Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C741 Confuse Winter Snow

C741 Confuse Winter Snow

0After Dong Xue shouted, those people all stopped and turned around to look at Bai Laosan.    


Bai Laosan waved his hand and those people walked back.    


"Since you, Boss Bai, insist on forcing me to explain, then fine, I will say it!" Dong Xue said.    


"That's good. If you don't want to look bad, then just tell me honestly. " Bai Laosan said with a dark face, "As long as you tell me the whole truth, I can be magnanimous to you and definitely not make things difficult for you for the sake of your great contributions to my career in the past."    


Bai Laosan was obviously trying to trick Dong Xue. I know that even if Dong Xue had told me, she wouldn't have been able to escape tonight's calamity.    


Dong Xue sat down and Bai Laosan also sat down. He lit up a cigarette and looked at Dong Xue.    


Zhang Xiaotian looked at Dong Xue with his eyes wide open.    


Dong Xue looked at Bai Laosan, then looked at Zhang Xiaotian and coldly said, "Director Zhang, I admire your brain, your brilliant methods, and your meticulous analysis and reasoning. Only, I didn't expect that you would be such a heartless and ungrateful person. Only, I didn't expect that you would be able to do such a despicable, shameless, and ungrateful thing. "For the sake of receiving rewards in front of Boss Bai, for the sake of taking revenge on me, you dare to slander people, dare to framing people without any reason, and dare to bring disaster upon others."    


Zhang Xiaotian laughed: "Dong Xue, don't wear these big hats for me, you have to write down your credentials for everything. You say that I have taken revenge on you, you say that I am ungrateful, you say that I am slandering people, you say that I am framing people for no reason, you say that I am bringing disaster upon others, where is the evidence? Why don't you take out some proof? "    


"That's right, Dong Xue. Since you've already put so many hats on Director Zhang, it's not good for you to speak about it. You have to have proof!" Bai Laosan said coldly as if he didn't believe Ye Zichen's words.    


"Of course I have evidence. I already predicted that Director Zhang would retaliate against me because you didn't achieve your shameful goal. So, Director Zhang, I deliberately preserved some of the evidence for you. This evidence is right here with me!" As she spoke, Dong Xue stood up and also took out an excellent plate from her bag and waved it in her hand.    


Zhang Xiaotian stared at Dong Xue with unease and confusion in his eyes.    


Bai Laosan's eyes lit up as he looked at Zhang Xiaotian and then at Dong Xue. His voice was a little softer as he said, "Dong Xue, show this to everyone."    


Dong Xue walked in front of the digital TV and inserted the dish. Before the video played, she said, "Oh yeah, let me explain something. The video that Director Zhang played just now where I took the materials from was indeed true."    


Bai Laosan was puzzled by Dong Xue's words.    


"However, Director Zhang only intercepted a short video of me in the control room. If you go to the control room and check all the videos I've made since I arrived at Boss Bai's place, you will see that I do this every few days. Not just that day. "    


Dong Xue continued: "Boss Bai has a lot of industries, the various management entities under his command report a lot of financial accounts every day, and there are very few people in the Finance Department, plus there are very few people who can do overall management like Zhi Xing. I often work overtime at the office and my dorm room, so I will take some of the urgently needed accounting materials to organize in my dorm room, and sometimes there are a lot of materials, and sometimes very few.    


Sometimes, when I was tired from working in the dorm, I would call a few female colleagues from Finance Center who lived nearby to help me. All these people from Finance Center, including a few financial deputy directors can testify, and there are also two other deputy directors who came to my dorm to work with me. Boss Bai can ask the other deputy directors about this. They are your relatives, you don't believe what they say, right? "    


Bai Laosan nodded: "Okay."    


"Next up, let me broadcast some audio for everyone to hear." Dong Xue held the remote control and continued, "Originally, I didn't want to go against Director Zhang and didn't report this to Boss Bai, but since Director Zhang treated me like this and insisted on killing me, then don't blame me for being impolite."    


Zhang Xiaotian's face revealed a nervous expression as he stared at Dong Xue.    


Bai Laosan looked at Dong Xue, "Dong Xue, let's go."    


Dong Xue pressed the remote control and played the audio.    


I turned up the volume and listened.    


"Director Zhang, why are you being so courteous? You're treating me to a meal and you're coming to such a high-class clubhouse. It's such a waste." Dong Xue's voice.    


"Heh heh, Dong Xue, you're the big shot in Boss Bai's eyes now, and also Boss Bai's chief financial officer. To be able to invite you out for a meal, you can be considered to have given me a lot of face." Zhang Xiaotian's voice.    


"What financial manager? What great celebrity? Director Zhang, don't say that. We are all working under Boss Bai. It is our duty to take Boss Bai's money and do our best to work for Boss Bai." Dong Xue said, "There's no such thing as a free meal in this world. Director Zhang, you're treating me to a meal. Is there something wrong?"    


"Dong Xue, don't say that. Can't I treat you to a meal if there's nothing else? It can't be just a work relationship between the two of us, right? "    


"Director Zhang, you are implying something." Dong Xue laughed.    


"Heh heh, yes, I do have something to say. To tell you the truth, Dong Xue, I've always liked you. Ever since I first met you, I've always liked you. "I'm really happy to hear the news of you breaking up with Yi Ke. That brat, Yi Ke, is just a piece of trash with no culture, no status, and no material foundation. How could he have any future following him?"    


