Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C564 Tears of the Pearl of the Sea

C564 Tears of the Pearl of the Sea

0"At first, I drank by myself, but then she coincidentally came and drank with me. After talking for a while, she left by herself." I said, "I have good reason to suspect that the text message you and Qiu Tong received was from Dong Xue. Think about it, who would be in the mood to send a text message to both of you if they knew Qiu Tong, Qiu Tong, and me at the same time?"    


"Dong Xue, why would she do that?" Hai Zhu said.    


"What she did was to sever the connection between you and Qiu Tong, make you suspect me of being related to Qiu Tong, and at the same time increase your suspicion of me." I said, "Qiu Tong was really innocent about what happened tonight. She came to pick me up with good intentions. I didn't expect that to happen. You just happened to bump into me. "    


"Why is Dong Xue looking for you?" What did you talk about tonight? "Does she want to be with you …" Hai Zhu's voice was trembling.    


I looked at Hai Zhu and said, "Zhu, you treat me well. I know that you love me, and I also love you. No matter what happens, I will never leave you. Dong Xue and I are already in the past. No matter what she wants to do, no matter what she wants to do, I will never separate from you. "    


Hai Zhu lowered her eyes, seemingly pondering my words. After a while, she said, "Is what you said tonight true?"    


"What I said was all true!" I said quickly.    


"Then when I asked you in the car if you drank alone tonight, did you say yes and was it true?" Hai Zhu said.    


"This —" I was at a loss for words.    


Hai Zhu wiped away her tears and looked at me. "Brother, I have always trusted you so much. I have never doubted anything you say, but do you want me to believe or not? I want to believe it, but how do you expect me to believe you, with your contradictions and your loopholes? Sometimes it would slip and fall, sometimes it would drink by itself, and sometimes it would produce Dong Xue. Are you telling the truth or do you want me to believe you?    


Also, the scene that I saw with my own eyes, how could you slip over with a slip and explain it? Why did she need to be held so tightly by two people? Dong Xue wants to get you back, she wants to take revenge on me, why didn't she come looking for me directly, and why did she get Qiu Tong into this matter between the three of us? How can you explain all of this? "    


"Zhu, you're thinking too much. What I said is true." I kept wiping the sweat from my forehead, but I couldn't think of anything better to say to dissuade Hai Zhu.    


"Brother, you have a guilty conscience!" Hai Zhu said.    


"I don't have any ghosts in my heart!"    


"Where did you get so much sweat without a ghost?" Hai Zhu said.    


"I — this —" I was at a loss for words again, my heart racing, my forehead sweating even more.    


"It's so cool, you don't say it's hot, do you?" Hai Zhu looked at me.    


"Zhu, this —"    


Hai Zhu looked at me and didn't say anything for a long time. Her eyes showed sadness and disappointment.    


"Zhu, listen to me explain it all over again." "No," I said.    


"Forget it, I'm tired. You should be tired too. Rest early." Hai Zhu interrupted me and staggered to her feet, wiping her tears as she made her way to the bedroom.    


Hai Zhu didn't want to hear any more explanations. She seemed to have no more faith in what I said.    


After a while, Hai Zhu changed into her pajamas and went to the bathroom. Then, the sound of water splashing could be heard and she began to shower.    


Soon, Hai Zhu finished her shower and came to the living room in her pajamas. She stood in front of me and looked at me.    


I got up, went to the bathroom, undressed, and took a shower.    


My mind was in a mess. As I showered, I thought about what had happened tonight.    


I originally wanted to tell her the truth to dispel Hai Zhu's doubt, but didn't think that Hai Zhu would start to doubt my words. It seems that her doubts towards Qiu Tong weren't dispelled, as she focused all her attention on the scene she saw when I hugged Qiu Tong. At the same time, Hai Zhu started to suspect me of my relationship with Dong Xue.    


Anxious and fretful, I quickly took a shower, dried myself, and left the bathroom. The light in the living room had already been turned off, and Hai Zhu was not in the living room. I went straight to my bedroom and went to bed.    


After getting into bed, Hai Zhu lay on the bed, facing the inside.    


I saw a glass of water on the nightstand, which Hai Zhu had just poured for me, no doubt.    


My heart was burning, and I was thirsty. I picked up my glass and drank a glass of water, then lay down.    


I whispered in Hai Zhu's ear, "Still angry, darling?"    


Hai Zhu didn't say anything.    


I continued to whisper, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been drinking alone tonight."    


Hai Zhu slowly turned around and looked at me with her eyes wide open. She didn't say anything.    


I leaned over and kissed Hai Zhu lightly on the forehead. "What I said tonight was the truth. Believe me."    


Hai Zhu remained silent, still looking at me with her big eyes.    


I reached out my hand to caress Hai Zhu's cheek. "Darling, listen carefully. This is what happened."    


"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Repeating it over and over again is just like saying those words. Saying too much is useless." Hai Zhu finally spoke. "I am willing to believe you, and I am trying to make myself believe you, but you cannot give me a reason to believe you. I don't want to hear about it anymore. My mind is in a mess, I beg you, can you let me have some peace and quiet? "    


I stopped.    


