Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C742 Become Angry from Embarrassment

C742 Become Angry from Embarrassment

0"Someone, come here!" Dong Xue suddenly shouted and kicked Zhang Xiaotian away. Zhang Xiaotian staggered and sat on the floor.    


Dong Xue then got up from the bed, ran to the door and opened it. "Bastard, rogue — get out —"    


Zhang Xiaotian got up, and angrily said to Dong Xue: "Sure, Dong Xue, your wings are stiff, aren't they? Ungrateful thing, I gave you face but no face. Don't think that you're amazing just because Boss Bai trusts you. Let me tell you, just you wait. There will always be a chance for me to let you know that I'm not that easy to offend. I recommended you to Boss Bai, I can tell Boss Bai to reuse you, of course I can also tell him to cripple you. "Let's wait and see. Slut, bitch …"    


"Scram!" Dong Xue scolded angrily.    


"Fuck, you little slut, just you wait! I'll find a few people to kill you some other day!" This old man will definitely kill you. " Zhang Xiaotian left while cursing.    


After putting them down, Dong Xue paused and looked at everyone.    


Bai Laosan turned his head and looked deeply at Zhang Xiaotian, saying sinisterly, "You are more handsome than me, your kung fu is very good …"    


Zhang Xiaotian trembled from head to toe: "Bai …" "Boss Bai, that's just my drunken nonsense. Please don't take it seriously."    


"Shut your mouth — —" Bai Laosan pointed at Zhang Xiaotian, then looked at Dong Xue, "Dong Xue, is there anything else?"    


"Yes!" There's one last video. I intercepted it from the control room the day before yesterday. I wanted to intercept this video because I couldn't find some important information in my office some time ago, but I didn't forget to think too much about it. I thought that I had carelessly left something behind, and it wasn't until a few days ago when several companies were suddenly found with tax evasion or evasion that I remembered to call up the surveillance video. " As she spoke, Dong Xue pressed the remote control again, followed by another video.    


The image showed a closed door with the Treasurer's sign on it. It was midnight half a month ago. After a while, he saw Zhang Xiaotian walk over. He looked at both sides and then took out something to open the door. Then he took out a flashlight and went inside. After that, he closed the door without turning on the light. After a while, Zhang Xiaotian came out with a file in his hand. It was filled with thick stuff. Then, Zhang Xiaotian looked around before closing the door and leaving in a hurry.    


When the video was over, Dong Xue turned off the TV, pulled out the dish and said, "This is what I want to explain. At first, I didn't think much about these things and I didn't want to embarrass Director Zhang, but since Director Zhang and Boss Bai insisted on forcing me to explain, I had no way of explaining it. I could only show these things to everyone.    


After she finished, Dong Xue walked back and sat down.    


Bai Laosan's face turned ashen. He turned around and looked at Zhang Xiaotian: "Director Zhang, how do you explain this video?"    


Zhang Xiaotian quickly said, "It's like this. I'll explain, I'll explain. It was like this, that day. Dong Xue invited me to her dorm room for a chat around 11 pm. I was very happy and excited, so I went to her room. Dong Xue said that the boxes of chocolates she had just bought were left in her office, in a file bag, and asked me to bring them back for her.    


She gave me her office door card and a flashlight. She said it was time to get off work and not let anyone see me walk into the office and ask me not to turn on the lights. Thus, I … I will go. After entering, he took a long time searching for the chocolate with his flashlight, which he placed in a file bag in a corner. I took it and came out. "    


After Zhang Xiaotian finished, Dong Xue sneered: "Director Zhang, you are so good at making up stories. Luckily, you had the video of you breaking into my dorm as a witness. Otherwise, everyone would have thought that I would have invited you to my dorm at 11 PM."    


Zhang Xiaotian shouted angrily, "Dong Xue, you're lying! That day, it was you who invited me to your dorm at 11 AM, then told me to go to your office and get some chocolate. After I went to your dorm, you closed the door and left."    


Dong Xue smiled, "Director Zhang, continue to make things up."    


Zhang Xiaotian looked at Bai Laosan: "Boss Bai, what I said was true, I don't deny that the audio and video before was true. I admit that I did what I said, I shouldn't have tried to be greedy and foolish, but this latter one was really set up by Dong Xue. Boss Bai, you must believe my words. It was really Dong Xue who framed me. "Really."    


Obviously, Zhang Xiaotian was scared. He knew how much harm this video would do him.    


Dong Xue sat there, sneering incessantly.    


At this moment, I couldn't help but be confused. I definitely didn't believe that Dong Xue would take the initiative to invite Zhang Xiaotian to her dorm room at 11 am. So, why would Zhang Xiaotian go to Dong Xue's office at midnight? Was he really going to hunt for information about Bai Laosan's tax evasion? Could that mysterious person be Zhang Xiaotian?    


However, there was no need to make Zhang Xiaotian so mysterious by giving Lee Shun things. Could it be that Zhang Xiaotian was worried that Lee Shun would not give him so much reward directly, so he came up with this idea?    


If Zhang Xiaotian is this mysterious person, then, the person who secretly helped me a few times was also him? It was impossible, absolutely impossible, and illogical.    


My mind was in a mess and I couldn't think of anything to say.    


Zhang Xiaotian's words seemed to have made Bai Laosan lose his ideas. He looked at Dong Xue and then at Zhang Xiaotian, as if trying to figure out who was lying.    


After a long time, Bai Laosan stood up and said, "Sit down and don't move."    


Then, Bai Laosan directly walked towards the room next door.    


I quickly switched the picture to the next room.    


