Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C494 Who's More Beautiful

C494 Who's More Beautiful

0On the way back, Hai Zhu said, "Bro, tell me, Qiu Tong has helped us so much today. If we don't return her a favor, I feel bad about it."    


I said, "Didn't Qiu Tong say today that she helped us because of our relationship with your sister? She doesn't need anything in return."    


"But, I keep feeling that I can't let go. I keep feeling that I owe her something, and I don't want to owe her a favour."    


As I drove, I couldn't see Hai Zhu's face clearly in the darkness.    


I pondered for a moment before replying, "Zhu, I feel that Qiu Tong views you as her own sister, but you don't think that way. "Subconsciously, you don't regard Qiu Tong as your sister. You feel that you need to repay her kindness, that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world."    


Hai Zhu went silent.    


I said, "Zhu, you know, the most precious things in the world are free. Such as sunshine, air, love, kinship, friendship, dreams, beliefs. In Qiu Tong's eyes, the friendship and kinship between her and you is the most precious. It's free of charge. "Do you find it interesting?"    


Hai Zhu remained silent as she lowered her head.    


I stopped talking and drove on.    


After a while, Hai Zhu looked up, not at me, but straight ahead, at the bright neon of the city in the night.    


"Brother, let me ask you a question." Hai Zhu said softly.    




"Tell me, which one of us is more beautiful? Qiu Tong or I?" Hai Zhu said.    


"This —" Hai Zhu's sudden question stumped me, and for a moment I didn't know how to reply.    


"You are all beautiful —" I said after a while.    


"Bro, you're lying." Hai Zhu smiled faintly, "Actually, I think I'm very silly. I shouldn't have asked you this question. Actually, I clearly knew that no one could compare to Qiu Tong's beauty. Amongst all the women I have seen, including myself, there was no one who was more beautiful than her. For me to ask this question would be a little difficult for you. It is just that I am a little overestimating myself. "    


Hai Zhu's voice contained sadness, bitterness, and disappointment.    


I took a deep breath and said slowly, "Life is wonderful because of pursuing. Life is beautiful because of being strong!"    


Hai Zhu didn't say anything. I turned around and looked at Hai Zhu. Under the flickering lights of the night, her expression was a little gloomy and she seemed to be deep in thought.    


On the way back to the dormitory, we didn't speak again.    


The next day, there was a lot of work at the company and I was busy until 4 p.m.    


After finishing my work, I drove to Golden Rock Beach to find Lee Shun. I didn't know what kind of decision this guy had made in the end.    


After what Lee Shun and I said yesterday, I felt that even though we wouldn't stop him from taking revenge, he definitely wouldn't rashly head south. He is a person with a lot of experience in the martial arts world, so as long as he calmed down a little, he would know the consequences of going south. He was not that stupid.    


Since he won't go south, what should he do? I want to hear his thoughts.    


Actually, I had an idea in my heart yesterday, but I can't take the initiative to say it out. Otherwise, based on Lee Shun's suspicious character, it would be counterproductive.    


I want to hear Lee Shun talk about his new plan in person and see if he's conspiring with me!    


I wish we could think of the same thing!    


I think Lee Shun is waiting for me right now.    


I didn't expect to find Lee Shun missing at the Fisherman's Leisure Inn in the fishing village!    


When I entered the courtyard, the gate was open. The landlady and my elder brother were both not there, and there was no one in the courtyard.    


I went up to Lee Shun's room on the second floor. The door was open and the room was neatly tidied up. There was no one there, Lee Shun wasn't there, and Lee Shun's luggage wasn't there either.    


I called out a few times, but no one answered. The courtyard was empty.    


My heart tightened. Where was he? What about Lee Shun? Where was the luggage? Where's the landlord, big brother, big sister?    


I ran down from the second floor and walked around the yard, but there was no one there.    


I walked to the gate and looked around. It was quiet, and in the distance, an old man was sitting on a rock in the doorway, knitting fishing nets. Two domestic dogs were chasing each other, but there was no sign of an accident.    


Just as he was in a daze, a voice came from behind him: "Big Brother, you're here."    


I hurriedly turned around. It was the landlady. She was carrying a trash can. It seemed that she had gone to dump the trash just now.    


"Hello elder sister, where are my friends?" I looked eagerly at my elder sister.    


Big Sis warmly invited me in while saying, "Your friend left, he left this morning."    


"He left? Did he walk alone or did someone walk with him? " At this moment, I'm a little worried that Lee Shun was kidnapped by someone.    


Alone, he looked in good spirits when he left. After chatting with me for a long time, he picked up his luggage. My boss just so happened to be shopping in the city, so he rode his motorcycle to take him into the city. Big Sis pulled up a stool, asked me to sit in the yard, and went to get me some water.    


Hearing landlady's words, I felt a little bit more at ease. Lee Shun was fine and went into the city by himself. After that, my heart tightened again. Why did he enter the city by himself? Did he miss his daughter? Or do you want to go home and see your parents?    


