Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C650 Looking for a Job with Large Milk

C650 Looking for a Job with Large Milk

0"Got it, Boss Xia — —" Xia Yu said in an impatient tone, "I understand, you can't do that again in the future, can't you stop nagging? Didn't you see me and Boss Yi talking about work? Wasting other people's time is like trying to kill yourself, do you know that? I see that if you have nothing else to do, you can go back to work. I don't want to waste your time. "    


Summer smiled at me, then stood up: "Brother Yi, you guys talk, I'm fine now, I'll go out first."    


I nodded to Summer. "Ok."    


Summer looked at me, then at Xia Yu, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't. Then she turned and left.    


After summer left, Xia Yu yawned listlessly: "Sigh — working under this Boss Xia and working under this Sanshui Group, I'm so bored. I get scolded every day. So annoying, it's not fun at all. "    


I looked at Xia Yu and said nothing.    


Xia Yu's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at me, "Second Master, how about this? Tell your First Wife that I'll be going to work at First Wife's travel company." "For example, being an assistant or vice president of a general manager."    


My head began to spin again, and Xia Yu mentioned it again, which obviously sounded ridiculous.    


I said, "You're really creative. You dare to think about anything."    


"There is nothing in this world that you can't do, nothing that you can not think of. Second Master, do you think it's possible for Second Wife to work with First Wife? First Wife Second Wife works together and helps you earn money. Xia Yu said.    


"I don't think I will." "No," I said.    


"Hmph, petty. If you don't agree, I'll find First Wife and talk to her myself." Xia Yu said.    


"Can you stop messing around?" "No," I said.    


Xia Yu looked at me and laughed. Second Master, did you hear that I'm going to find First Wife for a job? "    


I said, "Our little temple can't afford a Bodhisattva like you. I don't care if you're nervous or not, I just hope that you don't stumble. "    


Sigh — — I am not just randomly running around, I have no other choice, as you can see, I am always being bullied and exploited by the capitalists, I am a laborer who is suffering, I have no other choice, that's why I want to come to you guys. I really want you to give me a job, a chance to live and live, and give me a chance to get fired from my job.    


I listened to Xia Yu's nonsense and simply ignored her.    


"If you don't speak, then it means that you agree. You agreed, didn't you?" Xia Yu said excitedly, "As long as you promise me that, I'll go and find Boss Xia and have him fire me. If he doesn't, I'll resign. As long as I can go to your place, I won't need the double salary that you give me in the summer."    


I stood up: "Xia Vice President, I don't have the time or energy to listen to your bullsh * t here. I've already given you the plan and you've also seen it. You've also asked me the questions I need to ask.    


Xia Yu said, "Second Master, it wasn't easy to get you here. Can't you stay here for a while longer?"    


"No!" I have other things to do! " "No," I said.    


Xia Yu curled her lips and stood up, looking reluctant. "Alright then, I won't force you. I know the person who will keep you will not be able to hold your breath. Since you want to leave, I'll let you go. I'll walk you out. "    


"There's no need to send him off, there's no need to be so polite!" "No," I said.    


"Cut the crap, why are you being so long-winded." Xia Yu said.    


I stopped talking and walked out. Xia Yu followed me out.    


I went downstairs to the parking lot and walked to my car. I stopped and looked at Xia Yu. "Thank you. I'm leaving. Please go back."    


Xia Yu stood there looking at me. You're not coming to a farewell ceremony? "    


I held out my hand.    


Xia Yu didn't stretch out her hand. "I want to have a hug ceremony."    


I was shocked. Holy sh * t, this is Xia Yu's office in broad daylight. People are coming and going around me, and this girl wants to hug me to say goodbye. Isn't this courting death?    


"I don't think so. We're all comrades. It's better to shake hands!" "No," I said.    


"Bullshit, you're the gay one, gay is gay, I don't have that kind of hobby." Xia Yu suddenly opened her arms to me and hugged my waist.    


I was caught by Xia Yu before I could react.    


I spread my arms wide, not daring to touch Xia Yu's body as I said, "Alright, that's enough. I just want you to stop holding on to me for as long as you can."    


"If you don't hug me with your arms, I won't let go." Xia Yu said.    


Helpless, I started to gently wrap my arms around Xia Yu's body.    


In the instant I hugged Xia Yu, I looked up at the Sanshui Group office building. I saw Xia Xia Zheng standing in front of his office window with his arms crossed, looking at us — —    


I don't know if Summer saw me and Xia Yu, or if he was standing here on purpose, but my heart jumped at the sight of Summer. Damn, I hugged his sister on his turf and he probably wouldn't have been able to see it, given Summer's eyes and gaze, he's always been a keen person.    


I couldn't see the look in his eyes this time in the summer, and I couldn't guess what he was thinking, but I could vaguely feel him looking at me, at Xia Yu and me, with a piercing gaze.    


I quickly let go of Xia Yu's body and took a step back, making an innocent gesture, half my instinct, half for the summer.    


