Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C559 Two People in the Air

C559 Two People in the Air

0"My body is covered in skin. My parents do not dare to defile my body. The beginning of filial piety." Hai Zhu said quietly.    


Hai Zhu's words struck at my horrified and uneasy heart. Deep guilt towards myself and Hai Zhu's parents rose in my heart, and even more guilt towards Hai Zhu.    


From what happened tonight to the matter with Qiu Tong between Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee, I couldn't help but to become more vigilant. Facing the invisible hands of Qiu Tong or Hai Zhu, I was prepared to use my life to protect them at any time.    


My heart was heavy. When I returned to the dormitory, Hai Zhu had been busy the whole day and very tired. After taking a shower, she went to sleep. Although I was also tired, I didn't feel sleepy at all and just sat on the sofa in the living room, smoking one cigarette after another.    


After a while, I went to my study, opened my laptop, and logged on to QQ.    


His Floating Dream is here.    


"You're still awake?" I spoke first.    


"Keke, you haven't slept either!" Floating Dream said.    


"Why aren't you resting? What are you doing? " "No," I said.    


"I'm thinking about our proposal for this year." Floating Dream said.    


"A new round of challenges has begun." "No," I said.    


"Yes, we have to do this every year, but it's different every year. The situation is changing and our thinking is also changing." Floating Dream said: "Yi Ke has provided me with some pretty good ideas these few days, I wanted to hear your thoughts."    


"It's enough for him to provide you with information, I don't need it!" "No," I said.    


"What is it? You're being modest? " Floating Dream sent him a smiley face.    


"It's not that he's modest, he's in this line of work. After all, I'm only an amateur. His ideas and experience are definitely greater than mine." "No," I said.    


"Hehe, the stone of his mountain, can be used to seize jade. Even if you do not have a concrete method, you can also provide a marketing method that is similar to a commodity." Floating Dream said: "Keke, say a few words. I'd like to hear your opinion. "    


"I really don't have anything to say, I think Yi Ke already told you what I wanted to say." "No," I said.    


"How can you be so sure?"    


"From your usual comments and comments on him, I feel that this Yi Ke seems to have a similar understanding and philosophy to me, and in many ways, he is even stronger than me." "No," I said.    


"Keke, you don't seem to be happy tonight."    


"Why do you say that?"    


"I can feel it."    


"You seem to know how to feel it. Why didn't I feel it? "    


Floating Dream was silent for a moment, and said: "Keke, although we were silently conversing in an invisible space, it's not like that. Through these emotionless words, I can feel your inner self. Feel if you're happy or not. At the moment, I think you have something on your mind. Keke, what's the matter? Can you tell me something? "    


I laughed silently and said, "I'm not unhappy about anything. Your feelings aren't always accurate."    




"Really." I sent him a grinning face.    


"You're lying to me."    


"I'm not lying to you!"    


"You're lying to me!" She seemed stubborn. "I believe in my instincts."    


I sent over a laughing emoji, "Silly Girl, your intuition might not be correct. You might fail at some point, so I'm not unhappy. "Look, I'm really happy to see you right now."    


"Really? "Am I really not allowed to feel this way?"    


"Of course, don't be too confident." "No," I said.    


"Are you feeling uncomfortable being seen by others?" Floating Dream sent a questioning emoji.    


"I don't have any. You're wrong."    


She was silent again for a moment, then said: "I wish I had been wrong. I wish you had been happy. Whether my intuition is right or not, at this moment, seeing your smile, I might as well make myself feel better. "    


"That's right. Come, girl, give me a smile!" "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." Floating Dream sent a smiling emoji.    


"That's right." "No," I said.    


"That's strange. Why would you want to talk to me about your new approach to newspaper marketing? I'd like to hear your opinion." "No," she said.    


"Didn't I already say it? Yi Ke already told you, so there's no need for me to say it."    


"Hehe, you feel uncomfortable because of him? "Isn't it?"    




"I think so. Otherwise, why didn't you say so?" She seemed to be trying to goad me.    


I silently laughed again and said, "Actually, your marketing skills and standards are already quite good. Some aspects have already surpassed me. What better ideas can I give you?"    


"That's not the case. Everything can change. Three people will have to be my teacher. I know my own level, and I still want to hear your opinion." She sent him an earnest look.    


I pondered for a moment and said, "Ruo Meng, if you had said this to me a year ago, I would have given you a lot of advice and guidance. But now, really, we are at least on the same level, and everything that I can give you, I have already given you.    


Actually, the speed at which you've grown up this year has far surpassed my expectations. The ideas and insights you've expressed about marketing are already affecting me in certain aspects, especially in management. I once thought that I was someone who had some skills in management and management, but now, I feel that in management, I'm very shallow, and I need to learn from you.    


