Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C576 Bespectacled Man

C576 Bespectacled Man

0"Isn't that fine? Good friends are even rarer. " I smiled, paused for a moment, and changed the topic, "Leh, I keep having the feeling that you are someone with a story. I like to make friends with people with stories, like making friends with people with experiences."    


"There's a story?" Leh turned his head and looked at me: "What do you think I will tell you?"    


"What story?" "How would I know if you didn't tell me?" I said, "To me, those experiences and experiences of yours are all just stories. To me, they are all precious treasures."    


"Yi, you are a very advanced young man. I like you a lot. In the future, you will certainly do a lot." "Since you value my stories and my experiences, I will tell you about them in the future," Wu said. Perhaps it will help your growth. "    


"That's for sure!" I said happily, "Young people need a mentor to grow up. I think you're my mentor."    


Leh looked at me with benevolent eyes and smiled in relief.    


After chatting with Leh for a while, Leh went back to take his medicine. I said my goodbyes and drove away.    


It was almost time to get off work. As he was driving past the media building at the group headquarters, he suddenly saw Cao Lee's white BMW parked on the side of the road not far from the building in the middle of the traffic. Cao Lee was sitting in the car.    


I couldn't help but slow down my car as Cao Lee continued to keep a low profile. She drove her BMW to show off in front of the corporation's headquarters and wasn't afraid of the corporation's people gossiping about her.    


I thought again, what is Cao Lee doing parked here at this time of the year? Waiting for someone? If so, who were they waiting for?    


My heart skipped a beat. After driving past, I turned my head and stopped by the side of the road, about 100 meters away from Cao Lee's car. I sat in the car, lit a cigarette, and looked ahead.    


After a while, a middle-aged man in his thirties who was wearing glasses got on the passenger seat of Cao Lee's car. Cao Lee drove the car and drove straight ahead.    


In this current critical period, Cao Lee's every action is worth paying attention to. I subconsciously felt that the behavior of Cao Lee and this man was a little abnormal. I wanted to know who this man was and why Cao Lee went out with him.    


I lit the fire and followed slowly.    


Cao Lee's car drove for a long time before finally arriving at Hsinghai Plaza.    


The entire plaza was separated into several pieces by a few paths that were not too wide. All of them were made from green grass and not a single tree could be seen.    


Cao Lee's car drove on for a while before stopping at the side of the road in the middle of the square. My car was parked about fifty meters behind, and I sat in it and looked ahead.    


Cao Lee and the bespectacled middle-aged man didn't get out of the car. They continued to sit in the front passenger seat as if they were discussing something.    


I couldn't see their faces, couldn't tell what they were talking about. I could just make out Cao Lee's hand gesturing to something.    


As night fell, the lights in the square were turned on. Cao Lee and her glasses were still talking inside the car.    


I sat quietly in the back of the car, smoking, watching them.    


The sudden appearance of the bespectacled man caught my attention.    


Half a day later, Cao Lee's car started to move, and I quietly followed.    


Cao Lee's car went back the way it came, back to the group headquarters building. The glasses man got off the car and walked straight into the group headquarters building, while Cao Lee's car drove away.    


I hurried to a stop by the side of the road and hurried inside the group headquarters building.    


When he entered the lobby, he saw that the glasses man was currently entering the elevator. He was the only person in the elevator.    


Before I could get there, the elevator door closed.    


I stood in front of the elevator, looking at the changing numbers. A moment later, the elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor.    


The 16th floor. This was the office of Daily News, which was located on the 16th floor.    


Could it be that this bespectacled man was someone from the editorial department of the daily newspaper? Strange, why did Cao Lee start dealing with people from the editorial department when she was dealing with people from the administrative department all day long?    


Filled with mystery, I took the elevator up to the sixteenth floor.    


After exiting the elevator, the corridor was completely silent. It was long past the time for work and dinner. Those who needed to get off work had all left, with the exception of those on the night shift.    


I knew that the editorial departments of the various newspapers in the group had night duty departments. They were daily newspapers, such as daily newspapers and evening newspapers. The night offices were the chief editor and the current affairs department, as well as Vice Chief Editorji, who took turns working night shifts.    


That's all I know about the night shift and the editorial office. I don't know anything else.    


As I wandered down the corridor, I saw that the lights had gone out in all the rooms.    


When I reached the end of the corridor, I saw that a light was on in a large office. I walked over quietly and saw a sign on the door.    


This is the assembly room of the daily newspaper.    


There was also an unlit door next to it, with a sign on it: General Manager.    


There was a small square glass window in the door, and when I looked through it, I could see only a handful of desks.    


My eyes slowly swept from left to right, and when they reached the far right, I saw a person sitting in the corner, facing the computer, looking at something. This person was precisely the glasses man from before.    


On the partition where he sat, there was a sign: Vice Chairman. There was also an empty partition beside him, which was also pasted onto the Vice Chairman.    


It seemed like the chief of staff had a separate office. He had two vice directors and worked in a large office. The bespectacled man was undoubtedly the vice chief of staff of the main office. He was here right now, so it should be his turn to take the night shift.    


