Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C401 For Xiao Zhu to Practice

C401 For Xiao Zhu to Practice

0Sweetie Ru was stunned, looked at me, then looked at Xiao Zhu: "Hey, sister, always working in the same place, tired. I want to work in a different environment and learn more. Besides, I like to travel. "    


"Yes." Xiao Zhu nodded. "It's not an easy job to do domestic work at a travel company. There are a lot of things going on inside and out."    


"I'm not afraid of hard work, I'll definitely do it well. If I don't do it well, Sister Hai Zhu will fire me. I definitely won't complain." Sweetie Ru hurriedly promised.    


Hai Zhu and Xiao Zhu both laughed, and Xiao Zhu pointed to the clouds. "This girl works under Tong as her office manager, and you'll have to learn from her and let her guide you on the work of internal work."    


"Alright, Sister Yun please give me some pointers. "Of course, I still need Sister Sister Hai Zhu to guide me!" Sweetie Ru said obediently.    


At this moment, the dishes were served. I knocked on the table, "Sigh … Alright, let's get to the point. Today's theme is for Xiao Zhu to carry out. Tomorrow, Xiao Zhu will leave home and travel to a foreign land."    


At this point, I suddenly felt a faint sadness in my heart. My throat was choked, and I was unable to continue.    


Everyone stopped talking and looked at me, then at Xiao Zhu.    


Xiao Zhu looked at me and said with a smile, "Hero Yi, I was just born in a country, not on the execution grounds. Don't make it look so tragic, it seems like we are going to part ways forever."    


Even though she said that, there was still a hint of sadness in Xiao Zhu's expression.    


I said, "Although it's not to say goodbye forever, you still have to stay away from us and go to the other side of the world. Today, I called the big guy together. I didn't mean anything else, I just wanted to put it into practice for you, and wish you a happy life wherever you are, no matter where you are, no matter where you go.    


After saying that, I raised my glass and said, "Come, Xiao Zhu, everyone, let's drink this wine together. Bless Xiao Zhu, bless our everlasting friends. "    


Everyone raised their wine glasses and I looked at them. "Xiao Zhu will be leaving us tomorrow. Before we part ways, let's all say our goodbyes."    


At this moment, the sorrow of parting enveloped the table, filling the room.    


Haifeng said first. He reached out his hand to pat Xiao Zhu's shoulder. "Xiao Zhu, I only said two words: Take care!"    


Xiao Zhu took a glance at Haifeng in silence. With a trace of melancholy and disappointment in her eyes, she nodded. "Mhm."    


Yun Xiao continued, "Sister Xiao Zhu, I …"    


There was something crystal clear in the cloud's eyes, and she couldn't continue. Her expression seemed to contain too many complex emotions.    


Xiao Zhu looked at the clouds and smiled. She said softly, "Sister, you are a good girl. I am very happy to be able to know you. We will always be friends."    


Xiao Zhu's voice sounded a little sad.    


Hai Zhu continued, "Xiao Zhu, my brother and I are grateful to you. Thank you, don't worry, we will do a good job with the company. I will treat all of its old employees well. Xiao Zhu, no matter where you go, don't forget about us and your Hsinghai and your bunch of brothers and sisters. "    


Hai Zhu's voice was choked with sobs.    


Xiao Zhu looked at Hai Zhu and me. "Don't thank me, I should thank you all for helping me clean up this stall. "Yi Ke, Hai Zhu, remember what you promised me. Treat my former employees well. Why did they follow me for so many years? It's not easy for them to support their families."    


Hai Zhu and I nodded solemnly.    


Sweetie Ru said, "Big sister, I wish you would find me a good brother-in-law in Canada. It's just that, don't look for foreigners. I don't like foreigners. I'm covered in fur and I smell weird."    


Sweetie Ru's words made everyone want to laugh, but no one laughed out loud.    


Xiao Zhu glanced at Haifeng, then looked at Sweetie Ru and smiled sadly.    


Finally, it was Qiu Tong's turn. Qiu Tong bit her lips and looked at Xiao Zhu, "Xiao Zhu, we were all children raised in an orphanage. We have similar experiences in life, and when we were young, we longed for a home to lie down in our mother's arms and act coquettishly."    


This was the first time Qiu Tong had told everyone about her and Xiao Zhu's background. Everyone looked at Qiu Tong, and Hai Zhu's eyes were wide open, as if she was surprised. The cloud was also the same, along with Haifeng and Sweetie Ru.    


Only I was not surprised, I quietly looked at Qiu Tong's quiet eyes.    


Qiu Tong continued, "Although we have never had a home in our lives, nor a mother in our dreams, before you leave our country, I want to tell you that we all have a home and a mother, and that is our homeland, our homeland, our eternal home. Our homeland, our most benevolent mother. No matter where you go in this life, don't forget that this is your home and your mother is your homeland. Your roots, in China —     


Everyone was moved and looked at Qiu Tong silently.    


Xiao Zhu pursed her lips and nodded.    


"When you're out by yourself, you must learn to take care of yourself. Not only do you need to take care of your body, but you need to take care of your heart as well." Qiu Tong continued, "Remember, no matter how far you fly, everyone will always remember you. You will always be everyone's best friend, always be my best sister. I will never forget you. "    


Qiu Tong's voice suddenly stopped and she choked, unable to continue. Xiao Zhu's eyes were already brimming with tears.    


