Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C721 A Lonely Back

C721 A Lonely Back

0"Little cold, what's there to look at?" Hai Zhu said indifferently, "Since you still have to go and receive customers, then you can leave."    


"Hai Zhu, let me send you back. This is the peak hour for getting off work. Renting a taxi is not easy." Qiu Tong said.    


"That's right. Sister Hai Zhu, let's send you back!" Clouds said too.    


"Get in the car, Zhu!" "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu looked at us with a depressed gaze before gently shaking her head. "Thank you for your kind intentions. However, there's no need for that, I'll just call the taxi and return it. I won't trouble you guys then. "    


With that, Hai Zhu lifted her leg and left.    


"Zhu —" I called again and followed.    


Hai Zhu turned around and looked at me. I said, please give me a free space, please respect my words. "    


"But, Zhu." I started to speak but then stopped.    


"It's time for me to leave, it's time for you guys to leave as well. Please don't pester me." Hai Zhu then left by herself.    


I stood there, looking at Hai Zhu's lonely figure as she left, and suddenly felt a wave of sadness in my heart.    


Qiu Tong watched as Hai Zhu walked away with a thoughtful expression on her face.    


Yun Yun said with a bit of distress, "Brother, Sister Hai Zhu. She still won't forgive you. She left on her own. "    


I didn't say anything for a long time. After seeing Hai Zhu take a taxi and leave, I slowly turned around and walked towards the car.    


Although I saw a psychiatrist that day, I continued to have nightmares that night.    


I don't know when these nightmarish days will end.    


The next morning, I summoned the head of my department, Qiu Tong, to prepare a distribution scheduling committee.    


At this time, the mayor of a standing committee, accompanied by Sun Dongkai, arrived at Issuing Company. Sun Dongkai introduced him, the minister had specifically come to Hsinghai to investigate, and had chosen Issuing Company as his first stop.    


"This winter and spring, according to the unified deployment of the city committee, according to the requirement of implementing the scientific development concept, the various standing committees will have to investigate the work under the ground level in the areas under their jurisdiction." This winter and spring, according to the unified deployment of the city committee, according to the requirements of implementing the scientific development concept, the various standing committees will have to investigate the work under the areas under their jurisdiction. The minister chuckled.    


Qiu Tong and I welcomed him.    


"It just so happens that we have to convene the heads of the various distribution departments this morning to open up a movement control committee to listen to the reports from earlier and to study the next step of the recruitment process." Qiu Tong said.    


"Alright, then I'll attend your meeting and be an observer." said the minister.    


"Minister, please sit. I will also sit down and listen to how the first fire of the brand-new Boss Yi started." Sun Dongkai also said.    


"Alright, alright." The minister nodded in agreement.    


"Leaders can only attend. How can they attend?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Hey, Qiu Tong, don't say that. Dongkai and I are listening by the side today, so we won't express any opinions. You guys can do whatever you want. Don't be influenced by us, I really want to hear the opinions from the basic level." said the minister.    


Qiu Tong and I looked at each other before I nodded. Qiu Tong said, "Alright then. We welcome the two leaders to attend."    


"It's been a long time. Today, I can see Boss Yi's powerful move again." The Minister said half-jokingly.    


When I grinned, Sun Dongkai and Qiu Tong both laughed.    


At 9 o'clock sharp, a meeting was held in the company's small conference room. The station masters, business department and the people in charge of Statistical Office had all arrived. Qiu Tong and I sat in the middle of the conference table, while the Minister and Sun Dongkai sat in the corner of the meeting.    


Qiu Tong presided over the meeting and listened to the reports from the various departments, focusing on the previous work done by each department in the process of solicitation, including the problems and suggestions that arose.    


Due to the participation of the Minister and Sun Dongkai, everyone was a little stiff at the start. After a few words of ridicule, the atmosphere of the meeting gradually livened up.    


When it was Cao Teng's turn to report, Cao Teng unrestrainedly named the results of my previous work in Business 2 as his own. He spoke shamelessly in front of me, reporting vividly and vividly.    


Qiu Tong and I listened without batting an eyelid. The Minister and Sun Dongkai listened intently and nodded.    


When we were finished, Qiu Tong asked me to talk about the details.    


I began with a full affirmation of the work of everyone in the preceding paragraph, and then changed the subject: "To ensure the successful completion of the conscription tasks next year, or even the excessive completion, our distribution strategy must be adjusted.    


Our next step is to grasp the stability of old customers, to grasp the development of new customers, to grasp both hands, both hands are hard. In the next step, I would like to make a few suggestions for your reference … "    


Qiu Tong was seriously taking notes, and the Minister and Sun Dongkai were also writing something in their book. The Minister would look up at me from time to time.    


I continued, "What you need to do next is diversify your promotional practices. Next, based on the premise of effective distribution, I think you can focus on the following ways to promote your products... "    


I spoke frankly.    


The minister looked up at me admiringly from time to time as he made his notes.    


I finally said, "I am just doing some services for everyone. If the service is not good, everyone can ask for my opinion at any time, or jump ranks to report directly to Boss Qiu, or even to Secretary Sun. Today, the head of our Hsinghai is here, and everyone can also report to Lord Division Minister."    


