Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C534 Group Supervisor General Xia

C534 Group Supervisor General Xia

0I did not hesitate to say: "Firstly, I just said that our company has just started doing it, and we do not have that much liquid money, so we cannot afford it. Secondly, I want to say that even if we can pay in advance, I think your rich Sanshui Group will not cause any problems on this trifling 13 million. Therefore, from the point of view of protecting your own reputation, even if I had money, I would not give it up. "    


When I said that, the executives laughed again.    


Now and then I caught a glimpse of the ceiling and saw a camera in a corner of the ceiling.    


At this moment, I heard a few of my colleagues whispering to each other, "This is how people with no money talk. A poor company or a small company doesn't have any money, so I can only say this to stimulate the customers."    


"That's right. What's the use of saying those words? What they value most is to cover the bill. They are just marketing noobs, so they don't understand the rules." They definitely have no chance, no matter how good the words of the heavens are, it's useless. These days, without money, everything is useless. "    


"But why didn't we think of it in the first place? If only we could do it this way. "    


"Their invitation letter didn't say anything so specific. They just calculated the price according to the number of people. Who would have thought that it would be so."    


"Our plan is just a pig's brain. We will follow the directions and sweep the snow in front of our doors. We won't think too much about it."    


This is the rule of our management system. Everyone has their own responsibilities and only cares about their own stalls. Who would have thought that these 1,700 people were divided into different levels. Sigh, I'm a bit regretful.    


A few of the higher ups of Sanshui Group were whispering to each other. After that, they hosted an announcement that the bidding was over, and invited everyone to go back and wait for the announcement of the winner.    


Hai Zhu and I walked out of the luxurious office headquarters. As we walked, Hai Zhu asked, "Bro, tell me, what do you think our success rate is now?"    


I thought about it. "80%!"    


"That high?" Hai Zhu said.    


I smiled and nodded. "Yes!"    


"Why do you say that?"    


"Because we grabbed onto something that our peers missed, we abandoned our disadvantage and seized onto our advantage. This advantage is that the Sanshui Group Summoning Letter did not state what it meant, but we hope that everyone would understand."    


"You mean the division of the three echelons?"    




"Why didn't they mention it in their letter of invitation?"    


I thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure about that either. Maybe they want to use this opportunity to find long-term partners and explore various travel agencies to see who's the best at figuring out what they're thinking and who can really understand the nature of marketing — win-win! See who can really achieve the most essential quality of a marketer - sincerity! "    




"They all seem sincere on the surface, but they are all ruthless in their hearts. They have expanded the profits to the point that they can't expand any further, wanting to snatch away their money with one bite." Although they had paid a lot of money, their total price was still above 3 million. They thought that the people with Sanshui Group across the mountains did not know the price of the tourism industry's internal market. Actually, they were wrong, since these few executives were able to achieve such a position in Sanshui Group, they were naturally not idiots. They would go back and search, the first time they did business, they wanted to earn a killing, but in reality, they had blocked their own way out.    


The sect leaders who had come along looked extremely shrewd and astute, but in reality, they were all short-sighted. They could only see before their eyes, not tomorrow or the day after. The reason that I mentioned the profits of our group just now was to remind the few executives of Sanshui Group to not be killed by others, to be the scapegoat. I expect they'll be very concerned about the numbers I'm talking about. After all, this is not a state-owned enterprise. The boss of this corporation will not let himself be killed by others. The money that should be spent can be spent, but the money that shouldn't be spent will still be saved. "    


"You're really smart." Hai Zhu said, "Bro, tell me, why didn't they make a decision on the spot?"    


I thought about the camera and said, "Or maybe there's someone more awesome than those executives who can make decisions, like Vice President, the group's branch chief, or the group's president, or even its chairman. They need to report to the person in charge, or maybe someone will be watching and listening through the camera during this competition. "    


As we spoke, we walked to the car. The car was fixed last night. I went to the garage and there was something wrong with the circuit.    


I opened the door and was about to get in when someone behind me called out to me: "Hey — Boss Yi, wait —"    


I stopped and saw the host running towards me, panting.    


I said, "What's the matter?"    


"It's like this, Boss Yi, the branch manager of our corporation, Boss Xia, wants to talk to you."    


"Boss Xia? I don't know anything about Boss Xia. " "No," I said.    


"You don't know him, but Boss Xia saw through the monitor that our event just now. We went to report to Boss Xia, and Boss Xia told me to call you over to communicate with him."    


I felt a surge of excitement. Just as I thought, this monitor is useful. Margo Wall, Boss Xia who is in charge of this project wants to see me. It must be a good thing if the show is too big. He must have been moved by what I just said.    


I was so ecstatic that I said to Hai Zhu, "Ok, let's go!"    


"Boss Yi, Boss Xia said he only sees you alone!"    


