Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C402 Letter from Xiao Zhu

C402 Letter from Xiao Zhu

0"Oh yeah, don't think that you got a company for nothing. I can give back 450 thousand to you, but that doesn't mean my company gave it to you for free." You will donate 90 thousand yuan to the orphanages in Hsinghai City every year for five years, which just happens to be 450 thousand yuan. This money is equivalent to my own heart, which is equivalent to the money that you give me, which is equivalent to the money that you give me, which is equivalent to the money that you give me. I grew up in an orphanage, and I know the suffering and love of orphans, and I understand the pain and suffering of orphans, which is the wish that I entrusted to you. Of course, if you are willing to donate more, I have no objection. "    


A warm feeling welled up in my heart. What a good pig, knowing how to repay the society.    


"Last night at the table, there were some things I didn't say, so the occasion was inappropriate. I want to say, Yi Ke, you are a man with high IQ but low EQ. Your IQ may allow you to be invincible in the market, but in terms of love, I don't dare to compliment you.    


I hope that you will treat every woman who is kind to you, and the woman who loves you dearly, at least without hurting her. I believe in this saying: Love is a lamp, friendship is a shadow, when the lamp goes out, you will find yourself surrounded by shadows. A friend is the last person who can give you strength.    


To be honest, I almost never said a word about Dong Xue and you, but I had a vague feeling that Dong Xue wasn't exactly the kind of woman you'd think she was, the kind of woman everyone was supposed to be. You're a man, and you don't understand the way a woman feels when she falls in love with a man, and some women fall in love with a man, and that man is the only man in her life.     


I guess Dong Xue might be like that, Hai Zhu might be the same. Of course, I know Tong. Perhaps you men will never understand this kind of love, and I don't expect you to either. I only hope that you can treat every woman around you well.    


As for why I left, why I went away, I think you know why. I've already thought it through. Sometimes, letting go is the best way to free myself. The person who loves you can certainly repay him with a greater amount of love. But someone who doesn't love you, why do they want to love so much? I am not Hai Zhu, nor Dong Xue, much less Tong, I have my own love and understanding and thinking.    


I know that if you want to move someone who doesn't love you with love, you can only make yourself more painful. Because he would think this way. He obviously didn't love you, but you still loved him. Then why did he treat you well? So, for the good people, please cherish; love without end, no matter how painful, do not force.    


In order to live the life I wanted, I had to be brave enough to give up something. There is no justice in this world. To be free, one must sacrifice one's safety; to be idle, one cannot achieve what others judge; to be happy, one need not care about the attitude of those around one; to move forward, one must leave where you are now.    


Because I have to move forward, so I have to leave. Alright, I won't say anymore. Before leaving, I will say these words. Thank you for your hard work last night. May you and Hai Zhu have a beautiful and happy tomorrow. May the company grow strong in your hands. "    


After reading Xiao Zhu's letter, I looked at the bank card in my hand and looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong calmly said, "Take it. This is Xiao Zhu's sincere heart. Don't let her feel regret."    


I nodded, put the card in an envelope, and put it away.    


"Little Pig left. My dearest sister left just like that. I don't know when I'll be able to see her again." Qiu Tong said sadly.    


"This world is very big, but also very small. In the future, we will meet again." I comforted Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong nodded silently.    


With a long sigh, I turned and left Qiu Tong's office.    


When I reached the door, I closed it behind me. I glanced at Qiu Tong and saw her staring at me in a daze.    


After finishing my work at the company, in the afternoon, I went to the orphanage in Hsinghai City and donated 450 thousand yuan on behalf of Xiao Zhu.    


I declined the good intentions of the orphanage leader to ask the television news reporter to report on the event, and left the orphanage after completing the donation procedures.    


After exiting the orphanage, I heaved a sigh of relief. I seemed to feel a little balanced, as if I don't owe Xiao Zhu anymore. The only thing left is the 450 thousand that I still owe Lee Shun.    


Although Lee Shun said that this was a reward for me, I should have it. However, I never thought like this, that the money came at a wrong time, causing me to feel uneasy when spending it.    


I decided that I would use the fastest speed to earn back the 450 thousand and fill in the money.    


Right now, it is an eventful autumn, and a storm could engulf us at any moment. Not only Lee Shun, even I would be swept into this storm. I am already prepared to be in trouble at any time.    


Walking on the streets of Hsinghai, one could already feel the scent of early autumn. The yellowing leaves of the plane trees had already begun to fall from the sky. In the distant south, September was still hot and sultry.    


I looked up at the blue sky of early autumn in the north and let out a deep breath.    


At this moment, a taxi stopped quietly by my side. I took a look and saw that it was Fourth Brother's car.    


I opened the door, got in, and sat in the passenger seat.    


Fourth Brother started the car and said: "Something happened to Ningzhou, did you?"    


"How do you know?" I glanced at Fourth Brother.    


Fourth Brother didn't look at me, but looked straight ahead with an expressionless face. "I heard it from Bai Laosan's henchmen." I overheard them drinking in the street. "    


"So, Bai Laosan knows about it too?" "No," I said.    