Hai Zhu remained silent.    


I pressed my chin against Hai Zhu's head and lightly patted her back. "Zhu, I really don't want to hurt you."    


"I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to be hurt, and I don't want to be hurt. " Hai Zhu said, "But why? Why does someone always want to hurt me? In this world, anyone can hurt me, but you, you can't, can't. "    


Something hot was flowing through my chest, and I knew it was Hai Zhu's tears.    


I felt a pang of pity in my heart. I lifted Hai Zhu's face and kissed the salty tears on her cheeks as I said, "I'm sorry, Zhu. What happened tonight was really unintentional. It was just a coincidence. If it hurts you, I apologize. "Believe me, I will treat you well."    


"Brother, do you love me?" Hai Zhu looked at me sobbing, her face full of grievance and helplessness.    


I hugged Hai Zhu tightly and nodded. "Yes, I love you!"    


Hai Zhu pursed her lips and then said slowly, "I will try my best to forget what happened tonight. What happened tonight, and what you said, coincidental or not, I'll try to convince myself that it didn't happen. What happened tonight was like a dream. I woke up from a dream and there was nothing there.    


Also, that mysterious text message, if you say it's from Dong Xue, then I'll just take it as Dong Xue's. My head hurts. I don't want to think about it anymore. " After saying that, Hai Zhu used her hand to rub her temple and forehead.    


I reached out and gently rubbed Hai Zhu's forehead and temple. After a while, Hai Zhu's expression relaxed a little.    


"As for Qiu Tong and Dong Xue, I don't want to think too much about them." Hai Zhu added, "I just want to know that you love me. That's enough. I am willing to believe that you truly love me, even if you love me less than I love you, I am content. I don't want to see or hear any more about you and them.    



Love, is selfish, is exclusive, at this point, I can not be open-minded, much less can not be able to share. I am yours, I am yours, you are mine, you can only be mine. Love belongs to me. I will hold on tight and never let go. "    


Wordlessly, I continued to massage Hai Zhu's head, sighing softly in my heart.    


"Alright, I feel much better, there's no need to press." Hai Zhu said.    


I stopped.    


Hai Zhu sat up and reached for her cell phone from the bedside table.    


"What are you doing?" I looked at Hai Zhu.    


"I'll give Sister Qiu a call." Hai Zhu glanced at me.    


"What for?" I was a little nervous, and I didn't know what Hai Zhu's intentions were.    


"What do you think I would do? What else can I do? " Hai Zhu looked at me.    


I didn't say anything.    


Hai Zhu dialed Qiu Tong's number, looked at me, and then pressed the speaker button.    


Soon, the call connected.    


"Sister Hai Zhu." Qiu Tong's voice came over the phone.    


"Sister Qiu, you're still awake?" Hai Zhu's voice sounded very relaxed, and there was even a hint of a smile on her face.    


"Heh heh, I just got into bed. Why, are you still awake?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Yeah, I just got into bed too." Hai Zhu said, "I called you at such a late hour because I was afraid I would disturb your rest."    


"It's fine, hur hur."    


"Sister Qiu, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you and my brother tonight. After we got back, my brother explained in detail to me." Hai Zhu said, "I'm calling you right now to apologize. I hope you can forgive my rudeness and ignorance."    


"Little sister …" Qiu Tong's voice sounded a little touched, "Little sister, don't say these words, what apology, I didn't blame you in the first place. In fact, I didn't do well, I did wrong tonight, so I should call you after receiving the text message, then drive you to pick up Yi Ke. I didn't think carefully, so something that caused my sister to misunderstand happened. Speaking of which, the one who should apologize should be me. "    


"Elder sister is being too serious."    


Listening to Hai Zhu and Qiu Tong's conversation, I felt a little bit more relaxed in my heart.    


Hai Zhu and Qiu Tong chatted for a while longer before hanging up.    


After the call, Hai Zhu let out a long breath and looked at me. "Are you relieved now? This call is for you. "I don't want Qiu Tong to get involved with you again after work tomorrow. I don't want everyone to feel uncomfortable with each other."    


I smiled bitterly.    


Hai Zhu fiddled with her cell phone and said to herself, "I have to call her too."    


"To whom?" I looked at Hai Zhu.    


"Dong Xue, for the short message she sent me, can't I thank her as well?" Hai Zhu said.    


"Don't call her." I said quickly.    


I was worried that if Hai Zhu took the initiative to call Dong Xue, it would cause Dong Xue to feel even more jealousy towards Hai Zhu, and on the contrary, it would cause Dong Xue to feel even more vengeful towards Hai Zhu.    


Hai Zhu looked at me and said, "What? Are you nervous? You're afraid I'll prove to you that what you said tonight is true, aren't you? "    


I said, "No, I didn't want you to mess with Dong Xue. I don't want you two to have a direct face-to-face confrontation. Both of us are finished. Is there a need for you to provoke her? "    


Hai Zhu said, "Is that what you really think in your heart? You're really not afraid that I'll verify what you said tonight? "    


I sighed helplessly. "Since you think that way, then, go ahead and fight."    


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