"Alright then!" I said to Hai Zhu, "Wait for me in the car."    


Hai Zhu nodded. She could not contain her joy. Being summoned by the group's branch president at this time was obviously a good thing. Hai Zhu must have felt it too.    


I followed the emcee into the group headquarters building, up to the second floor, and walked along the corridor for a while before stopping in front of an office with Vice President's office number on the door.    


The host said to me with a cautious expression, "Boss Yi, you can go in directly. Boss Xia is waiting for you inside."    


Judging from the host's expression, it seemed that he was very respectful to Boss Xia and was even a bit fearful.    


I smiled at the emcee and pushed open the heavy wooden door.    


The first thing I saw when I entered was that it was a large, luxurious office, with a large, old-fashioned table by the window. Behind the desk, someone was looking down at something.    


This was Boss Xia without a doubt.    


Unexpectedly, although I couldn't see Boss Xia's face, I could clearly see that it was a young woman.    


Before I came in, I thought Boss Xia was a man.    


I coughed lightly and said, "Boss Xia, hello. I'm on a spring vacation. Are you looking for me?"    


Hearing my voice, Boss Xia raised his head — —    


I was stunned. Holy sh * t, this Boss Xia is Second Wife, the one who drove a red Ferrari towards me yesterday and was scared away by me!    


Damn, I always thought that she was raised by rich people, but I didn't expect her to be the famous Sanshui Group's Vice President.    


My heart was full of complaints. Something bad had happened!    


Boss Xia looked at me with a teasing expression and laughed: "Yo — isn't this Second Master? Second Master, you came to see Second Wife personally? "    



I stood there awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable. The first thought that came to my mind was: Ma Gobi, I miscalculated. All of my hard work these two days has been wasted.    


I felt very depressed. How could there be such a coincidence? Boss Xia was actually the little Second Wife from yesterday.    


Little Second Wife saw that I was a little depressed, and she became more spirited. She arrogantly said, "Aha, Second Master, this is Second Master. What about yesterday's enthusiasm? Aren't you a big spender? Aren't you trying to scare me with your teeth? "What's your enthusiasm for the moment?"    


Fuck, it's my bad luck. There's no helping it, who told me to meet her yesterday? I looked at Second Wife, who was baring her fangs and brandishing her claws. I forced a smile and said, "It's my bad luck. I'll take it!"    


"You did? What did you recognize? "    


"I admit defeat!"    


"Aha. You've already admitted defeat so quickly, why are you being so unmanly? " Little Second Wife stood up, walked around the desk and arrived in front of me. She stood there with her hands on her hips and looked at me, then tilted her head and giggled, "Second Master, you didn't think, right? I'm Sanshui Group's Vice President, hehe."    


"Yes, I didn't expect that!"    


"However, I also didn't expect that you, Second Master, would actually be the general manager of the Spring Tourism Company." She spoke with a slightly serious tone, "I didn't expect that you would actually bid for the business that I am in charge of. I never would have thought that you, Second Master, had a pretty good eloquence. I heard what you said in the bidding conference room. "    


"Bullsh * t!" "Bullsh * t!"    


At this moment, I had already decided that I would meet this Little Demoness. This time, the bidding is definitely going to end.    


"Advice?" "Hehe, I don't know anything about tourism, so I don't dare to accept your advice." Little Demoness looked around at me and sized me up before saying, "Hmm, not bad, this young man is quite handsome. I didn't take a good look yesterday, so I have to admire and admire him now."    


Damn, I've become something that she appreciates.    


I felt uncomfortable and kept my eyes on her every move.    


"She's not bad, but it's a pity that she has quite a few playthings in her stomach. Yesterday, she called me Second Wife and even tried to be a hooligan towards me. This isn't good." Little Demoness said exaggeratedly, "Hey — Second Master, you've fallen into my hands today. What thoughts do you have about your acceptance speech?"    


I said, "There's no acceptance speech, I just recognize my bad luck. Okay, Boss Xia, I apologize to you for yesterday's incident, I shouldn't have said that you were Second Wife, I shouldn't have scared you, the apology was done, I gave up on that bidding project automatically, I should go — — goodbye —" After saying that, I turned to leave.    


"Halt!" A shout rang out from behind him.    


I turned around and saw Little Demoness staring at me with her eyes wide open. "I didn't say anything. Who told you to leave?"    


I laughed: "Boss Xia, I'm not your employee or your subordinate, why should I listen to you? I've already said what I need to apologize to you. I've already given up on that bidding war. Now that we're even, what else do you want? "    


"How can I leave here as I please?" "I'm telling you, it's easy to get out of here, but you have to listen to me obediently. Otherwise, I'll get the security guards to beat you up." Little Demoness threatened me.    


I couldn't help but laugh: "Boss Xia, you are in the office business, not the underworld. Look at you, you're a girl. Why are you so aggressive?"    


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