Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C704 The Three People Who Shouted the Loudest

C704 The Three People Who Shouted the Loudest

0I know that Sun Dongkai was the one who scored the highest in this incident, and the one who lost the most was undoubtedly Chief Editor. He was the chairman of the group, and the secretary of the city council came here to inspect him and was frightened. Although he would not be punished for this, the leader's impression of him was greatly reduced, while Sun Dongkai's score suddenly increased. This had been a great help to Sun Dongkai in his tough game of life.    


Thinking about Su Dingguo and the three people that I said had the highest chances of winning, I'm a little doubtful that the two people in front of Sun Dongkai still have such a high chance of winning.    


The next day, Sun Dongkai was discharged from the hospital. The bandages on his face were removed, and that scar seemed to have become the pride and capital that he was proud of.    


Over the next two days, they continued to listen in on the three people who had shouted the loudest.    


It was related to Su Dingguo's family, which was also the minister of Ministry of Propaganda in the middle section of the city. It was related to his lifestyle, which was said that his relationship with a certain beauty in the district television station was unclear, which led to the Madam's jealousy.    


As for the Deputy Minister of the Municipal Committee's Ministry of Propaganda, he said that during his tenure as the director of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, he had taken the opportunity to evaluate and select advanced cultural and cultural units, and had taken advantage of his work to forcefully distribute a book he had produced to the participating enterprises. This had created a severe impact in the municipal straight-line system and had caused dissatisfaction among the relevant leaders of the Municipal Committee.    


The negative news about the two of them seemed to have come out overnight. It seemed like they had never heard of them before.    


As for Sun Dongkai, it was a heroic act of him sacrificing himself to save the secretary of the Municipal Committee. He said that at the critical moment, he had contributed his head to protect the secretary's ass, protected his image as the leader of the Municipal Committee, and protected the safety of the leader.    


I don't know if the sudden spread of these negative news is related to Sun Dongkai's efforts.    


Another day passed, and the group held a general meeting of all its members. A Vice Minister and a Division Chief came to the Municipal Committee's Organization Department, as well as Deputy Permanent Secretary from the Municipal Committee's Ministry of Propaganda.    


At the meeting, the Deputy Minister of the Municipal Committee announced the appointment and adjustment of the new leaders of Group Party Committee by the Municipal Committee: Sun Dongkai was the Secretary of the Party Committee on Hsinghai, Chairman, Chief Editor, CEO, and at the same time, the Deputy Minister of the Municipal Committee on Ministry of Propaganda. At the same time, Chief Editor was transferred from Hsinghai to the Municipal Archives Bureau and appointed as the Deputy Director of the Municipal Archives Bureau.    


In this marathon style official game, Sun Dongkai finally won, and it was a complete victory. Not only did he become the deputy minister of Ministry of Propaganda, but he also gathered all his Media Group into one body. He could finally be satisfied. His power and willpower were enough to shine through the entire group, and he could even radiate the entire city's committee's Ministry of Propaganda.    


After the meeting, Sun Dongkai officially took up his post and Chief Editor left in low spirits.    


I know that in the next step, Sun Dongkai will start to adjust the heads of the various departments according to his will. The first thing he does when taking up the position is to adjust the personnel.    


The second day after Sun Dongkai took up his post, he began to patrol around the various departments, cordially visiting everyone. He had also come to the Issuing Company, and his identity this time was different from the past. In our office, Sun Dongkai encouraged me and Cao Teng for a long time. Regarding me, Sun Dongkai even said a few more words, saying that I was skilled in business, and got special attention and praise from the Minister of Ministry of Propaganda of the city committee when I came to our Metropolitan News to denounce and punish me.    


At this moment, I noticed that Cao Teng's expression was a little ugly.    


I knew why his face was so ugly, and I could guess what he was thinking. He had hoped to give me a good beating from that incident, and instead of getting away with it, I received praise from the Minister. This was something he did not expect, and it made him even more jealous.    


As usual, Zhao Dajian's face had an uncontrollable excitement on it. As Sun Dongkai's sudden erection occurred, the days of his suppression were long gone, while Su Dingguo was still as taciturn and humble as usual. I don't know what Su Dingguo was thinking at this moment, but I know that he must have felt very disappointed and disappointed in his heart.    


One day, the next day, I do not know how the new generation of officials will change with Sun Dongkai on stage.    


After Sun Dongkai left, Qiu Tong called me to her office.    


"Sanshui Group's Boss Xia is inviting us to dinner tonight. At 6: 30 p.m., we'll go to the inner hotel of their group. " Qiu Tong said.    


"Who else?" "No," I said.    


"Let's invite our group of friends in the summer. He wants to get to know everyone, including you, Haifeng. Of course, Xia Yu is also participating." Qiu Tong said, "Did Hai Zhu go to Hainan to come back?"    


"The afternoon arrives at the Hsinghai!" I just received a text message from Hai Zhu. We arrived at Hsinghai at 4 PM.    


"That's good. Let's invite all the people we want in the summer. He said long ago that he wanted to have a chance to treat everyone to a meal. " Qiu Tong said.    


I nodded.    


"I haven't seen Hai Zhu for a few days, I really do miss her." Qiu Tong smiled.    


I forced a smile and looked at Qiu Tong: "What do you think about Group Party Committee Leader's adjustment this time?"    


"This is the decision of the city council, I won't express any opinions!" Qiu Tong said.    


