Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C706 Body Formation

C706 Body Formation

0Haifeng and I looked and saw Hai Zhu standing behind us.    


"What are you two doing? Today, I am treating you to a meal. How is it proper for you to be causing a ruckus here? " Hai Zhu said.    


"Zhu, I …" He … "You don't know, this bastard, he took advantage of your absence …" Haifeng was still angry and couldn't say anything for a while.    


"Alright, brother, we don't need you to meddle in our matters and worry about us. Just mind your own business." Hai Zhu said, "Let's go back. We can't make it too bad for him."    


Hai Zhu obviously didn't call me brother, and her "we" obviously didn't include me.    


Haifeng glared at me fiercely, then went back to the room with Hai Zhu.    


I stood there, stunned.    


When the clouds came out of the bathroom and saw me standing there, they came over.    


"Brother, are you alright?" Clouds looked at me with concern and concern.    


I tried to smile at the clouds.    


"Why is the corner of your mouth bleeding?" The cloud let out a low cry.    


I took out a tissue and wiped the corner of my mouth. Then I smiled. "Alright, let's go back."    


Clouds looked at me and went first.    


When he returned to his room, the atmosphere in the room was very warm. Everyone was talking and laughing. With Xia Yu there, it was impossible not to get excited.    


Summer saw me coming back and raised her glass. "Where did you go?" I drank three cups of wine with Boss Qiu alone. Come, let's drink three more cups. "    


At this time, I saw Qiu Tong quietly looking at me, occasionally glancing at Haifeng who seemed to have a normal expression, and then looking at Hai Zhu who seemed to be listening to Xia Yu's god-like words, her eyes were a little uncertain.    


I had three more drinks with Summer.    


At this moment, after drinking a lot of red wine and talking about clothes with Hai Zhu and Qiu Tong, Xia Yu seemed to be exceptionally excited as well as proud of her speech.    


"Sigh, let me tell you guys. Speaking of buying clothes, I actually quite admire Hai Zhu's eyesight, especially that pair of pajamas she wore at home. It was really pretty and sexy …" Xia Yu stopped talking and covered her mouth with one hand, realizing that she had finally let it out.    


Xia Yu's words and abnormal behavior made the room instantly quieten down. Everyone looked at Xia Yu.    


Hai Zhu's body shook. Haifeng's expression froze. Cloud's eyes widened. Qiu Tong's face revealed an expression of surprise. Xia Xia, on the other hand, looked at everyone in confusion.    


"What happened to you? What's wrong with the pajamas? " Summer said.    


Everyone was silent, the air in the room seemed to have frozen, the silence was terrifying.    


"Sister Xiao Yu, how — how did you know Sister Hai Zhu's pajamas were beautiful?" Yun Yun asked softly, his face was filled with doubt.    


Xia Yu's eyes were wide open, unable to utter a single word. Her face suddenly turned red.    


Qiu Tong suddenly seemed to understand something. She looked at Hai Zhu and me in a daze, then looked at Haifeng.    


Haifeng's face darkened, it was extremely ugly to look at.    


Seeing everyone's expression, Xia Xia Xia also seemed to have understood something, as his face instantly drooped down and he glared at Xia Yu.    


"I... I sent Yi Ke home the other day and also went up to take a look. Then, I saw … I saw it. " Xia Yu stammered.    


No one paid any attention to Xia Yu. It seemed that what Xia Yu said was true.    


Hai Zhu's expression was cold as her chest heaved up and down.    


"I... Yi Ke and I really don't have anything, we really don't have anything. " Xia Yu said again.    


To everyone listening, this seemed to be a powerless defense, yet it was also a place devoid of money, which was tantamount to a self-confession.    


Still no one spoke, but Xia Xia looked at Xia Yu with a bewildered expression, as if a fire had started burning in their eyes.    


Seeing that the situation wasn't looking good, Xia Yu suddenly stood up and ran out.    


Silence reigned in the room.    


After a while, Hai Zhu stood up and smiled at Summer, "Chief Chairman Xia, thank you for tonight's sumptuous dinner. I've finished eating and I'm not feeling well. I will take my leave first."    


Hai Zhu wanted to leave, but I also stood up. Then Haifeng also stood up.    


Summer stared at them.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong spoke up, "Chairman Xia, we've had our fill. It's time for us to leave as well."    


Summer sat there without moving, nodding, her expression heavy.    


So we took our leave, Qiu Tong arranged for Haifeng to take Yun back, then she, Hai Zhu and I took a taxi back.    


Haifeng didn't want to leave first, so he looked at Hai Zhu worriedly.    


"You can leave. Bro, I'm fine!" Hai Zhu said lightly.    


Haifeng looked at Hai Zhu for a moment and then glared at me fiercely. Then, he left with the clouds.    


Qiu Tong hailed a taxi and we got in. Qiu Tong sat in the front while Hai Zhu and I sat in the back.    


As the car drove through the streets of Hsinghai at night, everyone inside the car remained silent.    


After a long while, Qiu Tong, who was sitting at the front, said, "Perhaps what Xia Yu said was true. This is just a misunderstanding."    


"Sister Qiu, you'd rather believe that everything is a misunderstanding. You're willing to make such a misunderstanding, aren't you?" Hai Zhu said coldly, "Today, this is a misunderstanding. Tomorrow, this is a misunderstanding. It was only a misunderstanding, and I was the one who caught it. Am I to have to witness it for myself? "Did you want to have a misunderstanding like that too?    


"Hai Zhu, I …" Qiu Tong was unable to speak for a moment, and her voice sounded extremely awkward.    


