Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C479 Ten-sided Ambush

C479 Ten-sided Ambush

0I gripped the bamboo stick tightly and positioned myself. When I saw that the six masked men were about to approach me, I suddenly shouted and leaped up abruptly. I swung the bamboo stick in my hand at the same time —    


At the same time, I swung my bamboo pole horizontally in the air towards the three masked men's faces. They had no choice but to hastily dodge, and when I landed on the ground, I had already sent the six masked men in the same direction, which is the direction of the mountain.    


The path is very narrow, with bamboo forests on both sides. With only this long and narrow space, the 6 opponents wouldn't be able to use it all at once. At most, 3 enemies in front would attack me, while the 3 enemies behind could only be substitutes.    


Seeing the situation, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. I waved the bamboo stick in my hand, and without waiting for the other party to catch his breath, I immediately closed in and swept through their path. At the same time, I growled at Qiu Tong, "Let's go!"    


The three masked men in the front retreated a few steps after being hit by my pole. The three men in the back also retreated. My bamboo pole blocked their way down the mountain. It opened up a path for Qiu Tong to go down the mountain.    


Unexpectedly, Qiu Tong didn't move. She just stood there and looked at me without moving.    


"Go —" I growled again, and continued to wave my bamboo stick to force the six masked men back, feeling a little anxious.    


"No — I want to go with you!" Qiu Tong's voice was not loud, but it was firm.    


I was getting more and more anxious, but at this moment the three masked men in the front row started to fight back with their machetes. I didn't have time to pay attention to Qiu Tong as I started to take the blow.    


When the three masked men who had calmed down made their move, I could tell that they were all well-trained experts.    


They brandished their machetes and advanced in unison, coordinating their steps and defending their own movements. They coordinated their attacks and attacked me from the top, the bottom, and the middle, making me too tired to defend and attack. After a while, I was kicked several times on my body and cut a few places on my clothes by the machete, but fortunately my skin and flesh were not injured.    


The bamboo stick in my hand was also cut down by their machetes, leaving only a 20 cm long section in my hand.    


I can't go on like this, shit, maybe I'll be chopped into meat paste.    


I was a little anxious. I quickly calculated in my mind. Looking at the surrounding bamboo forest, I suddenly thought of the movie's ambush.    


As I thought of this, I took note and threw the remaining half of the bamboo stick in my hand in front of them, and while they were dodging, I suddenly shouted, and raised my foot, and rushed towards the masked man at the very front, directly kicking him on the wrist. The machete flew directly into the bamboo forest, and then, in a series of kicks, my right foot followed closely by a kick ruthlessly hitting him in the forehead —    


At the same time as his head was hit, my hands grabbed onto a bamboo that was as thick as a bowl. Borrowing the elasticity of the bamboo, I gathered my energy and leaped onto the upper part of the bamboo forest.    


The fellow that was kicked in the head let out a muffled cry and directly fell to the ground unconscious.    


This time, I didn't dare to leave any room for strength. I tried my best to knock him down with one strike, so that he wouldn't have the ability to fight again.    


The remaining five masked men looked up at me, their machetes out of reach.    


These five had their ways. Suddenly, they bent over and chopped up the bamboo.    


Damn, he's really smart.    


I did not wait for them to cut the bamboo. I climbed up to the other bamboo, and at the same time, with a jerk of my body, I bent the stem of the bamboo against the path, almost to the ground. My feet touched the ground, and I stopped.    


Seeing this, the five masked men, who were chopping bamboo, rushed towards me.    


I was lucky. When the five of them arrived in front of me, I suddenly let go of the bamboo pole. With great elasticity and inertia, the bamboo pole whistled through the air towards the masked men.    


"Pa, pa, pa, pa ~ ~ ~"    




Accompanied by the crisp sounds of the bamboo pole hitting flesh, and three muffled miserable cries, the three masked men were instantly knocked down by the bamboo pole at lightning speed, fainting on the spot.    


The remaining two masked men in the back reacted quickly by squatting down and retreating a few steps, avoiding the powerful sweep of the bamboo pole.    


I bent down to pick up the two machetes and played with them in my hands a few times. Damn it, this time I have a weapon in my hands. I'm not scared anymore. I only have two brats left.    


I held two machetes and walked over to each other.    


Suddenly, a masked man flew to Qiu Tong's side. Before Qiu Tong could react, the shiny saber had already pressed down on her neck.    


I was stunned and stopped.    


"Put down the machete …" The masked man let out a low voice.    


Without hesitation, I threw the machete to the ground.    


"Hehe." The other masked man let out a dark laugh. He also threw down his machete, and took out a pistol with a silencer. He walked slowly towards me, and the black muzzle of his gun was pointed at my forehead in the blink of an eye.    


"Ahhh!" Qiu Tong let out a scream. Just as she moved her body, the machete tightened around her, and the masked man said, "Don't move, Miss Qiu. I don't want to hurt you right now. You better be sensible."    


Qiu Tong stopped moving and looked at me nervously.    


The other masked man put the muzzle of his gun to my head, and I stepped back and pushed myself to Qiu Tong's side.    


"Hands up —" he said in a low voice.    


