Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C536 Zero Percent Certainty

C536 Zero Percent Certainty

0I said, "Boss Xia, I apologized for what happened yesterday. I was wrong yesterday, I shouldn't have scolded you, but I was lucky yesterday. If I didn't react fast, I might have already been a ghost under your car."    


"Who told you to keep your eyes open while walking, you deserved to be knocked to death!" the witch said angrily.    


"I came to participate in the bidding today. I didn't expect to meet you by chance." I bitterly smiled and said, "We can stop doing this project, but you can't let me ride as your horse and learn to bark like a dog."    


"I just want to play with you, what's the big deal? I didn't expect you to be so uncooperative. It's really no fun! " Little Demoness said.    


The middle-aged man looked at me, then at Little Demoness. He seemed to understand what was going on, and apologized again. At the same time, he used a serious gaze to stop Little Demoness from continuing her rampage.    


I quickly found an excuse to leave. Not far away, I heard Little Demoness shout behind me: "Damn Yi Ke, if you don't let me ride on a big horse or bark at me like a dog, I won't give you this list. I won't give anyone else."    


I went straight down to the car, got in, and drove away.    


"Brother, how is it? "How confident are you now?" Hai Zhu, who didn't notice, asked me happily.    


I let out a long breath and said, "Right now, I have a zero percent certainty."    


"Huh?" Hai Zhu asked me in surprise, "What's wrong?"    


"Not much, don't ask. The list is yellow anyway, there's no hope!" I said, my voice a little impatient.    


Hai Zhu looked at my face and said nothing.    


While I was driving, I felt a bit depressed. I didn't manage to complete the list, but was instead humiliated by Little Demoness. How unlucky.    


It seems that Sanshui Group is a family business, and that middle-aged man is the boss of this group. This person was not bad, and he treated others very generously. This witch was his younger sister and was Vice President in the group. Having such a crafty and barbaric little sister was enough to give him a headache. If I knew that Little Demoness was in charge of this, I wouldn't have come to participate in this bidding.    


Thinking of the wasted efforts of the past two days, he could not help but feel even more dejected.    


F * ck, what's so great about money? You can bully people just because you have money? I thought indignantly as I drove.    


"Brother, don't think about it anymore. If you don't succeed, you won't be able to accomplish it. This is the will of the heavens." Hai Zhu comforted me: "Everything has its pros and cons. Perhaps, we did not issue this kind of money in the first place. It doesn't matter if we can't make it. It's not as if we don't have any business to do, it's not as if we don't have a lot of random people and groups. "    


Hai Zhu is right. Perhaps this is heaven's will. Heaven's will caused me to meet this Little Demoness yesterday. I turned to Hai Zhu and nodded.    


After sending Hai Zhu to the company, I drove myself to the seaside to relax and drive for a long time on Coastal Avenue. When I arrived at the small plaza where I saved Leh Jiacheng that day, there weren't many people there.    


I stopped the car by the side of the road and walked to the small square. I walked to the railing near the sea and leaned against it. Facing the sea, I lit a cigarette and slowly smoked, trying to calm my heart, which had been ravaged by Little Demoness for a long time.    


He turned around and saw that not far away from him was a wheelchair. An old man was sitting on the wheelchair, quietly staring at the sea. Behind the wheelchair, there was a young man wearing sunglasses and a dark suit standing not too far away.    


Looking at this old man, my heart jumped. Even though I recognized him from the side, I recognized the Leh Jiacheng that I saved that day.    


He's out of the hospital. It looks like he hasn't recovered yet. He needs to get out in a wheelchair.    


I couldn't help but glance at him a few more times, and then he seemed to notice that someone was looking at him and turned to look at me.    


I smiled at him and nodded.    


He smiled back at me and nodded, his eyes suddenly moving slightly.    


I quickly turned my face away and continued to look at the sea. The corners of my eyes continued to focus on Leh Jiacheng.    


After a while, Leh Jiacheng used his hand to gently move the wheelchair to my front. He raised his head and frowned slightly as he stared at me.    


I was a little uncomfortable under his gaze. I knew that when I saved him that day, he might have opened his eyes hazily and seen me. It was just that at that time, he was in the midst of a painful illness, so he might not have been able to clearly see my appearance.    


I turned and smiled at him again, but said nothing.    


I didn't want him to know that I was the one who had saved him that day, so I had better keep my mouth shut so that he wouldn't recognize my voice.    


He smiled back and continued to look at me with a thoughtful expression on his face.    


I thought I had to leave, so I turned and walked away.    


"Hey — boy, don't go —" Leh Jiacheng's voice came from behind me. This was the first time I heard his voice and it was filled with the maturity and vicissitudes of experienced men.    


I didn't stop, I kept walking, heading straight for my car.    


"Lad, don't go." He continued to call me.    


At that moment, the young man in the dark suit, who had been silent all this time, strode up to me and blocked my way with his arm.    


I couldn't see the look in this young lad's eyes. He was expressionless, but he stopped me from leaving. It was as if this young man was carrying out Leh Jiacheng's intention. If Leh Jiacheng didn't let me leave, I wouldn't be able to leave.    


The young lad had a good physique, and he seemed to be a practitioner. Of course, if I wanted to leave, he might not be able to stop me, but Leh Jiacheng didn't have any ill intentions, so there was no need for me to have any conflicts with him.    