"There are so many misunderstandings." Hai Zhu sneered and continued, "It was a misunderstanding that my pajamas were moved, and it was also a misunderstanding that my long hair was not found on the bed in the bedroom. This time, the hair that you found is not yours, this is not a misunderstanding, should you rejoice or regret? "    



"Hai Zhu …" Qiu Tong's voice was trembling.    


"Don't find my words unpleasant. I understand now. Horse is good to be ridden by people, and humans are good to be bullied. I have good intentions towards everyone, but what about you? Can you all treat me as I treat you? "    


Hai Zhu's voice was filled with grief and indignation as she continued, "Bullying me one by one, where is your conscience? What about your human nature? Today, this Xia Yu, I saw her hair as soon as she came in. Her hair was the hair I found on the bed. "To visit, to misunderstand, to miss the bed."    


Qiu Tong stopped talking. Her body was trembling slightly.    


After a while, they arrived at Qiu Tong's house and left with a heavy expression.    


Back at the dormitory, Hai Zhu went into her bedroom without a word.    


I followed her in and saw that Hai Zhu was packing her luggage. Panicking, I stopped her. "Zhu, what are you doing?"    


"It's none of your business what I'm doing. Get out of the way." Hai Zhu pushed my arm furiously.    


"Zhu, you have to listen to my explanation. You have to listen to me. I'll tell you the complete truth." I went up to stop Hai Zhu.    


Hai Zhu struggled a few times, but to no avail.    


Hai Zhu gave up struggling. She looked at me coldly, then sat down on the edge of the bed. "Speak, I would like to hear what you have to say that is not a misunderstanding."    


I quickly told Hai Zhu about the two times Xia Yu came here. Of course, I didn't dare to tell her that I slept under the covers with Xia Yu, nor did I dare to tell her about Xia Yu in Hai Zhu's pajamas and jumping into my arms from the guest room.    


"Zhu, this is how it happened. It was indeed a misunderstanding." Finally, I said.    


"Are you finished? Or are you done? " Hai Zhu said coldly.    


"I'm done!" I said, "Zhu, believe me, I'm telling the truth."    


"Humph, if it wasn't you and Xia Yu, if it was two people I don't know, if it wasn't Haifeng who gave her the New Year's cake and met by chance, if Xia Yu didn't say there was no silver here tonight, if she didn't run away in a hurry, I would rather believe your lies."    


Hai Zhu stood up and looked at me with a mocking expression. "Your story is perfectly made up. A man and a woman living alone in a room with such exposed pajamas on. Do you think I don't know about exuberance? This story of yours can be used to deceive a three year old child. Unfortunately, I am not a three year old child.    


Unfortunately, I found the hair on the bed. Unfortunately, I found that my pajamas were moved through and washed. What a pity. I don't like the way you make up stories. "I've long since seen through the differences between you and Xia Yu. As expected …"    


"Zhu, you have to believe my words. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xia Yu and see what she says." "No," I said.    


"How could I be this foolish? Didn't I know that you two had colluded to make up words of the same caliber? " Hai Zhu's voice was filled with grief and anger, "That's right, I'm not as good as Xia Yu. She is from a prestigious family, a rich family's daughter.    


But let me tell you, no matter how poor or lowly I am, I still have my own integrity and dignity. Don't think that just because their group is my long term big client, I have to put on a green hat. I'm not that cheap. At worst, if I don't do business, I won't be able to endure this humiliation. "    


As Hai Zhu spoke, she quickly packed her luggage, picked up her luggage and prepared to leave.    


I hurriedly stopped her. "Zhu, you can't leave!"    


"Get out of the way — —" Hai Zhu's voice was not loud, but it was still powerful and her eyes shone with a sharp light.    


Seeing Hai Zhu's unprecedented gaze, I couldn't help but be stunned. My body unconsciously moved to the side. Hai Zhu then walked past me.    


The heavy sound of the door opening and closing could be heard as Hai Zhu left.    


I knew Hai Zhu had a room in her office that she usually used for her lunch break. She must have gone to the office.    


I didn't go with her that night. I knew Hai Zhu was angry, and the more she explained, the worse it became.    


That night, I smoked in the living room all night long.    


The next morning, I went straight to Hai Zhu's office. Hai Zhu was busy with her work, but when she saw me come in, she ignored me and didn't kick me out.    


As I sat there looking into Hai Zhu's red, swollen, and tired eyes, my heart ached.    


After a while, the door to Hai Zhu's office was pushed open, and Sweetie Ru appeared timidly, "Sister Hai Zhu, the guest is here, Sanshui Group's Boss Xia is here."    


Hai Zhu stopped what she was doing and said to Sweetie Ru: "Please let Boss Xia come in and make him a cup of tea."    


My treatment is not even as good as that of summer. I didn't even drink boiled water.    


Then in the summer, Hai Zhu and I stood up to greet him, asked him to take a seat, then Sweetie Ru served tea, then closed the door and went out.    


Summer looked at me and Hai Zhu with an uneasy expression and said, "Little sister, what happened yesterday. I... I'm very upset... I came here specifically for this matter. "    


Hai Zhu looked at the summer sun and said lightly, "Manager Chairman Xia, this has nothing to do with you, why should you be worried?"    


Summer looked at me, then looked at Hai Zhu: "I don't know what exactly happened, I don't know where that girl went last night, I turned off my phone and didn't see her. Thus, I have come here to see you and the others. "    


Hai Zhu said, "There's only one client here. You can ask him."    


Summer looked at me, and I told her what had happened again, just as I had told Hai Zhu last night, without mentioning the two heart-racing plots.    


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