We are now talking about marketing and management, and I don't think there is any concept of guidance. We can communicate, or teach each other. "I am not a successful manager. To this day, I am still fighting for my life, and I am still working hard for my rise. As for you, you are already a successful manager. What qualifications do I have to guide you?"    


Floating Dream said: "Keke, don't say it like that, in my heart, you have always been my teacher, and this will never change. I will never forget the marketing ideas and knowledge you gave me when we first met.    


Although I have made a small achievement, although you may not have truly risen up yet, but I still believe that you are a man of great wisdom, a man of the world of work with great perseverance, that one day you will stand up again, that you will look down upon the paths you have taken, the people you have lived through.    



I believe that in the past year, you must have gained a lot more, a lot more, you are a constantly innovating person, your brain has endless wisdom and endless motivation. Not only will you be a great marketer, but you will also be a great manager. This is determined by your own qualities.     


I said, "Ruo Meng, you really think too highly of me. In the past when I communicated with you, I would occasionally look down upon you. But now, I must look at you equally. "    


"But, I've always been looking up at them." Floating Dream said.    


I smiled. "What you look up to is an illusory illusion. One day, when this illusory illusion becomes a reality, you won't look up to it. Perhaps, you will despise it."    


"Keke, these words of yours. What does that mean? Really. Is there really a day when this illusion becomes real? " The Floating Dream seemed to be a little agitated.    


"I'm talking about a hypothesis. Of course, this hypothesis might never come true, at least not in our lifetime." I felt a pang in my heart.    


She sent him a lost look and said, "But why do you say I despise you?"    


"Because of the difference between the ideal and the reality, because the ideal is always higher than the reality." "No," I said.    


"I still don't understand." She said: "I want to say that regardless of whether or not your hypothesis will come, regardless of the reality, I absolutely will not have any contempt."    


"You're saying this too early." I said, "There are some things that are beyond your imagination!"    


"I don't think so. I don't think there's anything between us that's beyond my imagination." "No," she said.    


"Perhaps, you are right. Perhaps, I am overthinking it." "No," I said.    


"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" "No," she said.    


My heart skipped a beat and I said, "What do you think I can hide from you, two of us in the air? Don't you think you're thinking too much? "    


She was silent for a moment, then said, "Maybe I really was thinking too much. "Yes, you're right. There's nothing we can hide from each other in the air."    


I said, "Ruo Meng, I want you to be safe and healthy and live, happy at work, happy in life, safe in life. That's better than anything."    


"I hope the same for you."    


Deep in the night, after finishing our conversation with Floating Dream, I lied on my bed as I listened to Hai Zhu's light and even breathing. My mind was churning as I thought back to tonight's conversation with Floating Dream.    


The next day, I drove to work. When I reached an intersection, I saw a red light and was waiting for the green light. The front door of the car on the left was suddenly opened and a woman got into the car.    


I saw it was Cao Lee!    


"Hey — I didn't drive when I was drinking last night. I was waiting on the side of the road for a taxi when I ran into you. "What a coincidence, I'll take a ride with you to the office!" Cao Lee said loudly as she pulled the door shut.    


I looked at a high-end hotel by the side of the road, and then looked at Cao Lee's slightly dark ring. I looked at a high-end hotel by the side of the road, and then looked at Cao Lee's dark ring.    


At this moment, the green light turned on and I drove forward. While I was driving, I casually asked, "Which leader did you get into an exchange with last night?"    


"Last night, Boss Sun invited Boss Wu and Boss Bai to eat together." Cao Lee said.    


I heard it and my heart jumped. What the hell, I just told Cao Lee yesterday that the sender is Bai Laosan's bodyguard, so Sun Dongkai invited Wu De and Bai Laosan to dinner. What does Sun Dongkai want? Could it be?    


As I let my imagination run wild, I couldn't help but feel nervous.    


After a while, I tried to calm myself. I gave a nonchalant "Oh" and didn't say anything.    


I deliberately made myself look indifferent.    


Cao Lee looked at me and said, "Yesterday, I asked you to find out about that person's matter. You didn't tell anyone else, right?"    


"I'm too free to talk about this." I said, "Didn't you tell me to keep it a secret? "What, you don't need to keep it a secret anymore?"    


"No, you must keep it a secret, you must keep it a secret. Not only do you need to keep it a secret, but you must also keep the things I told you to do as well. Do not let Boss Sun know about it!" Cao Lee said hurriedly.    


"Nonsense, why would I say that?" "No," I said.    


Cao Lee was quiet for a while, then suddenly said with a somewhat indignant expression, "They went too far! "How can you do that?"    


"What's wrong? Who are we? " I pretended to be puzzled and suddenly felt relieved. I immediately realized from Cao Lee's words that I had succeeded in my scheme!    


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