that room and looked around, but I didn't find anything useful."    


"What do you mean by this room card?" "No," I said.    


"Go take a look, maybe you'll find something." Dong Xue said.    


I kept the room card and thought for a moment before looking at Dong Xue. "Dong Xue, why are you so interested in Qin Lu's death?"    


"For you!" Dong Xue said.    


"The police have proved that I didn't kill Qin Lu." "No," I said.    


"I think, perhaps I can find evidence from Qin Lu's death that you and Qin Lu don't have a relationship between a man and a woman. That way, you won't have to take the blame for this." Dong Xue said.    


"If I don't have to take this blame, then Hai Zhu will naturally believe me. Then, wouldn't the result you wanted to see would be a failure?" Isn't that a contradiction? " I stared into Dong Xue's eyes.    


Dong Xue smiled faintly, "Between helping you clean up the mess and Hai Zhu's relationship with you, I would rather choose the former. I know what's more important to me. "Besides, even if you wash off the blame, even if Hai Zhu believes in your innocence, even if you two stay together for the time being, I still won't let Hai Zhu laugh until the end. You still have to be mine in the end."    


Dong Xue's tone was stubborn and stubborn.    


Dong Xue's words made me feel hot inside but also very difficult to laugh or cry.    


Actually, Dong Xue's worries were unnecessary. Of course, I knew that Guan Yunfei was the one who made Qin Lu pregnant, but I just couldn't say it out loud. Even if I said it out loud, no one would believe that no one would prove that no one helped me. Unless Guan Yunfei took the initiative to admit it, but it was obviously impossible.    


Of course, Xie Fei was also aware of this, but Xie Fei was even less willing to speak of it. Qin Lu's death had eliminated a great enemy. This was exactly what she wanted, so she had nothing to worry about. Furthermore, even if she said so, there was no evidence. If Qin Lu died and had no proof, no one would believe her words. Instead, they would be found out and say that she and I colluded with the Leader to harm her husband.    


Also, I've been suspecting that if Qin Lu didn't commit suicide, she would have killed him. If Qin Lu killed him, it might have had something to do with Guan Yunfei and Xie Fei, because they were the biggest beneficiaries of Qin Lu's death.    


If Qin Lu really was killed by one of them, they seem to be more willing to see me carry this black pot. My carrying this black pot is their guarantee of safety.    


Even though I wanted to, since Dong Xue had brought the key to Room 1809, I would still make a trip to see her.    



After Dong Xue left, I contacted Fourth Brother, who was fine at the moment. He said that Sun Dongkai was in the hotel having a banquet to welcome Guan Yunfei and his wife back from abroad. All the members of the Party committee were there to accompany them, including Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong said that she would take a taxi home after dinner and wouldn't let him see her off.    


Fourth Brother quickly drove to the entrance of the residential complex and we headed straight for the North Tower.    


"I saw Minister Guan and his wife tonight." While driving, Fourth Brother said.    


"Oh, how are they?" I looked at Fourth Brother.    


"He is beaming with happiness. Although he looks a little tired, his mental state is still quite good." Fourth Brother said.    


Their current feelings were quite good. Whether or not Qin Lu's death had anything to do with them, for any of them, it was equivalent to releasing a huge burden. Especially for Guan Yunfei, he could finally feel relieved.    


Fourth Brother took out a mask and sunglasses and handed them to me. "Wear this."    


I understood what Fourth Brother meant to prevent me from being recognized at the North Tower.    


Soon, we arrived at the Northern Building. Fourth Brother drove directly into the underground parking lot. I wore a mask and sunglasses as I entered the elevator from the basement level 1 straight to the 18th floor.    


At the door of Room 1809, I took out my key card, opened the door, and entered with Fourth Brother.    


The room was clean, and Dong Xue had obviously not touched anything in the room.    


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