Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C527 Yellow Gold Bar

C527 Yellow Gold Bar

0I opened my mouth to say something, but Sun Dongkai waved it off, "Ok, Yi, let's not talk about this anymore. I've decided, no matter what I think, I will believe what you say. Since I've decided to believe what you say, is it interesting for you to say so many unnecessary words in front of me?"    


With my luck, my face turned red.    


Sun Dongkai looked at my expression and couldn't help but to laugh. He laughed very complacently and happily. After laughing, he looked at me and said, "Yi, you are very cute. "Oh right, I was busy earlier and didn't have the time to care about you. Have you been suffering from financial stress recently?"    


Previously, Sun Dongkai was busy thinking about how to put down the chairman, how could he have the leisure to care about my life! This was understandable.    


I said, "Tell the truth?"    


Sun Dongkai said, "Of course!"    


"I'm nervous. This month's salary is almost gone. I only have 32 yuan in my pocket!" I said, embarrassed.    


"You little fellow, no matter how nervous you are, you still won't tell me. If I didn't ask, wouldn't you say so? Didn't I tell you before that if you have any difficulties in life, you can tell me? " Sun Dongkai chuckled as he stood up and walked to the desk. He opened the drawer, reached his hand in, and then took it out as if he was performing a magic trick. Instantly, a shining yellow gold bar appeared in his hand.    


Sun Dongkai waved at me. "Come here —"    


I walked over and stood across the table from Sun Dongkai. I stared at the gold bar, as if I wanted to grab it.    


Sun Dongkai weighed the gold bar in his hand as if he was testing out its weight. Then, he looked at me. "Yi, what do you think this is?"    


"Gold bar!" "No," I said.    


"Whose is it?" Sun Dongkai said.    




"But now it —" Sun Dongkai took my hand and put the gold bar into it. "It's yours."    


As I said that, Sun Dongkai smiled and closed my hand.    


Just as I was about to say something, Sun Dongkai said: "Shut up, don't be polite with me. I don't like hypocritical pleasantries. Yi, remember, if you don't have money in the future, tell me.    


I nodded to Sun Dongkai with deep gratitude.    


"Go back and work hard. The good days of the future are yet to come." Sun Dongkai looked at him meaningfully and said: "The sky above the Hsinghai is about to brighten. "Haha, I think only one person can take on such a heavy responsibility."    


From Sun Dongkai's unable to conceal the joy and glee on his face, I could vaguely sense something. Perhaps, this time, he is really going to win.    


However, I thought, could it be that the chairman will just wait for death to happen? If Boss Ping went in, he wouldn't be unaware of the possible disaster. How would he protect himself from this ordeal?    


I felt that besides defending, he was also defending. It seemed that he no longer had any chance or ability to fight back. Being able to escape prison was his greatest victory and happiness. I don't know if I feel right.    


I really want to help him, but if he has no financial problems and no one can beat him, he doesn't have to worry about it, nor do I have to help him. If he really has financial problems, with my little abilities, I definitely won't be able to help him, not to mention him, even Qiu Tong. If she has financial problems, then there's nothing I can do about it. If the chairman really fell for money, it could only be a sad matter.    


I silently prayed that the Chairman would not fail, that he would not be defeated by the money. I hoped that he would continue to stand tall and straight at the top of the pyramid, and that he would continue to compete with Old Sun in the top of the pyramid.    


Sun Dongkai and the chairman, these two shrewd and scheming politicians, in this sword and shadow game, which one is more skillful, which one's backer is stronger? In my heart, I felt that Sun Dongkai seemed to have the advantage, but I also hoped that the chairman could win.    


All of a sudden, I felt that I was very bad. I was holding a gold bar gifted to me by someone else, but I secretly prayed that they would fail. Not good enough, not good enough!    


I left the building with Old Sun's gift of gold bars in my pocket and drove to the office. Just as I turned the corner of the building, I turned my head and saw an old man with a white beard and ragged clothes lying on the concrete floor in front of the Merchants' Bank's business hall.    


Wasn't this the old tramp grandpa that I gave him the gold bar last time? Why is he still here? Didn't the gold bar I gave him last time change his fate?    


He was driven out by his unfilial son and daughter-in-law. After he obtained my gold bar from me last time, he happily returned to his hometown and donated the gold bars to his son. His son and daughter-in-law raised him at home for the sake of the gold bars, but who would have thought that after losing all the gold bars they had earned, their son turned hostile and chased the old grandpa out of the house.    


I sighed. Holy sh * t, I met an unfilial son. I had no choice but to suffer!    


I helped the old man into my car and then drove to the Civil Affairs Department's welfare home. I wanted them to take him in, but they wouldn't take him in.    


I say, aren't you guys a government - run welfare home that specifically adopts homeless widows and widows? The other side argued that there were a lot of homeless people on the streets, and the allocations were limited. They were able to adopt them for free everywhere, and they were now taking them in for free.    


