Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C701 Well-informed Person

C701 Well-informed Person

0"It's said that when the chairman is in trouble, there will be a lot of people watching this post. There are people from the city and the county, and I heard that the ones with the highest voice are the chairman of the standing committee and a full-time vice minister of the city committee." Su Dingguo said.    


I looked at Su Dingguo. I didn't expect that he, who usually remained silent, as if he had nothing to do with the world, was actually a well-informed person.    


"Amongst these two people who shouted the loudest, the Standing Committee's Ministry of Propaganda Elder has once again gained the limelight. I heard that his chances are the highest, and Boss Sun seems to be ranked third." Su Dingguo continued to speak, a trace of excitement seemed to flash across his eyes.    


"This is just a little piece of news right?" "No," I said.    


"Many rumors cannot be ignored. Their accuracy has often been proven by the final results!" Su Dingguo said.    


"Oh." I nodded. "So the city council has decided on a candidate?"    


Su Dingguo shook his head: "No, according to the rumors, the City Council's Standing Committee has different opinions on the choice of the leader, and they are divided into three factions. One faction supports the Division Minister of the Central District, with the largest number of people; one supported the Vice Division Minister of the Committee's Ministry of Propaganda, while the other supported Boss Sun. Therefore, these three people had the highest cheers, but the ones supporting Boss Sun were the least. The secretary of the city council never made a clear statement. Of course, from the bottom of my heart, I still hope that Boss Sun can succeed. "    


Thinking about Su Dingguo's previous conversation and the trace of excitement on his face, I felt that his last sentence was specifically meant for me, and not his real intention.    


I said, "CEO Su, why are you so well-informed?"    


Su Dingguo smiled, "I have a classmate who is in the secretary department of the Municipal Committee's office. A few days ago, we were in the same school together, and I heard a few words from him that were indistinctly leaked."    


I looked at Su Dingguo and wondered why he suddenly came here to talk to me about this. I felt that his behavior today was a bit abnormal. I don't think he suddenly wanted to say these words to me on the spur of the moment. He didn't seem to be scheming at all, but in reality, he wasn't simple at all.    


Su Dingguo saw that I didn't have much of an opinion, so he changed the topic to work. He praised my work fiercely, saying that I was a rare talent, and I kept being modest.    


After chatting for a while, Su Dingguo got up and said goodbye.    


After Su Dingguo left, I was still deep in thought, thinking about the excited expression that flashed in his eyes a moment ago. Suddenly, I remembered something, turned on my computer and went online to search for "the director of the city center area".    


No wonder when Su Dingguo mentioned that he had the loudest voice, he could not help but show an excited expression. It seemed that once this person who had the loudest voice succeeded, then his spring would come.    


He always liked to rely on those relationships that had nothing to do with each other to make him proud, proud and excited. Su Dingguo, who had been repressed for a long time, felt that it was about to be spring, then he would definitely have some wild thoughts, and even start to gather his own people in advance. In Issuing Company, I was the first person he wanted to recruit.    


Also, a man who has thought about something for a long time and has not been able to get it out of his mouth must be very depressed, and will want to talk to someone for a long time, but when he looks around, he doesn't seem to have anyone he can really talk to. The hireling outside my system is neither a political threat to him, nor is he usually indifferent to the struggle for power or fame, and seems to have become the most suitable target for him to talk to.    


That added up, and he came to me.    


Thinking this, I felt a little regretful in my heart. It seems that everyone in the government has their own opinions. Even Su Dingguo has become active.    


After a while, Cao Teng came back, pushed open the door and said, "City Leader is here."    


I looked at Cao Teng and said, "What City Leader is here for?"    


"City Leader came to our group to inspect the issuance of the Party Newspaper. The City Secretary himself came, accompanied by the City Chief of the Ministry of Propaganda. After hearing the work report of the Party Newspaper, the City Secretary came to visit the Issuing Company. Look at the employees watching the battle on the distribution lines. "We're almost at the company." Cao Teng said.    


"Oh." I got up and went to the window of the corridor, where I could just see the door.    


Cao Teng also stood up and looked into the yard.    


Qiu Tong was standing at the entrance of the company, seemingly waiting to greet the Leader. It looked like she would have to report the issue to the city secretary on the spot since she hadn't received any notice of her participation.    


The snow was falling harder and harder. The cold wind carried the snow as it flew everywhere. Qiu Tong, wearing a windbreaker, stood there quietly, allowing the wind and snow to blow against her.    


"City Leader has come to check on the circulation of the newspaper and has personally come to see the mourners. This will definitely be the headline of our daily newspaper again tomorrow." Cao Teng said.    


To the secretary of the city committee, if we can go to the Issuing Company headquarters to take a look, even if we have to personally come to the front lines, how would we not know that our first line is on the route of the Publisher's delivery?    


I silently looked at the snowy courtyard. After a while, a black car drove in, stopped, and several people got out. One of them was carrying a camera, and the other was holding a long-lens camera.    


Then, a sky-blue luxury Chinese bus slowly drove in and stopped steadily in the middle of the yard. The first two people to get out of the car were Sun Dongkai and Chief Editor, Sun Dongkai even had an umbrella in his hand. As he got out of the car, he stood at the door with a humble and respectful smile on his face.    


Then, a man in his fifties slowly got out of the car with a smile on his face.    


