Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C506 Restlessness

C506 Restlessness

0I can comfort the clouds, but I can't escape from myself, I can't escape this reality that has come before. I don't know how Qiu Tong faces Lee Shun and his parents at this moment, and I don't know if Lee Shun and his parents will treat Qiu Tong in front of Xiao Xue, and I don't know how they will decide Xiao Xue's fate.    


At this moment, I wasn't lucky, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I eagerly hoped that Qiu Tong and Snowy would return safely.    


After a while, Cloud's parents and Haifeng's cloud went back first. Hai Zhu and I finished our work and also went back from work.    


At night, as I lay on my bed, I leaned against the headboard with an uneasy feeling. There was a book in my hand, and I was staring at it with my eyes, but I actually didn't even manage to read a single word. My heart had long since flown to the Yalu River in the Danton.    


Hai Zhu finished her shower and lay beside me.    


I put down my book and reached out to gently stroke Hai Zhu's hair.    


After a while, Hai Zhu sighed softly.    


"What's wrong?" "No," I said.    


"I heard from the tour guide that they were out on a trip and didn't stay in one room." Hai Zhu said softly.    


"Who are they? "What do you mean?" "No," I said.    


"Haifeng and Cloud." Hai Zhu said, "They don't live in the same room. Yun is in the same room as her mother and Xiao Xue, and my brother is in the same room as your foster father. "    


"What's the matter now?" "No," I said.    


"I thought. I thought my brother and the clouds were like us. "I never thought that their relationship would continue to develop in the old way. It's going really slow." Hai Zhu's voice was filled with surprise and disappointment.    


"What are you so anxious about?" They aren't in a hurry themselves, so why are you worrying so much? " "No," I said.    


"They were together a long time ago. My heart is already at ease." Hai Zhu said.    




"If they're together, that means the relationship between the two of them has already become like that. The clouds wouldn't belong to anyone else."    


"Do you think that men and women nowadays take such an important thing so seriously? As long as we live together, we won't part ways?" "No," I said.    


"Others may not care, but I do care. I know that the clouds also care. As long as the body is given to a man, then no matter if he lives or dies, he will be his person." Hai Zhu said, "Cloud and I are such people. The giving of the body is the result of the soul's belonging. In this respect, Cloud and I are still very traditional people. "    


Somehow, Hai Zhu's words made me feel a great pressure. If it was really as Hai Zhu said, Cloud's body gave it to me for the first time, then where is her soul now? Would one of my drunken impulses ruin the life of the clouds?    


My heart felt very depressed, as if there was a thousand kilograms of stone pressing down on my heart, extremely heavy.    


"My brother is such a lovestruck person. There are so many girls chasing after him, many of them having good personal conditions. But even he doesn't like them, only Cloudy Heavens. This love is really hard to fathom. " Hai Zhu said again.    


"Yeah, it's hard to figure it out." I answered absently.    


"Brother, tell me, does Cloud still have you in her heart?" Hai Zhu said suddenly, then looked up at me.    


My heart shuddered as I hurriedly said, "Don't speak nonsense. Yun Yun and I have already become sworn brothers. If she had such thoughts, why would she take the initiative to become sworn brothers with me?"    


"Even if we become sworn brothers or become sworn brothers, so what if we're sworn siblings? In any case, we're not related by blood." Hai Zhu said, "If she had nothing in her heart that she couldn't abandon, how could she not be enthusiastic when facing Haifeng's painstaking pursuit? "How could he fall in love with Haifeng?"    


"Who said that Yun doesn't love Haifeng? Didn't she ask me to betroth her to Haifeng?"    


"That doesn't mean Cloud loves Haifeng. At least she didn't really love Haifeng. I know that what she did that day was largely because of me. She wanted to give me Valium so I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Actually, she didn't truly love my brother from the bottom of her heart. " Hai Zhu said.    


"You can't be too hasty with matters of the heart. It needs to be slowly developed and nurtured." I said, "Don't you realize that the clouds are slowly developing feelings for your brother? Are you gradually accepting your brother from the bottom of your heart? If it wasn't for that, why would she let your brother meet with his parents? Why would she let your brother accompany his parents on a trip?    


Besides, even if the two of them wanted to stay with each other on a trip, wouldn't it be inappropriate for them to live together when their parents were right in front of them and had yet to be engaged to each other? Just like when you came to my house, didn't we not live together? "    


Hai Zhu thought for a moment. "Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I was too anxious."    


I didn't say anything. I knew that Hai Zhu wasn't too anxious, but rather that she wasn't really at peace. The reason why she wasn't at peace wasn't because of Yun and Haifeng's slow progress, but because of me.    


It seems to me that Hai Zhu's thoughts are superfluous.    


I admit that I had once in a while that vague, vague feeling for the clouds, but after that my affection for her went far beyond love, and I was always willing to treat her as my own sister.    


My heart was in turmoil, and I couldn't help but think of Qiu Tong. What was Qiu Tong doing now? Tonight, would she be able to sleep?    


