Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C528 The Ruthlessness of Winter Snow

C528 The Ruthlessness of Winter Snow

0"The brother and sister pair are acting together, plotting against me from behind, plotting against me. Tell me, is this a villain?" To pretend to be poor all day in front of me, to pretend to be poor all day long, and to start such a tourism company in the blink of an eye, do you think you're a despicable person? " Dong Xue questioned me.    


"Dong Xue, you misunderstood Hai Zhu and Haifeng, you misunderstood me." I said, "It's not what you think."    


"What do you mean by that? Stop wasting your breath in front of me and fooling around with me. Do you think you can fool me, Dong Xue, with a few nice words from you?" I don't want to hear your flowery words right now. I only want to see the results, only the facts. The facts are right here.    


I choked. Looking at Dong Xue, I felt a pang of anger in my heart, but I was speechless for a moment.    


"I will not let anyone suffer because it makes me unhappy. I will let them suffer what they have to offer. I am not the sort of person who can be bullied by others." Dong Xue said gloomily, "I will get what belongs to me sooner or later, even if it is so. Even if I am unable to get it back, I will not easily let others get it. The person who schemed against me will be met with retribution in the end. "    


I remembered what Dong Xue had told Haifeng, as well as the photos I had taken with Qiu Tong. I looked at Dong Xue and said, "Dong Xue, don't mess around, live a peaceful life, and don't do stupid things. You hate me, you hate Hai Zhu and Haifeng, but I don't hate you, and neither do Hai Zhu and Haifeng hate you.    


The past has passed. Don't dwell on it anymore. Look forward. Everyone has their own views on life. They have their own values and views on life. We respect your pursuit. We all want you to live a happy life. We still hope that everyone can be friends. "    


"Us?" Dong Xue's voice rose again as she glared at me, "You keep saying 'we' one after another in such a intimate manner. What do you think? What do you want me to be? What do you think I don't know? I know that you guys despise me from the bottom of your hearts. You guys actually wish that I, Dong Xue, would encounter a great disaster tomorrow and be smashed to death by a car as soon as I stepped out of the door. You bunch of disorderly people, I have seen through all of you, and none of you are good. "    


I silently looked at Dong Xue, not a trace of anger in my heart, instead, a burst of sadness. I couldn't help but sigh deeply.    


"What is it? You find my words unpleasant? If you don't like it, then don't invite me in? " Dong Xue said, "What? You're regretting inviting me in now, aren't you?"    


"There's no need to regret. Since you've come, you are a customer. I will naturally invite you in." I said, "Dong Xue, no matter what you say, no matter how much you think Haifeng and Hai Zhu and I are, we will still treat you as a friend. At the very least, we are not enemies!"    


"I don't care, I don't need it. Being friends with people like you is my shame!" Dong Xue said.    


I ignored Dong Xue's words and said, "Dong Xue, no matter what happened before we broke up, no matter what you did to us after we broke up, I won't care about it, I won't hate you. I only hope that we can coexist peacefully and kill each other with a smile. There might be some misunderstandings between us, but there definitely isn't any hatred between us.    


I hope you can calm down and think about what Haifeng and Hai Zhu did to you. As for me, no matter how you look at me, it's fine. It's fine if you hate me, it's fine if you despise me.    


I didn't say what Dong Xue had done, but my words implied that I thought Dong Xue could hear what I was saying.    


Dong Xue went silent for a moment, then said: "You don't need to beat around the bush. Let me tell you, I already know about you messing around in the underworld. I told Haifeng, I just didn't have any good intentions. Also, those photos of you and Qiu Tong going to Zhong Hai for Qingdao was something that I got someone to do. I arranged for people to send them to Hai Zhu. I've broken up with you, but I just don't want to see Hai Zhu's scheme succeed, I just don't want to see you two together, and just want to break you two apart. What do you want? "    


I took a deep breath and said, "Nothing. I don't want to do anything. I just feel bored." Is it fun for you to do this? "    


"Interesting. If it's boring, I won't be doing it!" Dong Xue said, "Let me tell you, Ke, as long as I'm not dead, as long as I'm alive, I will never see anything that belongs to me being taken by someone else. I will never see the person who plotted against me living peacefully."    


I said, "Dong Xue, I'm not a thing. I'm a human, and I'm not being taken by others. At the same time, I'll say it again: no one is plotting against you. Don't think so darkly."    


"Good people? "Haha." Dong Xue laughed. "You are all good people, and I am a bad person, right? Fine, I am a bad guy, I don't want you to treat me like a good person! "It's not rare …"    


I said, "Dong Xue, did you come here today to cause trouble with me?"    


"I —" Dong Xue paused and didn't finish her sentence.    


I originally wanted to give you a stable life, a happy life, but I was useless. I didn't sit there, I didn't give you the life you wished for, I didn't meet your requirements.    