I immediately recognized that it was Lao Jiu's voice.    


"It's you —" I looked at Lao Jiu.    


"So what if it's me?" He took a step back and pointed the gun at my chest and said: "Brat, I'm sorry, but we will each take the money. I will accept the money and accept the favor, but, now that you have recognized me, don't think about living anymore."    


"Kill him. This kid knows too much. If we keep him alive, it will only ruin our plans." Another masked man said, "We only need this woman in our hands. This kid is useless."    


With that, the masked man loosened his grip on the machete that was pressing down on Qiu Tong's neck, as if he was trying to move his wrist.    


"Yi Ke, did you hear that? You know too much, you shouldn't know. It seems like I slipped up and told you something. You shouldn't know so much. Sigh. Kid, next year's day will be the day of your death. Today, I will send you on your way. As for this woman, you don't have to worry about her. "Heh heh."    


Lao Jiu laughed lewdly as his finger was about to pull the trigger.    


I took one last look at the terrified and helpless Qiu Tong. My heart was filled with deep remorse and regret for not being able to bring Qiu Tong out of her seat belt. I will not forgive Qiu Tong even if I die. I don't deserve to be a man!    


If Qiu Tong fell into the tiger's mouth, my eyes would not be able to rest in peace!    


I closed my eyes in pain.    


"Stop!" Suddenly, a sharp and angry shout rang out.    


I abruptly opened my eyes and found that Qiu Tong's body was already standing in front of me, facing Lao Jiu's gun with her chest.    



The masked man in charge of Qiu Tong seemed to relax a little. He probably never dreamed that the unarmed Qiu Tong would suddenly struggle free and walk towards the muzzle of the gun.    


Qiu Tong fearlessly glared at Lao Jiu, her voice calm and composed, "Bastard! If you want to shoot, just shoot at me. "    


I was stunned for a moment. I also didn't expect that the usually weak and gentle Qiu Tong would suddenly burst with such courage and courage. She would actually face the enemy's gun head on to save me and block the bullet for me.    


At this moment of life and death, I suddenly felt waves of intense heat and unparalleled gratitude in my heart.    


This must be the legendary beauty saving the hero!    


Lao Jiu and the masked man were also stunned. They were shocked by Qiu Tong's sudden action and Lao Jiu's gun muzzle was trembling for a moment.    


Just as Lao Jiu was getting distracted and hesitant, Qiu Tong suddenly raised her right foot and kicked Lao Jiu in the crotch — —    




Qiu Tong was so awesome!    


I seized this opportunity and without hesitation, I dashed in front of Qiu Tong, pulled Qiu Tong's body backwards, and then kicked fiercely towards Lao Jiu's right wrist which was holding the gun. I kicked the gun away and flew into the bamboo forest.    


In one move, I kicked Lao Jiu's temple with another kick. Lao Jiu didn't even make a sound before fainting on the ground.    


The remaining masked man brandished his machete and rushed towards me. I flipped my hand, took off my travel bag, and swept it towards him — —    


Taking advantage of the travel bag blocking his line of sight, my right foot landed heavily on his chin.    


"Kacha ~ ~ ~" With a crisp sound, this boy cried out in pain. His chin was kicked off, and he fell to the ground, becoming a dead dog.    


I took a deep breath and looked at the six masked men lying on the ground. I looked at Lao Jiu and thought about his obscene smile towards Qiu Tong.    


I carried my travel bag, bent down to pick up a machete, and walked up to Lao Jiu. Gritting my teeth, I raised my machete high in preparation to take his life.    


At that moment, Qiu Tong grabbed my wrist and glared at me. "Yi Ke, what are you doing?"    


"I'm going to chop this dog off!" I said bitterly.    


"Stop — no, you're courting death!" Qiu Tong snatched the machete from my hand, but didn't move it.    


"Let go — do you hear?" Qiu Tong looked at me. "Don't you think this matter is not big enough? What are you trying to do?" "Let go —"    


I looked at Qiu Tong's stern gaze and let go. Qiu Tong then threw the machete into the bamboo forest.    


"Go, let's hurry —" Qiu Tong grabbed my arm.    


I followed Qiu Tong. Before I left, I didn't want to vent my anger so I kicked Lao Jiu hard in the crotch.    


Qiu Tong and I rapidly descended the mountain. Sure enough, as we left the bamboo forest intersection, we saw a car parked there.    


Qiu Tong went straight to the door and opened it. She sat in the driver's seat and started a fire.    


I sat in the passenger seat. "Drive, go —"    


Qiu Tong didn't hang up or step on the accelerator. "No, we can't go. Wait for Qin. We can't leave him here by himself."    


I was a bit anxious, I was worried that those people would chase after us after they woke up: "Qin told us to go first, he's fine, he will join us."    


Qiu Tong ignored me and looked in the direction of the mountain.    


I said, "How about this, you drive away first, I'll wait for Qin here!"    


I opened the door and got out.    


Qiu Tong rolled down the window and looked at me. "I left the two of you here and ran away by myself. What is this? No, I won't leave. If I want to live, we will be together. If we die, we will be together. What's so scary about dying? I'm not afraid! "    


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