"Of course, not only Bai Laosan, but Wu De also knows about it." "There are even higher-ups who know about it," Liu said.    


I didn't say anything.    


"The day that something happened to the Ningzhou, the Four Great Vajra was not here." Fourth Brother said.    


"Yes, they are in Ningzhou! At the hotel where the accident occurred! " "No," I said.    


"Oh." Fourth Brother nodded. "Do you think this has anything to do with them?"    


"Yes, I think so!" "No," I said.    


"Un, that's my judgment as well!" "What does Lee Shun think?" Fourth Brother asked.    


"Him?" I hesitated, then shook my head. "I don't know what he's really thinking. I told him about the four great King Kong coming to Hsinghai, but he didn't care at all, and told him to randomly guess. I actually suspect that Duan Xiangloong was behind this, but Lee Shun forbade me to say anything about Duan Xiangloong in front of him. "Now that I think about it, this should be a scheme that was planned long ago. It must have been planned by Bai Laosan, and Duan Xiangloong was involved."    


Fourth Brother drove in silence, not saying a word.    


"Why aren't you saying anything?" I fished out a cigarette, lit it, and took two puffs.    


Fourth Brother remained silent as if he was thinking about something.    


"Actually, I suspect that Wu De is also involved in this conspiracy." I added, "But, this kind of suspicion cannot be said in front of Lee Shun. He views Wu De as his godfather, and if he were to say that he suspects Wu De, Lee Shun would dare to fall out and fight with his life on the line."    


Fourth Brother finally opened his mouth: "Lee Shun's mind and nerves are confused by the drugs, the drugs have already seeped into his bone marrow, he is a paranoid person, the mental disorder caused by drugs has made him unable to make a normal judgement, the extreme suspicion has blocked his eyes, the doubts that should not be doubted, the doubts that should not be doubted, he has reached a point where there is no medicine to save him, now, no one can save him anymore."    


Fourth Brother's words made me sound horrified.    


"I have a vague feeling that this is a very large game, very large, so large that it exceeds our judgment." Sun said as he drove, "In this game, the four great King Kong and Duan Xiangloong are just insignificant chess pieces. Even Wu De and Bai Laosan are used as chess pieces. This was a meticulously planned performance. Currently, the performance had only just begun. The actors that had just arrived on stage were merely supporting actors, or even extras. The real supporting roles or main characters had yet to appear. This is a super strong typhoon, and this typhoon will engulf Ningzhou. In this typhoon, the true blood has yet to come.     


Fourth Brother's words made me a little scared. I looked at Fourth Brother: "What do you mean?"    


Fourth Brother shook his head gently: "Based on our current experience and vision, we are still unable to judge. After all, the circle that we are in is limited, and our ability is even more limited. In matters of fighting and killing, we might be able to control it, but the real blood, the kind of weapons that we cannot see, is something that we cannot foresee. Right now, I only have this kind of premonition.    


I listened to Fourth Brother's words, as if I understood him.    


"We all think that we are people of the martial arts world. We all think that we know a lot about the martial arts world. Actually, the real martial arts world is not the underworld that we normally think we are." Fourth Brother said meaningfully, "The real martial arts world is the invisible martial arts world. In such a huge society, people intersect with each other, and that is the martial arts world. Wherever there is someone, the martial arts world is everywhere, and people often say that the martial arts world is in your heart, and where the heart is, and where the martial arts world is."    



Listening to Fourth Brother's words, I couldn't help but feel a little lost and confused in my heart.    


"Where's Lee Shun?" Fourth Brother suddenly asked me.    


"He's at the Hsinghai!" I answered offhandedly.    


"Yes." Right now, it is the wisest choice for him to return to the Hsinghai. " Fourth Brother nodded his head: "I hope that he can escape this calamity. If he can't, then, Ningzhou will definitely set off an unprecedented stormy sea. This raging wave will affect many people and shake the entire nation. "    


"Is it that serious?" I looked at Fourth Brother.    


"I hope it won't be that serious. Perhaps, my feelings are getting worse." Fourth Brother said, "I keep having the feeling that things won't be that simple."    


"I feel the same way, but I can't think of a way either." "No," I said.    


"This is the blind spot in our minds. After all, the world we know of is so big. Our current thinking can only be done in our circles. " Fourth Brother said, "Does anyone know about Lee Shun returning to the Hsinghai?"    


I thought for a moment, "At present, only Qin and I know about the people in the circle. No one else has told them!"    


"Qin is a reliable person and should be trusted." Fourth Brother nodded, "Duan Xiangloong doesn't know?"    


When Fourth Brother mentioned Duan Xiangloong, I thought for a moment and replied, "I don't think I know."    


"I'm not sure. This won't do. I have to confirm it." "Actually, most of the time, the scariest thing is not the enemy, but the traitor," Fourth Brother said.    


"I'll ask." Saying that, I took out my phone and called Qin.    


In order to express my trust in Fourth Brother, I used hands-free.    


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