Lei Zheng held his chin as he looked at the monitor screen, deep in thought. Bai Laosan came in, closed the door and walked to Lei Zheng's side.    


"Brother-in-law, look." This incident tonight. "    


Lei Zheng pondered for a moment and slowly said, "One of them must be a spy. Historically speaking, both of them were not innocent. Zhang Xiaotian used to work for Lee Shun, Dong Xue was Yi Ke's girlfriend, and Yi Ke was Lee Shun's man. From the evidence they gave each other just now, it seemed that what they said made sense, and the evidence seemed to be somewhat conclusive.    


Zhang Xiaotian's analysis and reasoning, as well as the video were all very reasonable. However, Dong Xue's rebuttal and video evidence were all very confident. Especially the first audio and video, it laid a causal relationship between the last video and made a very good preparation. That last video was the key. Dong Xue's explanation was very convincing, but Zhang Xiaotian's explanation was also very convincing. "    


"Then what should we do? How about we just deal with both of them? Save the trouble! " Bai Laosan said,    


"Stupid." Lei Zheng glared at Bai Laosan, "Who will be willing to work with you in the future if you kill the innocent for no reason as the boss. Why don't you think about it? Besides, these two people are the trusted assistants to your important management and financial management. They will be of great help to your future development.    


Right now, you have lost more than enough men. Four from Five Tigers, one missing, and now the four great King Kong are all gone. Why don't you pay attention to catching people? Let me tell you, whether it's white or black, people are the most important factor. "    


After being reprimanded by Lei Zheng, Bai Laosan lowered his head and stopped talking.    


Lei Zheng continued to ponder and suddenly said: "Right, let's start with the 2 million."    


"How do I get to it?" Bai Laosan said.    


"No matter who obtains this 2 million, they wouldn't dare to deposit this amount into the bank. If they had 2 million more in their bank account, they would naturally know that it would arouse suspicion. Therefore, no matter which one of them obtains this 2 million, they will definitely hide it. "    


Lei Zheng said: "So, you just need the keys to these 2 people's dorms now, and then send people to search their dorms to see if they can find anything. Whoever finds 2 million in cash in the dorms will definitely be that spy. Of course, if none of them exist, then I will think of another way to verify this. "    


"Alright, let's do it!" Bai Laosan nodded and tried to curry favor with her, "Brother-in-law, you're the best."    


Lei Zheng pulled his chin and said, "Cut the crap, go on!"    


Bai Laosan nodded and left.    


I switched the screen back to the living room. Bai Laosan came back and said to Zhang Xiaotian and Dong Xue, "Please hand over your dormitory keys. I'll send someone to search your dorm! "    


Zhang Xiaotian quickly handed over the key, and so did Dong Xue.    


Bai Laosan passed the keys to the two of them, "You two form groups, go to Director Zhang's and Dong Xue's dorms to search for large amounts of cash. Once you find it, notify me immediately and bring it back quickly! "    


The four followers agreed to leave.    


Zhang Xiaotian's expression seemed to have slightly eased up. He heaved a sigh of relief and then glared fiercely at Dong Xue.    


Dong Xue looked calmly at the ceiling, not looking at anyone.    



Bai Laosan sat on the sofa with a sullen face and smoked in silence.    


The living room fell silent for a moment.    


In the car, I kept thinking about what had happened tonight.    


About 20 minutes later, Bai Laosan's phone rang and he picked it up.    


"What?" Bai Laosan's expression suddenly changed. It was hard to tell if it was shock or joy as he loudly said, "Say it again …"    


Then, Bai Laosan put down the phone, took a deep breath, looked deeply at Zhang Xiaotian, and suddenly grinned.    


Zhang Xiaotian was a little scared after being stared at by Bai Laosan, so he forced a smile.    


"Call the two who went to Dong Xue's house and ask them to come back." Bai Laosan said to the bodyguard.    


The bodyguard then made a call. Zhang Xiaotian looked a little surprised.    


After the call, the bodyguard said, "Dong Xue's house is quite far from here, so these two people haven't arrived yet. is now returning. "    


"Dong Xue's house is far away from here, and Director Zhang's house is close by. "Director Zhang, this is a waterfront for you." Bai Laosan looked at Zhang Xiaotian with a smile that was not a smile.    


Zhang Xiaotian looked at Bai Laosan blankly with a confused and terrified expression.    


"Come, Director Zhang, have a smoke." Bai Laosan threw Zhang Xiaotian a cigarette.    


Zhang Xiaotian caught it and lit it for him. He took two long puffs.    


After a long time, two people came back. They put a black plastic bag on the tea table in front of Bai Laosan and opened it.    


Bai Laosan looked inside the bag and nodded, "That's right, money really is a good thing. 20 stings, 2 million. "    


After a while, the other two people returned.    


Then, Bai Laosan asked the two people that came back first, "Whose family did you find this black bag from?"    


"From under Director Zhang's bed."    


"Ahh!" Zhang Xiaotian screamed out loud. The cigarette in his hand fell to the floor as his body collapsed on the sofa. Then he shouted hysterically: "This … This is impossible... "It's absolutely impossible.    


Bai Laosan sneered.    


"Boss Bai, believe me, I definitely did not do this. I am innocent, and someone must have framed me. Someone must have framed me. "This must be Dong Xue framing me."    


Zhang Xiaotian crawled on the floor in front of Bai Laosan, grabbed Bai Laosan's legs and shouted, "Boss Bai, this spy must be Dong Xue, the things she just made must have been planned, she must have put the money under my bed, her purpose was to frame me."    


Dong Xue was silent.    


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