Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C639 A Bruised Zhao Dajian

C639 A Bruised Zhao Dajian

0Xia Yu acted innocent and looked at me with grievance: "Second Master, what's wrong with me? Don't call me grandaunt. I'm you, Second Wife. I'm not bothering you, I just want to see you. I feel so happy to see you. "    


"Now that you have seen me, all right, let's go home. "Do what you have to do."    


"You chased me away the moment you saw me. I still haven't seen enough of you. "Come on, invite me to your office. Come on, Second Master, invite me." Xia Yu urged me.    


"No, you don't need to come to my office or my company."    


"What's wrong? "Why?" Xia Yu said.    


"Not much, no reason."    


"I wanted to talk to you about work." Xia Yu once again used her trump card.    


"Not now. Wait till I come up with a plan. "    


"Your plan, your plan comes out year after year." Xia Yu said.    


"Very soon, after you come out, you can just directly look at the proposal. There's no need to talk about it right now."    


"Hmph, you mistreated a big client, I'm going to sue Big Sister Qiu Tong." Xia Yu pouted.    


"Go ahead and report as much as you want."    


"Y-you dead Yi Ke, you dead man with no conscience. "You bullied me." Xia Yu said.    


"Think what you like, I won't explain!" As I said this, I thought of Leh's daughter that I had never met before. Sigh, compared to her, Xia Yu is like a heaven and earth, two completely different people.    


Somehow, I subconsciously felt that Leh's daughter must be a nice girl who was gentle, gentle, beautiful and empathetic.    


While they were in a stalemate, a voice suddenly came from behind them. "Hey, what are you two doing here?"    


Xia Yu and I looked back. It was Qiu Tong.    


"I went to the group headquarters to do something. I just returned and coincidentally saw you guys here." Qiu Tong said with a smile.    


"Big Sister Qiu Tong." When she saw Qiu Tong, Xia Yu's mouth twitched and her eyes reddened, as if she had been wronged. "Sister, Second Master is bullying me. "You can help me."    


Qiu Tong looked at me and forced a smile. Qiu Tong seemed to understand Xia Yu's nonsense and smiled. She quickly put her arm around Xia Yu's shoulder and said, "Aiyo, that won't do. How can Manager Yi bully our little sister Xiao Yu? I want to criticize Manager Yi."    


Xia Yu burst into laughter when she heard this. She hugged Qiu Tong's arm and said, "Hehe, sister is still the best. This smelly Second Master only knows how to bully me and won't play with him anymore."    


Qiu Tong laughed, "Little sister, why are you here? "If you're here, why aren't you in the company?"    


"I want to go in and take a seat, but, smelly Yi Ke won't let me in. I told him to invite me, but he just won't. "You said, where did you get this kind of treatment for clients?" Xia Yu hurriedly accused me, "If you don't take the initiative to invite customers in, I can still ask for it myself. I can't even ask for it myself."    


"Oh, hur hur, that's inappropriate. Come, big sister will invite you over to my office. "Let's go — —" Qiu Tong held Xia Yu's hand.    


"Heh heh, good — let's go —" Xia Yu became happy and glared at me.    


We walked towards the company together. The place where Xia Yu and Yun ate the Sweet 'n' Sour Chestnut was about 50 meters away from the entrance of the company. Zhao Dajian was beaten up, but he didn't seem to have alarmed anyone in the company.    


After entering the company, she went upstairs. When she passed by Zhao Dajian's office, Qiu Tong took a casual glance and suddenly stopped.    


Zhao Dajian had already washed the blood off his face, but he was still bruised and bruised. He was sitting in front of his desk, baring his teeth.    


"Boss Zhao, what's wrong with you? What happened? " Qiu Tong asked Zhao Dajian in shock.    


Zhao Dajian looked at Xia Yu and me behind Qiu Tong, who was laughing proudly.    


Zhao Dajian's face showed embarrassment and anger, but he couldn't do anything about it. He said in a low voice: "It's fine, I accidentally fell and fell. I fell. "    


"Oh, why are you so careless? Do you want to go to the infirmary to bandage it up?" Qiu Tong said with concern.    


"No need, it's fine. Go and busy yourself with what you need to do, don't worry about me." Then he gave me and Xia Yu a hard look. Xia Yu stuck out her tongue and made a face at me.    


"Oh." Qiu Tong hesitated for a moment before she nodded. "Alright then."    


Then, Qiu Tong, Xia Yu, and I entered Qiu Tong's office.    


After sitting down, Xia Yu giggled and said, "Big Sister Qiu Tong, today you have to thank me properly."    


"Oh, why?" Qiu Tong smiled at Xia Yu.    


"Because, haha …" Xia Yu suddenly laughed loudly.    


Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu in confusion, then at me.    


Xia Yu finished laughing and then said, "I won't tell you."    


Qiu Tong laughed. "You damned girl, how can you keep this a secret?"    


"Mm, confidential." Xia Yu nodded vigorously and smiled.    


"Since it is a secret, I will ask. But since you say I want to thank you, I'll treat you to lunch. What would you like to eat? " Qiu Tong said.    


Xia Yu thought for a moment, then said, "It would be better if we just eat fast food in your office."    


"Isn't that too simple? I can't send you off like that." Qiu Tong said.    


"It's fine, I just like eating fast food at your place. I like the feeling of being in your office." Xia Yu said.    


"Alright, I'll arrange for Cloud to buy fast food. The four of us will eat together here." Qiu Tong then picked up the intercom and notified Yun Yun.    


