Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C732 Not Enough Noise

C732 Not Enough Noise

0I turned and went out, closed the door behind me, and looked at Qiu Tong, who was staring at me with a frown on her face.    


After work in the afternoon, I drove past the City People's Hospital, inadvertently looked inside the door, and saw Qiu Tong was walking out.    


I stopped the car and rolled down the window.    


Qiu Tong saw me and came over.    


"What did you come to the hospital for?" I said, "Are you feeling well?"    


"No, I came to the hospital to find someone I know to do something. We couldn't find him. He's on a business trip. " Qiu Tong said.    


"How did you get here?" "No," I said.    


"My car is over there." Qiu Tong pointed to the other side of the road, then said to me, "You go first. Drive slower."    


I nodded and started the car.    


When he arrived at the entrance of the residential complex, he suddenly saw Xia Yu standing there, hugging her coat tightly as she stomped her feet to keep warm.    


Seeing my car approaching, Xia Yu welcomed me.    


I stopped the car. Xia Yu pulled the car over to the front door and got in. She rubbed her hands together as she said, "Aiya, I froze to death. I've been standing here for almost an hour. "    


I didn't see Xia Yu for a while, so I looked at her. "What are you doing here?"    


"Second Master, what else can I do here? I'm waiting for you!" Xia Yu looked at me and smiled unnaturally.    


"What are you waiting for me for?" "No," I said.    


"I'm Second Master's Second Wife. Second Wife, wait for Second Master. Do you need a reason?" Xia Yu said.    


"Down —" I said bluntly.    


"I won't, I won't!" Xia Yu pouted.    


"You don't think it's big enough, do you?" "No," I said.    


"What do you mean it's not big enough? What's wrong with me? Do you and Hai Zhu have a marriage certificate? So what if I'm with you? What law have I broken? " Xia Yu said righteously, "It's not that you don't want Hai Zhu anymore, it's that she doesn't want you anymore. You're free now, so what if I want to find you?"    


I pulled over to the side of the road and said, "Xia Yu, what the hell do you want?"    


Xia Yu said: "I don't want to do anything, I just like to be with you, I like to stick to you. I know that morally speaking, I was in the wrong, and I was in the wrong, but nothing really happened between us. Even my medical certificate was entrusted to Sister Qiutong to show it to Hai Zhu. How could Hai Zhu not believe it? How come Hai Zhu just couldn't accept that she couldn't forgive you? She had to find a reason to leave you. No one could do anything about it, could they? She doesn't want you anymore, I want you. Second Wife wants Second Master. "    


I lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, not saying a word, feeling depressed.    


"I never knew that I had a competitor, Dong Xue. So suspenseful. She was Hai Zhu's predecessor, and now she wants to return." Xia Yu continued nagging, "Now that Hai Zhu has given me the space, I will make sure to fill it up quickly, so as to not let First Wife's predecessor take the opportunity to strike again. "I think this Dong Xue isn't an ordinary woman. She looks really powerful."    


I said, "Xia Yu, Hai Zhu left me, aren't you happy in your heart?"    


Xia Yu said, "No, actually, I should have been carefree, but in my heart, I just couldn't help but feel very sorry for Hai Zhu. I wanted to privately find Hai Zhu to comfort her, but I was worried that she would embarrass me, and also worried that she would break off her partnership with our company. That way, my brother would definitely hit me."    


The reason why I didn't look for you or Hai Zhu these many days is because I've always felt depressed in my heart and couldn't figure out why I couldn't be happy. I was worried that you wouldn't be in a good mood and would throw a tantrum at me if you saw me.    


After so many days, I slowly adjusted my mood. I also thought that I couldn't let Dong Xue get in first, so I waited here for you. How is it, Second Master, I'm not late yet, am I? Dong Xue didn't get in front of me, did she? "    


I didn't say anything. I just stared at the front of the car, and as night fell, the road lights came on.    


"How did you get here?" "No," I said.    


"I took a taxi here!"    


"Where's your car?"    


"Those two bodyguards are always following me, it's so annoying. I parked the car in front of the mall, and those two people just watched. I went into the mall, slipped out the back door, took a taxi and ran away." Xia Yu said in a slightly complacent manner.    


"Which mall?"    




"I'll take you there." I started the car.    


"You — don't! Second Master, I finally escaped and came looking for you. What are you doing?" Xia Yu shouted.    


Ignoring Xia Yu, I drove straight to Medron, where Xia Yu was jumping and screaming.    


"Second Master, Second Master, don't send Second Wife back. I'm not going back. "    


"You must go back." I said as I drove.    


"I won't …"    


Without a word, I drove straight to the McDeron parking lot and parked in front of Xia Yu's car.    


Xia Yu's two bodyguards were standing there. They saw my car drive over and were stunned to see Xia Yu sitting in the car. They looked at us.    


I said to Xia Yu, "Here we are, get out of the car!"    


"If I don't get out of the car, then I won't!" Xia Yu pressed the door switch to death and held on tightly to the door handle.    


Xia Yu insisted on not getting out of the car. I really couldn't do anything about her, so I had no idea what to do.    