Everyone fell silent. Snowy looked at Qiu Tong sensibly and sat there quietly.    


Xiao Zhu raised the wine cup in her hand and gazed at the wine in the cup as she leisurely said, "My dear friends, although I am leaving you, my life, my pursuit will continue and I will live up to the expectations and blessings of all of you. I will use my limited life to serve you!"    


He wrote a colorful chapter in his life.    


All under the heavens, life is always meeting again and again to separate, but life is always going forward, although reluctant, but we still have to firmly walk their own path, when we meet again may find that you and I have changed, but let us remember this moment of separation, let us cherish each other's friendship! "Come, my dear friends, let us drink this wine together, and let our friendship last forever."    


As she spoke, Xiao Zhu raised her glass and downed the wine in it. Everyone followed suit.    


Then, everyone went silent, their faces filled with sorrow and yearning. For a moment, they were all speechless.    


At this moment, a song came from the ballroom on the same floor. It was Tian Zhen's "Cheers, Friend".    


"Friend, you have to leave today. After drinking this wine, forget about the worries of a lonely journey across the world. Once you get drunk to the end of the sky, maybe from today onwards, you'll drift. When you're not done yet, let's raise this wine together. Cheers, friends …"    


The song was old and melancholy, with a heavy sadness.    


The song touched everyone's heart. Tears fell from Qiu Tong's eyes as she softly sang, "Friend, you're leaving today. Drinking this wine, the sky is blue and free. You long for freedom …"    


Qiu Tong raised the glass of wine in her hand and looked at Xiao Zhu.    


Everyone raised their glasses again.    


Qiu Tong continued to mutter under her breath, "I thought you were going to float around just to be controlled by yourself. Suddenly, I can't hold back my tears anymore …"    


Amidst the mournful singing, tears finally began to roll down Qiu Tong's face.    


In the midst of her tears, Qiu Tong raised her glass and drank.    


Hai Zhuyun and Sweetie Ru's faces were also covered in tears. Xiao Zhu couldn't help but sob softly.    



My eyes were moist, and so was Haifeng.    


Once again, everyone finished the glass of wine.    


"After we part this night, who will come again?" Putting down the wine cup, Qiu Tong looked at Xiao Zhu with a deep and depressing expression, letting her hot tears flow freely.    


The next morning, everyone went to the airport to see Xiao Zhu off.    


Xiao Zhu left just like that, crossing the ocean and flying to that distant foreign country.    


Before I left, I did not forget to tell Xiao Zhu about Xu Qing's contact information in Canada.    


After sending Xiao Zhu off, I returned to the company. Qiu Tong called me into her office and handed me an envelope. She said calmly, "This was given to me by Xiao Zhu last night. She told me to pass it to you after she took off."    


I opened the envelope and was surprised.    


Inside was a bank card and a letter.    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "What's going on?"    


Qiu Tong remained calm. "Let's talk after reading the letter!"    


I opened the letter. It was written by Xiao Zhu.    


"Yi Ke, I'm leaving. I'll pass that 450 thousand to you, use my name to sign the bank card. The password is the 6 digits behind my phone. "Before I left, I didn't tell you, and I couldn't give it to you directly. I know your temper, and I know that you won't accept it, and I don't want to hurt the pride of a man like you."    


I took a deep breath and glanced at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong lowered her eyes and didn't look at me.    


I continued to read.    


"Money is just an external object. What's the use of having more? I've made enough money in the last few years to go to Canada for a living. Besides, I won't be sitting around when I get to Canada, and I'll continue to earn money while I read.    


Travel company is my years of hard work, I do not trust others, I trust you, I trust. To be honest, if it was only Hai Zhu who took over, I wouldn't give it to her. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, nor that I was biased against her, but that her current ability was still far from being able to manage a company. However, I knew that you were behind her, and that was the main reason why I was willing to hand the company over to you.    


I trust you, I know that you are a person with the ability to manage and manage. Although I have never personally witnessed your ability to manage a company by yourself, from Tong's daily conversations with me, I can already tell that you are not an ordinary person.    


Also, the most important point is your character. From the matter of you treating the clouds, I can see that you are a trustworthy and trustworthy person. The employees of the company are all my brothers and sisters who have come to fight alongside me. I don't want to see my departure affect their livelihood and life. Once again, I ask you and Zhu to treat them well. "    


I looked at Qiu Tong again. She was looking at me in silence.    


For a moment, I didn't know what to feel, so I continued to read.    


"I know that you and Zhu have just started a business and you don't have any savings, and I don't know where you got that 450 thousand from, but I'm sure it's not your own money. Since we're friends, I'm not willing to let you take on a heavy debt the moment you start a business.    


I know that you're a man with self-respect, and you don't want to be looked down upon by others, and I don't want to embarrass you, but from the perspective of being a friend, it's absolutely impossible for me to accept this money. Is money really omnipotent? Can money really buy anything? I believe that in this world, there are many things that money can never buy, and that is the true love of the world. "    


I sighed in my heart.    


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