Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C720 Unfathomable Winter Snow

C720 Unfathomable Winter Snow

0I looked at Dong Xue for a long time and said, "Dong Xue, I can't understand you anymore. I very much hope that the mysterious person was not you. I very much hope that this matter is not related to you and that I am very willing to believe those reasons that you have just explained to me.    


Dong Xue slowed down her tone. "Ke, I don't need you to understand me now. I can see through you, I don't need you to. I don't need you to dispel your suspicions of me. It's not your own business if you're willing to doubt me because of your women, but I want to tell you that Bai Laosan's trust in me can't be shaken.    


Besides, I won't let those who schemed against me and mocked me for wanting to laugh at my misfortune get away with it. "You want me to leave Bai Laosan's side, I think you're jealous that I'm rich now, and you're not the only one."    


I said, "Dong Xue, you don't have to say that. No one thinks that. Everyone wants you to be safe and happy. "    


"Safe? "Happiness?" Dong Xue sneered again, "Every single one of your words sounds better than a song. Who is the one who ruined my happiness? Who was it that had the gall to ruin my love? Don't think that I'm an idiot. Don't think that I, Dong Xue, have a big chest and no brains. I was curious why you suddenly asked me out on a whim today. It turns out your real purpose is to send out a so-called mysterious person to scare me off and let me leave Bai Laosan's side so that I can lose my source of wealth.    


I even thought, that so-called mysterious man's 2 million was all made up by you, it's simply not like that at all. You have already colluded with those dog and dog groups, and used this trick to suppress and punish me, and end the good days I had just started. "    


I was flabbergasted by Dong Xue's words and looked at her. "Dong Xue." You. Why do you think that? You. "Why do you think so much?"    


"Is that strange? Was it an accident? A guilty conscience? " Dong Xue looked at me. "Ke, don't play tricks in front of me. Don't play tricks. You can't fool me."    


Dong Xue's performance tonight caused my thoughts to waver again.    


I can't imagine if that mysterious person were really Dong Xue, she would say these words so righteously, even to counterattack me.    


Seeing my blank look, Dong Xue's expression relaxed a little, and then she said gently, "Ke, don't mention it, I'll just pretend you didn't say anything about this." Actually, I'm glad you asked me out today. I know Hai Zhu has been living in the company and hasn't gone back. It's just right that she didn't go back. That's right, that place doesn't belong to her. This is what she calls harming others and herself, it's well-deserved. "    


"You shut up," I said.    


"Regardless of whether my way of thinking is reasonable or not, I still have the same line. What belongs to me is mine. No one can take it away from me. What I cannot obtain, no one can think of obtaining." Dong Xue said lightly.    


"This is not something that you can control, it's not something that you can decide. You're too arrogant!" "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." Dong Xue laughed, her laugh was somewhat sad and sad, and then she said, "Looks like tonight's conversation will end here, I think tonight we have nothing to talk about. I don't want to see you unhappy, and I don't want to make myself unhappy.    


"As for this so-called mysterious person's matter, regardless of whether it is real or fake, I recommend that you stop asking about it. I will still say that it is not good for you to know too much. Remember my advice. "Well, I'm off. Thanks for the coffee."    


After saying that, Dong Xue gave me another deep look, stood up and left without opening the door.    


After Dong Xue left, I fell into a state of confusion and bitterness.    


I reached for my phone and texted Fourth Brother.    


Half an hour later, Fourth Brother appeared in the coffee shop's single room and sat across from me.    


Listening to me finish narrating what happened today and my deduction, Fourth Brother started to ponder.    


After a long while, Fourth Brother said: "Obviously, the thing that Lee Shun obtained and the incident at Ningzhou Casino is closely related to this mysterious person. Lee Shun going to Yanjing is also related to these two things, I think that Lee Shun might use the thing in his hands to launch an unprecedented counterattack at Bai Laosan.    


As for how he would counterattack, it was unknown at present. However, there was one thing that he was sure of. What Lee Shun had lost would definitely be recovered in this counterattack. He definitely wouldn't lose out. Of course, what I mean by suffering is not necessarily money.    


Also, it's this mysterious person. According to your logic, Dong Xue is highly likely to be involved. However, what you've said tonight seems a little strange. What she said is not unreasonable. Bai Laosan did indeed give her a lot of money, but she doesn't seem to have any reason or need to take such a huge risk for 2 million. Furthermore, she has no need to help Lee Shun and even used her own life as the wager. "    


At this moment, I didn't realize that Fourth Brother had the same weakness as me: low EQ.    


Fourth Brother pondered for a long time before his eyes suddenly lit up and said: "No matter who this mysterious person is, there's one thing for sure. The person who gave us that mysterious information must also be him. They must be the same person!"    


I nodded thoughtfully. "If you say so, I think it's quite possible. "But, who is this mysterious person exactly?"    


Fourth Brother frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "Let's not care who it is. We will find out who it is one step at a time. I think this mysterious person will show up as the situation unfolds. "    


I nodded. "Yeah."    


Fourth Brother said: "Also, you should not let Dong Xue leave Bai Laosan in the future. In that case, don't say anymore. "    


"Why?" "No," I said.    