I couldn't help but want to get up and turn on the computer to check if Floating Dream was there, but at this moment, Hai Zhu was lying in my arms.    


Then Hai Zhu, who had been busy all day, fell asleep in my arms.    


In my heart, however, I was still heavy. I felt a boundless and ethereal emptiness, as if my soul was dancing madly in a trap set up in the Saber Forest, sliding down into an unfathomable abyss.    


I suddenly felt that I was losing my soul.    


The next day, Yun's parents are going back to Tongliao. Early in the morning, Hai Zhu and I went to see them off.    


Hai Zhu and I first went to the store to buy a lot of gifts for Yun's parents. When we arrived at the train station, Haifeng and Yun and Yun's parents were already there.    


Hai Zhu gave the gifts to Yun parents, Yun parents could not help but be polite.    


"With Yun Yun with all of you, the unit has a leader as good as Qiu Tong. With all of you as good friends in your lives, we can be at ease." Cloud's parents said.    


"Uncle, Auntie, Cloud is with us, you two elders can rest assured. "Yun is Yi Ke's adopted sister, which is also my blood sister. Besides, with my brother Haifeng here, she will be very happy." Hai Zhu chuckled.    


Cloud's parents looked at us and nodded in relief.    


We went in and put them on the train.    


Before the train left, Father Cloud patted Haifeng on the shoulder and said: "Young man, you are very good. My wife and I like you a lot."    


With just that one sentence, Haifeng was overwhelmed with excitement. He was so excited that he could only rub his hands and nod, incoherently saying: "Thank you, Uncle and Auntie. I will definitely live up to the expectations of my uncle and aunt. I will definitely work even harder and make every possible progress. I will definitely take good care of the clouds. "    


Cloud and Hai Zhu couldn't help but laugh, and so did I.    


With a long whistle, the train slowly pulled out of the platform, the clouds waving at the train.    


The train was gone, under the autumn blue sky, heading for the distant northern prairies, the home of the clouds, where they grew.    



Standing on the platform, the cloud was rather thin.    


Haifeng walked to the back of the cloud, gently put his arm on the cloud's shoulder, and gently embraced the cloud's body.    


Yun Yang leaned his body into Haifeng's embrace, lowered his head and gently wiped the corner of his eyes.    


Seeing this scene, Hai Zhu's body also lightly leaned towards me and gently pulled my hand.    


After sending off Yun's parents, Yun went to work at the company. Haifeng asked them to accompany him, so the two left first.    


Hai Zhu and I went to the company and continued to busy ourselves with the company's work. More than half of the vacation was over, and the amount of people out there had decreased. The number of people returning gradually increased.    


Hai Zhu is very satisfied, I am also very satisfied, after all, tourism is the service, is the service, service system tourism company life.    


At noon, I received a call from Qin.    


"Yi, Boss Lee called today. He asked me to tell you that he is in Hokkaido and everything is fine. He told you not to worry."    


"Don't worry about what?"    


Qin said, "That's what Boss Lee originally said. Actually, I felt a bit awkward listening to him, but Boss Lee told me to tell you the same thing, so I had to do it this way."    


"What else did Boss Lee say?" "No," I said.    


"I didn't say anything else, just these few lines!" Qin said.    


"Oh." I agreed. I couldn't figure out Lee Shun's intentions. If he didn't call me directly, he could tell me through Qin. Was it to remind me of something or not to trust me? Or maybe …    


I can't figure out Lee Shun's scheming mind. He's always been suspicious, always saying different things, always saying that he has complete trust in you, yet his actions are always probing, step by step, being on guard.    


I didn't want to guess what Lee Shun was thinking and asked Qin: "How's the situation with Ningzhou recently?"    


"Ningzhou Chief of Police's henchmen are looking for me everywhere, I have already fully turned into the ground." Wu Tie's voice sounded very relaxed, "The brothers under your command are also well hidden in the Ningzhou."    


"You have to be careful of your own safety." I said, "Those people are very scout."    


"My anti-detection ability might not be weak." Qin smiled, "Don't worry, I've already bleached my identity early, as well as that of my subordinates."    


"Bleaching identity? "What do you mean?" "No," I said.    


"To give them all a new identity certificate and a new residence is to give them all another person's identity certificate. Moreover, these identity cards and account cards are all real and not forged. " Qin said.    


"Ah — that works too. How did you do it?" "No," I said.    


"This was done in accordance with the boss's previous instructions. Everything has just been completed recently." Qin said: "Doing this kind of thing, is no more than money to open the path, these days, as long as the money, there is nothing impossible. I contacted some poor areas, with money, village cadres, village cadres, household registration administrators, microcomputer registrants. The green light on the way, of course, was not set up in one place, and it took more than ten places to get everything done for the brothers. "Sigh, it's still a bit slow. If it had been done earlier, Er Zi and Xiao Wu might not have …"    


Qin sighed.    


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