"You're right, otherwise I wouldn't have broken up with him. I originally thought that he would be able to come up with something, but who would have thought that he would get worse the more he gets. I want to buy a set of clothes, but he doesn't even have the money to do so. "    


"So, it's right that you break up with him. This stinking brat is just a piece of scum. Relying on a little bit of effort, he thinks that he's amazing. In fact, he doesn't even have a fart ability. His entire mind is just a simple martial husband with well-developed limbs."    


"Heh heh, yes, if I had only just realized this. However, when I came to work at Boss Bai's side, some people even suspected that Yi Ke and I had faked a breakup. Even Boss Bai didn't believe it at the beginning. "    


"Don't worry about them, they can think whatever they want. I know that you and Yi Ke have truly broken up, and that brat has found another girl. Good, he's already living together." Zhang Xiaotian said: "Think about it, if I didn't confirm that you and Yi Ke had truly broken up, I wouldn't have introduced you to Boss Bai to work here. I am now highly valued by Boss Bai, Boss Bai also gave me a lot of money. Why did I introduce you here? It's because I like you. It's so good for us to be here together compared to Flight Of Wings. "    


"Director Zhang, I don't have the heart to think too much about a girl's love affair. At least for a period of time, I don't want to date again, so Director Zhang, please respect my idea and don't talk about this topic with me again." Dong Xue said, "Director Zhang, the reason you invited me to dinner today probably wasn't just to tell me this. If there's nothing else, I'll have to go back to my dorm after dinner to sort through some financial accounts. "    


"Heh heh. "This, this …" Zhang Xiaotian dawdled for a while and said, "Dong Xue, it's like this. I want you to do me a favor. "You must take care of this matter."    


"What is it? Director Zhang recommended me to work for Boss Bai, but I haven't paid you back. Say it, if I, Dong Xue, can do it, I will definitely help you."    


"To you, this is just a small matter. Of course, you can do it, but only you can do it. That's why I came to you. Of course, I would be more than happy to accept it in return for your introduction. "    


"Then tell me."    


"It's like this. I lost a business deal a while ago and lost more than 3 million. I don't want Boss Bai to know about this. If he knows, he'll scold me to death and maybe I won't do it. You know his temper." I've already made an agreement with my company regarding the financial affairs. They have set up a fake account and settled the money, but the bill will be submitted to you for your signature. As long as you pretend to sign it, you don't have to pay it seriously.    


"Are you talking about the account that your company's finance department just reported to me this afternoon? I haven't even had the chance to see it! "    


"Yes, that account! "As long as you help me settle this matter, I'll give you a good deal of 200 thousand." Zhang Xiaotian said.    


"Director Zhang, I'm afraid you didn't compensate for the 3 million, right? You got your hands on your own pocket, didn't you?" Dong Xue said.    


"Hey — Dong Xue, how can you say that? I really lost a business. "    


"Director Zhang, you can lie to outsiders about this, but you can't fool a financial person like me. "I lost a business. I just need to check which one I lost and I'll know."    


"Hey — Dong Xue, don't say that. You'll lose your head if you say that." Zhang Xiaotian's voice was a bit nervous: "How about this, Dong Xue, as long as you pretend that you don't know about this, I'll give you a two for one and five for signing." How about it? What are we doing at Boss Bai's side? Isn't it just money? "    


After a moment of silence, Dong Xue said: "Director Zhang, you recommended me to Boss Bai for work, which gave me a very rich income and a very suitable job. I am very grateful to you, but, I can't disappoint Boss Bai's trust in me, so his money is for his conscience. It's easy for me to sign it, but how can I face Boss Bai again?    


Sorry, Director Zhang, I really can't help you with this. I will return to your company tomorrow to return the account you sent me. As for this matter, I won't tell anyone, including Boss Bai, so I'll pretend I didn't hear about it. I hope you can cherish the opportunity to work for Boss Bai and don't do anything to make yourself regret. It's not like you don't know what happened to the four tigers. I don't want to take my life as a joke. "Sorry, I'm leaving. Thank you for your sumptuous dinner."    


Dong Xue paused for a moment, then looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, understand the content of this audio. If I want to make a fortune, why do I have to take such a huge risk to sell my information to Lee Shun for 2 million? I can easily get 1.5 million from Director Zhang with just a signature."    


Zhang Xiaotian's face turned pale as he sat there in a daze.    


Bai Laosan remained calm and collected as he winked at Alai. Alai stood beside Zhang Xiaotian.    



Then, Dong Xue said, "Next up is a video. This video is from my dorm. That night, Director Zhang barged into my dorm drunk. Coincidentally, my camera was turned on, so he changed the direction with a touch."    


Then Dong Xue pressed the remote control.    


The scene of Dong Xue's dorm room appeared on the screen. Dong Xue was sitting on a chair while Zhang Xiaotian rushed towards Dong Xue, dragging her over to the bed. He mumbled, "Dong Xue, I miss you, I can't bear to think about you anymore. If you want me to sleep once, I'll sleep once …"    


Dong Xue struggled with all her might as she said, "Director Zhang, don't be like this. If you continue, I'll call for help."    


Zhang Xiaotian ignored Dong Xue's warning and dragged her to the bed. At the same time, he started to tear off Dong Xue's clothes and said, "Dong Xue, be good and don't yell. Just let me sleep once. Boss Bai must have slept with you before, otherwise why would he use you so heavily? Boss Bai can sleep, why can't I sleep. "How could he be as handsome and dashing as me? How could his martial arts be comparable to mine …"    


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