"This is the Party Secretary." Cao Teng said.    


I looked carefully, so this is actually the parent officer of Hsinghai, it doesn't look that impressive either!    


Sun Dongkai's actions were quick. He immediately placed the umbrella over the secretary's head. The president of the group personally opened the umbrella for the leader.    


Damn, the distance from the car door to Issuing Company door is less than 30 meters. It's not like it's raining, so why are you doing this? American President Barack Obama does not even shoot an umbrella when he sees people in the rain.    


"Boss Sun really knows how to do things. He knows how to care about his leaders, but he has eyes!" Cao Teng praised.    


I saw the Party Secretary smile at Sun Dongkai and nod his head, as if he was satisfied with Sun Dongkai's actions. Sun Dongkai smiled respectfully, bent down, stretched out his right hand and said something, "Leader, please —"    


At this moment, Qiu Tong came over and shook hands with the city secretary. Sun Dongkai was busy with something else, as if he was introducing Qiu Tong's identity.    


The cameramen moved forward, their cameras focused on the secretary.    


Then, the secretary walked towards the entrance, followed by a line of leaders and secretary at a distance. Sun Dongkai followed closely behind with his umbrella, afraid that a snowflake might fall on the secretary's body.    


When he reached the entrance of the company building, the secretary of the city council lifted his foot and climbed the stairs. Suddenly, his foot slipped and his body seemed to have lost its center of gravity as he fell backwards — —    


When I came to work in the morning, I noticed that someone had somehow splashed water on the steps of the company building, forming a layer of ice. When I went up the steps, I accidentally slipped, but it was okay if it didn't snow, now that the snow covered the steps, it was understandable that I was walking on them.    


Before anyone could react, Sun Dongkai didn't hold the secretary's hand. Instead, he suddenly threw the umbrella in his hand away, and in an agile posture, he directly covered his head and laid on the snow, where the secretary had fallen.    


"Sigh..." Cao Teng exclaimed.    


In the midst of Cao Teng's exclamations, the secretary fell backwards onto the ground and sat on the back of Sun Dongkai's head. The plump secretary covered Sun Dongkai's head with his fat butt.    


Damn, this time Sun Dongkai is in trouble. With such a heavy body pressing on his head, the snow is not thick, and the ground is made of cement.    


In the midst of everyone's exclamations, the Party Secretary was helped up by everyone. He hurriedly patted the snow off his body and asked about the warm weather. Sun Dongkai was also helped up by someone else.    


Damn, as expected, Sun Dongkai's face was now a mix of white and red. The white was blood, and the red was blood. Snow was flowing out of his nose and mouth, dripping onto the snow.    


Everyone surrounded the secretary of the city council and greeted him with concern. Other than the two staff members who were pulling Sun Dongkai up, no one else cared about him. It seemed that the secretary of the city council had suffered more serious injuries than him.    


The secretary suddenly pushed the people around him and walked in front of Sun Dongkai. He looked at Sun Dongkai emotionally and said something. He then asked the staff beside him for a tissue to wipe the blood and snow off Sun Dongkai's face.    


Sun Dongkai took the tissue from the secretary's hand with an expression of being overwhelmed by the unexpected favor. He wiped it off himself while trying his best to smile.    



Sun Dongkai's smile looked very comical at this moment. It seemed to be a cry.    


However, he was indeed smiling, seemingly comforting the Party Secretary, as if "My little injuries are nothing, as long as the Leader is fine."    


Ignoring his injuries, Sun Dongkai picked up the umbrella again and held it up for the secretary of the city council.    


With a appreciative look, he stretched out his hand and took the umbrella from Sun Dongkai, then patted Sun Dongkai's shoulder with his other hand and said something to the others. Then Sun Dongkai was helped into the black car and the car left the courtyard. It seemed that the secretary of the Municipal Committee had arranged for Sun Dongkai to be sent to the hospital for bandaging.    


Then, under Chief Editor's lead, the group went upstairs and continued their inspection to see the condolences.    


"It's really unfortunate for Boss Sun." I said.    


"Boss Sun is so lucky." Cao Teng said.    


I looked at Cao Teng. Cao Teng's eyes were filled with envy as he looked at the empty yard, as if regretting that he didn't meet such a rare opportunity.    


I suddenly understood what Cao Teng meant.    


After listening to Qiu Tong's brief report in the company's conference room, the Party Secretary and company went to check out the company's Statistical Office, sorting room, and fleet of vehicles. They cordially shook hands with everyone and said a few words of encouragement before leaving in a car.    


The bustling yard calmed down again.    


I don't know what the intention of the city secretary's sudden visit to the group to inspect the issue of the party newspaper is, today is the day the chairman of the board is handed over to the prosecutor's office.    


By noon, when it was still snowing, I went out to buy a box of food and ate alone in my office.    


The door to the office was pushed open and Cloudy Heavens walked in. His expression was uncertain.    


"After the city's secretary left, Chief Editor was severely criticized by the Ministry of Propaganda Elder. He said that our reception was not very meticulous, and then, Sister Qiu was severely criticized by Chief Editor." Clouds said.    


I frowned.    


"The secretary of the city council is coming to inspect. The group received the notice yesterday." Clouds said again.    


"Why is there water on this step?" "No," I said.    


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