"Hey, Sister Qiu. I invited everyone to sing last night. Originally, I was quite happy about it, but in the end, First Wife came and ruined the happy atmosphere. Sorry to spoil everyone's mood." Xia Yu said.    


"Haha, it's fine. "I had a good time last night. I still have to thank you." Qiu Tong said.    


"Sigh — it's all because of this Dong Xue. She's so terrible. Not only did she mess up our party, she even beat up Yi Ke before she left. This is too much." Xia Yu said.    


"Little sister, don't say that about Sister Dong Xue. "Actually, Sister Dong Xue is a pretty good person. However, there are some things that I am unable to explain at the moment. Perhaps, I have misunderstood some of them." Qiu Tong glanced at me as she spoke.    



"What misunderstanding, I think she's just making a ruckus without any reason. She can't stand to see everyone happy, I think she's just jealous. Being scolded by Yi Ke and refusing to let it go, jealous by Hai Zhu and jealous by all of us." Xia Yu said.    


Qiu Tong forced a smile and looked at me a few times. Then, she said to Xia Yu, "Alright, little sister, let's not talk about this anymore. Really, Sister Dong Xue is not as bad as you think she is."    


"You kept on protecting her, I really don't understand." Xia Yu said.    


Qiu Tong shook her head helplessly. "I'm not protecting her, I'm talking about this. I truly hope that everyone can be good friends regardless of whether they split up. After all, it's fate that we meet each other. "    


"Yes, it's fate. You and I are friends because of fate. It's also fate that we are acquainted with each other, with that stinky Second Master of Yi Ke. Knowing Zhuyun and Haifeng is fate, but knowing Dong Xue is really depressing." Xia Yu said.    


"Hehe, since it is fate, then don't be disheartened. Fate is something that can only be met by chance and not sought." Qiu Tong said, "Xiao Yu, you're a cute girl and elder sister likes you a lot."    


"Hehe, I like sister too." Xia Yu became happy and looked at me again: "Boss Yi, Boss Qiu likes me, but you? "Do you like me? Show me your attitude. Come, tell me how you feel about me."    


I said, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"    


Xia Yu puffed her cheeks. "I want to hear something nice. If you want to hear something happy. "    


"Then I like you."    


"Aha, really? You really like me? " Xia Yu shouted happily.    


"Didn't you want to hear something nice and happy," I said.    


"Tsk — you're dead Yi Ke, and you're messing with me again." Xia Yu cried out and reached for a cushion on the sofa to call me. I caught it and put it on the sofa.    


Qiu Tong bent over her desk with a smile.    


Very quickly, Cloud bought the fast food. Everyone laughed as they talked and ate their lunch together.    


After dinner, Xia Yu received a call from the company, telling her to go back to the meeting and reluctantly leave.    


"I hate this summer. If you have nothing to do, then let me go back to the meeting." Xia Yu said before they left.    


Qiu Tong and Yun Yun both laughed, but I shook my head. Vice President was like this. If I was in his shoes, I would have spanked her three times a day.    


After Xia Yu had left, Yun returned to her office to busy herself. Qiu Tong then took out her big plan of work and discussed some of the details and issues with me.    


The discussion ended at 2 PM when Qiu Tong found a cup of water and poured me a cup of water. She passed it to me and said, "Come, Master Yi. You've worked hard. You must be thirsty. Drink some water."    


I raised my glass and looked at Qiu Tong. "You sure know how to serve people. Not bad."    


Qiu Tong's face turned slightly red as she continued, "You're so poor with words. Screw you."    


"Fuck me, where am I going?" "No," I said.    


"Go wherever you want." Qiu Tong couldn't help but laugh as she spoke.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong received a text message on her phone. After reading it, Qiu Tong's expression changed. She looked up at me with a face full of astonishment.    


"What's wrong?" I looked at Qiu Tong.    


"Look at this," Qiu Tong murmured, handing me her cell phone.    


I took it and read the contents of the short letter.    


The message was simple: The investigation team had been evacuated.    


Just these seven words were enough to surprise both Qiu Tong and me.    


What did it mean for the city committee investigation team to leave after just half a day?    


I looked at Qiu Tong, who was looking at me, and for a moment our eyes were wide, as if we couldn't figure out what the contents of the note meant.    


"Who sent the text?" Seeing that the number wasn't familiar, I returned the phone to Qiu Tong.    


"My former colleague from the HR department in the group. As for who he is, you don't need to ask. You don't know him anyway." Qiu Tong looked at the text again as she took the phone. She said to herself, "The investigation team suddenly retreated. What does that mean?"    


Qiu Tong sounded like she was asking me something.    


Qiu Tong looked at it for a while, then deleted the text message and looked up at me. "What do you think about this?"    


Before I knew it, Qiu Tong and I were going to discuss the major corporate issues.    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "Clearly, there are two levels of meaning. One, the investigation is over. The matter is simple, and there is no need for a cumbersome process. The investigation team has to report back to the Leader and then come up with a punishment decision."    


"What about the other point?" Qiu Tong stared at me.    


"Another meaning …" I hesitated. "The other implication is that I think it's just a pipe dream, that the investigation team received instructions from above to end the investigation, and that this is a minor or major incident. But I don't dare to think about it. I don't think it's very likely. "    


Qiu Tong pondered and nodded, "Your analysis makes a lot of sense. I think so too. But look at the word 'suddenly' in that text message. It seems to mean something. "    


"The reason why I said there was a second meaning to it is because of the word 'suddenly'." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong fell into deep thought. After a long while, Qiu Tong raised her head and looked at me, "Yi Ke, stand in a neutral position. Do you sympathize with Chief Editor?"    


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