I stopped.    


Leh Jiacheng came over with his wheelchair again and waved at the young man. The young man stepped out and lowered his head to the side.    


Leh Jiacheng turned in front of me and was still looking at me with a kind smile: "Young man, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Shall we say a conversation? "    


I smiled but said nothing.    


"Lad, why do you look so familiar to me? Have we met somewhere? " Leh Jiacheng looked at me and said.    


I shook my head slightly.    


"Hehe, young man, why aren't you saying anything?" Leh Jiacheng looked at me with a friendly gaze.    


I was a little anxious in my heart, but I continued to smile without saying a word.    


"Man, my master is talking to you. What's the matter with you? You don't understand at all. Are you a mute? " Dark Glasses Boy who was standing at the side couldn't hold it in any longer and said to me.    


"Don't be rude, how can you say that?" Leh Jiacheng glared at him, but he quickly lowered his head and stopped talking.    


Leh Jiacheng continued to look at me with a big smile. "Young man, I'm sorry. He was very rude earlier. I apologize to you on his behalf."    


"No need to apologize, it's alright!" I couldn't help but blurt out.    



The moment I said those words, I regretted it immediately. I couldn't stand Leh Jiacheng's coaxing and started to speak.    


His two eyes stared straight at me and his lips quivered: "Not bad, I guessed right, it's really you, it's really you — I couldn't see clearly that day, but I remember the voice clearly, it's you, it's definitely you."    


Saying that, Leh Jiacheng extended his trembling hands and was about to pull my hand.    


"Old Man, you've got the wrong person. I don't know what you're talking about!" I didn't go to meet Leh Jiacheng's hand, instead, I stepped around his wheelchair and was about to leave.    


Before I could walk around, Dark Glasses Boy suddenly appeared in front of me and blocked my path.    


His movements were soundless, and his speed was so quick that I couldn't help but be surprised at his agility.    


At this moment, the youngster seemed to be quite cautious and hostile towards me. As he blocked my path, he said in a low voice, "Where are you going? – Stop – –"    


"Don't be rude, move aside —" Leh Jiacheng's scolding came from behind him. The young man seemed to listen to Leh Jiacheng very well, and immediately moved to the side after hearing Leh Jiacheng's words. However, I felt the pair of eyes behind his sunglasses firmly staring at me, as if I was preventing me from moving again.    


Leh Jiacheng's wheelchair moved in front of me again. He reached out his hands and grabbed my hands, shaking them vigorously a few times with an excited expression on his face, "Lad, I dare to confirm that you are the person who saved me that day. It was you who sent me to the hospital when I fainted that day. "Don't deny it, don't lie to me. I have already confirmed that it is you. That's right, you. Although I am old, I am not stupid. My memory is very clear."    


Leh Jiacheng's hands were a bit cold, but they were still strong and kept shaking. Obviously, he was happy and excited inside.    


When Dark Glasses Boy heard this, he instantly relaxed his vigilance. He took off his sunglasses, smiled and bowed to me: "Big Brother, I'm sorry, I apologize for offending you just now." "I never thought that you would be my master's savior. My master has always been inquiring about you, looking for you, wanting to thank you for saving his life. Who would have thought that we would meet each other here today."    


At this point, I can't pretend to deny it.    


I smiled and held Leh Jiacheng's hands, "Old man, I happened to pass by that day and saw you faint, so I sent you to the hospital. This small matter wasn't worth mentioning. I am glad to see that you are recovering, and I wish you an early recovery. "    


Leh Jiacheng laughed and shook my hands: "Young man, you finally admit it, haha, you are my savior. I have been arranging people to find my savior, but I have never found any clues. Great. You are a good person, a good person. "    


Leh Jiacheng held my hand for a while and then let go of my hand.    


Next, Leh Jiacheng beckoned to Dark Glasses Boy, the young man lowered his head to Leh Jiacheng's mouth, Leh Jiacheng whispered a few words, then the young man nodded and strode away.    


Then, Leh Jiacheng looked at me: "Lad, what's your name?"    


"My name is Yi Ke. It's easy for me to overcome it, but easy for me to overcome it!" "No," I said.    


"Yes." "Yi Ke, not bad, my name is Leh Jiacheng." He said, "Li of the dawn, Jia of the award, honest and sincere."    


"Old man, your name is not bad. It's different from the name of the rich and powerful Li Ka-shing in Hong Kong. It's really impressive!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, although he has the same name, it has nothing to do with him. He is an extremely wealthy man. As for me, I am just a terrible old man. I can't compare to him." Leh Jiacheng laughed heartily, then patted the armrest of his wheelchair: "Boy, can you push me to the beach? Let's chat."    


I went to push the wheelchair over to the railing of the square and faced the sea.    


"That day, I was really grateful to you. I vaguely remember that you were carrying me to the hospital on your back. If it wasn't for you sending me to the hospital in time, my old life might have already gone to meet Marx." Leh Jiacheng sighed and said, "My body is quite heavy, you must be tired."    


"It's fine, it's fine," I said. "As long as you're fine, I was afraid you wouldn't make it to the hospital. This also means that your luck is great and your luck is great. "    


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