Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C150 Go out for a Walk

C150 Go out for a Walk

0I walked out of the distribution office and happened to run into Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong asked me, "Yi Ke, are you going out?"    




"What are you doing?"    


"I'm going out for a walk."    


"Going around? To walk the streets during business hours? " Qiu Tong looked at me with a half-smile.    


"Of course not! I have something to take care of outside! "    


"What's the result of CEO Su's consideration of the proposed plan?" Qiu Tong asked me.    


"I'm still considering it, but it's not out yet!" "No," I said.    


"Pay great attention to this! I'm waiting to see your plan!" Qiu Tong said with an expectant expression.    


"I won't let you down!" I looked at Qiu Tong. "Are you focusing on the process or the results?"    


"Of course I pay attention to the results." Qiu Tong rolled her eyes and nodded. "Alright then. Go take a look."    


I went out.    


That day, I went through the gathering places of Hsinghai people and carefully investigated many newsstands and newsstands. After that, I went to the train station, the long distance passenger transport station, and the airport …    


In the evening, I furiously tapped the keyboard in my notebook. My brain was working at a high speed, until 2 am, when the draft was completed, and the modification was completed at 3 am.    


The next day, Cao Teng and I came up with our plans and handed them to Boss Su.    


Director Su received it and glanced through it. He did not take a closer look and said: "Boss Qiu values this area very much and requests the two of you to report to Manager's Office Meeting together. Wait for a while, I'll contact Boss Qiu right away."    


I don't know why Qiu Tong requested for us two to report to the Manager's Office Meeting, but I know that since she did that, she must have her reasons.    


Very quickly, in the company's small meeting room, the three bosses are all gathered together. They want to hear the report from Cao Teng and me.    


Three big bosses sat across from me and Cao Teng, with Qiu Tong in the middle and Zhao Dajian and Su Dingguo on either side.    


Cao Teng seemed determined, confident, and smiling.    


I was tired and listless from having slept late last night, and I was half-squinting in an absent-minded way.    


I'm beginning to act cool again!    


Zhao Dajian and Su Dingguo almost frowned when they saw the state of our spirits. Qiu Tong looked at me silently, but didn't say anything.    


"Please begin your report, who wants to go first?" Qiu Tong said.    


As soon as Qiu Tong finished her sentence, Zhao Dajian opened his mouth, "Look at Yi Ke's half-asleep state. With his mental state, he can report a ball. Let Yi Ke take a nap first. Cao Teng, you go first —"    


Hearing Zhao Dajian's words, I sat there without saying anything. Qiu Tong and Su Dingguo looked at me, then looked at Cao Teng, nodding together.    


Thus, Cao Teng opened up the plan in his hand and started to read it.    


"Leaders, I will now begin to report on my carefully considered plan for the expansion and development of newspaper retail sales." Cao Teng began: "Based on the current situation of our company's newspaper retail work, after thorough investigation and research, combined with the problems and realities of our work, I suggest the company form a mobile newspaper sales team as an important and beneficial supplement to the fixed newspaper retail location …"    


Cao Teng began to talk with confidence and eloquence.    


This guy really did use the plan that I made yesterday. I only gave him a start, I don't know how much he'll understand in the future.    


I seriously listened to Cao Teng's report and wanted to make a rough estimation of Cao Teng's ability.    


Cao Teng's report also attracted Qiu Tong, Zhao Dajian, and Su Dingguo's interest. They all listened attentively, and Qiu Tong even opened her notebook, occasionally taking notes.    


Cao Teng said: "It is very important to set up a mobile newspaper sales team to expand the number of newspaper retail sales and to occupy the market of Hsinghai newspaper retail sales. "My initial idea for forming this team was to …"    


After listening for a long time, I couldn't help but to have a whole new level of respect for Cao Teng. I only played the starting point and led the way, but I couldn't tell that Cao Teng was even enlightened after being slightly teased by me.    


Qiu Tong, Zhao Dajian, and Su Dingguo listened with rapt attention and interest. Qiu Tong kept remembering something, and her face was full of praise as she kept nodding her head.    


Cao Teng talked for more than half an hour about the establishment and management of the mobile sales team before ending the discussion with reluctance.    


After I finished, Cao Teng looked at me with a little pride. He lifted the glass of water and took a sip.    


Cao Teng's plan shocked me quite a bit. Cao Teng is really smart, I only gave him a hint, he actually used so much, and it was also reasonable and very operable. It was almost exactly the same as what I did in the proposal.    


I really underestimated Cao Teng's ability, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Luckily, I only wrote the beginning like that, otherwise, this joke would have been too big!    


Of course, Cao Teng only talked about the formation of a mobile newspaper sales team, the content was simple, and couldn't be compared with mine.    


"Ok, according to Cao Teng's plan, we can increase the number of retail sales by over 10 thousand a day. This plan is good." Just as Cao Teng finished his sentence, Zhao Dajian spoke.    


Su Dingguo also nodded: "This plan is really good. If it is implemented properly, the circulation of newspapers will greatly increase, and of course, it will also increase the advertising rate."    


