Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C513 Birthday Present

C513 Birthday Present

0We pushed open the door and saw a moving scene: Haifeng, Yun Xiao, Xiao Xue and the aunt who was taking care of Xiao Xue were all here. A sumptuous dinner was already served, and in the middle of the table, there was a big cake with a candle stuck in it.    


Everyone was smiling as they looked at Qiu Tong. Snowy jumped into Qiu Tong's arms. "Mom, happy birthday! Uncle Hai and Auntie Yun came to pick us up."    


Qiu Tong held her daughter in her arms, looking at her happy expression, her expression slightly changed. She had just experienced a whole afternoon of life and death for her daughter, and now that she saw her daughter, Qiu Tong seemed to feel moved.    


Qiu Tong kissed Xiao Xue, then looked at Haifeng and Yun Xiao and smiled, "Thank you. "Thank you for your love."    


Haifeng laughed, "Don't thank me. This is because the director of your office always has a leader. Remember the leader's birthday. Cloud arranged it specially. I'm just an unimportant person who follows Cloud's orders."    


Yun Xiao looked at Qiu Tong and said, "Sister Qiu, the flowers on your head are so pretty. Who gave them to you?"    


Qiu Tong smiled and looked at me. She picked up a flower and said, "Yi Ke, take the sheep and pick a flower from the flower bed in the yard and give it to me for my birthday. I thought it looked good, so I stuck it in my head. "    


Haifeng looked at me and said: "Hero Yi is quite romantic. He is a coarse, yet delicate person. It seems like the two of them are thinking of the same thing. "    


I didn't understand what Haifeng meant, and Qiu Tong didn't seem to understand either.    


At this time, Haifeng juggled a handful of fresh flowers out from behind the curtain and passed it to Qiu Tong with both hands. "Boss Qiu, this is Yi Ke's half of the birthday present that he specifically entrusted to you from the fresh flower shop. The other half is in a meeting right now in Harbin, so you can't come over, you can only use these fresh flowers to express your sincere wishes for your birthday."    


I finally understood that this flower was Hai Zhu's doing. Haifeng must have told Hai Zhu that it was Qiu Tong's birthday and Hai Zhu did it.    


Amongst the flowers, there was also a card. Haifeng took out the card and handed it to me. "This is a birthday congratulatory message from Harbin. Hai Zhu said that. Hero Yi, please read it out for me."    


We all sat down. I held my birthday card and looked at Qiu Tong. I looked at everyone.    


I began to read Hai Zhu's birthday speech.    


Hai Zhu's birthday speech was very short: Sister Qiu, you will never be forgotten wherever you go, the further you go the more you will remember you, although you can't be personally here to congratulate me, but the friendship between sisters is still deep, today is 106, the golden autumn season, you, the golden autumn mood, the golden autumn blessing: The longer the wine is, the more true the friendship; the more the water flows, the more the vicissitudes of the world fade away. Happy Birthday, always in a good mood.    


Hai Zhu's blessings seemed normal, but I could smell something strange with my sensitive heart. I didn't know if it was because I was being overly sensitive or because I was being overly sensitive.    


Listening to me finish reading Hai Zhu's birthday blessing, Qiu Tong expressed deep gratitude.    


At this moment, the lights in the room were turned off, the birthday candles were lit, and the familiar birthday song came on the stereo.    


Everyone stood up and sang along softly. Under the candlelight, Qiu Tong appeared exceptionally beautiful and warm.    


"Sister Qiu, make a wish." the cloud whispered.    


Qiu Tong closed her eyes lightly.    


In the candlelight, I saw a glimmer in the corner of Qiu Tong's eyes.    


After a while, Qiu Tong opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and blew out the candle.    


The lights turned on and everyone applauded as they looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong bowed deeply to everyone and cut the cake for them.    


Everyone ate cake for a while, then began to eat and drink, raising their glasses in congratulation.    


"Mom, what was your wish just now?" Snowy asked Qiu Tong. Her face was covered in cake butter, making her look even cuter.    


"What do you expect your mother to wish for?" Before Qiu Tong could say anything, Haifeng teased Snowy first.    


"I — —" Snowy tilted her head and thought for a while. "I hope Mommy can find me a good daddy, so, I hope, Mommy's wish is for Uncle Yi to be my daddy."    


"This..." Haifeng was stunned, and he smiled awkwardly.    


"This …" Everyone was stunned. Qiu Tong's expression was also a bit awkward.    


"Such childish words." Snowy's nanny couldn't understand what was going on. She smiled and said, "Look at me."    


In order to break the awkwardness of everyone, I said to Snowy, "Snowy, it's Mom's birthday today. You have to sing a song for her, okay?"    


"Ok!" Snowy clapped her hands. Everyone regained their senses and also clapped their hands a few times.    


"In this world, only mother is good, a child with mother is like a treasure …" Snowy began to sing her classic music again.    


Everyone seemed to have forgotten the awkward scene from a moment ago. They were all staring at Snowy and listening to her crisp and clear voice.    


Perhaps it was because of Snowy's identity that caused everyone to be so moved.    


Qiu Tong looked at Snowy lovingly. She pursed her lips and her eyes sparkled.    


After Xiaoxue finished singing, Haifeng raised his glass and said, "Come, let's have a drink for Xiaoxue's mother and Qiu Tong's birthday. We wish Qiu Tong a happy life."    