"Just because you don't express your opinions doesn't mean that you don't have any thoughts!" "No," I said.    


"So what if you have ideas, so what if you don't have ideas? As subordinates, we'd better not comment too much on our leaders. " Qiu Tong's tone was very light.    


"I didn't expect Sun Dongkai to be so capable, to stand out in such a strong competition. I didn't expect him to be the head of the group's government and enterprises." "No," I said.    


"It's not surprising that it's common for a person to monopolize a few positions in a national news agency. "Actually, this might not be a bad idea. At the very least, it can avoid any conflicts between leaders of the same level. This way, it would also be beneficial for management." Qiu Tong said.    


"But there are disadvantages to this. At the very least, there is an excessive concentration of power, and there is a lack of restraint and supervision between them. is more likely to generate corruption. " "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong looked at me in silence for a moment. "Yi Ke, you worry too much. It's a pity for a person like you to be in the workplace. I think you're suitable to be in the government. "I've heard that the institutions of the city's direct system are about to openly recruit staff. Our corporation also has a quota, you should go and register.    


Qiu Tong spoke very casually, as if she did not take it seriously.    


I laughed. "I don't have that ability. "I'm not that interested."    


"I think you're quite capable." Qiu Tong said with a smile, "I knew you would say that. Actually, I believe you when you say that you're not interested, but I don't believe you when you say that you're not able to take the exam based on my current understanding of you. However, even if you really want to register, you might not necessarily be able to pass. "    


"Why?" "No," I said.    


"For this type of exam, the applicant has to have a full time education." Qiu Tong said, "Aren't you in high school? For a high school education, you don't even have the qualifications to register. "    


I said, "Oh."    


He suddenly laughed silently.    


"Oh what? What are you laughing at? " Qiu Tong's eyes were fixed on me.    


"Nothing." My eyes flickered.    


"Yi Ke, are you a high school graduate or not? What exactly is your education? Also, where did you come from? " Qiu Tong suddenly said.    


My heart was flustered. "Didn't I fill it in when I recruited the Publisher?"    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything and just looked at me suspiciously.    


I didn't dare stay in Qiu Tong's office. I found an excuse to leave and went out to close the door. When I looked back at Qiu Tong, she was staring at me in a daze.    


As I closed the door behind me, I felt uneasy, as if Qiu Tong was gradually uncovering all the lies I had laid out in the past.    


At 5 pm, I called Hai Zhu. She had just landed on the ground and arrived at the company.    


I told him about the summer treat, and she agreed.    



"Bro, I need to go home and take a bath first. I'll wait for you at home. Then we'll eat together. " Hai Zhu said.    




"I'll go back now. If you have nothing else to do, come back now. I miss you so much... There's still some time before dinner, and I just finished my period yesterday. " Hai Zhu said ambiguously, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation.    


I understood the meaning behind Hai Zhu's words. That day, I was tortured by Xia Yu for an entire night. The past few days were getting worse and worse. Hai Zhu's ambiguous words immediately aroused my natural instinct.    


When she opened the door, Hai Zhu was sitting on the sofa. She was wearing a cotton nightgown, not the one Xia Yu was wearing that was more exposed.    


Hai Zhu's hair had just dried and she was staring at a newspaper that was partially open on the coffee table. She saw me come in, closed the newspaper, pressed it down with a teacup, and then looked at me.    


"Zhu, I'm back." I walked over to Hai Zhu and sat down in front of her. I put my arm around her shoulders and tried to kiss her.    


At this moment, my brain and body are very excited. Along the way, I have already planned everything, I plan to push down Hai Zhu and strip her off, then fiercely insert Brother Zhuzi, who has an erection, into her body. I want to vent out some of the sexual depression Xia Yu brought me.    


Hai Zhu's body suddenly quivered, then she pushed me away. She sat on the side, keeping her distance from me, and looked at me with her eyes wide open.    


"Zhu, what's wrong?" I sat there looking at Hai Zhu.    


Hai Zhu's eyes suddenly became cold, and she looked at me as if she didn't know me.    


"What's the matter with you?" I was a little confused. Weren't you just hinting that I should hurry back to do what I had just done? Why is there such an expression on my face now?    


Hai Zhu stared at me blankly for a while. Then her eyes dimmed a little and she forced a smile. She stood up and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm very tired. I don't want to do it anymore."    


With that, Hai Zhu turned and entered the bedroom.    


"Oh, you're tired." I said to myself in the living room and shook my head. I thought Hai Zhu was acting weird, but I couldn't think of any reason why.    


Hai Zhu didn't come out of the bedroom. I heard the closet door open, as if she were changing clothes to go out with me.    


I looked down at the newspaper that was closed on the coffee table. I slowly picked up the teacup and opened it.    


Suddenly, I was stunned. I saw several strands of long hair in the newspaper.    


It wasn't Hai Zhu's hair. Hai Zhu's hair wasn't that long and it wasn't dyed that way.    


Then whose hair is this? Where did this hair come from?    


Suddenly, a buzz went through my head. This is Xia Yu's hair, the hair that Xia Yu left on the pillow on the bed!    


The sheets and covers and pillowcases Hai Zhu had put on just before she left. Hai Zhu must have found them on the bed, because she had put them in the newspaper.    


My mind was in a mess. No wonder Hai Zhu was behaving like that. She suspected that I brought her back while she was gone!    


What should he do? Explain to her?    


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