Qiu Tong looked at Cao Teng, smiled and nodded: "Cao Teng, this plan is really not bad, it is very operable, and is very suitable for our company and our Hsinghai. I can see that you have thought about it."    


Cao Teng's face was flushed red as he stood up and bowed, "Thank you for your praise and affirmation. I haven't done well enough, I want to learn from you all. I hope you all will criticize me and give me your opinions."    


Then Qiu Tong looked at me: "Yi Ke, it's your turn!"    


At this moment, I kept my eyes half closed, pretending to be listless. When I heard Qiu Tong call me, I immediately opened my eyes, sat up straight and felt refreshed. The previous dispiritedness had been completely swept away, and I held the plan upside down, ignoring it, composed myself, cleared my throat, and began the oral report.    


The first part of my plan is to develop a mobile newspaper sales, the beginning of the content is basically similar to Cao Teng's.    


After reporting a few sentences, Zhao Dajian rudely interrupted me: "Damn, what's with this plan? It's exactly the same as Cao Teng's, did you copy Cao Teng's plan to get the number or are you just trying to trick us by selling it here? "Look at you, I see that you're just a bastard, damn you!"    


I stopped talking. I looked at Zhao Dajian with a calm expression and didn't say anything.    


Cao Teng sat beside me and looked at me with a gloating expression.    


Su Dingguo didn't say anything and turned around to look at Qiu Tong.    



Qiu Tong didn't pay attention to Zhao Dajian. She looked at me with trust and encouragement in her eyes. "Yi Ke, you keep talking — —"    


So I went on to talk about my mobile sales plan.    


Zhao Dajian's head kept shaking and his whole body was filled with smugness. Even though he didn't interrupt me, he continued to look at me with a contemptuous and mocking expression.    


Su Dingguo was also a bit listless when he heard this.    


Qiu Tong didn't take notes. She just looked at me quietly and listened carefully.    


Cao Teng leaned on his cheek and looked at me leisurely. He seemed to be in a very good mood.    


I know, in the eyes of Cao Teng, Zhao Dajian and even Su Dingguo, I'm definitely going to lose in this proposal report, and I've really lost a lot of face.    


I calmly continued my story along the lines of my plan.    


After he finished his part with Cao Tenglei, he began to change the topic, "Leaders, about the mobile sales, other than the establishment of the mobile sales team, there are the following thoughts."    


Then I saw Qiu Tong's eyes light up and focus on me.    


"The purpose of a floating newspaper is not only to increase the number of shares or to pursue economic benefits, but also to increase the social benefits. Of course, in a sense, the economic benefits will be longer in the future …"    


Qiu Tong started taking notes in her notebook again, nodding as she did so.    


Su Dingguo stared at me, as if he was thinking about something.    


Zhao Dajian looked at me disapprovingly, with a disdainful expression: "Humph! Nonsense! "Bullsh * t!"    


Qiu Tong looked at Zhao Dajian with dissatisfaction, then nodded at me and said, "Yi Ke, go on — —"    


I continued, "More specifically, the newspapers are on the plane, on the train, on the bus, on the ship. I've already contacted the delivery department at the airport to test their interest in Hsinghai Evening News's plane. They were very willing, which was one of the things they needed to improve their own service system. Each flight could be distributed with 50 newspapers, and Hsinghai Airport had more than 200 flights out of the port every day.    


At the train station, I contacted the railway department dealing with newspaper sales. They were also very willing to sell Hsinghai Evening News. After all, there were benefits to drive them. As for the quantity of this piece, they agreed to distribute it according to the price of 5000 portions per day. The passenger traffic was extremely huge, and the number of passengers in this area was not small. According to the calculation of the number of newspapers sold in each bus, there were five thousand newspapers.    


There were also passenger ships leaving the port. Every day, there were 30 passenger ships leaving the port. Every passenger ship was calculated based on 100 newspapers. That was 3000 sets. Taken together, these few window units can increase the number of newspapers by 23,000 per day, and together with the number of newspapers on the market, this is the increase in retail sales of at least 30 thousand newspapers. "    


What I said far exceeds what Cao Teng said just now.    


After saying that, I saw Zhao Dajian's mouth slightly open, seeming to be slightly surprised. Su Dingguo also had the same expression.    


Qiu Tong kept writing something down in her notebook. Her expression was one of excitement and a little gratification.    


At this moment, Cao Teng was a bit dumbstruck and a bit regretful, as if he was wondering why he didn't consider all this at the time.    


Qiu Tong looked up at me. "Well said, Yi Ke. Is there anything else?"    


"Yes, I was talking about the mobile sales section just now. Now, I want to talk about some thoughts on the fixed sales section." I said, "I've checked the total number of fixed sales stalls and newsstands at the Hsinghai City at present is about 400. For such a large city with a population of 4 million, just these 400 fixed sales locations are obviously too few. Therefore, we need to vigorously develop a fixed selling location. We need to develop at least 600 additional fixed selling locations. Of course, we need to develop these fixed selling locations as long as we don't violate the regulations of the city and don't conflict with the Town Security. "    


"Then what should we do?" Su Dingguo interjected.    




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