"Very simple. Dong Xue was now one of the core members of Bai Laosan's group. Although she might not be involved in some confidential matters, she was in charge of Bai Lai San's finances and knew too many things about Bai Laosan. The more she knew, the harder it was for her to escape.    


Think about it, would Bai Laosan let people who knew his secrets leave easily? To put it simply, Dong Xue was like someone who was stuck in a quagmire with Lee Shun. Once she boarded Bai Laosan's boat, she would no longer be able to leave. If Bai Laosan discovers that she has the evidence to betray him, then Dong Xue's life will be in danger. "    


Fourth Brother's words made my heart skip a beat. I said, "That. "You said that Dong Xue firmly denied that she had anything to do with the mysterious person tonight. Is that also the reason?"    


Fourth Brother shook his head, "It's hard to say. After all, I don't know as much about Dong Xue as you do. Do you think Dong Xue has such guts? Did she have such a meticulous plan? Is she really that capable? "    


I shook my head. "From what I've known of her for years, I don't think she has. She's just a little girl who only knows how to enjoy being jealous and do little things. The big ones might not be as scheming as her. Of course, her nature is not bad and her business ability is very good. "    


Fourth Brother looked at me: "If what you're saying is true, then this mysterious person shouldn't be Dong Xue. She doesn't have that condition. "    


"Yeah, she doesn't have that. It shouldn't be her. " Fourth Brother's words seemed to give me some comfort, and I couldn't help but masturbate in my heart.    


"Actually, from the bottom of your heart, you really don't want this mysterious person to be Dong Xue, right?" Fourth Brother said again.    


"Yes sir!" I nodded.    


"That means you're still very concerned about her. You still remember her, don't you?"    


"Fourth Brother, don't you think that your first love is something that will never be forgotten?" I felt a pang of bitterness in my heart.    


"Un, yes. First love is something that will never be forgotten." A hint of sadness flashed across Fourth Brother's eyes. Perhaps he was thinking of his first girlfriend who died because of Bai Laosan.    


Fourth Brother lowered his head in silence for a long time before saying, "Bai Laosan and I will face each other face to face sooner or later. Perhaps, we will be there soon."    


I didn't say anything. I was confused.    


That night, I had nightmares all through the night. There were all kinds of dangerous situations in my dreams, sometimes Hai Zhu, sometimes Dong Xue, sometimes Qiu Tong.    


When he woke up in the morning, he was drenched in sweat and exhausted.    


I finally can't take it anymore. If this goes on, my mind will collapse. When morning came, I went to the City People's Hospital with a face full of weariness and fatigue, where I hung up an expert clinic in the Psychology Department.    


He ended up in the hospital consulting and checking up all day, but nothing happened.    


In the afternoon, towards the end of the struggle, I received a call from Qiu Tong, asking me and Yun to attend to some big clients who wanted me in the evening. When she heard that I was at the hospital, she said she would come with Yun Li to pick me up.    


So I stood on the curb in front of the hospital and waited for Qiu Tong's car.    



A moment later, Qiu Tong drove up and parked on the side of the road. Clouds sat in the passenger seat and rolled down the glass, beckoning to me.    


I strode into the car, sat in the back, and pulled the door shut. Qiu Tong was on the phone.    


A few minutes later, after Qiu Tong had answered the phone and was about to drive away, she turned her face to look at the clouds in the direction of the hospital entrance and suddenly shouted, "Hey — isn't that Sister Hai Zhu?"    


Qiu Tong and I turned around and saw Hai Zhu walking out of the hospital clinic building with her head down and a piece of paper in her hand.    


A gust of cold wind blew past, blowing Hai Zhu's hair into a mess. She ignored it and continued walking slowly, looking down at the piece of paper in her hand.    


In the twilight, Hai Zhu's figure seemed abnormally lonely.    


My heart ached, and I opened the door and got out.    


At the same time, Qiu Tong and Yun Yang got out of the car and walked towards Hai Zhu.    


"Sister Hai Zhu — —" Cloud called out first.    


Hai Zhu abruptly raised her head and stopped in her tracks.    


"Zhu —" I said.    


"Hai Zhu, what are you doing in the hospital?" Qiu Tong looked at the piece of paper in Hai Zhu's hand.    


"I had a cold. I came to the hospital to take a look." Hai Zhu's voice sounded flustered as she quickly stuffed the paper in her hand into her pocket. She adjusted her expression and looked at us. "This is …"    


"Yi Ke came to the hospital for a medical examination. He had a client tonight, so Yun Yun and I came to pick him up," Qiu Tong said. "Did you catch a cold?"    


"Yes, it's a little cold, it's fine." Hai Zhu said as she looked at me. "How is it? Are you alright?"    


"It's fine, everything is fine." As I said that, I looked at Hai Zhu. "Zhu, why did you catch a cold?"    


Hai Zhu forced a smile. "What's so strange about a cold?" "If you're fine, then that's good."    


Hai Zhu looked a little relieved and a little depressed.    


I said, "Zhu, let me see your checklist."    


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