After talking for a long time, the other party's attitude was very resolute. "I won't accept it! Where should I bring it from to send it off to? Otherwise, I'll bring it back home for myself to take care of!"    


I didn't say anything as I slapped the gold bars on the table. The person immediately changed his expression and agreed to accept me. I left his number and told him to treat the old man well. I will continue to pay after the old man's living expenses have been spent. The other party repeatedly promised me.    


Then, I told the old grandpa that since Er Zi wasn't filial, then he shouldn't go home.    


Then I drove out of the orphanage.    


On the way to the company, I passed by Hai Zhu's company. Hai Zhu wasn't home for a few days, so I decided to go to the tourist company.    


He parked the car by the side of the road opposite the company and got out. Just as he crossed the road, he saw a woman standing in front of the company's entrance.    


This woman was Dong Xue.    


I slowed my pace as I looked at Dong Xue's back, which was once so familiar but now so unfamiliar, and walked slowly behind her.    


Dong Xue did not seem to notice that she had walked behind her. She was still focused on looking at the door plate of the tourist company. There were only a few words on the door plate. She did not seem to be able to read, not enough, not enough.    


I don't know when Dong Xue came here, I don't know how long she looked like this, and I don't know why she came here.    


I softly sighed and said, "Since you've come, you should go in and take a seat."    


Dong Xue turned around and looked at me. "When did you arrive?"    


"For a moment!" "No," I said.    


"Silently and noiselessly, you must be a thief!" Dong Xue's voice was filled with ridicule.    


I didn't want to bicker with Dong Xue. "This is Hai Zhu's travel company."    


"I know. It doesn't just belong to Hai Zhu, it also belongs to you, right? " Dong Xue said.    


"Right, they can be considered ours." "No," I said.    


"Life is good." Dong Xue's voice was filled with jealousy.    


I sighed in my heart and looked at Dong Xue. "Don't be so aggressive, okay? Do you want to come in and take a seat? "    



"Are you inviting me?" Dong Xue said.    


"Those who have come are all guests." As I spoke, I walked in first.    


Dong Xue followed me in, looking around as she walked.    


Sweetie Ru was busy. Seeing that I had arrived, she smiled at me. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Dong Xue behind me. She stopped talking and lowered her head to continue her work.    


Dong Xue walked up to Sweetie Ru and looked down at her for a moment. She wore a faint smile on her face and snorted softly.    


I opened Hai Zhu's office, invited Dong Xue to come in and sit down. Then I poured her a cup of tea.    


Dong Xue looked around with a cold expression. It seemed that what she had just seen had given her a great shock.    


I sat across from Dong Xue and looked at her. "You know about Hai Zhu's company?"    


"Yes, why? "Are you curious?" Dong Xue said.    


I smiled. "No wonder. However, it's a bit strange. "    


"Since you're setting up a company, aren't you afraid of others finding out? What's there to be afraid of?" Dong Xue said coldly.    


"There's nothing to be afraid of."    


"Since there's nothing to be afraid of, why didn't you invite me here when you opened your store?" Dong Xue said, "No matter what, we were once friends, right? Is there a need to be so heartless?"    


"I didn't hold any opening ceremony, no one invited me."    


"Then, it looks like Qiu Tong came uninvited." Dong Xue said. She must have seen the gift that Qiu Tong had brought.    


I didn't say anything, tacitly.    


"It seems that I was very rude to come empty-handed today." Dong Xue's voice was full of sarcasm.    


"Everyone is welcome to come. There is no need to bring any gifts!"    


Dong Xue snorted again and looked at me. "How have you been?"    


"Not bad!"    


"What about her? Are you having a good time? " winter    


"Hai Zhu is on a business trip, not bad!" I said, "What about you? How have you been recently?"    


"Of course, I'm not lacking. I don't lack anything. I already have everything I want. Of course, I'm not bad!" Dong Xue said.    


"That's good!"    


"What is that?" Dong Xue asked me.    


"It's good to have everything you want!"    


"Hmph." Dong Xue's face turned cold as she looked at me. "Even though I have everything I want, I'm still not satisfied. I'm still not happy."    


"Why not?"    


"Because I don't want to see other people's happiness. I don't want to see other people's happiness. I don't want to see my possessions to be taken by others!"    


"You —" I paused. "Dong Xue, why are you doing this? Everyone has their own goals. You pursue what you like, I pursue what I want. Everyone is happy. Isn't that great? Why must you insist on tangling up with something? "    


"I just want to be tangled. Can you control me?" Dong Xue's voice rose a decibel.    


"Yes, I don't care, then I won't say anymore!"    


"Why didn't you tell me? I want you to tell me!" Dong Xue said rudely.    


"You — Dong Xue, don't be like this. I hope we can still be friends when we meet in the future. I don't want everyone to be unhappy!"    


Dong Xue looked at me with hatred. She looked at everything around her and said, "I hate you. I hate those despicable people."    


"Who are you talking about?"    


"I'll say who's the villain!" Dong Xue looked at me.    


I didn't say anything. I took a deep breath, feeling depressed.    


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