Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C478 Perpetrators

C478 Perpetrators

0"Where's your car?" I asked Qin.    


"When I came here, I saw a suspicious person walking around nearby. I didn't drive the car over and parked it at the foot of the mountain behind the villa. When we leave later, we don't need to go through the mansion's main entrance. We'll go straight up the mountain from the back door, go over the mountain, directly reach the parking space, and then drive away. " Qin said.    


There were also suspicious people nearby. It seemed like they were all quick. I suddenly felt a kind of pre-battle tension.    


"You go up and pack your things. Don't bring any boxes. We don't have much stuff, so just put it in my travel bag!" I said to Qiu Tong and went into the bedroom. I packed some of my clothes and put them in my backpack. Then I picked up my bag and gave it to Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong looked at me and took the bag upstairs.    


After a while, Qiu Tong came down, wearing a white sportswear and sneakers. Her hair was tied up, making her look very agile.    


Usually, he was used to seeing Qiu Tong in high-heeled shoes, dress, or suit with her hair tied up in a bun or with her shoulders covered. But this time, when he saw Qiu Tong's attire, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and refreshed.    


I couldn't help but glance at Qiu Tong a few more times. Qiu Tong glared at me and pouted her lips slightly.    


This is the first time I've seen Qiu Tong pout her mouth, and I suddenly feel very cute and funny.    


I couldn't help but want to laugh, but in the end, I didn't laugh for a long time. I wasn't in the mood for that.    


Qiu Tong carried her travel bag on her back and I reached out to pick it up. "I'll carry it. Just follow me closely."    


Qiu Tong looked at me and nodded.    


At this moment, Qin had already pulled up the curtains in the living room and turned on the air conditioner so that the air-conditioner outside would be operational.    


Qiu Tong rolled her eyes, turned on the TV, turned up the volume, and turned on the living room light.    


I understood Qiu Tong's intention and nodded appreciatively at her.    


Then, I whispered to Qin: "Did you bring the guy?"    


Qin shook his head: "The investigation on the street today was too strict. I was afraid that I would be found out and be in trouble. I didn't bring him."    


I nodded. "Right."    


"Once you leave the back door, you will see a mountain. Bamboo is everywhere on the mountain, and there is a small path between the bamboo forests. When the time comes, I will walk in front, and you all will follow behind me." Qin said to me: "In case of a situation, I will be responsible for holding them back. You protect Miss Qiu and go first, don't hesitate, don't back down, don't keep fighting, the car will stop at the foot of the mountain, go over the mountain and you will see it as soon as you exit the trail. This is the car's key, you can have it." As he said that, Qin handed me the car keys.    


I took the key and nodded.    


Since Qin was walking at the front, I didn't need Qiu Tong to follow behind me. So I said to Qiu Tong, "After you come out, walk between Qin and me. I'll stand behind you."    


Qiu Tong was just about to say something when I glared at her.    


I stared blankly at Qiu Tong as I held back her words. She pouted at me but didn't say anything.    


I wanted to laugh again, but I didn't.    


At this time, Qin gently opened the back door of the villa. Qiu Tong and I stood inside the door. Qin went out and looked around for a long time. Then, he took a few steps forward and waved at us.    


Behind the villa was a small mountain. It wasn't very tall, but it was densely packed with bamboo forests. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was a sea of bamboo. A winding stone path led up the mountain into the depths of the bamboo forest.    


The surroundings were very quiet. Only the birds chirping merrily in the bamboo forest.    


Qin was in front, I was behind, and Qiu Tong was in the middle. We walked along the bamboo paths in the mountains in a hurry. Qin was looking around vigilantly while I was looking at both sides and the rear.    


After walking about 500 meters, they were almost at the top of the mountain, and nothing happened.    


I couldn't help but to heave a sigh of relief. Looks like this road is safe.    


"Qin, let's take a break!" I'm worried that Qiu Tong is tired from walking, so I shouted to Qin in a low voice.    


Qin didn't answer me but suddenly stopped. He raised his right hand, signaling me to be quiet.    


Qiu Tong and I stopped and looked at Qin.    


Qin's expression was a bit nervous. He bent his waist and cut a nearby bamboo tree. After a while, he squatted down and put his ear close to the ground. He seemed to be listening to something with rapt attention.    


Qiu Tong and I focused on Qin without saying a word.    


After a while, Qin suddenly stood up, looked ahead, then hurriedly said to me, "Quick, take Miss Qiu from here and go up the mountain. Remember, there are two paths down the mountain.    


"What's wrong?" I looked at Qin.    


"Someone is coming from behind." Qin looked at me calmly, but his voice was getting more urgent: "I'll stand here blocking the way to attract them. Quickly take Miss Qiu and get on the car. Don't wait for me and drive straight to the beach. I have a map drawn on the car, which is next to the rack."    


"Are you here yourself?" I said, "I'll go with you."    


"We can't leave you alone, we'll stay here with you!" Qiu Tong said.    


Qin stomped his foot, "Staying here will only help, it's even more inconvenient for me to move around. Besides, he didn't know if there was any danger ahead of him, and Miss Qiu couldn't go alone. "Hurry up and leave, time is life, no matter how late it is, no one can leave."    


Listening to Qin's reasoning, I stopped arguing with him. I pulled Qiu Tong's arm. "Let's go —"    


"Qin — you —" Qiu Tong looked at Qin worriedly.    