Everyone raised their cups and drank together.    


As they drank, everyone turned on the sound system in the room and sang. They enjoyed themselves very much.    


Finally, Qiu Tongqing sang a song.    


"If life can leave a lasting memory, I will choose to be grateful. If I can make a sound before I die, I will say: Thank you. If life can be lifted with my hands, you must be the spirit of my life … "    


Qiu Tong's voice was deep and sweet, her voice was soothing and desolate, and my heart trembled with it.    


"You hug my hurt and hold my hurt heart. In the chaotic city, you never said that you'd give up. You held my hand and walked into the rain and wind tomorrow. No matter how the road ahead is rough, you may still be strong …"    


Qiu Tong's gaze was slightly lost as she chanted in a low voice.    


I suddenly thought of that Guest in the air, at this moment, will he bless Qiu Tong's birthday?    


As Qiu Tong continued to sing, I looked at Qiu Tongxiu's expression and listened to her moving voice. I knew that her song was not for one person, but for all the people in my life.    


After Qiu Tong finished singing, everyone was quiet as if they were savoring the taste of the song.    


After a while, Haifeng nodded at Qiu Tong. "Qiu Tong, there is someone you love in your heart. This is the voice from the depths of your soul, an expression of your beautiful heart."    


"Thank you, Haifeng, for your praise." Qiu Tong smiled.    



"This is not a compliment, this is an evaluation." Haifeng said, "Every song is a poem. This poem has such an artistic conception, writing it into the heart, writing it into the soul of every person who has experienced it."    


Clouds looked at Haifeng. "Brother Hai Feng, you're deeply moved. You must be someone with a lot of experience."    


Haifeng looked at the clouds and smiled. "Everyone has been through it, but it may be shallow or deep. It might be a fortune, or it might be a memory. Compared to Yi Ke, my experience is shallow and simple. He really is someone with experience."    


Qiu Tong's cell phone rang as soon as she said that. She took out her cell phone and looked at the number. After a moment of hesitation, she answered.    


"Yes, everything is fine." Qiu Tong said.    


I looked at Qiu Tong, Haifeng and Yun Yun were playing with Snowy.    


"Thank you. I'm with my friends. He's here too." Qiu Tong glanced at me.    


It was Lee Shun, I suddenly realized.    


"Take care of yourself too." Qiu Tong whispered.    


Then, Lee Shun seemed to hang up the phone. Qiu Tong looked at her phone blankly, then put it away and slightly nodded at me.    


I knew what Qiu Tong meant by that nod. She was telling me who had called.    


Qiu Tong quietly raised her glass and took a sip. Her eyes stared blankly at the table, a little lost and a little worried.    


Right at this moment, the door to the room was pushed open. I turned around and was surprised.    


Standing at the door was Wu De.    


Wu De stood there smiling with a glass of red wine in his hand.    


Why is Wu De here? How did he know we were here? I had some doubts.    


Qiu Tong was also surprised to see Wu De. She stood up and smiled at Wu De. "Hello, Boss Wu."    


I also stood up and said: "Boss Wu, which gust of wind blew you over?"    


Wu De walked over with a smile. He looked at the birthday cake on the table and said, "You guys are having a birthday today. Sorry, I came over to disturb you guys …" Which birthday are you giving today? "    


"My mom —" Snowy sat on the chair and looked up at Wu De.    


"Your mom —" Wu De lowered his head to look at Snowy. He reached out his hand to caress Snowy's face: "Such a cute kid. Little friend, who is your mom?"    


Before Snowy could say anything, Qiu Tong said, "Today is my birthday."    


Wu De looked at Qiu Tong and a trace of surprise flashed across his face. He then recovered and said with a smile, "I can't believe Boss Qiu has such a big daughter. She's as pretty as Boss Qiu."    


"Thank you, Boss Wu, for your praise." Boss Qiu was very calm.    


I was having a meal here with a leader of the Municipal Political and Law Commission just now. When I heard that there was a birthday blessing song over here, and then heard that my subordinate said that Yi entered this room just now, I thought it was Yi Ke's birthday, so I came over to get a drink.    


Finally, he looked at Qiu Tong, "Beautiful Sect Leader, please allow me, on behalf of myself, to express my most sincere birthday wishes to you. I wish you more and more beautiful, and wish you a peaceful life."    


Wu De's words were very proper, his actions were elegant, and he looked like a gentleman.    


So when Qiu Tong and I came in, we were spotted by Wu De's subordinates, but I didn't notice it.    


Qiu Tong expressed her thanks to Wu De. Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. Wu De finished drinking and then said to everyone, "I won't bother you guys anymore. You guys can continue playing."    


After saying that, Wu De intentionally looked at me and smiled.    


I also smirked.    


When Wu De mentioned the leader of the city's political and legal committee, I immediately thought of Bai Laosan's brother-in-law.    


I don't know what Wu De and this political and legal committee leader's purpose for getting into a good fight, nor do I know how long their honeymoon period will last.    


At this moment, Wu De and Bai Laosan were having dinner together. So, did Bai Laosan participate?    


Wu De left. Before he left, he intentionally looked at Snowy, then he touched her face and smiled.    


When Wu De saw the look in Snowy's eyes before he left, that smile made me feel that it was a little strange, a little abnormal. However, I couldn't figure out what was so strange and where it was abnormal.    


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