"Alright, Boss Xia, it's time for me to leave." I tried to look calm.    


Xia Yu looked at me with reluctance: "Second Master, are you still coming to see Second Wife? "When will you be back?"    


Xia Yu's expression was rather clear.    


I exhaled. "I've already given you the plan. If you need it, I will come back. I hope that you can come up with a conclusion as soon as possible."    


"Yes." Xia Yu nodded. She turned her head around and looked at the office window, as if she could see Summer standing at the window. Suddenly, she made a face in the direction of the summer, and her figure disappeared from the window.    


"The solution will be decided very soon. I will follow the procedures and submit it for everyone to discuss." Xia Yu looked at me. "Second Master, you won't be really angry when I button the paper basket for you today, will you?"    


"I hope that you won't have such a joke in the future. You're an adult too, how can you play with children's tricks?"    


"Hmm, okay, I'm an adult now. I won't play the trick of a kid for you from now on. Can I play the trick of an adult for you?"    


I grinned. "It's best not to play any tricks. Are you tired?" Are you interested in playing with me? "    


Xia Yu tilted her head and smiled. "It's fun. I like to play with you."    


"What's so funny about me?"    



"You have a lot of fun. You sure are fun, haha. " Xia Yu laughed loudly.    


I was speechless and said, "I have to go. "Goodbye."    


I opened the door to get in.    


Xia Yu stood in front of the car, "Hey, Second Master, how could you drive such a crappy car? Sigh, this is too much of a waste of Second Master's dignity, how about I change the car for you? Can I get you an SUV Mercedes? "    


Xia Yu's words gave me a fright. Holy sh * t, this is a gift car for a hero, I can't afford it so I hurriedly said, "No, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it, the car is just a transportation tool, driving it doesn't matter what kind of car it is, it doesn't matter what kind of car it is, it doesn't matter what kind of carriage it is. For a person like me, driving a tractor is also very good."    


Xia Yu pursed her lips and smiled, "Actually, it's not that you care about the car, but about who gave it to you, right? You don't like the car I gave you. If First Wife changes the car for you, you'll be happy to accept it, won't you? "Or if Big Sister Qiu Tong changes your car, you'll like it too, right?"    


I couldn't answer Xia Yu. I shook my head and smiled, then got in the car, closed the car door and rolled down the window. "Boss Xia, you're thinking too much. "Alright, goodbye Boss Xia."    


Xia Yu stood there looking at me.    


I started the car and drove away.    


When he reached the entrance, he saw that Xia Yu was still standing there motionlessly in the rearview mirror.    


I drove away from the Sanshui Group and let out a heavy sigh.    


He drove to the office, put down the car and was about to go upstairs when he saw Cao Lee walking in triumphantly from the door. Seeing me, Cao Lee laughed. "Haha, Yi Ke, let me tell you something. I'm dying of laughter."    


I looked at Cao Lee. "What's making you so happy?"    


Cao Lee walked in front of me while shaking her head, "It's about the customer information. The person I went to check with said that the information I gave him was fake. I scolded him. I scolded him harshly all over, leaving him completely dumbfounded. "Haha."    


I couldn't help but want to laugh. "You're really amazing."    


"Of course. Daring to shit on my head, I think he has dog eyes that can't recognize Mt. Tai. Am I that stupid?" Cao Lee proudly said, "Of course I believe in my eyes the most, what we have checked together naturally cannot be faked. Of course, what I believe the most is still you, and what you have personally given me naturally cannot be faked. "I misunderstood you earlier and started a ruckus with you, don't mind me, don't take it to heart."    


"It's good as long as you understand. Actually, I don't care too much about it. It's a misunderstanding. It's unavoidable for anyone to have it." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Thank you for being lenient with me, but in my heart, I feel sorry for your boss. Find a chance, and I'll make it up to you. " Cao Lee looked at me with a greasy gaze.    


Just as I was talking, Zhao Dajian came down from the stairs and walked over. He saw Cao Lee and I standing in the yard and laughed. "What are you two talking about here? Why are you two so happy?"    


Cao Lee glanced at Zhao Dajian sideways, "Oh — — Boss Zhao, it's rare to see you beaming with happiness today."    


I nodded at Zhao Dajian and greeted him, "Hello, Boss Zhao."    


Zhao Dajian nodded at me, then looked at Cao Lee: "Director Cao, based on what you said, I am always full of bliss. When I saw you, Director Cao, I was in an exceptionally good mood. "These days, it's hard to not have a good heart even if you don't want to."    


Cao Lee looked at Zhao Dajian and said, "Looking at Boss Zhao's appearance, it seems that a joyous event is about to happen. I wonder what kind of joyous occasion Boss Zhao is going to have?"    


Zhao Dajian laughed: "How could I have any happy occasion? On the other hand, Director Cao's expression seems to be on the verge of a happy occasion. "Haha."    


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