The two bodyguards walked over and looked at Xia Yu.    


"Scram — get the hell away from me." Xia Yu rolled down the window and yelled at them.    


The two bodyguards quickly retreated a few steps, and one of them took out his cell phone.    


I opened the door and got out, standing over the car and smoking a cigarette.    


Xia Yu sat in the car, puffing out her cheeks and staring at me.    



After a long pause, I saw a black limousine pull up, slow to a stop near us, then the door opened and Summer got out, striding toward us with a grim expression on her face.    


The two bodyguards busied themselves in their cars.    


"Ahh!" Xia Yu screamed as the car door flew open. Xia Yu quickly slipped out of the car and ran to her BMW without looking back. Then the car sped away and the two bodyguards' cars followed her.    


Summer came up to me, her face softening.    


"Brother Xia …" I smiled wryly towards Summer.    


"Bro, I'm sorry, I just received a call from Xia Yu's follower. I knew that this girl is giving you trouble again." Summer looked at me apologetically.    


"I'm fine." Apologize to me in the summer, what else can I say? I can only say that I'm fine.    


"Hai." Summer looked in the direction of Xia Yu's car and sighed. "Bro, about the matter between you and Hai Zhu's sister. I do feel guilty. I'd like to help you, but I don't know what to do. "    


"Thank you for your kind intentions, brother. No one can help me with my matters, and you don't need to feel guilty about it. Don't scold Xia Yu. Some things, maybe, are destined to happen." I looked a little sad. "Actually, this might have been a game in the first place. In this game's dream, there is no one right or wrong. Hai Zhu was not in the wrong. Xia Yu was not in the wrong either. The only one who is wrong is me. "    


Summer looked at me for a long time, then gave me a hard pat on the shoulder and said, "My father once said to me that life is a choice and a surrender. Those who can choose freely are happy, and those who can give up moderately are free. "    


Summer father is Leh, this is what Leh said to him.    


After saying that, Summer sighed deeply, then turned around and slowly left.    


Watching the summer go away, pondering the summer words of his father Leh, I thought for a long time.    


Then, he thought back to what Floating Dream had told Guest before: Youth is a book that cannot be closed once you open it, life is a path that you cannot turn back once you step on it, and love is a wager that you cannot take back once you throw it away.    


In the desolate and cold night breeze, I stood there alone, quietly savoring the bitter wine I brewed with my own hands.    


Two days later, a shocking piece of news exploded in Hsinghai: Something happened to Bai Laosan!    


I got the details of this information from the Emperor.    


One day before I received this news, I received information from Qin about the Ningzhou. According to his investigation, a few days after the closing of Lee Shun's casino, another large scale underground casino was opened secretly in the Ningzhou. It took away most of the former customers of Wu Steel's casino, and the owner of this casino was none other than Duan Xiangloong.    


Although Duan Xiangloong never showed up at the casino, Qin still found out through some means.    


After finding out about this, Lee Shun did not make any objections and pretended that he did not know anything. He even went to tea with Duan Xiangloong that afternoon, talking and laughing merrily.    


According to Qin's investigation, besides Duan Xiangloong, the owner of this casino also had other shareholders. It seemed that the Ningzhou police had someone involved in the casino. As for who the police involved were, no one knew. As a result, the safety of the casino was greatly guaranteed. The safety of gambling was paramount. Since safety was guaranteed, there was no need to worry about the source of customers rolling in.    


Qin and I analyzed that on the surface, this casino's boss looks like Duan Xiangloong, but the real boss behind the scenes, the real sponsor, is very likely to be Bai Laosan. Duan Xiangloong is only the nominal operator, because opening a casino on this scale requires a lot of funds to transfer and the lack of several tens of millions of funds doesn't make up for Duan Xiangloong's lack of strength.    


Qin said that he and Lee Shun had also analyzed it, and Lee Shun also thought so, but Lee Shun was calm about it. Qin said that he and Lee Shun had analyzed it, and Lee Shun also thought so, but Lee Shun was calm about it.    


The afternoon after my conversation with Qin, I received a call from the Emperor inviting me to meet him at a secret teahouse.    


In a private room in the teahouse, the Emperor calmly told me: "Something has happened to Bai Laosan."    


"What happened?" I have a premonition that Lee Shun's operation has already begun.    


"The tax evasion and evasion of the three enterprises under Bai Laosan's command involves a huge amount of money. The State Administration of Taxation and the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security directly send people to supervise the operation.    


They came to the Hsinghai to investigate in secret for quite a few days, but they didn't notify the local tax bureau or the public security department of the Hsinghai. It wasn't until yesterday that the local authorities were informed and action was taken quickly. The joint investigation team directly sealed the financial accounts of the enterprises suspected of tax evasion and took several people with them. " The Emperor said.    


"Which companies are involved? How much money was involved? Who did they take with them? " I can't hold it in anymore. What I care about the most is Dong Xue, she is Bai Laosan's chief financial officer. Bai Laosan's tax evasion happened, and Dong Xue's situation is very dangerous.    


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