However, I immediately rejected my idea. If I were to go to the city to see Snowy and her parents, would I need to take my luggage with me? There's no need!    


Looking at Lee Shun's attitude, he was going to walk away and not come back here.    


Then, where would Lee Shun go? Could it be that he was still impulsively heading south? To lead the helpers in Ningzhou to take revenge for Er Zi and Xiao Wu? Could it be that all of my painstaking persuasion from the day before yesterday has gone to waste? Was he still stubbornly trying to walk into the dark?    


My mind was working nervously.    


At this time, the landlady entered the house and came out and handed me an envelope: "Big Brother, your friend asked me to give this to you before he left. He said that he was going to do something at a distance and that you would definitely come. When he came, he asked me to give this to you. "    


I took the envelope. The flap was sticky, and I tore it open. There was a letter inside.    


I hastily opened the letter and saw that Lee Shun had left a letter for me:    


"Yi Ke, I'm leaving —"    


Lee Shun's letter came straight to the point.    



I held my breath and looked down.    


"I did not sleep the night before yesterday. I thought about it all night, I thought about what you said many times. Yes, you're right, I was impulsive. I was only concerned with revenge, only focusing on my own thoughts, but I didn't consider the consequences. I didn't consider other people, including my friends, my family, or my loved ones.    


All these years, I've always been selfish. I've only thought about myself, but ever since I knew that I have to think about others, I don't know when I have developed this kind of selfish personality. Perhaps, ever since my parents brought me into this world, ever since my parents doted on me since I was a child, my selfish personality has been formed.    


Since I was young, I have always been the center of attention, taking my own preferences as the starting point, never caring about other people's feelings and circumstances, but the words you said two nights ago touched a deep part of my heart, I suddenly thought, I, Lee Shun, am not alone in this world, I still have my parents, fiancée, those brothers who have been loyal to me, and my daughter, Xiao Xue. So, I'm not living alone. I still have to live for them.    


For the first time, I realized that I was a responsible person, responsible for my friends and family, living for my daughter, giving the only person in the world I had, a good tomorrow and a good future. I want to cherish my life, I want to love and protect my life, I cannot act rashly, I want to not only honor my brothers, but also avenge my brothers, and at the same time protect myself. So, I've thought about it. I've decided to leave this place.    


I decided to go back to Japan and not worry about going abroad. I had a passport, a long-term visa, and I had the right to stay permanently in Japan. If I went to Japan, I could leave at any time.    


I have come to Japan not to flee from this whirlpool, but to better carry out the revolutionary struggle. I want to launch a fierce attack on my enemy in a safe place, and I will kill the dog that killed Er Zi and Xiao Wu. I have sufficient evidence in my hands to kill him a few times. I think this method is very safe. I can protect myself and not endanger the safety of others. I can also take revenge cleanly and thoroughly.    


I'll go to Japan, but only temporarily. I'll come back, and after I get my revenge for Er Zi and Xiao Wu, I'll come back. I still have to settle my debts with Bai Laosan, that dog, and I won't let him go. "    


I know Lee Shun has the right to permanent residence in Japan. If he were to go to Japan, his own safety will be guaranteed, and it will not affect the safety of others. At the same time, with the evidence of Ningzhou, Chief of Police accepting bribes in his hands, it is entirely possible for him to take down the boss.    


However, at that time, I couldn't take the initiative to raise this idea to Lee Shun. I was afraid that he would suspect that I was trying to push him away so that I could do something on my own or take the opportunity to get rid of his control over me. After all, he had a suspicious personality. Now that he had thought of it himself, it happened to coincide with my idea.    


I lit a cigarette and continued reading.    


"Don't worry, I won't be able to leave. I won't be flying to Japan at Hsinghai International Airport. I will choose a strange place to go to. Perhaps, by the time you read this letter, I was already on a flight to Japan. I won't tell Qiu Tong directly. What I don't want to do is to let Qiu Tong know about what I've done, but I can't hide it now. I always feel that I have a good mentality and that I have a thick skin, but I don't want to face Qiu Tong directly. As for the reason, it was extremely complicated and difficult to explain in a single sentence.    


After I leave, I will leave the domestic affairs to you. I have already arranged for Qin's side, he will report to you directly if anything happens. Whether it's Hsinghai or the Hsinghai, you will take full responsibility for all of them. You must raise your awareness, clearly understand the current situation, increase your overall prevention efforts, and preside over all of the work in the country with a hundred times greater responsibility and vigilance. You must never lower your guard.    


Of course, now that communication is so well-developed, I will be able to grasp the situation in the country at any time. If necessary, I will also keep in touch with you in time. The brothers on the Ningzhou side, you must lead them well, and don't act rashly, and be serious, organized, and disciplined, and strengthen your discipline. You must definitely remember these words, especially during this time of extreme danger.    


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