When I said that, everyone started laughing out loud. Minister Sun Dongkai and Qiu Tong also started laughing out loud.    


"Secretary, please say a few words to everyone." Sun Dongkai struck while the iron was still hot.    


I'm an amateur at marketing and marketing. Today, besides listening, I'm asking and learning, and other than experiencing, I think it's better for everyone to listen to Boss Yi and Boss Qiu. The two of them are for distribution, one macro and one micro, the other strategic and one tactical. said the minister.    


"Hur hur, didn't I learn it from the Minister? I've always paid attention to your servants in the Ministry and have been studying you." Sun Dongkai smiled.    


"Alright, let's stop chatting and continue listening to them." said the minister.    


Then, Qiu Tong summed up, combined with everyone and my speech content, made the next step of the systematic deployment, gave my proposed a few new marketing methods to give full recognition, asked everyone to return as soon as possible to implement, and the company will coordinate the relevant matters uniformly.    


Then, the meeting ended.    


After the meeting was over, Sun Dongkai arranged for the Secretary to have a meal with Qiu Tong and me.    


During the meal, the Minister was particularly warm to me. He talked about my affairs, asked me personal questions, and I answered them carefully, in case there were any mistakes. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that Hai Zhu and I were at odds.    



"Dongkai, the city is organizing an institution entrance examination for the next few days, and a group of people from our promotional system will be joining as well. Also, the city has recently released an appointment document for the selection of outstanding talents." Dongkai, the city is organizing an entrance examination for the next few days, and a group of people from our promotional system will be joining for the next few days. the minister said to Sun Dongkai.    


"Of course, of course. I will remember the Minister's words in my heart." Sun Dongkai nodded in agreement.    


Qiu Tong smiled but didn't say anything. She looked at me.    


For a moment, I didn't understand what the Minister meant by that. I buried my head in my food.    


I don't know what the Minister really thought of Sun Dongkai, but I heard that at that time when the Group Head wasn't confirmed, the Minister, as a standing committee, supported the Vice Minister of the Ministry at that time to become the Group Head. He had also heard that the Minister and another secretary of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, Bai Laosan's brother-in-law, had a delicate relationship over the years, and Bai Laosan's brother-in-law had supported Sun Dongkai as the group's head.    


Since I've already heard it, then it's impossible for Sun Dongkai to not have heard about it. But no matter what he thinks in his heart, no matter if he has any objections to the minister, or whether the minister is his boss now or a member of the city committee, he cannot and does not dare to show any displeasure or displeasure.    


"When we were discussing about the leader of the group on the city council, I voted for you. You have to take care of the group for me!" the minister added.    


"Thank you for your support and concern, Minister. I will live up to your expectations!" Sun Dongkai said with a grateful expression, then raised his wine cup: "Come, Division Minister, let me toast to you, many thanks Division Minister for coming to Media Group right after the first stop of your research. This is the minister's support for the group and for my work. "    


The minister drank a cup of wine with Sun Dongkai in a reserved manner. Then, he raised the cup and looked at Qiu Tong and me, "Xiao Qiu, Yi, come, let me give you two a cup of wine."    


Qiu Tong and I raised our glasses.    


"Qiu Tong, you are an outstanding management cadre that I have long heard about in the direct publicity system of the city. When you were the vice chairman of the HR department of the group, I knew about your ability, but I didn't expect that you were a talent in administration and also excellent in management. Last year, the issuance of the Municipal Public Information Bureau was very outstanding, completing the tasks assigned by the Municipal Public Information Bureau. At the same time, I also understand your character. You need to do things with a high profile, keep a low profile, and be loved and respected by the staff. said the minister.    


"Thank you for your praise, Minister. This is the result of Group Party Committee Leader's nurturing!" Qiu Tong said.    


Then the minister looked at me: "Yi Ke, I think you are a guy that doesn't follow the rules, your thinking is extraordinary, your thoughts are very open and innovative, if we want to develop our culture, we need guys like you. If everyone follows the rules, then we will forever stay at the general level, and we will never have outstanding results.    


You better not disappoint the expectations that the Group Party Committee has of you, and also do not disappoint the expectations that I have of you. I hope that under the guidance of Department Head Sun and Boss Qiu, you can go further and achieve an even better result under the guidance of Hsinghai of Department Head Sun, in short, no matter whether it is your job or your own, there will be a better development for you. "    


I nodded my head. "Alright, I remember the leadership's teachings. I will work hard to develop and strive to become a great monk!"    


"If you want to become a big monk, then Qiu Tong should become an even bigger monk." The Minister laughed.    


Sun Dongkai also smiled, his smile was a little subtle.    


I did not know whether the Minister meant it or not. I did not know whether he meant it or not, and it was not until later that I understood.    


Over the next two days, Qiu Tong and I devoted ourselves to the implementation of the arrangements for this meeting. Soon, we were able to sort out the relationships and procedures and proceed in an orderly manner.    


On the afternoon of the third day, I received a call from Hai Zhu. She told me to come to the Hsinghai Hotel after work, that she was having dinner tonight, and then told me where to eat. Without waiting for me to say anything else, she hung up.    


I was a little confused, a little apprehensive, and a little foreboding.    


After work, I went to my hotel room.    


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