Then I heard voices nearby, and I hurried out to the elevator and down the stairs.    


Outside the headquarters building, I drove off and found a fast food restaurant. I ordered a fast food and ate it while thinking about it.    


The bespectacled man was the deputy director of the daily staff office, and Cao Lee didn't know much about editing. So what was the purpose of chatting with him for so long?    


I knew almost nothing about the editing process, and I didn't even know what the function of the chief editor was. I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't think of a way to go.    


However, I had a faint premonition that during this sensitive period, Cao Lee had an ulterior motive for suddenly meeting with the vice chairman of the chief editor. She definitely wasn't here to find trouble with him, but I was confused about the reason.    


After eating, I drove to Hai Zhu's company. Hai Zhu was working overtime with the company's tellers.    


Seeing that I had come, Hai Zhu told me that all the matters concerning the Sanshui Group leaving the group had been arranged. Tomorrow, the first batch of people would be sent to Jiuzhaigou Group, with a total of 200 people.    


I nodded absently and looked at the details of the hair ball Hai Zhu had handed me. I urged Hai Zhu to make sure that she was in contact with the other person's ground service, to keep in touch with our tour guide at all times, to ensure the quality of the team's travel at all costs, and to prevent any complaints or complaints from the guests.    


The Sanshui Group team is finally about to set off, and right now, my heart suddenly feels heavy, as though I have a huge responsibility. Earning money is a good thing, but, I have to take responsibility towards these guests who are travelling, guarantee that they will eat, drink, and have fun, guarantee that they will happily travel, and safely return home.    



I went through the details of the trip and specifically gave Hai Zhu and the director of planning a few words of advice.    


After instructing her repeatedly, Hai Zhu and the director of planning started to fulfill the details that I had requested. I went to Hai Zhu's office, sat at the owner's desk, and walked around in the owner's chair, staring at Hai Zhu's computer in a daze.    


He recalled the conversation between Cao Lee and the Deputy Director of the Daily News.    


I turned on Hai Zhu's computer, logged in my QQ, and saw Floating Dream.    


"Ruo Meng, let me ask you a question." I went straight to the point.    


"What's the problem? Go ahead and ask."    


"This newspaper." "What is the editor's office in a newspaper?"    


"Eh — why are you suddenly interested in this?" Floating Dream said.    


"I got to know a director at Qingdao Daily's chief editor at dinner tonight. He looks pretty amazing, so I'm a bit curious about him." "No," I said.    


"Your desire for knowledge is quite strong." Floating Dream said: "The chief editor of a newspaper has a lot of power in the editing and publishing of the entire newspaper. He is the center of the newspaper's editing and publishing."    


"Does that mean that all the articles in the newspaper will have to pass through the office of the editor?" "No," I said.    


Floating Dream said: "Yes, all scripts that are reported, especially the major news, have their pages prepared beforehand and are responsible for finalizing it. The responsibilities of this department are very important, and if there is an omission, the consequences are sometimes very serious. "    


"Sigh — Ruo Meng, I know what unit you're in now." I said suddenly.    


"Hur hur, tell me about it!"    


"You just said that the daily newspaper of your group is in Hsinghai. If you have the daily newspaper, then it must be the daily newspaper of the Hsinghai. This is the only party newspaper of the Hsinghai, and the daily newspaper of the Hsinghai belongs to the Hsinghai. That means, you are the boss of Hsinghai. "    


"Yeah, I don't want to hide it from you either. Since you know who I am, then, I welcome you to come visit me when you have the time, I will properly entertain you. "    


"Heh heh."    


"Then tell me, do I know which tourism company in Qingdao you are in?"    


My heart stirred. "I didn't tell you. Would you know?"    


"Since you said that I wouldn't know, then I just don't know. However, what I said before about welcoming you to my company as a guest was true, not polite. "    


"You want to see the netizens?" "No," I said.    


"In my mind, you're no longer a netizen."    


"Then what am I?"    


"You are —"    


"What is it?"    


She paused for a moment and sent a look of frustration. "I don't know. Anyway, you're not a netizen. "    


I was silent, and so was she.    


Sometimes, everything was silent. Sometimes, there were words that did not need to be said.    


After chatting with Floating Dream, I turned off the computer and pondered over what she had told me about the newspaper's editorial department.    


Faintly thinking, my heart suddenly jumped. Damn, could it be that Sun Dongkai was the one who ordered Cao Lee to look for the deputy director of the chief editor? He arranged for Cao Lee to meet with the deputy director of the chief editor.    


Recalling my conversation with Sun Dongkai in the morning, I seem to think that Sun Dongkai wanted to take action against Chief Editor. He wanted to take advantage of Chief Editor's unstable footing and start from the inside, using the deputy director of the chief staff to create a conspiracy to shake Chief Editor's temporary hosting position.    


This way, it would naturally have a great benefit for him. If Chief Editor encountered a big problem during the hosting process, then his impression of him in the city would be greatly reduced.    


I don't know if Sun Dongkai's sudden action was planned long ago, or was influenced by what I said to him this morning. If it was the latter, I felt very sorry for Chief Editor and felt that he was helping the evil.    


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