Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C411 Love Is Always Selfish

C411 Love Is Always Selfish

0No matter how great or magnanimous a person is, love is always selfish. Love cannot be shared. Accept Dong Xue's lesson, take good care of your man, guard your love and defend your rights and interests. Seeing his behavior, I didn't ask if he had mentioned it or not. If he took the initiative to explain himself, then it proved that there was something amiss. There was absolutely nothing wrong with this place. If he's been fine all along and doesn't mention it, then — It's possible that I'm really neurotic, overthinking it, overthinking it, and being petty about it.    


I wish nothing had really happened. I want my love, but I don't want to lose my friendship with her. I want my love, and I want to keep my friend. "Amen, God bless me, nothing happened."    


After reading this part, my brain almost crumbled. What kind of logic is this? Explaining means that something is wrong and not explaining means that I might be fine, but I might be innocent!    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that I was planning to have a good talk with Hai Zhu after going to bed. I couldn't continue the conversation.    


The more I looked at it, the more I felt that Hai Zhu's shrewdness was beyond my imagination, and the degree of suspicion about the relationship between me and Qiu Tong was also beyond my imagination.    


She didn't want to lose me or Qiu Tong as her friend, but in terms of her emotional weight, it was obvious that I was more important than love or friendship.    


I couldn't help but feel anxious and a little guilty, because I knew how I felt about Qiu Tong. Although I didn't do anything in reality, this kind of thinking was also due to my disloyalty towards Hai Zhu.    


As for Qiu Tong, although her heart was filled with admiration for Guest in the air, she never had any thoughts towards me in the real world. As for Qiu Tong, although her heart was filled with admiration for Guest in the air, she never had any thoughts towards the real me.    


At that moment, I heard Hai Zhu come out of the shower. I hurriedly crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the basket. Then I came out and went into the bedroom.    


Lying on the soft, loose bed, pretending to be tired, I soon fell into a dream and even began to snore softly.    


My body was still and asleep, but my eyes were wide open, watching the darkness and listening to Hai Zhu.    


Hai Zhu did not make a sound, nor did she breathe evenly.    


In the dark night, she would occasionally sigh softly.    


The next day, Hai Zhu and I both got up normally, had breakfast normally, and kissed each other goodbye to work separately.    


After work, I took care of the day's affairs. In the afternoon, when I was about to get off work, I went to Boss Ping's office.    


I still remember that Sun Dongkai went crazy at the Issuing Company Conference yesterday, I want to talk to Boss Ping and listen to what he has to say.    


If it didn't involve Qiu Tong at this moment, I wouldn't care, but since it had something to do with Qiu Tong, I had to get to the bottom of this.    


Pushing open the door to Boss Ping's office, he excitedly spread out the calligraphy on the desk. It really did look like it was written in a straight line.    


Seeing me come in, Boss Ping smiled. "Hey, come and take a look. How is my calligraphy?"    


I didn't understand calligraphy, but I pretended to be serious as I looked left and right: "Un, not bad, my calligraphy is powerful, my internal energy is deep, my calligraphy is smooth and smooth. I can tell that Boss Ping is very knowledgeable in calligraphy."    


"Haha." Boss Ping laughed, put down his brush, and asked me to sit down. Then he sat across from me, offered me a cigarette, and lit one himself.    


"Brother, I heard that your lecture at the Issuing Company Training Ceremony was very effective." Boss Ping looked at me and said.    


"Not at all, not at all!" I said modestly.    


"There's no need to stand on ceremony. I will immediately know about your meeting. I know Boss Sun went there yesterday and even said a few words to praise you, right? "    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"Boss Sun seems to have hit some people, right?" Boss Ping smiled at me.    


"Hehe, you really know a lot!" I laughed.    


"Of course, someone told me the first part of his speech later on." Boss Ping said, "That Boss Sun is really something. No matter how you act as a leader, you will never speak differently. Do you think what he said yesterday was something a leader should say in that kind of situation? The content of his words yesterday was obviously aimed at me. Of course, it could also be aimed at others.    


As a leader, what good would it do for the group to speak out in front of everyone, to run to the staff assembly and call for the masses to rebel, to disrupt the hearts and minds of the people at the grassroots level, and to cause chaos and disorder in their work? I got the news yesterday and was very angry. That night, I directly reported it to the chairman of the board. "    


"What did the chairman say?" I looked carefully at Boss Ping and asked the question I was most concerned about.    


Boss Ping scratched his head. "The chairman just said he knew and then hung up without saying anything."    




"This is a little strange, if it was according to the chairman's usual style of doing things, he would definitely be angry and go to talk to Boss Sun, or even call the Party committee to specifically criticize Boss Sun. But, from last night to now, almost a day has passed, but the chairman hasn't made any move, I haven't heard any news from him."    


I vaguely thought that if it was really as Qiu Tong and I had guessed yesterday, if Sun Dongkai was really provoking the chairman and using this matter to attract the chairman to jump out and fight him, then the chairman was now deliberately holding his ground, or perhaps he was just preparing to take action.    


I looked at Boss Ping and smiled. "Perhaps, the chairman is busy. He hasn't arrived yet."    