I know that people change, they change with the environment and things. Maybe I changed, maybe you changed, maybe we all changed. There was a saying: Everyone has their own aspirations. Please don't force them. I don't want to force you, and I don't want to change you. I know that when a person changes, the external force is ineffective. The real motivation for a person's change comes from within their own heart.    


You have the life you want, your own life values, I respect your ideas, I wish you a happy life. Anyway, I want you to be safe. I want you to find the life you want in this distant northern city. In any case, we have had beautiful memories and memorable memories, and I hope these memories and memories will be the source of our future lives, not the source of our hatred.    


Yes, I admit that when we first broke up, I hated you. But now, I don't hate you anymore, really, there isn't any more at all, I just hope that you can be alright, and from time to time, I would feel that I'm sorry for you. If I hadn't brought you from the Ningzhou to the Hsinghai, perhaps all of this wouldn't have happened.    


I know he can give you what you want, but I can't give you those things. For those things, you can make my enemies ridicule me, despise me, laugh at me, make them feel proud in front of me, run wild in front of me, and laugh in front of me. I don't care about any of this. I don't care about it, I won't blame it on you, and I won't complain to you. I know that all of this is caused by me, and I will still feel sorry for you. "    


Hearing this, Dong Xue stared at me blankly. After a long while, her eyes reddened as she hissed, "Even if you don't hate me, I still hate you. I hate you! Do you know why I hate you? Do you know why? "    


Dong Xue's throat suddenly blocked, choked up, and tears began to flow out.    


When I saw Dong Xue crying, my heart hurt. I whispered, "You can hate me. You should hate me. I'll bear it all. I won't have a single complaint."    


"You —" Dong Xue stood up abruptly and looked at me with tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were filled with deep grief and pain, and then she suddenly covered her face, turned around, and walked out of the office.    


Dong Xue left crying, with me have always been deep I do not know why hatred.    


I sat in Hai Zhu's office for a long time.    


A moment later, the office door opened and Sweetie Ru came in with a stack of letters. She saw that I was looking depressed and didn't say anything, so she quietly placed the letters on my desk. Then she left quietly, sticking her tongue out at me before closing the door.    


I leafed through the letters listlessly, letters from travel companies outside the country, letters from colleagues.    


Suddenly, my gaze stopped. I saw a letter from Sanshui Group: Hsinghai Spring Tourism Company's Leader Received.    


Sanshui Group, the Sanshui Group that I have been constantly pondering about.    


I put the envelope in my hand, not opening it for the time being, and thought about it.    


At that moment, the office clock chimed. It was ten o'clock, and I remembered that I had not been to work since then. I put this letter away, then left the travel company and went straight to Issuing Company.    


On the way, I received a text message from Fourth Brother: "Boss King Kong was bitten by a snake and survived. He was saved. However, there was an aftereffect. Acute kidney failure caused his lower part to become disabled."    


I exhaled. Damn it, not bad, just nice, this dog's lower part is useless. I can't do any more evil, it deserves me.    


He rushed to the company and entered the office, but did not see Cao Teng.    


I started to busy myself. After a while, Cao Teng came in with a relaxed expression on his face. When he saw me, he smiled and said, "Brother Yi is here. I just came out of the office and reported to him about my work for the next few days." "Today, Boss Qiu talked with the department head one by one. We will listen to the latest work reports. Next, it's your turn now."    


I smiled, stood up, and went to Qiu Tong's office.    


When he opened the door, he saw Qiu Tong sitting in front of her desk. She was holding onto a mini interview machine and was listening to something through her headphones. She was frowning slightly while looking at something with a dazed look in her eyes.    


I lightly knocked on the door. Qiu Tong looked up and saw me. Her hand, which was holding the micro interview machine, shook a little as if she was surprised. She put down the interview machine, took off her headphones, took out the tape, and nodded at me with a smile: "Yi Ke, come in —"    


I came in and sat across from Qiu Tong. "Qiu Tong, Cao Teng said that you need to talk to the middle management of the company one by one. It's my turn."    


Qiu Tong smiled, looked at me, and nodded. "Yes." "How's the business situation in the department these days? Simply put, let's talk about it."    


I started to report, and Qiu Tong seemed distracted as she fiddled with the tape in her hand.    


When I finished reporting, Qiu Tong nodded and said, "Very good, I understand the situation now." Your part of the business is doing well, especially yours. "Hehe."    


Smiling, Qiu Tong tossed the tape into the basket.    



I noticed Qiu Tong's gesture and didn't say anything.    


Then Qiu Tong looked at me and stroked her hair, saying, "Yi Ke, I'm thinking about our next step. I want to share my thoughts and then listen to your opinion."    


Just as he was speaking up to this point, Cloud suddenly opened the door and entered: "Boss Qiu, Danton Daily's guests have arrived. They are in the reception room."    


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