Qin smiled at Qiu Tong, "Miss Qiu, don't worry. I've fought in the tropical forest for so many years, and I still care about this little bamboo forest. I'll be fine. Once I've taken care of this side of things, I'll chase after you.    


Besides, even if I had something to do, I would have no regrets. My young comrades who had accompanied me in the jungles of Burma would have earned a lot if they had lived for so many years.    


"Also, I've received such a big favor from Boss Lee. Boss Lee saved our family when I was being hunted down by the Burmese gangsters, and I've never set anything to repay Boss Lee. If I can repay him to Miss Qiu today, then it would be considered my honor."    


"Qin — —" Qiu Tong's voice was choked with tears.    


"Miss Qiu, hurry up and go. As long as you can protect your safety, I don't care about what you pay!" Saying that, Qin glared at me, "Yi, what are you waiting for? Quickly escort Miss Qiu and leave. "Remember, you must take the left path when you go down the mountain. Remember, you must ensure Miss Qiu's safety."    


I nodded, tugged at Qiu Tong's arm, and started up the hill.    


When we reached the top of the mountain, we paused for a moment to catch our breath. Then, we heard the crackling sounds of fighting coming from the bamboo forest below. From the sounds of the fighting, it seemed like there were five or six people there.    


The battle seemed to be very intense, and from time to time, miserable screams could be heard.    



However, no one scolded or shouted loudly, as if the other party did not want to alarm outsiders.    


From the sounds of the battle, I could tell that the other party wasn't carrying a gun. It seemed that they were afraid of the sound of gunfire.    


This also showed that these people had a guilty conscience.    


After listening for a while, it seemed like Qin had reached a draw with them and the outcome was temporarily decided.    


Qiu Tong looked at me nervously.    


I smiled at Qiu Tong and held her hand. Qiu Tong didn't resist and just let me hold her hand.    


Qiu Tong's hands were sweating, but so was hers.    


I looked down the hill. There were two. Qiu Tong and I rushed to the left side of the road and went straight down the third.    


The path down the hill was steep and slippery, and I walked in front, holding Qiu Tong's hand and holding her waist to keep her from slipping.    


After a while, the path became gentle and the slope became gentle.    


The sounds of fighting could no longer be heard in our ears. We don't know if Qin will win or lose at this moment.    


Qiu Tong's forehead was beaded with sweat, and she was panting a little. I knew she was tired.    


My right hand was still holding Qiu Tong's left hand, forgetting to let go, and Qiu Tong had no intention of breaking free.    


"Are you tired? Take a rest?" I looked at Qiu Tong.    


"I'm not tired. Let's go." Qiu Tong raised her right hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.    


Only now did I realize that I had been holding onto Qiu Tong's hand the entire time. I hurriedly let go of her hand. Qiu Tong's face reddened a little as she pursed her lips and didn't say anything.    


There was a sweet guilt in my heart, and an uneasy guilt.    


Looking at Qiu Tong, her eyes were filled with deep shame and uneasiness.    


We continued down the hill, Qiu Tong at the back and me in front.    


It was quiet again, so quiet that we could only hear our footsteps. A gust of mountain wind blew in the vicinity, and the bamboo forest rustled softly.    


The path down the hill was still narrow, winding through thick bamboo. We walked quickly, looking back at Qiu Tong as we walked, afraid that she would be left behind.    


Just as we reached a sharp turn, we turned a corner. Suddenly, with a whoosh, three masked men in black suits jumped out of the bamboo forest, revealing only two sinister and cold eyes. Each of them held a machete in their hands, blocking our path.    


"Ah!" Qiu Tong couldn't help but cry out.    


I stopped and turned around quickly. I pulled Qiu Tong away from me and turned around to head back.    


However, just as he turned around, another three identical black suits popped up in front of him with the same machetes in hand.    


My brain reacts at once. Qiu Tong and I are stuck in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by dense bamboo forests on both sides of us.    


The six masked men in the front and back remained silent as they slowly approached us with machetes in their hands.    


I took up a defensive stance and used my body to protect Qiu Tong. I retreated to the front of the bamboo forest with my back leaning against it.    


My right hand had already fished out the car keys, and as I stepped back, my hand reached back and found Qiu Tong's hand. I put the car keys in Qiu Tong's hand.    


Qiu Tong immediately took the car keys, and I heard her nervous breathing.    


At the moment, I was facing six opponents.    


In this life or death situation, I suddenly became abnormally calm. As I moved Qiu Tong's body to a depression in the bamboo forest, I whispered to her, "When the time comes, listen to me and I'll tell you to run. You'll directly run down the mountain, run to the car, and drive away."    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything. Suddenly, I felt like she was squatting down, and then she stood up again. Then, I felt something hard on my back.    


Of course, this was what Qiu Tong had picked up from the ground earlier. She was really smart to be able to find this in such a critical moment.    


With this more than a meter long bamboo stick, my confidence greatly increased. I took a deep breath, looked around at the six masked men who were slowly approaching, and stared at the bright machetes in their hands.    


F * ck, this kind of machete had a curved head, and if the neck was cut, it would immediately break.    


I decided to take the initiative and bend my body backwards. Qiu Tong's body went further into the bamboo forest. This way, it would be safer.    


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