"I don't understand, I don't understand. I will never be able to figure out what the Leader is thinking." Boss Ping shook his head and said helplessly: "Fuck, it's always the same thing. The same thing as me, it's also always the same thing. In the eyes of those big figures, I'm just a chess piece, always a target to be manipulated, always a sacrifice to the leadership struggle."    


Boss Ping seemed to be full of complaints. Although what he said made sense, as though he was someone who had his own thoughts, but I also had the intuition that his limbs and brain were somewhat developed. At the very least, his depth and breadth of analysis was far worse than Qiu Tong's.    


At this moment, Boss Ping's office door was suddenly pushed open. He walked straight into the chairman's office and Boss Sun. Both of them had smiles on their faces.    


Boss Ping and I were stunned for a moment before we hurriedly stood up and greeted: "Chairman Boss Sun!"    


When the chairman saw me, he chuckled. "Haha, little rascal, Teacher Yi, you're also here. What? You're here to give Boss Ping a lesson? I just heard from Boss Sun that you had a pretty good speech at the convention yesterday. Sigh — It's a pity that I went out for a meeting. Otherwise, I would have gone to listen. I'm sorry, Teacher Yi. I wasn't able to personally attend your class yesterday, so don't take offense.    


Hearing the chairman's words, I felt a little embarrassed. Sun Dongkai and Boss Ping also laughed. Boss Ping said: "I think the chairman likes to get along with his subordinates. He is very approachable."    


The chairman looked at Boss Ping and suddenly stopped laughing. He became serious, "Xiao Ping, do you know why Boss Sun and I are here today?"    


"I don't know!" The Leader is here to inspect the place, right? It's almost time for dinner, I've arranged for the two Leaders to be invited for dinner! " Although Boss Ping said he didn't know, in his heart, he treated Boss Sun and the chairman as if they were here to have a meal together.    


"No need, Boss Sun and I are going to a reception dinner in the city, and we just happened to pass by here. Seeing that your office is still lit up, I suddenly remembered something and came with Boss Sun." the chairman said.    


Boss Ping's face lit up as he hurriedly said, "Leaders, please take a seat. Let's talk slowly. I'll get you some water!"    


"No need, just stand there. Just say a few words and leave!" the chairman said.    


I was about to take my leave when the Chairman looked at me and said, "Teacher Yi, you don't have to go. It would be good for you to stay and listen."    


I stopped and looked at them.    


At this time, the chairman glared at Boss Ping and his tone became stern: "Xiao Ping, what did you say you did last night?"    


Boss Ping was a little confused, he looked at the chairman and said, "Chairman, it's me. What have I done? What's wrong? Didn't I just report a job to you? "    


Saying that, Boss Ping looked at Sun Dongkai, as if Sun Dongkai was about to be embarrassed.    



What's wrong? "Last night, I was receiving guests, so I didn't have the time to chat with you in detail. Today, I've been busy all day, and coincidentally, I have some time right now. I just happened to drop by to talk with you." The chairman looked at Boss Ping seriously: "Xiao Ping, you made two serious mistakes, do you know? Today, I'm going to criticize you harshly. "    


"I don't know!" Boss Ping said.    


"You still don't know. Alright, I'll tell you." The Chairman said: "Firstly, you should not be suspicious of the leaders. The words that Boss Sun said at the Issuing Company Conference regarding the current operations are important instructions for the current situation of the group's operations. What are you guessing about? What was he talking about? And this was even during the Issuing Company Conference, even though Qiu Tong didn't have any objections, you are playing behind his back and making wild guesses, you are extremely distrustful of Boss Sun!    


Secondly, you should not have reported to me from above. Even if you misunderstood Boss Sun's words and had some thoughts and opinions, you should have asked Boss Sun to report to you and exchange views. However, you directly reported to me, who gave you the authority to report from above? This is a serious violation of group leadership procedures, is a serious disrespect to Boss Sun. "You are provoking the unity between Group Party Committee Leader and I."    


The chairman scolded Boss Ping harshly.    


Sun Dongkai stood aside with an expressionless face.    


At this time, my heart was a little confused, and I was full of doubts. What did the chairman mean by saying all these in front of Sun Dongkai? Liu Bei threw a child? Throw it for Sun Dongkai to see?    


"Yes, I was wrong. I will look into it. I will look at the chairman and apologize to Boss Sun!" Boss Ping seems to be the chairman of the head of the face a burst of confused, red and white, head down to admit that he was wrong.    


"Regarding this, you have to reflect on it, review it, write a separate check on it, and give it to Boss Sun and me!" The chairman went on with an air of lingering anger.    


"Yes, yes, I will do as you say!" Boss Ping nodded.    


At this time, I shot a cold glance at Sun Dongkai's eyebrows and slightly frowned, as if he was surprised and a little disappointed. Then, he smiled: "Alright, Chairman, this matter isn't that serious, so don't make things difficult for Boss Ping. I think that Boss Ping may have just misunderstood me, but I think that Boss Ping has already realized that something is wrong with him today. Boss Ping's work is worthy of praise. "    


The chairman looked at Sun Dongkai and then stared at Boss Ping, "Look, Boss Sun is so magnanimous, his leadership is so high, and his level is higher than yours. And it's not just any high either. You have to reflect on yourself deeply."    


Boss Ping hurriedly nodded in agreement.    


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